The Fight Within (35 page)

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Authors: Tiana Laveen

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: The Fight Within
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“Yeah, that’s true…it’s…it’s just…”

He loosened his grip on her, but didn’t let her go.

And then, she looked up into his eyes again…what a magnificent sight to see. She looked at their touching hands and wrapped her fingers around his, locking them into place. Then, she recalled what the psychic said, and her heart, body and soul were now in agreement. Her mind had to be ruled out until it complied. For now it was time…

“Yeah, I’ll go home with you. I’m ready.” No
point in resisting a second longer.
She was ready, she’d
ready, and she decided right then and there, she wouldn’t circumvent her own happiness, do what she believed was right, when what she had always believed right had seemingly been wrong.

No, it was time to let Sean inside her a bit further, inch by beautiful inch…


“I wasn’t expecting
company, so excuse the mess.” He fidgeted with his key inside of the hallway of the apartment building, looking over his shoulder every now and again at her as she studied the odd lime green light he’d taken for granted, gotten accustomed to. It made the long, narrow hallway in the place look like some sort of asylum, at least, that had been his first impression when he’d first visited the building before signing a lease. Ushering the heavy dark door open as it sung a squeaky groan, Sean flipped the light on, illuminating his living room, with the emerald green bike that hung on the wall in a lopsided sort of fashion and a dog-eared, classic poster of a Pink Floyd album cover, ‘The Wall.’

“Ah.” Jamming her hands in her pocket, she looked nervously about, muscles tight, stiff posture, forcing a grin. “So…” She nodded. “This is your place, huh?” She’d been outside of his complex too many times to count, but never indoors, despite his prior attempts at inviting her up.

“It’s messy, I know, but the bedroom is fine. I promise.” He closed the door behind her, locked it, and took her coat in quick succession. “I’m going to hang this up right over here, okay?” he stated while pointing to a slender closet beside his kitchenette.

“Okay.” She swallowed, her long neck seemingly caught with a fur ball while she still wore that silly faux grin.

Relax, baby…

“You want something to drink? Some water? I got beer, too,” he announced as he opened his finger-print smudged refrigerator door, pissed he didn’t think far enough in advance to purchase one of the woman’s favorite drinks, X-Rated Fusion Liqueur.

“No, I’m fine, Sean. Thanks,” she answered quickly, turning to and fro as if waiting for a late bus. He was certain her heels would wear a hole into his damn carpet.

“Alright.” He grabbed himself a chilled bottle of water and marched back into his living room where he’d left her standing to peruse a small tower of school books, an impressive electronic collection if he said so himself, and a long forgotten assemblage of thin paper plates soaked with old pizza grease, along with one renegade pepperoni slice that had escaped his ravenous bite. Taking her by the hand, he led her down the short hallway, opened his bedroom door and flicked the light, revealing a neatly made-up bed with crisp, fresh linens.

So fuckin’ glad I washed my bedclothes this morning and made the damn thing! Must’ve been an angel whispering in my goddamn ear!

He sighed with relief as he made his way into the bathroom inside of his bedroom, leaving the door open for her to watch, stare, take it all in.

“You can sit on my bed if you want,” he offered, standing in front of his toothpaste-speckled mirror and sliding his shirt over his head. He didn’t dare admit the shit, but when the psychic was revealing things, stuff he knew no one could just make up, he had begun to sweat. What was supposed to be simply for fun, something to pass the time, had turned into a ‘Truth or Dare’ situation, and he feared his greatest concerns would be revealed to Treasure, that his past would be opened up like the festering wound that it was, split like a can of old tuna, stinkin’ up the joint—and he’d have to explain the source of the stench.

He wasn’t ready…not now, possibly not ever. He just wanted to enjoy the here and now for a moment. His damn anxiety had made the shirt stick to his flesh and it was a relief to tear the thing away. When he eyed his reflection once more, he noticed his hair had twisted in a faux hawk of sorts from his abrupt, urgent movements to be released from the sticky confines of his clothes. He heard her giggle in the distance, the music of her laughter put a smile on his face, breaking him away from his strained thoughts. Turning to face her, he simply stood there…eyeing her.

