The Final Note (DJ Series Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: The Final Note (DJ Series Book 1)
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And with that she wobbles off and disappears, Dayton and I watching her receding back. The garden falls into quietness again and I sigh. “I suppose that’s my cue to make an exit.” I smirk and if I’m not mistaken he looks a little crestfallen. “It was nice to meet you, Dayton.”

I get to my feet and collect my shoes and handbag from the foot of the swing, when I stand he is right before me, standing incredibly close and I catch his scent on the warm May breeze. He smells expensive, clean and fresh. His close proximity and scent is intoxicating, his eyes look deep into mine and he takes a deep breath, like he is about to say something but he stops and offers me his hand in silence. I look up at him and take his hand, not saying a word. The same tingles from earlier electrify my hand as he leads me through the house and out into the front garden which is now empty.

Just before we get to the open gate Dayton stops and looks down into my eyes. I wait in anticipation, desperately wanting him to kiss me.

“It was nice to meet you, Alannah. Will you pay a visit to Lexis sometime?”

He lets go of my hand and I nod. “Of course.”

“Soon?” He smiles and I nod again. “Good night.”

“Night, Dayton.” I walk towards the waiting taxi, feeling crestfallen.

Is that it? No offer of a phone number? No kiss good night? I have to stop myself from pouting. When I pull the taxi door closed and look back at the house he has disappeared indoors and I sag against the seat and frown. Well, that was a wash out. I thought maybe we were going to hit it off. I’m sure he was giving me all the right signals and I thought I was, too. Maybe I read it all wrong? Maybe he has a girlfriend?

As the taxi drives off into the breaking dawn I can’t help but feel like I’ve just missed a golden opportunity.

Chapter 2


I wake up to the sound of Mum pottering around in the kitchen. I lift my head to look at the clock and feel the dull ache. 10.30am. I sit up and feel the swirl of liquid in my stomach. Oh, yes, this is a grade A hangover. I rub my gritty eyes, still laden with mascara that I neglected to remove when I crashed at 5am. I head off to the kitchen in search of ice water and painkillers, greeting Mum and accepting a slice of toast which I wolf down before heading for the shower.

Exactly as predicted my brother, Coby, is in the bathroom. I knock on the door and he swings it open, the Lynx laden steam billowing out behind him.

“Morning, Lana,” he shouts loudly, knowing I’m going to be sporting a headache this morning. I give him an unimpressed smirk. Coby is sixteen years old and every inch the brash young teen.

“Funny, Cobe.”

“Hung over, sis?” He laughs, wandering off to his bedroom where he turns his Ministry of Sound CD up on purpose.

In the shower my mind wanders back to last night, specifically Dayton Scott and his sexy blue eyes, cute smile and mucky blond hair. If my memory serves me right, I think I can honestly say he is the hottest guy I’ve laid eyes on in a long time. And more importantly, he was the most easy-going, chivalrous guy I’ve met - ever. Is that why I feel like I need to see him again? Why I feel like I need to dig for more information about him?

I remember that Corrine knows him. I wonder if she has him as a friend on Facebook? Good old social media, the perfect instrument to feed a stalker’s addiction. I smirk to myself. Surely he didn’t get under my skin that badly? I can’t put my finger on what it is about him that got me so intrigued, all I know is, I want to know more.

I dry and slip on yoga pants and a vest top. I mentally plan my lazy Sunday, doing nothing except nursing this hangover. I have a 5,000 word essay on Newton Hearings in Criminal Law Proceedings to finish before college on Tuesday and I boot the laptop up to make a start. I lay out all my text books and open the word processor.

My phone interrupts me and I swipe to answer the call from Corrine.

“Morning, babes.”

She doesn’t sound in the slightest bit the worse for wear after last night. I note this with a stab of envy. Corrine and the girls just have an alcohol tolerance I wasn’t born with and cannot develop.

“Hey, sweetie. I take it you’re bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning? I feel like shit by the way.”

This earns me a hearty laugh. “Kinda goes without saying. So, are you planning on filling me in or what?”

“Filling you in on what exactly? How nothing happened with Dayton?” I don’t even try to keep the disappointment out of my voice.

“What? Not even a quick kiss goodnight?” She sounds about as disappointed as I feel.

“Nothing, not even a fluffin’ peck on the cheek. I thought I was giving off all the kiss-me-vibes. I didn’t even get his number.”

“If I know Dayton as well as I think I do, then he probably didn’t want you to feel like he was being pushy. Sometimes he’s too good for his own good.”

