The Filthy Series: The Complete Dark Erotic Serial Novel (55 page)

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I thought about how far we’d come since that day so long ago. About all the hardships, the fights, the love.

“Mommy, are you ready?”

A smile spread across my lips. “Yes, baby.”

And as I drove home, to our home, Rhett’s and mine. I looked at his image fading in my rearview mirror and listened to Charlotte chatter about her day, and I was thankful. Thankful for all the endings that led to new beginnings.

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The Very Beginning


It was just a stroll through the mall. I was just going to buy my girlfriend, Marissa, a new bottle of perfume for her birthday. Not that she needed it. Not that I really wanted her to be happy. That was the thing about women, especially the women I dated. They were all a good ten to fifteen years younger than me, and they were all bitches who complained about everything.

Marissa wanted to be wined and dined on her birthday. She wanted me to spend thousands of dollars on her. Fucking ridiculous. But I was going to do it. I knew I would—not because of some sense of chivalry, not because I loved her.
Fuck no.
That was the farthest from the truth. I was going to buy her some expensive perfume, take her somewhere fucking expensive for dinner, and then spend the night in some penthouse suite. I do these things because I can afford it.

Also, because I like getting my dick sucked, and Marissa, for all her bitchy faults, can suck a dick like a champ, though it was probably because with my dick in her mouth she couldn’t whine and complain. Either way she would be choking on my dick by the end of the night and taking my load in her face. Happy Birthday, Marissa.

The perfume she liked smelled horrible and cost way too much, but I whipped out my credit card and bought it anyway. The lady behind the department store counter fluttered her eyelashes at me. She was pretty, dark skin and short curly hair. She couldn’t have been older than Rhett’s age, barely over eighteen.

“Your wife is one lucky lady.” She pressed the bag into my hand.

“I don’t have a wife.” I imagined how my cock would feel buried deep inside her pussy, and he came to life in my slacks, kicking against the zipper.

She raised her eyebrows. “You don’t?”

In less than five minutes I had her in the back of the clothing department’s storage room, her black dress pushed up over her hips.

“No panties?”

I slid my zipper down freeing my hard cock.

“Not today,” she whimpered.

I jerked a condom out of my pocket and slid it over my hard length. And then I fucked her—this department store clerk that sold me perfume for my bitchy girlfriend. I fucked her until little cunt spasmed around my cock and I was squirting cum into the condom.

I didn’t get her number. But I’d be back for more perfume, at least that’s what I promised her.

Some people thought that kind of thing only happened in movies, but to me, it happened all the time. I exuded something that women wanted. Especially the young ones. I was in my late thirties, but I had the experienced look about me. The look that said I could make a woman cum over and over. And it wasn’t a lie. I could.

The walk back through the mall was more enjoyable than the one in. Maybe because I’d just cum hard in a tight pussy, maybe because I was already thinking about how Marissa would wrap her lips around my cock later.

I heard it first. The voice. The soft lilting noise. Part of me demanded I keep going. It was just a small part of my brain. I didn’t listen to it.

I turned and I saw her. She stood in front of the pet shop window. Her long dark hair was braided down her back. She pressed her fingertips against the glass. They were pink, the little nails. The lightest color of pink. It reminded me of the lipstick they put on my sister’s lips after she died. It was so pale, so translucent. Sickeningly pretty.

“I would take such good care of the kitty, mommy. I will use the pooper scooper and clean out it’s poop box. The kitty will love me so much. I will make sure it has food and water,” she chattered on with her nose pressed against the window. My heart pounded in my chest, it seemed to rattle my ribcage.

“No, Faye. I already told you it was out of the question.”

The name slithered through my head like a snake, wrapping around the sane parts of brain and strangling them until they no longer existed.

I noticed for the first time, that there was someone else with the young girl. My gaze focused on the woman with cheap bleach blonde hair as she wrapped her fingers tight around the girl’s arm. Something in me threatened to snap at the aggressive movement.