“Gimme a sec, gonna jump in the shower.”

She nodded in understanding, and less than ten minutes later, he reappeared, his back slightly damp and an anticipatory smile on his face. He wrapped a towel around his erection, keeping his back toward her. Scratching an itch along his jawbone, he moseyed back into the bedroom, making a beeline toward his computer. Propping it open, Sean scanned his playlists and selected the one he had in mind. As Sam Smith’s ‘Stay With Me’ began to play, he re-entered the bathroom and removed the thick, cream-colored towel from around his waist, letting it fall to the floor. He could feel her heated stare without the need for confirmation as he looked in the mirror, and if his ears weren’t deceiving him, he heard her utter a subtle sigh. He took a couple more glances at himself, and once he turned around to exit the bathroom for good, he found her in her underwear, with only her claret lace bra showing. She got settled, nestling herself just so under his navy blue sheets like the sweetest little semi-unwrapped thing on Earth.

“I want you in the worst way…”

“I want you, too.” Her words came out slurred, thick with expectancy. Her eyes hooded, the long, dark lashes batting as she slid one foot slowly over the other, causing the sheets to rise and fall from her sluggish movements. He could barely get himself together as he surveyed her, drawing closer and closer until he slid beside her under the rustling sheets. He wasted no time in flipping the damn things off of her body, exposing her for his full viewing pleasure.

“Leave the sheets off. I don’t want to miss a
. And if you get cold, tell me. I’ll just hug you a little tighter.” He gently tugged at her chin, bringing her so close, the tickle of her breath from her slightly open mouth tiptoed against his flesh. Not wasting another damn second, he enveloped her full lower lip into his mouth like the succulent fruit that it was. He gradually slid his other hand slowly up and down her thigh, daring himself to keep his cool, to not let his dick tell him what the fuck to do. Her flesh warmed quickly to his touch as he glided his tongue slowly, so slowly, inside of her mouth, eliciting a feminine, helpless whimper that made his dick jolt, twitch, stretch and constrict against the thin fabric of his linens. He let his fingers wander farther and farther until they’d skimmed her downy pubic hair, turning him the hell on.

She’s got some peach fuzz now, let it grow out a bit…niiiiccceee….

Intensified, burning with desire, kiss after heated kiss, his muscles ached from the strain of his self-control. Her scattered, jagged breaths became louder as he slid her thin, lacy panties aside and ran his urgent fingertips against her plump pussy lips. With him deepening the pressure, slowly up and down, the woman swallowed her voice in a gasp, then regained it on the back of a moan.

“Uh…Ahhh…” Her eyes widened as he slid his digit in her creamy, warm center.

“…Uhhh… Ahhhh…” Her lashes fluttered and her eyes rolled as if she were barely holding on, taking him closer to the point of no control.

“I’ve got so many plans for you…your body belongs to
, now.” Opening her slippery petals, he slicked another finger within her essence.

“Mmmm, you’re wet, baby…
fucking wet!”

“Ahhhh…Ahhh…” She squirmed about beneath him, her hips rotating forward, backward and side-to-side as she fucked his fingers rhythmically, coating his hand with drenched gratitude. Ushering her legs further apart, he parked himself between her legs and stared into her eyes. He grinded against her, forcing his hand deeper within her. His digits and dick fought for center stage, both wanting to be close to her sweet, weeping nectar.

“I just gotta eat your pussy. I can’t wait any longer.”

“You can have it
…” she said on a moan as her body twisted round and around.

“And I plan to.” He raked his gaze possessively over her entire form. “…And I

The woman gyrated her hips faster and faster, stirring in timed twists to his demanding touch. Finally, he removed his hand from her zone and journeyed between her soft, awaiting thighs. The jaunt proved over before it began, for he was famished and ready to feed…

Spreading her thighs wide open with the palms of his hands, he took a quick look at the saturated beauty that awaited his taste. Just as he suspected, she was even lovelier in person. Without another second to lose, he buried his head between her legs.

