The Final Note (DJ Series Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: The Final Note (DJ Series Book 1)
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“So, who is she then?” someone from the cubicle asks and I give Macy a wary look.

“She’s from Salford and works in law. She is absolutely stunning, too. She didn’t have a clue who he was when they first met, she’d never even been to Lexis before,” Macy continues.

“The lucky bitch. If she had met him here she wouldn’t have got within arm’s length of him with bitch tits around,” an older woman in her late forties pipes up from the end of the room. She is employed by the club and provides samples of designer make up and perfumes for clubbers to use for a small donation.

All eyes turn to her and there is a murmur of agreement going around the room. “Maybe that’s why the mystery woman decided to throw her knickers at him then, to piss Regina off?” I chuckle.

“Maybe they were Regina’s knickers?” Corrine gets everyone giggling and the atmosphere returns to normal. We go back to the booth and thank the guys for our drinks. That’s when I notice Regina standing behind the private bar. I can practically feel her eyes burning into my back and sure enough I’m getting a cold glare from across the room. I simply look away, not wanting to lower myself to her level. I go stand on the edge of the dance floor and admire Dayton from afar.

I see the way he controls the whole crowd with the tracks he plays, the way he holds every one of them in the palm of his hand and works them. When the music changes and the breakdowns kick in they go nuts for him and the pleasure is evident on his face, he’s getting a huge adrenaline rush from them, and them from him.

When the next DJ comes up into the DJ box to relieve him for his break Luke exits first, coming down the staircase to where a member of security is stood and a small group of people are gathering. When Dayton comes down the stairs I watch on in surprise as they all move forward to him, wanting to speak to him and get their minute in his company. It’s so strange to see people crowding around him like a celebrity.

He poses for a few selfies and shakes hands with a few men, kisses a few women on the cheek and declines offers of drinks by point to his bottle of water in his hand. I’m smiling to myself, remembering what he said about the attention sometimes getting too much for him. It takes him at least five minutes to get across the dance floor and as he makes his way over towards the VIP area he spots me. I give him a small wave and he offers me a sexy grin before saying goodbye to a group of four girls who are hanging on his every word. He pushes past the clubbers and stands before me.

“Alannah, I’m so glad you came. You look amazing, sugar,” he compliments before pulling me to him and kissing me quickly on the mouth. “Let’s get a drink, what would you like?” He takes my hand and leads me to the bar. Regina sees us coming and I can see she wants to curl her lip but she doesn’t, she offers Dayton a megawatt smile instead.

“Amazing set, Dayton. I bet you’re ready for a drink after that, babe?” She instantly pulls out a bottle of Budweiser and pops the cap.

“Thanks, Regina. What are you drinking, Alannah?”

“I’ll have a VK blue, please.” I perch on a stool next to him, my short purple tube dress hitching up my thigh. It doesn’t go unnoticed by Dayton. Regina puts my drink in front of me.

“Enjoy, this one is on the house.”

“Thanks, Regina. Come on, Lana. I wanna say hi to the others.”

He takes my hand again and as I slide off the stool I get another icy look from Regina.

Dayton is met by a round of applause from the gang at the booth and he looks modestly embarrassed. “Give over, you fools,” he chuckles before letting me sit down first and he slides into the booth after me.

Brent looks positively sick with nerves now and Dayton slaps him on the back. “You ready for your slot, Brent? Only half an hour until you’re on.” The smile slides off Dayton’s face when he sees the ashen white pallor of Brent’s face. “Luke, you dumb ass, I told you not to let him drink too much before his set.”

Brent looks at Luke through unfocused eyes before turning to Dayton. “S’not his fault, Dayt, t’was me who drank too much. M’sorry, man.”

Dayton looks like he’s trying not to swear when he runs his hands over his face and rakes his fingers through his hair. “Shit, Barros is gonna be furious. Do you know how hard it was for me to convince him to give you this shot?”

“Dayton,” Ross says quietly before nodding his head towards the bar where Regina is heading in our direction. “Brent, look alive.” We all drop silent as Miss Perfection slides up to the table with a blindingly white smile slapped across her face.