“But mommy,” the girl turned and saw her face for the first time. She had round brown eyes that were full of a thousand emotions, so many I couldn’t seem to grasp onto one, they all flew too quickly. “I’ll give it everything it ever wants. I’ll make it happy!”

Something inside me awoke. It was a feeling I’d never experienced before. It was something between desire and protectiveness. Something buried deep between the lines of need and want. All the women I had ever been with had only cared for themselves. They had only wanted me because of my money and my big dick. But the little girl with the clear brown eyes—she wanted to love and care for something that wasn’t herself and that called to me like nothing else had.

“No! And that’s final.”

Anger snaked through me. Who was this woman to deny that innocent, sweet little girl? Who did she think she was?

My feet carried me to them. The girl looked at me. Faye. Seconds before I had been prepared to yell at the trashy blonde mom. I had been prepared to rip her a new one. But when those round brown eyes met mine—Faye’s eyes—the angry words left my lips.

her. This little girl. Suddenly, I needed her more than I had ever needed anything in my life. Those brown eyes seemed stare into my very soul. It was as if she could see all the things I had done. All the fucked up things from my past. She blasted down all my walls and saw straight through me. She wiped the slate clean with her innocence. Just from one look I was something new. Something different than I had been my whole life. The feeling reverberated down to the very core of my being.

I couldn’t yell at the mother. I couldn’t do that and get to know Faye. The little girl who would be mine. I could feel it in my bones. I could feel it in every cell of my being. Faye was meant to be mine. And she would be.

I smiled at the mother. The ugly woman who had yelled at
I gritted my teeth in my mouth when she noticed me. Her words were lighter when she spoke now. I watched her size me up with her dusty eyes, just like every other woman. I listened to her prattle on for several minutes—this woman whom I’d never met.

“—and this is my daughter Fa—”

“Faye.” Her name felt good on my lips. And she looked up at me with wonder, with his eyes that baptized me in their goodness. I wanted nothing more than to bury myself in that innocence. To immerse myself until there was nothing left of either of us.

I smiled at her. She would be mine—only mine. My baby.

My Faye baby.

Faye’s First John

Age: 16

I shivered in the cold wind. The shorts and sandals I chose to wear when I left the house two days ago hadn’t meant much then. I hadn’t even considered them as I left the house. The one I shared with my mother and Taylor. The house where my baby was conceived through hate and blood. The house where I nearly bled out while Taylor fucked me.

But that was all going to change. I was done. Done with Taylor. Done with my mom. I didn’t know where I was going. The rides I’d hitched had landed me here. I looked up at the yellowing sign of “Sandy’s Motel”. It hung crooked and a couple of the letters didn’t light up anymore. I didn’t have enough money to spend the night—no, all the money I had, had been spent on food, a different cheap motel, and a bus ticket that for a ride I’d missed.

When Taylor went to work two days ago I left. I finally felt like some semblance of myself again—though I wasn’t entirely sure who I was anymore. But I was alive. I was me. Faye Turner. And I wasn’t going to live in that house with those monsters. Not anymore.

“I can’t wait until you’re all better, Faye baby. We can start over.”

His words from the night before I left made me shiver. He had crawled into bed with me for the first time since he fucked my bloody, dying body. He’d been around, hovering, but never said much after my emergency run to the hospital where he no doubt doled out thousands upon thousands of dollars to save my life and keep mouths shut.

I’d lain there and looked into his eyes. Blue eyes I knew. Eyes I had looked into a million times. Eyes that loved me—or used to. He seemed so sincere, so intent, that things could really be new again. That we could really start over.

For a moment I considered it. I thought of what it would be like. The things we would do. The places we would go. I imagined his loving hands on me, those were the best. Kind and gentle. It had been a long time since he’d touched me like that.

“It will be good, just like it used to be. I promise.”
His hands had fluttered down to my belly and I fought the urge to recoil, to jerk the fuck away from him. But I knew better. I could see the monster there just on the other side of that gentle love. The love was just a mask that covered that hideous being. I didn’t want it to come back.