“MMMMMM!” She twisted and shook for he gave her no time for a slow build up. He needed her flavor in his mouth right away.

“Ahhhhh…Ahhhh! Oh God!” She buried her fingers in his hair as he pushed his mouth roughly into her lower lips. When he slid a finger back inside of her, she christened it while he worked it all over and within her saturated folds.

“Ahhhh…” The woman slipped and slid amongst the sheets, her body snaking and winding in strange yet lovely contortions as he moved against her zone with soft pecks, back and forth, until he could no longer resist deepening his oral kiss. Gripping her hips, he shoved his tongue completely inside of her.

“Ahhhh….Sean….Ahhhh!” she cried out, losing control of her damn self, just how he liked.

He lazily looked up at her a time or two, turned the fuck on at the sight of her hand fisting his pillow and squeezing the shit out of it. Like an airplane landing and coming to a complete stop, he pulled out of her, but he was nowhere near his final destination. Ushering himself slightly forward, he flicked the tip of his tongue over her distended clit. Her hands made their way back down to his hair; she ruffled his tresses, emitting a loud sigh while bucking against his mouth. He gripped his lover tighter and sucked harder, rocking her roughly against the sheets, causing the coils to squeak and holler beneath them.

“I love your flavor, Treasure…damn, you taste so good,” he murmured between hearty gulps of her essence, his chin and lips glazed with her honeyed, liquefied love. Digging his fingertips harder into her hips as a mere reflex, he found himself with both hands on her ass cheeks, lifting her to his hungry mouth as if she were a bowl of water and he were gulping her down whole.

“Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhhh!” The woman bucked and fucked his mouth as she drew near her moment of detonation.

“Ahhh!” Her moans and whimpers turned to full throttle screams. She ran her trembling fingers roughly all over the sheets, looking lost in space.

“You gonna give it to me, huh?!” He kept going, glanced into her eyes and watched her fall the hell apart.

Her entire body quaked as he dove his finger in and out of her and flicked his tongue up and down and all around her sopping pussy in messy, urgent gyrations.

“You eat my pussy so good! So good!” she screamed, her voice breaking.

“Mmmmm! You’re so fuckin’ selfish!” He swallowed, gulping her sweetness. “…Kept all of this good pussy to yourself for four damn months!” He kept his pace, driving her insane, relishing her powerless expression as her orgasm seized her. The woman planked, stiffened, speechless…lost… She gasped for air.

“Ahhhhh! Oh…God…Oh my God…”

Paying attention to her cues, he slowed a little, and then a bit more.

“Ohhhhhh, Ohhh God….” She began to slowly settle, her body vibrating and jolting about—what a lovely display. When she calmed down, he crawled up her stunning form and wrapped his arms around her neck, enclosing her lower body between his thighs.

“You’re picture fucking perfect…your pussy belongs in a frame.”

Pressing his weight upon her, she looked up into his eyes, a look of slight confusion and bliss mixed together, creating a sight for his pleasure.

“…Open your mouth.”

She parted her dark red painted lips, allowing him to slick his tongue inside, to taste herself, the salty sweetness he so savored.

“Mmmmm!” he moaned in between her lips as he probed long and hard while gently caressing the back of her lovely neck. She slicked her hand between their writhing bodies, forging ahead until he sighed with expectancy. Rising a bit, he gave her full access to his dick, his fucking pride and joy—the damn thing long, hard and ready to slide inside her gateway, and fuck her to oblivion.

She raised a brow, lips twisted to the side in a mischievous sort of way.

“I’m going to suck this big ass dick of yours.”

He loved the natural way the filthy words dropped out of her beautiful, high-class mouth. He loved even more that he was the source of her being so verbally nasty. Finishing her off with one final peck, he rolled to his side, tumbling away from her to lie on his back. Placing one hand behind his head, he let his knees fall open, giving her admittance to maneuver between his thighs. She hitched her fingers around the thick base, urgency in her eyes.

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