The Fight Within (37 page)

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Authors: Tiana Laveen

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: The Fight Within
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They rested for a moment or two, basking in their subsiding orgasms.

“What time will your kids be back home in the morning?” he asked as he pulled the sheets over their sweaty bodies, and lovingly brushed away her hair, exposing the part of her he wanted to kiss most. He swept his lips along the back of her neck, taking his sweet time. Her cheek plumped in a smile as she caressed his wrists with her soft fingertips.

“Around ten-ish for Asia, probably eleven for Brian…”

He gave her a satisfied grin. “So, that means you can stay the night with me…right here, become my pillow and let me make love to you again.”

A light, lazy chuckle escaped her mouth as her eyes slowly closed like window blinds.

“Yeah, I can stay.”

“I had no plans on letting you go anyway.” He kissed the back of her neck once more. “I got you now, baby.” His smile turning sly, he pressed his lower stomach into her ass, while his now soft cock still rested inside her.

“I hope you do, because I wouldn’t want anyone else to have me but you.”

Her uninhibited declaration made his fucking dick hard, stand and salute the roundness of her cheeks as his heart pulsed beneath his skin. He drew slow circles on her shoulder with the tip of his pointer finger, delving in his thoughts for a moment or two… He couldn’t have designed a more perfect evening.


“Yeah?” He paused.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, baby…. So happy you’re here with me.” Tracing the back of her neck with his lips, he sighed.

Soon, she fell asleep. As he followed suit, he wondered whether this was reality, or was he dreaming of the sweet scent of her bare flesh against his own? In any case, he never wanted to awaken, never wanted it to cease, to end, to be over.

Please, no rolling credits…

He needed her, and what made him feel even better, the best reward of all, was the knowledge that she needed him just as much…

Chapter Fifteen

Yeah, I was busy but you’ve been quiet.
–Sapphire Storm

So have you. I figured you were out with your new main squeeze.

Main squeeze? Like lemonade, huh? LOL
–Sapphire Storm

Making lemonade out of sweet lemons, that’s what you did. You never gave up, and see? It worked out for you.

Yes, he is pretty awesome.
–Sapphire Storm

He couldn’t be. Now that your love life has improved, you’ve left me here twiddling my thumbs. That makes him a bum in my book.

LOL! And who wrote this book about bums?
–Sapphire Storm

It’s not about bums. There is just one chapter devoted to bums, and it is about your boyfriend.

LOL! You are a horrible person, you know that?
–Sapphire Storm

I try, but sometimes I fall short of my daily goal.

So crazy! LOL. I doubt that you are twiddling your thumbs. If you are, that surprises me. I thought you had a main squeeze yourself?
–Sapphire Storm

I do, but she doesn’t find me as funny as you do. She calls me on my shit. I’d much rather live in denial. I need someone to stroke my ego like a cat on their lap.

LOL! Well then she must be asleep and have her ears plugged. You are a riot.
–Sapphire Storm

I was kidding actually. I imagine she thinks I am a big ass riot, like L.A. Rodney King style…without the racism, looting and police brutality, of course.

I just can’t with you tonight. Anyway, I’m sure she does.
–Sapphire Storm

A minute or so passed…

You seem a little quiet. Are you okay?

I’m great, actually. I just can’t believe what’s been happening. We’ve not spoken in a while.
–Sapphire Storm

I know. What’s going on? Maybe I can help.

This time actually, there is nothing to help me with. There isn’t a cure or a need for rescue or a joke needed to bring up my spirits. This is exactly what I wanted and needed.
–Sapphire Storm

Well then, what’s the problem?

I am in love with him, FINDERKEEPER. I have never felt like this about someone, not even my ex.
–Sapphire Storm

Well, isn’t this an interesting turn of events. Tell me more about this.