“’Scuse me, miss?” A deep voice jerked me from my thoughts. A guy who didn’t look much older than me, stood a few feet away from the curb I was sitting on. “You got time for me?”

I frowned. “Time?”

He smiled sheepishly and I noticed that one of his front teeth was crooked, slightly overlapping the other. “All the other girls are already taken right now, thought you might be lookin’ for a customer.”

“Customer?” I blinked.

A horrified look covered his face. “Oh, ah, ma’am I-I’m so sorry. I th-thought wrong.” He turned and started to move off.

“Wait.” The word was out of my mouth before I could think better of it. “You think I’m a prostitute?” I asked, a giggle bubbling on my lips. It wasn’t funny. Not at all. I should have been offended. But somehow I wasn’t. Somehow I was giggling. It was probably because I was tired. It didn’t matter that I’d spent the last two nights in a bed. I’d barely gotten a wink of sleep.

I kept waking up to images of Taylor. To him bursting through the door and carrying me back home. I had to stay hidden, to get far away—to a place where he could never find me. I didn’t want to know what he would do to me if he did.

He’ll kill me.

Of that I was certain. I belonged to him—at least that’s what he thought.

I chewed on my lip. I was out of money with only a granola bar left in my backpack. I hadn’t thought very hard about leaving. I had just decided I wouldn’t live my life as Taylor’s whore anymore, as my mother’s emotional punching bag. So I left. Just like that. And two days in I was already more tired and hungry than I had been in my whole life.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, the lighting isn’t real good over here. My mistake.” He turned to go again.

“Wait.” I should have kept my mouth shut. I should have let the man go on with his life and I go on with mine. I should have looked back on this moment and laughed that this random guy wanted to pay me for sex. But I didn’t. Instead, I squeezed my fingers together at my belly, twisting and turning them together until they ached. “I am.”


I swallowed. “I’m a prostitute.”

“Oh.” He smiled sheepishly. That smile awoke something in me. It wasn’t love or attraction—oh, no, it wasn’t either of those things. It was something that told me I could do it. I could be whomever I wanted. I didn’t have to belong to Taylor. I didn’t have to be my mother’s daughter. Not if I didn’t want to.

“You’ll get a room for us?”

“I already got one, darlin’.” He sidled up to me. I noticed he wasn’t too terrible looking up close. He had some acne on his cheeks, but his eyes were a sea green and his teeth weren’t too yellow. “Right down here. Room 110.”

“Great.” I swallowed, hoping he didn’t notice how nervous I was. Hoping he didn’t see that I was new at this.

I almost snorted at the word. Sex was the last thing I was new too.

“How much for the night?”

“The night?”

“Yeah, I wanna have you all night long, baby girl.” He leaned in and brushed his hand along my cheek. I shivered. I could smell the stale cigarettes on his breath.

“Uh…” I almost chickened out. Right then. Right when I thought about what I was really about to agree to. To spend all night with a strange man between my legs. Pumping into me until came over and over. Taylor popped into my head, Taylor and the blood.

“You’re killing her!”
My mom’s voice echoed in my head and I shook it.


“I’ll give you a hundred,” he cut in.

“A hundred dollars?” Surprise fluttered through me.

“Yeah.” He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine so quickly I didn’t have time to flinch away. His lips were different, smaller, less firm than Taylor’s. I didn’t like them, but I didn’t dislike them either. They were just lips that had touched mine. Lips that didn’t belong to Taylor.

Something about that reality shuttered through me and made me feel alive for the first time in over a year. I didn’t have to belong to him. I didn’t have to belong to anyone.

“It will just be sex right?” I glanced around. “With you?”

“Yeah, baby girl.” He wrapped an arm around my waist. “Just me all night.”

I let him lead me to motel room 110. I let him take my clothes off, strip me bare on orange, stained carpet. His muddy eyes were greedy as he looked me over. Desperate even.

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