“How do you know him anyway? Please don’t tell me you’ve dated.”

“No, nothing like that. He’s good friends with Ross and Macy. Ross works with him, not at Lexis obviously, at Scott Roofing. He did walk me home once when our taxis didn’t show. He was a perfect gent though.”

I’m relieved to hear that; I could never go somewhere Corrine has already been. It would just be too weird.

“So besides the fucking huge anti-climax it was a great night. I’m paying for it today though, so I intend to veg out all day. What about you?”

I absently flick through my text book, checking the passages I’ve highlighted.

“I’m just gonna chill, order pizza and watch Friends DVDs. I just wanted to check in. I’ll catch you later.” Corrine tinkles and I make an agreeable sound before we say goodbye and hang up.

Before I put my phone down a Facebook notification pops up.

Dayton Scott sent you a friends request.

A whirl of butterflies I didn’t know lived in my stomach, take flight and I get a ping of excitement. Do great minds really think alike? Was he thinking of me this morning, too? I smirk to myself and decide to log into Facebook on my laptop.

His profile picture is stunning. He’s laid out on a sun lounger, obviously somewhere abroad and he has his hands behind his head, sunglasses on, and a wide, white smile splitting his face. It’s his body that grabs my attention though; he is wearing nothing but white swim shorts which highlight how nicely tanned his body is. Tanned and sculpted like a god. Holy shit, this guy is divine and my memories from last night don’t do him justice.

I scroll down his profile page and see pictures he has been tagged in from last night. There is one of him stood talking to Ross. There is a woman standing with them, partially turned from the camera. She is strikingly good-looking, stunning even, with beautiful golden locks and big blue eyes. She has an angelic look about her and I get an unwarranted stab of jealousy that she is friends with Dayton. I sigh. I’m sure he talks to hundreds of beautiful women in his line of work. What made me think he would be taken by me when he has the likes of Miss Perfection hanging around him?

I click off Facebook and go back to my college work. I know I’ll accept Dayton’s friends request but I don’t want to seem too eager and I won’t purposely make myself feel inferior by looking at pictures of him and gorgeous women.

By lunchtime I have more than half my essay done and I go join Mum, Dad, and Coby for a traditional Sunday Roast. It runs away the last of my hangover and afterwards I help my mum, Sandra, do the dishes whilst my dad, Harry, goes out to cut the lawn. Coby makes a quick exit to go meet some friends.

About 2 o’clock I decide to go for a short run, figuring the fresh air will do me good and it’s perfect weather for a run, warm but not hot and a nice breeze. I throw on some shorts and a short top before putting my Nikes on and grabbing my iPhone and earphones. I warm up quickly and set off at a gentle jog.

Pounding the pavement is always a good way for me to run off tension and clear my head, not to mention it keeps my athletic figure trim and toned. Gyms and sports aren’t really my bag, I prefer the peace of solo exercise. Dayton and his regular gym visits pop into my mind and I must admit, if I was looking for a workout partner I would be more than happy to be his ‘spotter’ at the gym.

I pick up the speed as I pass over a small bridge and make a left onto a dirt track that runs through some woodland. I know it opens up to a small play park not too far from home where I’ll start to slow my pace to cool down. For now though I break into an almost sprint, loving the feeling of the gravel beneath my feet, the wind rushing over my body and my heart racing as the endorphins blaze through my veins. I feel free.

Back home I take another quick shower before getting my pyjamas on and flicking through my DVD collection, settling on
Erin Brockovich
. I push Dayton’s pending request out of my mind. He is probably used to women falling at his feet and I don’t intend to do the same.

After the movie I snack on a bowl of grapes and strawberries before I finally give in to my taunting thoughts and pick up my phone, opening the Facebook app. I click accept before putting
in the DVD player. I’m quickly drawn in and when my messenger app blinks with a notification twenty minutes later I almost don’t check it but Dayton’s name seems to leap off of the screen and I open the message, feeling flattered he is the first one to reach out.

Hi Alannah. How’s your Sunday been? Are those cute little feet feeling better today? :) I hope you don’t mind me sending you a friend request. I’m not a stalker, honestly.

I smirk and hit reply.

Hey Dayton. My Sunday has been very chilling, thanks. I did some coursework, went for a run, then came home and relaxed. What about you? Of course I don’t mind you sending a friend request! Thanks for getting in touch.