I knew it some time ago, but it became crystal clear after we saw this woman and she…never mind. Anyway, he is so good for my spirit, my mind, my heart and my soul. He’s not perfect, but he is good for me, you know? I have never met anyone like him in my life. No matter how I tried to second guess this, he really does love me back. It is like I am caught up in some dream, in a good way.
–Sapphire Storm

I know what you mean, kind of experiencing the same thing over here, but would just word it differently, I suppose. Anyway, since you’re in love with this man, then you need to embrace it, Sapphire Storm.

I am. Trust me, I am. At first I wasn’t trying to entertain it but that was short lived.
–Sapphire Storm

Why would you stop something like that? I thought that was what you wanted?

It was, I mean, it is. But I was afraid of getting hurt.
–Sapphire Storm

Okay. That’s honest. I can understand that. It’s kind of like when you keep putting your heart over and over on the line and it keeps getting stepped on. After a while, you just don’t want to chance it anymore.

Exactly. I am worth more than that. I know what I deserve. I’ve just never dealt with someone so honest before. One quality I like about him is that he admits when he needs to work on something and tries to better himself. I saw things about myself from his vantage point that I didn’t like. With the exception of one situation, he never said it in a condemning sort of way; it was just through our interactions. It made me want to do some self-analysis. I think we make each other wanna be better versions of ourselves, you know? You can’t ask for more than that.
–Sapphire Storm

No, you really can’t. That’s ideal actually. So many people go their entire life never finding a fraction of that feeling. You’ve got it, and then some. That’s what this journey is all about, finding someone that loves you in spite of your flaws, and being a better person due to their positive influence in your life. That’s the basis of a lifetime friend, and an ideal mate. Sounds like you’ve got a winner to me.

I do. He’s got me, FINDERKEEPER. I am hopelessly his.
–Sapphire Storm

Devoted to one another, sounds good. I like that. I am very happy for you. And never forget, he has a winner in you, too…


“So you just
gonna date the trashman, huh? That’s what’s hot, huh? That’s what’s happenin’?”

Treasure shot her interrogator an evil eye though the curve of her mouth twitched with the mirth she kept at bay during the hurled accusations.

“He is about
age, and you just standing there acting like that shit is normal. I can’t believe this.” Brian’s upper lip rose in what appeared to be antipathy as he glared at his mother through darkened, slitted eyes.

time you curse while speaking to me,” Treasure stated calmly as she placed her small diamond stud earring inside of her lobe at her bedroom vanity mirror, “will be the same time you are entered into foster care. I have the paperwork pre-filled on your smart-mouthed behind. Now try me if you want to.” She smirked.

“It was an accident…” her son offered as he slumped onto her bed like a deflated balloon, suddenly defeated by her nonchalance and failure to rise to his bait.

She felt his eyes on her while she finished dressing for her date with the very man in question.

“I know. You curse so much at school and with your friends, it just comes on home with you like your bad attitude. Now, my question to
is, how do you know what he looks like?” She took a good look at herself before reaching for her Maybelline mascara.

“’Cause he left you some raggedy note on the trashcan a long time ago. I threw that shi… that

“Why?” She spun around in the boy’s direction then back to the mirror before he’d uttered his answer.

“’Cause ain’t no trashman needing to talk to my mom, that’s why.”

“You still didn’t answer my question…” She struggled to concentrate on the task at hand.

I hope I don’t get mascara on my damn eyelid again…

“Remember a while back when I forgot my backpack and came back home?”


“I saw the garbage truck down the street and waited for him to pull up the week after he left that dumb letter trying to hit on you. I stayed in the neighbor’s yard, saw him jump off, and he was smiling at the house ’nd crap. I knew it had to be him, the way he kept looking over, like he was waiting for you to come out onto the balcony, let down your hair like you were Rapunzel or some shi…I mean, some stuff…just smiling. Anyway, if this is the way you say it is, why haven’t you introduced him to us?” In the reflection, she watched her son raise his chin high, challenging her, then crossing his long arms across his chest, like some B-Boy about to whip out some cardboard and breakdance his life away.

All he needs is a kangol and gold chain… LL. Cool J is Baaaaaad!
She smirked at the notion, relishing her teenage years of being obsessed with the rap icon’s music.

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