The Final Chase (Final Love Book 2) (14 page)

BOOK: The Final Chase (Final Love Book 2)
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Chapter Twenty-six


The next time I woke up it was to the ringing of my phone. Nonstop ringing.

“Somebody better be dead,” I grumbled and answered it, saying exactly that.

“Cammy, it’s Mary. We have a situation at the salon. Someone spray-painted the word ‘whore’ on the door. It’s bright red and huge.”  I jackknifed up and screamed.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I was livid. Someone defaced my baby. Looking over at the clock, which said it was 7:30 a.m., I knew I had to get over there to handle it.

“It’s crazy. What do we need to do?” She was panicking. I took a few calm breaths and spoke.

“I’ll be there shortly. We’ll find someone to get it cleaned off stat, and I’ll check through the security cameras to find out who did it. For now, just open the door and make it look like we are letting some of the morning air in for any people walking by. Act like everything is normal. I’ll see you soon.” I hung up and jumped into action. I got dressed in a blue sundress, threw on some light makeup and put some mousse in my hair. I would be rocking the “bed head but works” look today. I grabbed my purse and put on some cute wedges to complete my look.

I found Jake downstairs finishing up breakfast, with Casey playing around his feet.

“I have to go. There’s been some vandalism at my salon,” I huffed. This was so not how I wanted to spend my day. Especially my last day at the rescue. Now it was back to reality.

“Vandalism?” He looked at me with shock. Yeah, tell me about it.

“Yep, someone spray-painted the word ‘whore’ on the door. Bright red. I have to go take care of it. Not sure when I’ll be done.” I kind of felt like this was farewell to the rescue. Not forever, but I wasn’t sure when I would be able to come back. I had a business to run.

“Okay, I’ll take you over since Bambi is at Rayne’s. If you need anything, give me a call. Don’t worry, sweetheart. We’re big kids, we’ve got this.” He walked over to give me one hell of a toe-curling kiss, then let me go. I gave him a smile and bent down to scratch Casey behind the ears. Her paw came out to get my hand but I yanked back before she could get me. Stinker.

With my purse in my hand, Jake drove me to my side of the world, and dropped me off with a sweet kiss. I so didn’t want to adult today.

Hours later, the paint was off my door. Business was still going strong and no one had any issues. I looked over the cameras that were outside the door but whoever did it was covered in all black, like a ninja. Couldn’t tell anything. I filed a police report and gave them what I could, which was pretty much nothing. And with me now dating one of the hottest eligible bachelors in the city, I was probably going to have a bunch of jealous bitches out to get me.

Which sucked, but, oh well. I wasn’t giving him up because of this. I would fight on. I spent the day holed up in my office, going over things that I had missed from being away for a week. Nothing important. Papers to sign, plans to review, orders to confirm, payrolls to check, the life of a business owner. I was tired, and my girls were constantly coming in to check on me, but my mind was just racing. By the time I looked at the clock, it was almost six.

The salon would be closing soon, so I left the office and helped the girls close up. Rayne had brought me Bambi at some point so I could get back to my apartment without needing to call anyone.

As soon as I stepped foot in my home, I felt like I was in a stranger’s apartment. I sat down on my pretty brown couch and called Jake.

“Sweetheart,” he answered, which made me smile.

“I’ve had a day from hell,” I groaned.

“I know a few ways I could make it better.” I could see his smirk in my head.

“I know you could,” I confirmed, but I didn’t want to drive all the way out to the rescue right now, then come back in the morning. I was just too mentally wiped out.

“It’ll be all right. I want to go take a bath, though. Call you later?” I was not in the socializing mood. I just wanted to take a bath and curl up in bed. Preferably with Jake, but that wasn’t happening tonight.

“Of course.”

“I love you.” I stood up and walked into my bathroom.

“Love you, sweetheart.” I sighed from the feeling in my chest. Him loving me was amazing.

“Talk to you later.”  We said goodbye and I got the makings for my bath.

The bath was wonderful, as expected. My sweet pomegranate bubbles surrounded me while I sat there and tried to empty my mind. When I say I tried, I meant I tried for five minutes. My mind kept wandering back to Jake, Casey, and the rescue. Suddenly my bath just didn’t feel as good, so I hopped out and dried off. Once I was in my unicorn onesie that I reserved for bad days, I made myself a sandwich and sat on the couch. Alone.

