The Fallen Sequence (67 page)

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Authors: Lauren Kate

BOOK: The Fallen Sequence
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“Quite all right,” he said. “Quite. All. Right.” He threw himself sideways at her, almost seeming to rise off the ground. In the frenzy that followed, Luce lost track of Steven’s sword as it crisscrossed through the air again and again, nearly slicing into Francesca, who ducked sideways just in time and resurfaced behind him.

But he was ready for her and knocked her blade away before dropping the point of his and striking out at her instep.

“I’m afraid you, my dear, have gotten off on the wrong foot.”

“We’ll see.” Francesca raised a hand and smoothed
her hair, the two of them staring at each other with murderous intensity.

Each new round of violent play caused Luce to tense up in alarm. She was used to being jittery, but the rest of the class was also surprisingly jittery today. Jittery with excitement. Watching Francesca and Steven, not one of them could keep still.

Until today, she’d wondered why none of the other Nephilim played on any of Shoreline’s varsity sports teams. Jasmine had scrunched up her nose when Luce asked whether she and Dawn were interested in swim team tryouts in the gym. In fact, until she’d overheard Lilith in the locker room this morning yawning that every sport except fencing was “exquisitely boring,” Luce had figured the Nephilim just weren’t athletic. But that wasn’t it at all. They just chose carefully what to play.

Luce winced as she imagined Lilith, who knew the French translation for all the fencing terms Luce didn’t even know in English, throwing her svelte, spiteful self into an attack. If the rest of the class were one-tenth as skilled as Francesca and Steven, Luce was going to end up a pile of body parts by the end of the session.

Her teachers were obvious experts, stepping lithely in and out of lunges. Sunlight glinted off their swords, off their white padded vests. Francesca’s thick blond waves cascaded out in a gorgeous halo around her
shoulders as she spun around Steven. Their feet wove patterns on the deck with such grace, the match looked almost like a dance.

The expressions on their faces were dogged and full of a brutal determination to win. After those first few touches, they were evenly matched. They must have been getting tired. They’d been fencing for more than ten minutes without a hit. They began to fence so quickly that the arcs of their blades all but disappeared; there were only a fine fury and a faint buzz in the air and the constant crack of their foils against one another.

Sparks began to fly each time their swords connected. Sparks of love or hatred? There were moments when it almost looked like both.

And that unnerved Luce. Because love and hate were supposed to stand cleanly on opposite sides of the spectrum. The division seemed as clear as … well, angels and demons would once have seemed to her. Not anymore. As she watched her teachers in awe and fear, memories of last night’s argument with Daniel fenced through her mind. And her own feelings of love and hate—or if not quite hate, a building fury—knotted up within her.

A cheer rang out from her classmates. It felt like Luce had only blinked, but she had missed it. The point of Francesca’s sword jabbed into Steven’s chest. Close to the heart. She pressed against him to the point where
her thin blade bent into an arc. Both of them stood still for a moment, looking each other in the eye. Luce couldn’t tell whether this, too, was part of the show.

“Right through my heart,” Steven said.

“As if you had one,” Francesca whispered.

The two teachers seemed momentarily unaware that the deck was full of students.

“Another win for Francesca,” Jasmine said. She tipped her head toward Luce and dropped her voice. “She comes from a long line of winners. Steven? Not so much.” The comment seemed loaded, but Jasmine just bounded lightly off the bench, slid her mask over her face, and tightened her ponytail. Ready to go.

As the other students started bustling around her, Luce tried to picture a similar scene between her and Daniel: Luce taking the upper hand, holding him at the mercy of her sword as Francesca had Steven. It was, frankly, impossible to imagine. And that bothered Luce. Not because she wanted to lord it over Daniel, but because she didn’t want to be the one ruled over either. The night before, she’d been too much at his mercy. Remembering that kiss made her anxious, flushed, and overwhelmed—and not in a good way.

She loved him. But.

She should have been able to think the phrase without tacking on that ugly little conjunction. But she couldn’t. What they had right now was not what she
wanted. And if the rules of the game were always going to stay this way, she just didn’t know if she even wanted to play. What kind of match was she for Daniel? What kind of match was he for her? If he’d been drawn to other girls … at some point he must have wondered, too. Could someone else give them each a more level playing field?

