The Fell Good Flue (16 page)

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Authors: Robin Miller

BOOK: The Fell Good Flue
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I said, “I do what I can with what I have, and the world left us much, using it wisely is the daily quest.”
Brandy, “if you were not so good at it, you would not have survived the plague or aftermath that cut our cities numbers to five hundred or so, and I would not of chosen you to give me a baby and take care of us.”
I said, “because you are also such a survivor, I thought it was the other way around, or at least I’m telling it that way.”
Brandy, “we do take good care of each other.”
I said, “Sage seems to think so, I’ve never known a more content child.”
Brandy, “he enjoyed flying with you, and had a good time at the pool as well.” I said, “so did I, and your getting much better at the high platform, both in climbing and diving.” Brandy, “and your breath control under water was good as well, the morning exercise must of centered you.”
I said, “I was quite focused, but now feel rather distracted, you do that to me.” Brandy, “it’s because I have an imagination, keeping you distracted is my distraction.” I said, “I can focus on that.”
We joined our attention to one another and some of the hash, then worked each other’s muscles until we were both very relaxed, the hours passed quickly. Soon the sun was starting to set, and we heard drums that TT was having a movie new tonight. A flag went up for cargo to come over, and I pulled the trip line. A dear hide was sent over, scraped and clean, as well as more meat. I told Brandy we could salt this down more and have it tanned latter, and she said to take care of that while she got something to eat ready. So I took it to the roof and my work area. There I brushed in a good helping of salt and rolled it up tight again, then packed it to go off to the tanner. After cleaning up I came back down to the smell of meat frying and garlic. Brandy was chopping up some vegetables, and water was boiling, so I asked for a tea. Brandy, “which kind? We have a choice now.”
I said, “the one that was fruity, the zinger I think, and some ginseng would be good.” Brandy, “I also have nutmeg now, and cinnamon.”
I said, “we are getting stocked up, good, I hate to run out for some little thing I want. It’s a thirty story drop and half way across town for some things, when you can get to them that is, much nicer to have them here or delivered.”
Brandy, “we may not live in a castle, but I have furs and jewels, as well as food and a king.” I said, “that makes you a queen and Sage my prince, the goat park my stables, and our pet a wolf. This kingdom is getting spread out a bit, but it’s certainly interesting, and the royal smoke for the day is hash. I guess when people work at it, good things can get around, and stay around if we try hard enough.”
Brandy, “no one can say they try harder than you, even those with more, for they still owe you. TT is good at working the people, but you get things done. Many have meat and cargo, as well as their safety because of your deeds.”
I said, “yes my queen, the affairs of state have been heavy of late, but now we feast!” We ate as the sun went the rest of the way down, and the darkness took hold outside. The tea tasted good, and I had another while we enjoyed an after supper smoke, then we made plans to go to the movie. TT had a warehouse of DVD’s that had been saved from the fires, and some of them never sold or seen, true big budget films with special effects and speakers that could bring dust off the buildings. It was much better than watching one at home on my wall size plasma, my sound system did not use so much power. So when we were ready, I got my traveling things on, and the zip lines felt our weight. Lights were on the landing pads and wires as well, the city looked like a web of light from the air, and the way was fast and clear. To the hub of the action we went, zipping in with many others heading for the music. We put our gear in a place where it would be watched for us, and went down to the yard. One large wall had a screen on it five stories tall, and two story tall speakers they were warming up. A BBQ was going on in the back, and lights were on all around, with people dancing wherever they could. We found a second story balcony to set in above the BBQ, so the speakers would not blow us away, and eat some nuts we brought with us. A bottle was passed around, as well as the smoke, and people were having a good time. Then on the small stage in front of the screen TT stood an said over the PA, “welcome to movie night!”
The crowd cheered and he said, “we have a good one tonight that I don’t think anyone has seen before, and it’s lucky to have made it this far, from another time when such was the norm I give you tonight’s entertainment.”
Then the yard lights went down and the speakers started to rumble, a flash of light hit the building and a blast of sound sent hats off of people near the front of the yard. Everyone yelled with a great voice and cheered, the movie had begun.