I missed the sounds of the rescue. The lions roaring, the wolves howling. I missed it all. I looked around my apartment, feeling alone like never before. I couldn’t have imagined that in just a week, my life would take such a huge turn. But it did. I wished I could do so many things to help the rescue.

Light bulb!

I got so excited thinking about the idea that just hit me. I could organize a block fundraiser on St.Armand’s.  All the businesses were pretty cool. I could host a get-together, get the community involved. Do discounted services and accept donations. My mind started running through all the things I could do, and before I knew it, I was calling Jake to let him know my idea. Which he approved of. He told me I would need to do a couple of things first, but otherwise he would help. He would bring all kinds of merchandise. We could totally set up some stuff in the middle of the circle where there was a pretty grass area with statues. After I was done talking over everything with Jake, I turned on Netflix and settled into bed. I had something to look forward to and I was excited. It was like I had a purpose for something bigger than myself. 

Three weeks had passed since our week on the rescue and I was a busy bee. I’d been to Jake’s every two days to stay the night. We’d spend our time in an orgasmic coma, making up for the lost nights together. I was also there when they moved Casey to her own little habitat. She was so happy to be free to run around, and pretend hunt in her own space. I would sometimes stop over to just talk to her, let her know how things were coming, and that the big fundraiser was going to happen soon. I made her fun little enrichment toys to play with as well; she liked those.

I was also able to take part in the release of the arrow bobcat back into the wild. The poor thing was nervous and scared to turn its back to us, but once we kind of hid in the shade it took off. Hopefully to live a happy life, arrow free.

All in all, my life was pretty good. Jake kept asking me to move out of my apartment and live with him at the rescue, but I wasn’t quite there yet. Yes, my apartment was lonely and I missed them. But I wasn’t ready to leave that life.  Driving back and forth to my salon from the rescue every day would get old, and for now I didn’t know what to do about that. I loved my salon, but maybe I was starting to want more in my life than that.  I tried not to think of it too much as I got to work for the big block shindig.

Chapter Twenty-seven


Most of the businesses were excited to participate, and were offering up all sorts of goods in an auction, as well as willing to donate a percentage of their profits. I had face painters ready to go, and Autumn and Helen brought over a truckload of goods to sell. They were supposed to take a ton of pictures and live tweet from the party. We hadn’t really gotten along any better since I claimed Jake in front of them, but today they were my bitches. Or minions, whichever you wanted to call them. People started filling up the streets, and in no time the fundraiser was a huge success. I walked through my salon and saw everyone was smiling and having a ball. I went into my office to grab a painting that Jake had sent with the girls. Casey had done it, and I was trying to figure out where I should put it.

“Cammy?” Mary’s voice asked softly from my door. I turned towards her to see her glancing back out towards her hair station.

“What’s up?” I inquired, setting the painting down.

“There’s a chick here who keeps asking about you. She’s being all shady.” My feet swiftly moved over to where she was and peeked out to her spot. I wanted to laugh at what I saw.

Marlene Debarue. That little skank.

She was sitting in the chair in a black designer trench coat, and black sunglasses on. I would recognize her hair and facial structure anywhere.

“What has she been asking?” I was curious as hell. Jake warned her to stay away from me. She obviously wasn’t ready to give up, but was trying to sneak around in her little disguise.

“She asked if this was Cammy’s salon. If you were dating Jake, and did I like my job. I told her yes to the first one and excused myself to the bathroom. She is wanting a conditioning treatment to help bring out the shine in her blonde hair, and will probably keep digging. What do you want me to do?” 

If I had an evil laugh, I would be doing it right now.

“I got this, Mary. Just get her a cooling eye pillow. I’m taking over after that.”  I smiled mischievously. You did not fuck with Cammy Jennings. And Marlene was about to figure that out.

“Poor girl,” Mary muttered, but did as she was told. I knew what I had in mind was naughty, but honestly, she couldn’t do shit. Especially after today, I was the community’s sweetheart. Plus, I wasn’t afraid of her.  I watched as Mary got Marlene a cooling eye pillow on her face and got her wrapped up for a treatment. The pillow would help with those bags under her eyes. Man, I was a bitch.

Moving quietly over to their station, I prepared my tools; while I listened to her ask questions about me. I motioned for Mary to scoot out of there and I took over, changing my voice to sound similar to Mary’s.