“Any empties, boys?” she breezes but nobody has finished their drinks. “Oh, and just to be clear, there are no drinks to be consumed on the dance floor.”

“We know this, Regina,” Corrine says in a tone you would use with a child. Macy and Dina are looking at Regina with pure loathing, surely she can feel the vibes blazing from this booth? Even the men seem on tenterhooks.

“Seems not everyone got the message.” She turns to me. “You took your drink with you out there. Make sure you don’t do it again.”

I am about to reply but Dayton steps in before me. “It’s her first night, Regina, cut her some slack. I’ll look after her, don’t worry.” He offers her a sweet smile, which she returns and places her hand on his shoulder.

“Thank you, babe. I knew you were going to say that.” Then she flicks me a glance of disapproval.

I resist rolling my eyes at her and look over the table at Corrine who is practically snarling.

“Brent, no vomiting on my floors, boy. Move it!” Regina barks suddenly, taking us all by surprise, including Brent who snaps his head up and slaps his hand to his mouth. He bolts towards the restrooms which provokes chuckles from the men at the table but us women trade sympathetic glances. “Dayton, how the hell is he supposed to play like that? Dad is going to be livid. Would you be a complete darling and try to sort him out?” She practically flutters her eyelashes at him.

Is this bird for real? I don’t know about Miss Perfection, Miss Schizophrenic sounds more appropriate.

“Of course, Regina. I’ll go check on him in a few minutes,” Dayton assures her whilst flicking a glance of irritation to Luke who simply shrugs.

“Thanks, babe.” Regina smiles before running her finger down his cheek. “You’re an angel.” She pouts before flouncing off back to the bar. I get a twist of jealousy in my stomach and I curl my lip, trading a glance with Corrine.

Out of nowhere Dina starts clapping and bouncing in her seat. “I fluffin’ love this track, come on, ladies, we have
to dance.”

There is a flurry of activity around the table as we are all shuffled from our seats. “Let’s go, Lana,” Dina squeaks, taking my hand and pulling me away towards the main room.

“Are you coming?” I call back to Dayton but he shakes his head.

“I’m gonna check on Brent first. You go enjoy yourself.”

I can’t help but feel a little gutted but out on the dance floor I’m soon swept up in the music as I rock my hips in time to the music. The bass and the atmosphere are intoxicating and I pop out some moves with Corrine. I close my eyes and go with the flow, grinding with Corrine and letting the euphoric sounds take me away. When I open my eyes I come face to face with Dayton who is standing before me, watching my every move, his lip caught between his teeth. I give him a lazy grin before I feel his hands slide around my waist and pull me gently to him.

I straddle his leg and rock my body against his. He is firm and solid beneath my palms and he moves in perfect time with me, running his hands up my back and causing lust to ripple from my core. Just the feel of his hands on my body is doing explosive things to my libido. I turn in his arms and press my bottom into his groin, swaying my hips and pushing my back to his chest. He gathers my hair and pulls it back over my shoulder before placing a chaste kiss on the side of my throat and inhaling my hair.

I close my eyes and revel in the pleasure of feeling him against me whilst I run my nails up his denim clad thighs. “You look good enough to eat, Alannah Matthews. You have no idea what you’re doing to me.”

I smile and turn my face to his, tipping my chin and putting my lips to his. He returns the kiss and I turn in his arms, pulling him to me and going up on tip toes to deepen the kiss, needing to taste him. He explores my mouth with his tongue, making me groan and press the length of my body against his. He smiles against my mouth. “I take that back, you know exactly what you’re doing.”

“Of course I do,” I tease before kissing him again, wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

Someone clears their throat and pulls on Dayton’s shoulder. “If you’ve finished, Brent is asking for you. He’s finished throwing up,” Regina snaps and Dayton looks at her in surprise.

“Oh, shit, yeah. Sorry, Alannah, I’ll be right back,” he says to me before turning and following a very pissed off Regina.