I don’t have to wait long for him to reply, his response is almost instant.

I’ve just chilled all day, too, went to the gym but that’s about it. Borderline boring. I would have come for a run with you if I’d have had your number. Maybe next time?

Maybe next time? Oh, yes, please. I usually run alone but for Dayton I would make an exception. Is he hinting at me offering my phone number?

Well, you never gave me your number so how could I invite you along? I run up on Buile Hill Park around 6 o’clock on a Tuesday if you fancy meeting me? My number is on my profile by the way :)

Almost instantly I get a text message from a number I don’t recognise.

Tuesday at 6 sounds good to me, I look forward to working out and getting sweaty with you ;) D

I can’t help but chuckle to myself and I save his number in my contacts list. I got a winky face! I almost squeak. He is definitely flirting. Well, two can play that game.

Be prepared, Dayton, I’m going to make you work alright :) A x

Oh, I look forward to it! See you soon. Goodnight, Alannah x

Night, Dayton x

I put my phone on charge with a smirk on my face. If I doubted the signals last night then I can’t doubt them tonight, he is definitely flirting. The snide part of my mind tells me I’m nothing special and he probably flirts with all his female friends. I push the thought away. I’m sure if he was a player I would have picked up on it, and Corrine has already said he’s a good guy. Maybe I’ve just got lucky and found someone half descent for the first time in my life?


Chapter 3


On Monday I’m at work at Hallam Sports and the day is passing a bore of footwear and serving a slow trickle of customers until lunch. I book my old J Reg Ford Fiesta in for a pre-MOT. I’ve been dreading the test because I know my old car (or Phil as I nicknamed him) is probably going to cost more to repair than to replace. I just can’t help feeling attached; my dad bought me the car when I first passed my driving test and I’m sentimentally vested in the old banger. After lunch I go relieve Josh so he can go on his lunch break.

I’m just putting back some declined stock when I come out of the storeroom and stop dead in my tracks. Dayton is standing in the men’s department and looking fine as hell in loose fitting work jeans with a tear in the knee and a green polo shirt with ‘Scott Roofing Services’ printed across his broad shoulders. I start to approach him and when he seems to notice me from the corner of his eye he does a double take. A lopsided smile spreads across his face.

“Fancy seeing you here,” he says and laughs, the sound making the butterflies already dancing in my tummy dance twice as fast.

“Yeah, fancy. Small world, isn’t it?”

He looks at the floor, seemingly a little embarrassed before his eyes meet mine.

“Obviously I saw you worked here from your Facebook profile. I swear I’m not a stalker.” He chuckles. “I really do need to invest in some new running footwear though if you’re seriously planning on working me tomorrow.”

I see the mischief in his eyes and I bite my lip with a grin. My drunken memories don’t do him justice, his mouth is beyond kissable and, wow, those piercing eyes, hypnotising.

“Well, you definitely came to the right place. These are probably what you’re looking for.” I guide him to a display and his eyes rack over the shelves as I observe him. He brushes his fringe back with a swipe of his hand as he looks up at the trainers on the higher shelves, it instantly flicks back down onto his forehead and I see the cowlick in his fringe is natural and impossibly cute. He picks up a pair of Nike Livestrong.

“What about these? Are they any good for a newbie runner?”

“They’re actually the ones I would recommend. I’m not sure they’ll stop you struggling to keep up with me but they’ll definitely not be the reason you struggle.” I smirk and he pushes me gently with his hip, laughing at my taunt.

“I do have stamina, you know? What makes you so sure you can outrun me?”

“Because I’m guessing in the gym you lift weights more than anything else and it takes more than muscles to run 5k.”

“Okay. I suppose only time will tell.” He winks and I almost swoon. Yes, me, Alannah Matthews, celibacy sister, swooning. “I’ll take these in a size 10 then, please.”

I head off to the storeroom and just before I push open the door I look back and see him checking out my ass. I can’t help but laugh when he looks a little embarrassed to have been caught. I get him the Nikes.

“Is that all I will need?”

“Yeah, pretty much. You might want to invest in a ribble, too.” I point to the hip belt that holds your drinks bottle. They’re above the tills and Dayton nods.

“I’ll take one of those, too, please.”

I ring up his Nikes on the till, usually, I would let Gemma deal with this but I want to serve Dayton myself. I climb the stepladders with as much grace as I possess and damn my legs for feeling like jelly around him. Reaching up I feel my top ride up and expose my midriff. I quickly scan his ribble and bag up his purchases as he pays with his card. I put the receipt in the bag and hand it over with a smile.

