The Family Man (23 page)

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Authors: Elinor Lipman

Tags: #Fiction, #Literary, #Humorous

BOOK: The Family Man
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My Thanks

To Mameve Medwed and Stacy Schiff, as ever, for editorial wisdom and prize-winning friendship every step along the way. To Anita Shreve: Who better to recognize where a story should begin? To my helpmeets at William Morris, starting with beloved ace Suzanne Gluck, the indispensable Sarah Ceglarski, and my West Coast champion, Alicia Gordon.

To Andrea Schulz, fabulous and heaven-sent editor. To the indefatigable Megan Wilson, Lori Glazer, and Bridget Marmion, and to everyone behind the scenes and on the road for Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

To Todd Shearer and George Romanella for sociological guidance and nomenclature (surely a coincidence!). To Meg Wolitzer and Bob Hughes for early reads at the right time. To Howard Medwed for fictitious legal complications; John P. L. Kelly, Media Relations, NYPD, for guidance on Leif's transgressions; and Keleigh Thomas of Sunshine, Sachs for tips on the hip.

Enduring thanks to Jane Rosenman, Harry Gittes, Benjamin Austin, and Robert Austin.

Table of Contents

Title Page

Books by Elinor Lipman

Copyright Page


Table of Contents

1. I Hate You Still

2. A Widow with a Child

3. You Sound Dubious

4. Bygones

5. On Advice of Counsel

6. You Might As Well Say Yes

7. Where Are My Manners?

8. The Guest Room

9. The Maisonette

10. A Piece of the Action

11. Ancient History

12. May I Help You?

13. Here It Is

14. Three Humble Rooms

15. So Soon?

16. The Human Condition

17. Thank You for Joining the Boys Tonight

18. Don't Look So Worried

19. We Won't Get in the Way

20. Closets Galore

21. Ma

22. You Seem Good

23. Who Jumps to Such a Conclusion?

24. I Can't Stay Long

25. The Perp

26. A Pledge to That Effect

27. Handsome Fellow

28. The Boys

29. The Long View

30. I Get It Now

31. The New Neutral

32. Every Time I Turn Around

33. Not What Was Prescribed

34. The Waikiki

35. Something's Not Right

36. A Little Mea Culpa


My Thanks

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