Brandy said, “I’m glad we sat back here, last time up front some bottles broke.” High above us the projector was sending its image across the courtyard, and the dust that filled the air from the sound-blast and smoke mixed with the film. Some of us had movie glasses that could refract the light and make it like fireworks, and others had 3D glasses, TT was set up for that as well. This one was in 3D and things started to jump off the walls and float above in the smoke as the light worked its way through. We were all psyched, and extra 3D glasses got passes around, as well as wine. Popcorn with honey was in bowls that also made it our way, and little Sage had his hands in the air, reaching for things both from the screen and the bowl. Space ships appeared and warriors did battle before us, as cheers from the crowd echoed in the large courtyard and mixed with the big speakers that blasted the experience. Meat from the BBQ below us was passed, and we melted into a feast for mind and body. I’m not sure of the name of the movie, but it was in an apocalyptic world such as our own, and all were fighting for freedom. Each of us saw places from books or maps we had, blown up and destroyed before our eyes as the characters struggled against all odds, and wondered if some of this really happened. This would for sure make the digital download request list, for many would want to see this one again at home, yet despite its realism few guns were fired during the movie. Brandy, “TT sure picked a good one tonight, I don’t think anyone has seen this before.” I said, “and yet it seems all too familiar, like a dream I once had.”
With no power interruptions the illusion sweep us away for hours, and near three hundred of us were having the time of our lives. Then the ending came and many stayed to see the credits or request a download, others just wanted to party some more, my family headed for the pack drop area. Along the way Brandy snatched a bag of popping corn, with the smile of the maker. We passed Jacob and Stan on the way, and they were having a great time, even Laurence was there. As we got our packs Billy was saying to me that one scene in the movie looked like when TT blew up three blocks of main street, and I said the that the rest looked like how the world destroyed itself. We both agreed this was one of the best we had seen in a long time, then the girl Billy was with dragged him off and I turned to see Brandy ready to go home. So we hit the lift and were carried away into the night that brought us. Soon home we turned a few more lights on and Brandy took care of Sage. I looked my practice area over and retied a few lines I had cut, then looked at my supplies for plastic rodto replace the jumping sticks with. My shop had another level below with many things saved from over the years, and I could build most anything I needed. But now was not the time to start, I just wanted a pitcher in my head of the job to come. So after some poking around, I went down and headed for my chair again. Brandy said, “that sure was a good time, I like movie party night, the place really rocks.” I said, “ yes, he cranked up the power a bit tonight, I think he was trying to impress the newcomer.”
Brandy, “Stan sure looked as if he was having a great time.”
I said, “he has been having a great time from first he got to town, even the run for cargo was just a party to him. The man knows how to enjoy himself alright, and this city has just what he needs.”
Brandy, “two at a time by the way he’s going, and I haven’t seen the same two yet, he’s making the rounds alright. But before long one of them will fight hard enough to keep him, then he will be captured by love, and chained to its heartstrings.”
I said, “the one that tries to chain that Wildman will have to be a beast to tame one.” Brandy, “I tamed you, and I’m not as much of a beast as some here.”
I said, “I keep telling you it’s the other way around, at least that’s the way I’m telling it.” Brandy, “and you just keep telling it that way, until I unchain the beast.”
I said, “now I’m not sure if you mean me or you.”
She said, “I’ll tell you when I’m ready.”
I said, “that’s what I’m afraid off.”
Brandy, “don’t worry about me, I always keep you in good shape.”
I said, “yes, but you were me down doing it, even a massage from you can become a marathon.”
She said, “are you telling me you don’t like my massages?”
I said, “if I did I won’t get one.”
Brandy, “your training is coming along well.”
I said, “and now I sense my training will continue, so I will listen well.”
Brandy, “who said I was going to speak with my lips?”
I said, “they speak without making a sound, but my ears still hear moaning.”
She said, “that moaning comes from you.”
I said, “now you know the words I listen for.”
Brandy, “listen to the wind instead,” and she went to the roof top.
I looked over at Sage and said, “listen to the way your mother talks to me.”
But he was off to dream land, doing who knows what in his little imagination. My body had some of the same ideas, but I was sure more was to come before my dreams sat in place. Outside my window a rapping came on a pipe that ran to the street, so I gave it a few taps with a rod I had there. A message was sent back, and I sent one myself, then a moment later a tug on the line there. I pulled the trip and up came a bag, then in to me, and I took it upstairs. “Brandy,” I called, “look what just came.”