“Have a good workout, sir,” I tease and his fingers slide over mine as he takes the bag, provoking more tingles and butterfly dancing.

“I’m sure it will be the best ever,” he replies quietly before winking and making for the exit. I watch his gorgeous behind as he leaves and someone clearing their throat breaks into my trance.

“Erm, hello!” Gemma drags my attention.

“Sorry, Gem.”

“Oh, don’t apologise. That was probably the most heated purchase I have ever witnessed. I don’t think he even noticed I was here. Who was it? Because he definitely has the hots for you.”

“His name’s Dayton, he’s a DJ at Lexis. Have you ever been?”

Gemma shrugs. “Probably, but I haven’t been clubbing in ages. How do you know him?”

“I met him at a house party at the weekend, we’re meeting up tomorrow.”

“Oh, you jammy bitch. You never date but when you do you land yourself a hot guy like that. I’m pea green. Has Mr-Service-With-A-Smile got any fit friends?” Gemma smirks before going back to putting alarms on stock.

“I don’t know. I hardly know him.”

“Well, enjoy your date and if you meet any of his friends worth my time just let me know.” Gem laughs and I assure her I will.

The rest of the day passes in a blur and after work I collect my bag from the cloakroom before wishing Gemma and Josh a good night. When I check my phone I see I have one missed call from Corrine and a text message from Dayton.

It was great seeing you today. I’m looking forward to tomorrow. x

I hit reply with a grin to myself.

Thanks for dropping by, it was nice seeing you, too. Conserve some energy for tomorrow, you’ll need it ;) I’m looking forward to it as well. x

I dial Corrine back and she tells me they’re having a girly night if I fancy dropping by so I tell her I’ll see her soon and let my mum know I won’t be home for dinner.

Corrine lives close to Manchester University so traffic is heavy and just as I pull up I see Macy and Dina on the doorstep.

“Hey, babe,” Dina greets.

“Hi, ladies.” I smile, locking up Phil and sending up a silent prayer the old boy does okay tomorrow at the test centre. I’m not ready to part company with him yet.

“Did you bring a bottle?” Macy asks and I shake my head.

“Nope, I’m paying for the take away though. I can’t drink anyway, driving.” I point at the car and the girls nod.

We let ourselves into Corrine’s small but incredibly bright flat. She has a slightly unhealthy obsession with anything tie dyed or rainbow coloured. I park myself on an overstuffed chair and pull the rainbow cushion onto my knee before kicking my Nikes off and curling my feet underneath me.

“Okay, ladies. What are we watching? I’ve cut it down to three choices. Twilight-fest, Vampire-Diaries-binge or True-Blood-gorging?” Corrine flops down onto a bright pink bean bag next to the sofa.

“We did Twilight last time. I’m voting Vampire Diaries,” Dina states whilst pouring out glasses of Pinot Grigio. Corrine passes me a glass of Shloer which I thank her for.

“Nah, let’s do True Blood. Joe Manganiello is smokin’ hot,” Macy pipes up.

“What, and Ian Somerhalder isn’t? Please, girl. I vote Vampire Diaries.” I side with Dina and Corrine looks torn.

“I’m tossing a coin,” she states and we all watch her flick a pound coin into the air before grabbing it in mid-air and slapping it onto the coffee table, her hand still covering it. “Heads for Ian. Tails for Joe.”

“I’d give Ian head, too.” Dina sniggers and we all fall into a fit of giggles.

“Well, I’d take Joe’s tail any day, too.” Macy snorts, making us all crack up laughing again. When we calm, Corrine lifts her hand, exposing the pound coin, head’s up.

“Damon Salvatore wins.”

“Hello, brother,” I say in a sexy voice, knowing it’s Ian Somerhalder’s first line in the show. We have vamp fests way too often. Corrine puts disc one into the DVD player and we all pick what we want from the Chinese takeout menu before I place our order. Once we are settled, Corrine picks up the remote but before she hits the play button she turns to me.

“Hey, Lana, if you want Dayton’s phone number I bet Macy could give it to you.”

“Yeah, I heard you and him hooked up at the weekend. Way to go, Lana,” Dina congratulates but I’m shaking my head.

“We didn’t
hook up.
We talked, that’s it.”

“Well, whatever you said got him intrigued because he was asking Ross all about you on Sunday. I told him to send you a friend request on Facebook because I didn’t wanna give your number out without your permission,” Macy explains before taking a sip of her wine.