When Daniel kissed her, Luce knew in her bones that he was her past. Folded into his embrace, she was desperate for him to remain her present. But the second their lips parted, she couldn’t
be sure he was her future. She needed the freedom to make that decision one way or the other. She didn’t even know what else was out there.

“Miles,” Steven called. He was fully back in teacher mode, sheathing his sword in a narrow black leather case and nodding to the northwest corner of the deck. “You’ll match with Roland over here.”

On her left, Miles leaned in to whisper, “You and Roland go back a ways—what’s his Achilles heel? I am
going to lose to the new kid.”

“Um … I don’t really …” Luce’s mind went blank. Looking over at Roland, whose mask already covered his face, she realized how very little she really knew about him. Other than his catalog of black-market goods. And his harmonica playing. And the way he’d made Daniel laugh so hard that first day at Sword &
Cross. She’d still never found out what they’d been talking about … or what Roland was
doing at Shoreline anyway. When it came to Mr. Sparks, Luce was definitely in the dark.

Miles patted her knee. “Luce, I was kidding. There’s no way that guy’s
going to kick my ass.” He stood up, laughing. “Wish me luck.”

Francesca had moved to the other side of the deck, near the entrance to the lodge, and was sipping a bottle of water. “Kristy and Millicent, take this corner,” she told two Nephilim girls with pigtails and matching black sneakers. “Shelby and Dawn, come match right here.” She gestured to the corner of the deck directly in front of Luce. “The rest of you will watch.”

Luce was relieved her own name hadn’t been called. The more she saw of Francesca and Steven’s teaching method, the less she understood it. One intimidating demonstration took the place of any real instruction. Not watch and learn, but straight to watch and excel. As the first six students took their places on the deck, Luce felt huge pressure to pick up the entire art of fencing right away.

En garde!
” Shelby bellowed, lunging backward into a squat with the tip of her sword just inches from Dawn, whose sword was still sheathed.

Dawn’s fingers were zigzagging through her short black hair, pinning sections of it back with a brimming
handful of butterfly clips. “You can’t
me while I’m prepping for battle, Shelby!” Her high voice got even higher when she was frustrated. “What were you, raised by wolves?” she huffed through the last plastic barrette between her teeth. “Okay,” she said, drawing her sword. “Now I’m ready.”

Shelby, who had been holding her deep lunge throughout Dawn’s primp session, now straightened up and looked down at her rough nail beds. “Wait, do I have time for a manicure?” she said, psyching Dawn out just long enough to allow her to drop into an offensive stance and swing her sword around.

“How uncouth!” Dawn barked, but to Luce’s surprise, she instantly ratcheted up her swordsmanship, swishing her blade skillfully through the air and knocking Shelby’s aside. Dawn was a fencing badass.

Next to Luce, Jasmine was doubled over laughing. “A match made in Hell.”

A smile had crept onto Luce’s face, too, because she’d never met anyone as unshakably upbeat as Dawn. At first, Luce had suspected phoniness, a façade—where Luce came from, the South, that always-happy bit wouldn’t have been real. But Luce had been impressed by how quickly Dawn rebounded after that day on the yacht. Dawn’s optimism seemed to know no limits. By now, it was hard for Luce to be around the girl without chuckling. And it was especially hard when Dawn was
focusing her girly cheer on beating the crap out of someone as bleakly opposite as Shelby.

Things between Luce and Shelby were still a little weird. She knew it, Shelby knew it, even the Buddha night-light in their room seemed to know it. The truth was, Luce kind of enjoyed seeing Shelby fighting for her life while Dawn happily attacked her.

Shelby was a steady, patient fighter. Where Dawn’s technique was showy and eye-catching, her limbs whirling in a virtual tango across the deck, Shelby was careful with her lunges, almost as if she had only so many to ration out. She kept her knees bent and never gave up anything.

Yet she’d said she had given up on Daniel after one night. Had been quick to say it was because of Daniel’s feelings for Luce—that they interfered with everything else. But Luce didn’t believe her. Something was weird about Shelby’s confession; something didn’t match up with Daniel’s reaction when Luce had almost-sort-of brought it up the night before. He’d acted like there wasn’t anything to tell.

