The Final Act (#4 Bestselling Spotlight Series) (10 page)

BOOK: The Final Act (#4 Bestselling Spotlight Series)
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I arrive back on set with my head bubbling with thoughts. I’m due to act some scenes with James in the next half hour. And I can barely contain my thrill at acting with him again. At first, I was nervous. But now I know what we can do together, I’m getting sparks of excitement shooting from my fingertips at just the thought of us reading lines.

But I also want to put Madison’s advice to good use.
It’s been a revelation that I should be taking more charge as the lead actress. It also makes a lot of sense.

I let my mind swell over what I would do if I were
more in charge of things.

“Places please!” calls Callum, interrupting my thoughts. And I scurry over to my position on set.

I catch James’s eye as we manoeuvre into position. He has a boyish look about him. Like a teenager at his first party.

Callum takes the director’s chair, and I take my place.

In this scene Tom discovers Grace working late. It’s one of their earlier moments together. When Tom begins to respect Grace for her hardworking dedication to news.

I’ve rehearsed how I think this could be. How Grace feels. But I’m fast coming to realise, you never know what’s going to happen when the cameras start rolling.

Even though I have a script, with James Berkeley, everything is like an amazing adventure where anything could twist.

“And! Action!”
yells Callum.

The clapper sounds, and
then I’m Grace.

at at my desk, I’m staring hard into the screen. I need to file this story by tonight. And I’m exhausted. But I want the words to tell it right.

My fingers tap away on the keyboard, and I frown, sigh, and sit back to contemplate.

I feel a warmth at my side, and suddenly, I can smell Tom’s cologne. This is something unexpected, which James has done for filming. He’s exchanged his usual aftershave, taking on a new character right down to the scent.

Grace’s eyebrow raises slightly, and
I find myself leaning back, inhaling very slightly.

Tom’s deep voice rolls affectionately.

Affection? From Tom?

I turn in surprise. His eyes are fixed on me. They are considering me intently. I would almost say they are admiring.

Then I realise. This is his newsroom. He likes that I’m working late.

Oh… That makes sense. Tom would feel that way.

This is what it’s like to film with James. He always does something unexpectedly wonderful.

What I love most is the effect on me is unpredictable and fresh. Grace is hard and controlling. But she can’t help but melt just a little under his gaze.

Who would have thought he could load that much into his eyes?

“Working late?” He settles himself on my desk.

Now Grace is back to her old ways. I eye his thigh pointedly. I don’t like my workspace being invaded.

“Yes,” I say flatly. “This story has to be filed.”

“Does it?”

The words on the script are so ordinary. They could be read a million ways, and mean very little. How does James manage to make them sound as though he’s running the words over my naked body?

Grace swallows. She’s heard it too. I turn my eyes up to his, and the exhaustion in them sings out. More than a
nything, Grace needs to be held. To be taken care of.

one else will make sure it’s done.” I let my voice reflect just a little uncertainty more than I’d planned. To work with the unexpected affection in his voice.

Tom leans forward, looking at the computer screen.

“Have you saved that work?” he asks.

That isn’t in the script…

“Of course I have,” I glower. Even though it’s unscripted, I feel Grace’s answer as though it were part of me. She would never work from an unsaved version of a story.

Tom reaches around and turns off the computer.
My jaw almost drops open.
Hey! I was working on that!

I’m so deep into Grace’s character, that I feel her annoyance as a physical jolt. How dare he turn my computer off like that?

We’re totally off piste now. None of this was written in. But it feels like such a natural part of the drama.

Then you can finish it tomorrow,” says Tom smoothly.

As Issy, I feel as though James is testing me. Pushing my boundaries. Forcin
g my acting into new areas.

glares at him furiously.

“I need to finish that story,
” I say, carefully enunciating each word so as not to lose any professionalism in my anger.

, you don’t,” says Tom. “Why don’t you let me buy you a drink?”

And just like that, I see what James is doing. He’s a genius.
He’s forcing me to reveal more of Grace’s character by making her uncertain and angry.

I reach around the computer, hesitating fractionally to show that
Grace is out of her comfort zone. Not entirely sure. Then I snap it back on with more certainty.

“Thanks,” I say insincerely. “But I really don’t need you to dictate my hours as well as my stories.”

Tom’s face registers hurt. Then he rallies and shows acceptance. He’s taken the jibe on the chin.

“Don’t work too hard,” he says, returning seamlessly to the original script. But
now, he’s made the old words do something brilliant. He’s added a deeper dimension to Grace than was there before.

“I’ll work late and lock up here,” I reply, returning my
scripted line.

When I rehearsed these words, they were over-casual. A put-upon employee talking to the boss. Now
I say the lines in a muddle of rejection and uncertainty.

They tell
Grace’s story so much better this way.

Tom stands and exits the newsroom.
I watch him leave. Then, caught in the rush of being Grace, I thump the keyboard with a muted yelp of frustration.

, I straighten the screen, blink hard, and continue typing.

“Cut!” Callum’s voice echoes across the set. And I twist towards the sound.

I was so deep in character, I feel as though I’ve been woken from a sleep.

I make out Callum’s grinning face.

“Marv-el-ous!” he shouts. “Bloody great!” he adds in a mock British accent. “That was just brilliant. I loved what you both did there. You added
much more to Grace.”