“So you do like your job then?” Marlene prodded. I dipped the brush into the liquid in the cup and started coating her hair.

“Well, between you and me, Cammy can be quite the slave driver sometimes.” I was so going to enjoy this.

For the next twenty minutes, I continued to talk shit about myself to Marlene, who I was pretty positive was trying to find dirt on me to blackmail me in some way so I would leave Jake. As if.  I had her sit under the heat for another ten minutes and finally washed all the caked-on crud out of her hair. After rinsing, drying, and doing a really beautiful style on her. It was time for the reveal.

“Your hair is so gorgeous. The shine is so perfect.”  I took a step back and took her eye pillow off for the big reveal.

Her ear-piercing scream made my insides all giddy. Payback was a bitch.

“Oh my God, what have you done?” she shrieked and finally looked at me. I smirked at her.

“I think you look great. I think it brings out the jealous snake that is on the inside. Green is definitely your color.”  Oh yeah, I totally went there.

“You are dead,” she seethed. I just rolled my eyes.

“Whatever you’re thinking of doing, just stop that little thought right there. This is over. You are done, leave. You know you can’t touch me, and you know you don’t want to fuck with Jake, either. Stop acting like a spoiled bitch whose favorite toy belongs to someone else. Move on. Oh, and because I am not a complete bitch and I do think you have nice hair, the green will wash out in a week. But now you know not to fuck with me.” 

A few of my girls yelled out, “That’s right, girl,” and “uh huh!”

Marlene looked around and I saw that she knew what I said was true. She was a brat, and there wasn’t anything she could do. She screamed in frustration before grabbing her sunglasses and stomping out the door. Good riddance. A couple of the people who were in earshot of us started clapping at her departure.

“Back to the party, people!” I hooted and cleaned up the mess at Mary’s station.

Everyone loved the fundraiser and when Jake showed up for a few minutes, I couldn’t help but run into his arms and kiss the shit out of him. This was a magical day, and I was having a blast. Someone snapped a picture while we were lip-locked, but I didn’t care. Hell, they could put us in the newspaper. I gave no fucks about it.

The party went on until 5p.m. and when it was all said and done, we had raised almost forty-five thousand dollars. We had a few large donations, and the auction was a hit. I was blown away by everyone’s generosity and willingness to help. It really said something about how everyone really can come together to do good in the world.

Once everything was cleaned up, and the salon was shut down, Jake and I went out for pizza.

“I am starving!” I groaned, while taking a bite. I hadn’t really eaten all day. It had been crazy, and I just didn’t think about it.

“It’s been a while since I ate pizza,” Jake commented.

“Well if I ever move in, you’ll just have to get used to it because pizza is a staple in my life.” True story, bro. He didn’t say anything to that comment. He wanted me to move in, but he knew I knew his opinion on the matter and he knew mine. No sense in battling it out now, especially not after the great day we had.

“Casey hasn’t been feeling well today.”  I stopped eating and looked at him. She wasn’t feeling well?

“What’s wrong?”

“Looks to be just a cold. We are keeping a close eye on her though. With her compromised immune system, things could escalate quickly, but Doc thinks she’ll get over it soon.” I heard what he said, but I was still worried. From the moment I laid eyes on that baby tiger, she had captured my heart. I’d hate to see her sick. Poor girl.

“Okay, I think I’m going to stay on the rescue to help out until she gets better. Anything I can do.”  I wanted to be there. I hated it when I was sick, so I bet she wasn’t too happy either.

“Sounds good.”  We went back to eating our food, then drove to the rescue. I already had clothes and my cosmetics in his house, so I didn’t need to grab anything. Once we were parked, I headed straight to Casey’s habitat. She was running around, but I heard a sneeze here and there. She looked fine, so it eased my nerves. Jake joined me shortly, carrying some chairs with him, so we could sit near her and chat. It was nice. I told both her and Jake about the fundraiser, and how amazing it was. I told him about Marlene, which he got mad about at first, until I told him about dyeing her hair green. It wasn’t permanent, so I didn’t care. She totally deserved it. Hannah came and checked Casey out and said she was okay, and told us to go get some rest.  I wanted to watch her and make sure she did all right throughout the night, but I knew she would be fine. No one died of colds. Except aliens who weren’t used to our bacteria, but she was no alien. 

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