A loud thump snapped Luce back to attention.

Across the deck, Miles had somehow landed on his back. Roland hovered over him. Literally. He was flying.

The enormous wings that had unfurled from Roland’s shoulders were as large as a great cape and feathered like an eagle’s, but with a beautiful golden marbling woven through their dark pinions. He must
have had the same slits cut into his fencing garb that Daniel had in his T-shirt. Luce had never seen Roland’s wings before, and like the other Nephilim, she couldn’t stop staring. Shelby had told her that only a very few Nephilim had wings, and none of them went to Shoreline. Seeing Roland’s come out in a battle, even a practice swordfight, sent a ripple of nervous excitement through the crowd.

The wings commanded so much attention, it took Luce a moment to realize that the tip of Roland’s sword was hovering just over Miles’s breastbone, pinning him to the ground. Roland’s bright white fencing suit and golden wings cut a stark silhouette against the dark, lush trees bordering the deck. With his black mesh mask pulled down, Roland looked even more intimidating, more menacing than if she’d been able to see his face. She hoped his expression would look playful, because he really had Miles in a vulnerable situation. Luce jumped to her feet to go to him, surprised to find her knees shaking.

!” Dawn called out from across the deck, forgetting her own battle just long enough for Shelby to go in with a whip-over, touch Dawn’s unshielded chest, and score the winning point.

“Not the most sportsmanlike way to win,” Shelby said, sheathing her sword. “But sometimes that’s the way it goes.”

Luce hurried past them and the rest of the Nephilim
who weren’t engaged in duels to Roland and Miles. Both were panting. By then Roland had settled to the ground, his wings retracted inside his skin. Miles looked fine; it was Luce who couldn’t stop trembling.

“You got me.” Miles laughed nervously, pushing away the point of the sword. “Didn’t see your secret weapon coming.”

“Sorry, man,” Roland said sincerely. “Didn’t mean to unleash the wings on you. Sometimes that just happens when I get going.”

“Well, good game. Up until then, anyway.” Miles raised his right hand to be helped off the ground. “Do they say ‘good game’ in fencing?”

“No, no one says that.” Roland flipped up his mask with one hand and, grinning, dropped the sword from his other. He grasped Miles’s hand and pulled him up in one swift move. “Good game yourself.”

Luce let out her breath. Of course Roland wasn’t really going to harm Miles. Roland was offbeat and unpredictable, but he wasn’t
, even if he had sided with Cam that last night in the Sword & Cross cemetery. But there was no reason to fear him. Why had she been so nervous? Why couldn’t she get her heart to stop racing?

Then she understood why. It was because of Miles. Because he was the closest friend she had at Shoreline. All she knew was that recently, every time she was
around Miles, it made her think of Daniel, and how a lot of things between them were sort of dragging. And how sometimes, secretly, she wished Daniel could be little bit more like Miles. Cheerful and easygoing, attentive and naturally sweet. Less caught up in things like being damned since the dawn of time.

A flash of white rushed past Luce and straight into Miles’s arms.

Dawn. She leaped onto Miles, her eyes closed and her mouth in an enormous grin. “You’re alive!”

“Alive?” Miles set her back down on her feet. “I barely got the wind knocked out of me. Good thing you’ve never come to watch one of the football games.”

Standing behind Dawn, watching as she petted Miles where the sword had skimmed his white vest, Luce felt oddly embarrassed. It wasn’t like
wanted to be petting Miles, right? She just wanted … she didn’t know what she wanted.

“Want this?” Roland appeared at her side, handing her the mask he’d been using. “You’re up next, aren’t you?”

“Me? No.” She shook her head. “Isn’t the bell about to ring?”

Roland shook his head. “Nice try. Just own it, and no one’s going to know you’ve never fenced before.”

“I doubt that.” Luce fingered the thin mesh screen. “Roland, I have to ask you—”

“No, I wasn’t going to run Miles through. Why did everyone get so freaked out?”

“I know that. …” she tried to smile. “It’s about Daniel.”

“Luce, you know the rules.”

“What rules?”

“I can get a lot of things, but I can’t get Daniel for you. You’re just going to have to wait it out.”

“Wait, Roland. I know he can’t be here right now. But what rules? What are you talking about?”

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