The Fated Swords (Mystics of V'nairia #1) (13 page)

BOOK: The Fated Swords (Mystics of V'nairia #1)
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Chapter XX

Fire and Lightning


“Where did she appear from?” Ashe asked looking over in Kerra’s direction.

“I’m not really sure; I hadn’t seen her before now.” She said.

“Water A
rt: Water Spear.” Lyra said as the water rose to form a long bladed weapon.

She grabbed the spear and ran after them, “If I were you I would concentrate on your enemy.” She said.

Lyra had come after Kerra but Ashe deflected her attack with her sword. Ashe was surprised at how powerful Lyra’s magick was, her spear was as hard as steel.

“You’re incredibly strong for a little bitch.” Ashe said as she used the force of her weight to push Lyra back and disconnect from her.

“Lightning art: Thunder Crash!” Kerra shouted as she fired a bolt of lightning in Lyra’s Direction.

Lyra threw her spear at the attack absorbing the blow. The spear dissolved into the earth, and in its place another had appeared. “As long as there is water around I have unlimited weaponry at my disposal.” Lyra said.

“It was really smart to put a flame magick user against a water user.” Ashe said smarting off.

“You can’t worry about that now, focus on the battle.” Kerra said.

Lyra began to summon multiple spears and threw them at the two of them. Ashe dodged most of them and watched as they went right through the trunk of a tree. One flew past Kerra and gashed her side; she started to bleed, but only a little.

“Kerra you okay?” Ashe asked.

“Yes, it’s only a flesh wound.” She replied.

They looked around and didn’t see Lyra anywher
e. “Where did she go?” Ashe asked.

Kerra had begun to flail around like a ragdoll, but Ashe noticed that Kerra was incurring injuries on her face and other parts of her body. “Kerra get down!” Ashe shouted as she used a fire spell and blew it towards Kerra.

Kerra quickly ducked out of the flames path and suddenly the air caught fire. It was Lyra she had turned herself invisible to throw them off. Lyra commanded the water to rise from the ground and cover her to put out the flames.

“That’s great, she’s a water magick master and she can turn invisible.” Ashe said. Things had begun to get worse for them
, who knew what other tricks Lyra had up her sleeve.

Zander walked through various parts of the cave trying to find the others and had no luck. It was as if they were transported to another dimension beyond his reach. He had come to an exit that he hadn’t been through before, it lead to a cliff that protruded outside of the mountain with a river flowing one hundred feet below where he stood. He heard footsteps behind him; he quickly turned to see who was there. Out of the darkness of the cave came Vallus.

“Welcome brother.” He said greeting him.

“I’m not your damn brother!” Zander shouted.

Vallus wasn’t offended; he had actually produced a smile. The very same smile that Zander had always hated growing up. “Come on Zander, don’t be angry with me;
I’m doing this for the good of the world.” Vallus explained.

“Your way is not the right one; you can’t play with people’s lives.” Zander said.

“On the contrary, I can do what I want I will rule this world.” Vallus said.

Zander drew Ivory from its long white sheath, “Not if I have anything to say about it.” He said.

“Put your sword away, I’m not here to kill you.” Vallus said.

Zander was puzzled; he thought that had been the entire reason behind luring him to the shrine. “What do you mean?” Zander asked.

“I want you to become my guardian and together we will pull this world out of its dark cloud and into the light.” Vallus proposed.

“I don’t want any part of the kingdoms bloodshed.” Zander said.

Vallus shook his head, “Your nobility is incredibly annoying.” He stated.

“I know what I have to do, and I won’t back down now.” Zander said.

“Fine if you’re offering me your life, then I guess I will have to take it.” Vallus said raising his hand.

Another black portal appeared beneath Zander. “What are you doing?” Zander asked struggling to free himself.

“It’s simply a change of scenery.” Vallus said as the black swallowed them.


“Flame A
rt: Great Fire Stream!” Ashe shouted as she blew fire through the forest, Lyra had turned invisible yet again.

The spell caught some of the trees on fire; Lyra had used her water magick to put them out. “You shouldn’t harm nature you know.” She said.

“I’ll do whatever I have to do to kill you.” Ashe said.

“You can try hothead.” Lyra said throwing more of her water spears.

Ashe and Kerra were wiser this time around and saw the attack coming, they dodged each spear perfectly. “So you have figured out my attack, I guess I’ll have to resort to something else.” Lyra said.

She began to gather energy and released a stream of high pressurized water. It was very narrow and could barely be seen, the girls ducked just before it hit them. It had sliced through the some of the trees behind them. Ashe and Kerra turned their heads slightly and watched the trees fall. They had made a loud thump as they hit the forest

“What spell was that?” K
erra asked.

“That was my Matter Slicer spell, I can use my magick to pressurize the stream and it will cut just as good as a blade.” Lyra explained.

“Kerra we need to be careful of that attack, one wrong move and were dead.” Ashe said.

“Okay.” Kerra said nodding in agreement.

“I have tricks of my own.” Ashe said

. A small ball of flame appeared on her finger tip, she threw it toward Lyra and it fell to the ground before her. “What do you call that? Are you out of energy already?” Lyra asked laughing.