I sway on the spot and decide a quick bathroom break is needed. I leave the girls and head to the restrooms to freshen up. It’s quiet in here now and the cool quietness is welcoming. I smile at the make-up attendant before slipping into one of the many vacant cubicles. I hear the outside door open and Regina speak to who must be the attendant. “Julie, take your break while it’s quiet.”

“Fine,” Julie replies before I hear the outside door open and close again. I think we’re alone in the ladies by design rather than chance so I take a deep breath before pulling my wits about me and stepping out to the wash basins. Regina is standing at the sink, combing through her blond locks. Her eyes meet mine in the mirror but she offers no smile. I start to wash my hands silently.

“You know, Dayton and I have been friends for a long time,” she pipes up and I look up, meeting her penetrating gaze but saying nothing. “I’d never let anyone hurt him. He deserves better.”

Her words hang in the air and when I don’t immediately reply she quirks one perfectly shaped eyebrow in question. I give her a bland look, does she mean Dayton deserves better than me? Someone like her? Who the hell does she think she is? Stalking me into an empty restroom and thinking she can warn me off someone that isn’t even hers. I dry my hands then give her an even and cool look. “Regina, the only way I’ll hurt him is if he is into rough sex.”

I hear her intake of breath and before she has a chance to answer I give her a butter-wouldn’t-melt smile, trying to mentally pop a halo out of the top of my head. Then I walk out, leaving her standing there, mouth open and speechless.

“Silly bitch,” I giggle to myself before heading back to the booth where the girls have returned and Dayton and Brent are both sat. I lay a little kiss on Dayton’s cheek then he stands to let me sit down next to Corrine. He immediately pulls me close to his side and wraps his arm around me.

“How’s Brent?” I ask quietly and he rolls his eyes.

“Better now he has brought his boots up. He’s sobered up a lot and I’ve made him drink water. Hopefully he’ll be fine; he says he feels better now.”

“I hope he manages to play, he seemed so hyped about getting a slot tonight.” I give him a sympathetic glance and I have to admit, he does look semi human now he’s emptied his stomach of vodka. Dina is rubbing his shoulder and talking quietly to him. “It was nice of you to look after him.”

“That was more for my sake than his,” Dayton admits with a little smirk and I playfully slap his shoulder. He pulls me tightly to him, almost onto his lap and kisses me. I savour the taste of him and let our tongues dance.

are the lucky bitch?” a voice interrupts us and we pull apart to see Julie, the restroom attendant, smirking at us with her hand on her hip. Dayton looks totally thrown and looks from me to Julie and then back to me. I nod with a smile. “Were they your knickers?”

All of us ladies burst into giggles and Dayton looks even more lost. I shake my head. “No, sorry, they weren’t. The mystery woman is still at large,” I giggle and Julie rolls her eyes.

“Good luck with bitch tits.” She grins before walking away. I turn to Dayton who looks totally confused. “Don’t ask, it’s a long story.”


A few hours later I have danced to another hour long set of Dayton’s, pulling off all my sexiest dance moves to impress him and I’ve danced with him in the downstairs room for the hour that Brent played. Dayton was right, the puking and water soon sobered him up and he played a really good set. The clubbers seemed to love him and he had Dayton and me on our feet the whole hour long. The night soon draws to a close though and I’m gutted it has to end. I’ve had a fantastic time (Regina aside) and I don’t want to say goodnight to Dayton yet.

“Are you busy tomorrow?” he asks as we stand waiting for Corrine to get her jacket from the cloakroom.

“I’m going to view a car with my dad and I have a deadline at college. I can’t miss it, I only have two weeks left before my work goes in for marking.” I pout and he kisses my bottom lip.

“I’m going to miss you. You’ll call me, won’t you?”

“Of course. What are you doing on Monday? I know you won the race but how about we go to the cinema anyway? You can choose what we watch.”

“It’s a date.” He offers me a boyish grin before kissing me again. When Corrine joins us he escorts us both outside to the taxi rank. When we find our taxi he gives me a long and thorough kiss until I begrudgingly break away and join Corrine in the taxi, wishing him goodnight. Before the car pulls up outside my house I receive a text message from him.

BOOK: The Final Note (DJ Series Book 1)
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