“Yeah, I’ve spoken to him, he came into work today and we’re meeting up tomorrow.” All three of them trade looks and I can’t help but think they know something I don’t. “Look, don’t start. It’s not like we are anything more than friends or-” Corrine cuts me off midsentence with a hand in the air.

“He came into your workplace, Alannah. That tells us all we need to know.”

“Aww, it’s so romantic.” Dina sighs with a far off look in her eyes.

“He came to buy new trainers!” I protest.

“It’s so Officer and a Gentleman.” Macy has a dreamy smile on her face.

“He hardly swept me off my feet and carried me away into the sunset, for crying out loud.”

I look at their wistful faces and quirk an eyebrow. I really do think they’re losing the plot here.

“You just don’t see it how we do, Lana. It’s Dayton we’re talking about here, and you.”

“And?” I raise my eyebrows.

“Listen, you’ve probably guessed that Dayton has a lot of women throwing themselves at him. He is gorgeous, charming and he’s one of the biggest DJs in Manchester’s hottest nightclub. He has had to have security literally drag women out of the DJ booth! Yet he never dates. Sure, he is always polite and thoughtful about how he knocks women back, but he
knocks them back.” Corrine shrugs like she doesn’t get it. “But you get under his skin,
out, drops in on you at work.”

Now I shrug, I don’t know why I’m so different. I didn’t do anything to impress him, I’m just.. me. Dina turns to me.

“The same with you, you’re gorgeous, men throw themselves at you.”

“Slimeballs ogle me,” I correct her, but she continues regardless.

“You’re amazing though, Lana. You’re caring, funny, loyal and intelligent. You’re so happy in your own little world without men. You don’t need a guy to make you happy. Yet Dayton catches your attention.”

“It’s destiny,” Macy states and I roll my eyes.

“You girls have watched too much sloppy vampire romance.” I smirk before whipping the remote from Corrine and hitting the play button. They exchange more knowing glances and I make a point of ignoring them. In my head though I am reeling, totally flattered by their words and suddenly twice as flattered that Dayton seems to have chosen me to flirt with and get to know better.


The next day I have college until lunch and after a quick pasta salad for lunch, Dad and I set off for the test centre to get the final verdict on Phil and whether I can manage to tease another year of motoring out of him. I sit waiting on the hard plastic chairs flipping through car magazines and letting my thoughts wander. As soon as I qualify and get into full time work in a legal firm the first thing I want to treat myself to is a new car. Not that I want to replace Phil, but sure enough the fat, bolding mechanic sticks his head into the waiting room and confirms my suspicions.

“Sorry, love. The floor is shot, the diagnostics are a complete mess, the handbrake needs replacing and the ball joint on the driver’s side is knackered.” I sigh and nod my understanding.

The drive home is quiet. Dad knows it’s going to hurt to let Phil go.

“Just a thought, dew drop, but why don’t you consider auctioning the car off. If you can’t stand the idea of putting it in a scrap yard, I mean?”

I flick a glance at my dad and furrow my brow.

“Who would buy it though, Dad? He’s had it, you heard the guy at the garage.”

“Well, people buy old cars like this to fix up. It is pretty much a classic car, you don’t see many of these up for sale nowadays.”

“What, you mean like as a fixer-upper?” The idea definitely appeals and it would ease my guilt. “That’s a great idea, Dad. I’ll list it on an eBay auction.”

“I’m sure it will sell, Lana.”

I get home and take a few pictures and register the auction, hoping he goes to the right owner who will love him as much as I do. After a light dinner I take my time picking out which sportswear to run in today; excited anticipation has been building all day about meeting Dayton tonight. I opt for a bra type top with a loose vest top over the top and tight short shorts. I go commando to avoid a VPL and fill my ribble with ice chips and water.

It’s a bright day so I slip on my sunglasses and start the short walk to the park. When I arrive I spot Dayton straight away. He looks stunning in a white vest top which shows off his sculpted upper body and great tan. He’s wearing loose black shorts with his ribble hung around his narrow waist and his legs would put a football player to shame. Oh god, his winning white smile also stops my heart and I give him a little wave.

“Afternoon, sugar. You look good enough to eat,” he greets me before hesitantly planting a swift kiss on my cheek.

“Right back at you. How’s your day been?”

“Busy, work was hell in this heat and I’ve just finished mastering a track I’ve submitted to a record label.”

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