“Flame A
rt: Flare Burst!” Ashe said snapping her fingers.

The tiny flame burst with incredible force, throwing Lyra backwards into the waterfall behind her. Her body hit the stone behind the water and made a loud crushing sound. Kerra followed up with her lightning spell blasting her even further into the rock.

“That was a pretty nice follow up Kerra.” Ashe said praising her.

Kerra smiled, “Thanks Ashe.”

Lyra pushed herself out of the stone and landed in the river. “You actually struck me, congratulations. I’m afraid it’s going to take a lot more than that to finish me.” She sneered.

Kerra rushed in to strike her
with her fist and Lyra blocked it with a water wall defensive spell. Lyra kicked her across the face knocking her back a few feet. Kerra wiped the blood from her nose and jumped back in. The two girls exchanged blows until Kerra finally landed a hit. She had struck Lyra in the stomach with her knee; while she was bent over she came down with an axe kick to her head. Ashe could see Kerra growing stronger before her eyes; she knew she wanted to hurry back to Zander.

“Water Art: Matter S
licer.” Lyra said weakly as the water shot out from the river and through Kerra’s right shoulder. Kerra cried out in pain,

Ashe shouted running over to her.

I’m fine, it’s just my shoulder. Kerra said as she slowly rose to her feet.

She pulled out a scroll from her bag, “It’s time to end this.” Kerra said angrily.

              Kerra rolled out the scroll along the ground, and placed her hand over it. A light came from the sky and shone on Lyra creating a box shaped barrier sealing her in.

“What the hell? What is this?” Lyra asked.

              “This is the technique that has been passed down in my family for many generations; this will be the last thing you ever see.” Kerra said.

Her tone had completely changed, it was darker. Ashe had never seen this side of her before nor did she realize she h
ad this much power. “Lightning Art: Thunder God’s Devastation!” Kerra shouted.

The thunder boomed through the forest, it was louder than any thunder they had ever heard before. Suddenly lightning appeared from the sky in the shape of a giant sword, it came crashing down until it struck the barrier. Kerra clenched her fist that she had been holding over the scroll to finish the attack. The barrier exploded causing some of the trees around them to catch on fire, but strangely enough Ashe and Kerra were unharmed by the explosion.

“Why were we not harmed?” Ashe asked.

“The thunder god will not harm me or my comrades.” Kerra explained. Something began to move around in the smoke, it was Lyra she was still alive. She was badly injured and bleeding,

“I’m not dead yet you stupid bitch!” she shouted. She stumbled towards them unarmed, she could barely walk. Ashe and Kerra joined hands,

“Combination A
rt: Thundering Firestorm.” They said. A blast of lightning and flame magick was released and struck Lyra obliterating her. They could hear her screaming in agony only for a moment and then she was gone, there was nothing left of her. Suddenly the illusion faded and they were back in the cave.

“We need to find Zander and Heiro.” Ashe said. “Right lets go.” Kerra said as they began to search for their friends.





Chapter XXII

Heiro 2.0


Heiro awoke in a desert; he had no recollection of how he had gotten there. The last thing he remembered was that he and the others were at the shrine before the darkness swallowed them. So it must have been that portal that brought him here, but why was he alone?

“Hello?” Heiro called out, there was no response.

He tried calling out again, there was still no response. All he could see was sand for miles, no water to quench his thirst, no sign of any town or even another person.

“There’s no one here, besides me that is.” A voice said. He knew the voice, and wasn’t disappointed. He turned to see Raphael in his best tuxedo, ready for a fight.

“It’s time I settle the score with you.” Heiro said.

“Not before I bleed you dry.” Raphael replied. Heiro knew he had more of a chance this time around with the power of the crystal. He had an ace up his sleeve, but wouldn’t reveal it unless absolutely necessary. Heiro knew that the last time they fought he hadn’t seen the full extent of a Voidshades power but he knew that today would be a different story.

“Are you afraid of death boy?” Raphael asked him.

“Ya know, I’ve learned a lot traveling with Zander and the others, and the most important thing I have learned from them is friendship.” Heiro said.

“What does a useless thing like friendship have to do with death?” the Voidshade asked.

“Because I would gladly give my life for any of my friends and if I die, then I can go in peace knowing that one of them will destroy you in my place.” Heiro explained.

Raphael began to laugh, “You won’t have any friends once Vallus is done with them.” He said.

Heiro pulled out his sword, “I’m tired of talking.” He said.

Raphael removed his weapon from his side as well, “So am I.”

              “Earth Art: Stone Binding.” Heiro said.

The ground covered Raphael’s legs and hardened. With the power of his magick he removed himself from his bindings.

“I am a Voidshade boy, only sealing spells can restrain me.” He said.

“Of course I missed that lesson.” Heiro said running up to him with his blade drawn. The two warriors crossed blades repeatedly. Heiro grabbed Raphael by the shoulders an
d kneed him in the gut,

“Flame A
rt: Fire Stream!” Heiro shouted dousing the Voidshade in flame.

Raphael had noticed the flames were more intense before and quickly used a water spell to put himself out.

“So your magick has grown?” he asked.