The bag was full of candy bars, all home made, but some from real chocolate that had been found. A few tins of it must have been in the cargo brought in, and there was one included. Brandy, “chocolate! You know what this stuff dose to me. Are you sure you want a sugared up beast on you?”
I said, “if she shares, I’ll take the chance.”
She said, “I’ll share with you more that candy.”
I said, “I’ll share with you what I have, then pass out.”
Brandy, “I will give you strength, my potions are powerful and soothing.”
I said, “and so are your hands and lips, let’s keep the chocolate where it belongs.” We then headed for the liven room, and I had some tea while we sucked on candy, and she gave me a massage. If I had a recorder that worked this would have been a good time to turn it on. The night took us away, and the morning found me in bed. I reached out and found the silk sheets nice, and the smell of food got me awake. This morning seemed different but pleasant, and I found clean clothes near the bed. I stood up with a stretch and looked out the large window at the morning, and rays of sun washed over my body as I yawned. My eyes half on my clothes and partly on the day started to work as I got dressed, and soon feet found themselves getting the rest of me to the table, were a cup of tea was waiting for me to say, “morning.” Brandy said, “morning it is, and nice to see you back.”
I said, “did I go somewhere?”
Brandy, “we both did, and it was some ride.”
I said, “I would say tell me about it, but you never do.”
She said, “drink your tea dear, it will help clear your mind.”
I said, “you said that last night.”
Brandy, “see, its working already, have some toast with that.”
I said, “I remember honey and peanut butter as well.”
Brandy, “it’s all coming back, now think about other things you ate.”
I said, “not on an empty stomach, I may say the wrong thing.”
She smiled and flicked a towel at me, then passed the jam as well. I spread some on the toast with peanut butter, and put honey on another, then the two together and eat it. The tea had a shot of brandy in it, and after I drained the cup she made me another. The coal heated stove was giving off plenty of heat, and the smell of cooking meat and fresh vegetables was pouring into the room. Soon we were filling our plates and emptying them again, with full guts to face the day. A few more things that I remembered from last night came to me while we we eating, and Brandy said I had made a full recovery. I wasn’t sure what the day may bring, but just hearing her say it made me feel better. A hale and a zip later Jacob was there. “good morning to you, and may that not be your only gift of the day,” he said coming down. Brandy, “I’ll take your greeting and blessing as a gift, and wish you the same. What brings that too late for breakfast body here this morning?”
Jacob, “first eating at home for a change, then seeing what the day is.”
I said, “the night is still flashing in my mind, I know not what this day will bring.” Brandy, “his memories have fully returned, now he needs a vision.”
I said, “I have had many, but knowing what they mean is still coming to me.”
Jacob, “word is TT wants you and I to transport a few small things across town to some people, I have no knowledge of cargo yet, but the day is young.”
I said, “some air under my feet and a look see at the profit is worth taking a breath for, I’ll think about my pack.”
Jacob, “no rush is my word, just things TT only trust you or I to move.”
I said, “special contract, costly, I like the needy.”
Brandy, “the two of you find more ways to start theday off with profit than anyone I know, including TT.”
I said, “that’s why she married me.”
Jacob, “I got caught the same way, we need to slow down, I’m not as young as I used to be.” Brandy, “I would say you still seem in good shape, but that’s your wife’s department.” Jacob, “she keeps me in good shape alright, that’s why I need to stay out more, lasting past breakfast was all the workout I could use for the day.”
Brandy, “that’s what he keeps saying, or at least tells everyone.”
I said, “yes well, we all work too hard, then we go out and do something else.” She said, “I’ll write that one down as his father said
work too hard.”
I said, “that’s not what I said, and probably not what I meant, so go with that one.” Then I stated to get my gear on, heaver that day by my extra rifle. Brandy put something in my pack to eat if I wanted, and Jacob said he may be back later. Then he and I were off to see what was in store for us, and the zip lines started to hum. Across the city from one rooftop to another, we flew and ran together, stopping from time to time to talk to another on our way. Word was many things were on the move today, and trade was high, TT had runners all over. We were soon next to his building, and got ready to head over. Another was coming first and greeted us before heading out again, and the roof guard said today was going to be a busy one. We zipped over with me in the lead, and greeted TT on landing. He offered us a drink, then lit his pipe, and we took a seat.

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