Callum stands, running his hand through his dark hair. “I always thought
Grace was cold. But,
. I
it now. Grace has so much bubbling beneath the surface. She just can’t bring herself to let it out.”

I smile at him, feeling proud of myself.
That’s exactly how I wanted Grace to be shown. She’s not cold, as she appears. She’s repressed.

“You should thank James,” I say. “He brought that extra aspect.
We didn’t plan it.”

James shrugs. “
It just came to me,” he says, fixing me with a deep look. “It’s easy to roll with you, Issy. You’re so flexible, it gives you a kind of freedom to create. I know nothing I throw out there will phase you,” he adds.

I’m beaming under the compli
ment. And hastily look away, realising that we’re staring at each other like lovesick puppies.

Acting with James. It’s really digging deep. I feel as though he’s showing me every part of himself. And I’m loving it.


We shoot
until mid afternoon, and even though I enjoy acting, I’m glad when we finally roll to a close. With the early start, it’s felt like a long day.

James vanishes as usual, to carry on working in the editing suite. And
I revisit Madison’s advice.

Natalie needs a mother figure.

I turn this around in my mind. What would I do right now, if I were my normal self and not overwhelmed as a new actress on a film set?

I’d arrange a girly shopping trip.

The thought comes to me like magic. Of course. This is exactly the kind of thing I’d do. The first day of drama school, this was what I suggested to bond some of us more nervous new girls. It’s the perfect way to make friends.

My eyes seek out Natalie in the crowd, and I feel a flush of nerves.

Come on, Issy
, I admonish myself.
You’re only asking her to go shopping. The worst she can do is say no.

Swallowing my resolve, I fo
rce my feet to approach Natalie. She’s got her back to me, issuing commands to one of her staff, and I tap her shoulder.

She turns in confusion.

“Hey,” I say, willing myself to add as much warmth as possible. “We’ve got a few hours to kill. There’s a little mall in the studios. I was thinking you, me and Camilla could hit the shops.”

She hesitates for a moment, looking shocked. Then to my relief, her face breaks open in a wide warm smile. She looks younger, and unsure of herself.

“Sure,” she whispers. Her eyes flick down to the floor, and then back to my face. “I’d really like that,” she says.

“Ok then,” I smile back warmly. “Great.”

Looks like Madison was right. Maybe Natalie just needs someone to show her some real attention. Not just staff catering to her silly whims.

My smile is completely genuine now. I feel as though I’m helping a new girl at school get settled in.

“Um. Ok.” I agree. “I’ll ask Cam if she wants to come.”

smiles back at me. “Shall we ask Madison too?”

“Yeah, why not?” I say, ever more uncertain about the protocol. Do famous actresses go shopping in groups? I guess they must.

“Great,” says Natalie. “I’ll go get Madison, you find Cam.”


I find Camilla in the milling crowd of crew and propose the idea. And her face lights up. “Oh, that is such a great idea,” she beams. “We should go to London. It’s only a half hour away by car.”

I pause, not sure whether this is a good idea.

Natalie arrives back with Madison, but she is declining politely.

“I’m sorry,” says Madison, “I’d love to go shopping with you girls. But I’m still beat from the flight over.”

“I think we should go to London,” says Camilla, her attention now on Natalie.

“Oh, great!” agrees Natalie, her eyes shining. “I love London.”

I’m still uncertain. A famous actress in London. Is that a good idea?

“Please?” begs Natalie, fixing me with a pleading gaze.

Whoa. This
taking control thing is working. Natalie is already treating me like I’m in charge.

I catch Madison’s eye, and she winks at me.

“We’ll be in the studio later getting costumes for the party tonight,”
says Camilla. “We should have a break and hit the big city.”

fancy dress party. I’d completely forgotten.

can get a private driver to take us,” says Natalie. “It’ll be a blast.”

London does sound like fun.

“Ok. London it is,” I say, smiling as Natalie and Camilla whoop in delight.

“Would we take your security?” I ask Natalie. “I think you might get mobbed if you’re recognised.”

Natalie laughs and rolls her eyes. “I
right! Usually I’m ok though. You’d be surprised. I just put on a big pair of glasses, and often they never guess.”

Madison looks a little worried. “You will take security though, Natalie? The press are all over London. If they start snapping, all hell will break loose.”

“Yeah, of course.” Natalie waves away the comment, and I get the feeling maybe she wouldn’t mind this.

Oh dear. Is Natalie being difficult again?

“I always have the best with me. They can break a crowd like that,” Natalie snaps her fingers to demonstrate the ease with which her team can bust through a mob.

If we go,” I decide, “we have to be sure that security is good enough.”

Madison is scanning the studio, and I see her eyes light on Will.

She inclines her head, beckoning him. And catching the gaze, Will strides over to us.

“Can I help you with anything?” he asks. He seems to have turned super
polite for Madison’s benefit. A courtesy he certainly never extends to Natalie.

“Can I ask you a favour?” says Madison, her large
blue eyes wide.


“These girls are about to hit the London shops,” says Madison. “I’m sure Natalie’s team is the best, but I’d just feel more comfortable if you were there too. Could I ask you to do a few extra hours? You’d be on my payroll, and I’m happy to give you double your usual rate.”

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