“Oh you noticed.” Heiro said smiling.

“Soul C
utter!” Raphael screamed as he ran past Heiro trying to strike him.

He had dodged the blade only an inch away from his body. Heiro had quickly remembered what happened to the bounty hunters when he had used that technique on them before. If Raphael were to absorb his magick and the stones power, Zander would never defeat them. He can’t screw up now, this fight is c
rucial to their victory.

“Wind Art: Slicing G
ale.” Heiro said as he released the blades of wind from his swords. The spell had hit Raphael, damaging him only a little.

“You call that wind magick? This is wind magick.” Raphael said as he
began to gather energy.

“Wind Art: Sandstorm Gust.” The
Voidshade said as the wind began to pick up. It had swept Heiro up into the sky, the sand was so thick in the air he couldn’t see anything. Raphael jumped into the air above him and grabbed his arm; with all his strength he threw Heiro into the sand below. As he landed he had made a large crater in the sand. Heiro rose to his feet,

“Lucky for me the sand broke my fall.” He said stumbling.

The impact had done more damage than he had lead on. He could tell just by moving around that four of his ribs were cracked.

“Flame A
rt: Great Fire Stream.” Heiro said as he blew the flames from his lips toward the enemy.

“Water A
rt: Tidal Surge.” Raphael said as the water from deep beneath the sand shout out at the flames.

The two spells collided
causing the desert to fill with steam. This had turned the temperature up even higher, and the heat was already wearing on Heiro.

The sweat began to pour from his body; it was weakening him he needed to end this quickly. “Is it too hot for you boy?” Raphael asked.

Heiro didn’t reply
, he was trying to conserve breath and energy. “I figured a thief rat like you would be right at home considering they found you in that desert village.” The Voidshade continued.

“As long as I am still breathing I will not give up, my friends are counting on me.” Heiro said.

He had thought about Zander and Kerra and how strong they had gotten since the beginning of their journey. Each of them, including Heiro himself had matured and learned more about themselves than they had ever known before. Then he thought of Ashe, from the moment he met her had known there was something special about her. He hadn’t cared that she was definitely far more powerful or skilled than he had been; he had begun to fall for her. He had told himself that as soon as this fight was over he was going to ask her to marry him.

              “This conversation is over, I’m ending this now!” Raphael shouted as he charged at Heiro with his sword extended

. Heiro stood his ground and braced himself
for the incoming attack. “Soul Cutter.” Raphael said as he tried to slice Heiro across his chest.

Heiro quickly grabbed the blade with his bare hand. The blade sunk into his flesh as his palm kept bleeding
more and more. He gripped the blade hard and increased his energy output. He pulled the blade with his hand and watched the steel break in half.

“How is that possible? How could you shatter my blade with only your hand?” Raphael asked as though he was surprised.

“My friends are the only family I have; you will not take them away from me!” Heiro screamed as he grabbed Raphael’s hand and picked him up off the ground and over his head.

Heiro threw Raphael into the air and watched as he landed at least one-hundred feet away. The blood from Heiro’s wounded hand had run up his arm and had begun to cover his body as if it was some form of armor. Wings of blood sprouted from his back like those of a great dragon.

“Demonic Art: Blood Knight Armor.” Heiro said. A large lance also formed from the blood within his hand.

Raphael rose to his feet, “His energy is spiking,
I have never felt so much power before.” He thought to himself.

He had begun to cast multiple elemental spells and launched them at Heiro. Each spell hit him and bounced off, it had been his new armor. He had hardened it like he had his own body in the battle with Zander and Vallus before. Heiro’s wings began to flap and lifted him off of the ground. He had gathered momentum and flew towards Raphael.

“Flame Art: Great Fire Stream!” Raphael shouted blowing the flames at Heiro as he swooped in. The armor was unaffected by the spell, Heiro readied his lance to strike.

“How the hell is he able to fly?” Raphael asked himself.

“Blood Lance.”
Heiro said as he struck Raphael in the chest with his new bloody spear. The attack had shattered Raphael’s magickal damage reducing barrier.

Overwhelmed by Heiro’s newfound power, Raphael began to run away for him and search for the exit of the dimension. “No way, you’re not getting away this time.” Heiro said as he threw his blood lance into the air with great force.

The sky quickly turned a dark crimson color, and Raphael looked up in terror. “Demonic Art: Bloody Carnival!” Heiro shouted.

The lance burst into thousands of tiny needles that rained down upon the sand. The needles impaled Raphael’s body and stained the sand with the color of blood. Raphael hadn’t moved, Heiro watched as his body quickly faded away into black particles of dust. The dimension started to warp and burst open; before he knew it Heiro was back in the cave.

Kerra and Ashe ran over to him and helped him up. “Are you alright?” Kerra asked.

He grabbed Ashe by the waste and pulled her in close and kissed her. At first she tried to fight it and then gave in, “Now
I’m okay.” He said. She had been speechless; the only thing that she had known was that he had certainly been growing on her.

“We need to hurry and find Zander before he goes and gets himself killed.” Heiro said.

The two girls nodded slightly and the three of them ran off into the cave to find Zander and Vallus. They had prayed they weren’t too late.

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