The Final Note (DJ Series Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: The Final Note (DJ Series Book 1)
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Chapter 16


Friday morning I am totally hyped for our trip. The journey alone has me excited because I’m doing half the driving on the 205 mile journey, in the Evo. Dayton finally trusts me enough to temporarily insure me and let me drive his baby. I’m just cruising down the M6 and listening to Dayton telling me about the set he has planned for tomorrow night. I’ve already heard the new tracks he has produced for Jimmy to listen to and they are amazing.

“I’m sure you’re going to be fine, you’ll blow their socks off,” I assure him as we pull into the motorway services.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been this nervous about playing a set. It’s going to be on a huge scale.”

“Dayton, you have all the skills you need and more, don’t let nerves be your downfall.”

“You’re right. Maybe a couple of shots will help calm me.”

I burst out laughing as we enter a café for coffees before we hit the road again. “I’ll tell Brent.”

This wins me a cheeky smile and he playfully narrows his eyes. “Grasser.”

The journey passes in a blur of idle chit chat and as we near Clerkenwell I feel the excitement building in me. The place is just so alive with activity and life. The pavements are packed with people busy rushing around like they’re late for something. When we pull up at The Dilston my mouth falls open. “Holy shit. This is where we’re staying?”

“Yep. You’re gonna love it.”

“Dayton, I’m wearing jeans. Look at me.” I get out of the car and look up at the entrance. It’s grand on a scale I could never comprehend. Dayton takes my hand and gives me a wink.

“I don’t care what you’re wearing, they’re lucky to have you here. Come on, let’s go get you out of those jeans.”

I stifle a giggle, letting him guide me into the opulent entry hall. Just the huge stone columns and huge chandeliers have me sinking into my sensible flats. I feel like Julia Roberts being escorted through the hotel by Richard Gere in Pretty Woman, minus the fact that Dayton hasn’t swathed me in his coat. I try to be invisible as Dayton checks us in and I keep my eyes on the polished marble floor.

“Come on, sugar.” We head to the bank of lifts and once inside I breathe a little easier. We alight on the top floor, our room is at the end of the hall. “I booked us a room with a terrace. I wanted this weekend to be special. Starting with dinner tonight.”

“Dayton, you didn’t have to do all this for me,” I assure him as I step into our room. It’s phenomenal. Everything is so swanky with plush furnishings and expensive décor. One side of the room is a wall of windows leading out onto a terrace that overlooks the park opposite. I can’t resist going out to get a proper look and Dayton follows me out, pulling me back to him and resting his chin on my shoulder.

“You know, I don’t think I’d be capable of any of this without you. You just being here means so much to me.” He nuzzles into my neck.

“I’m sure you’re more than capable of doing this without me, baby. You managed perfectly before me,” I remind him but he shakes his head.

“Nothing on this scale. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, sugar. There must be thousands of guys in my position who would trade their granny to be here now. I mean, this could be my making and it’s because of you and Dopey I got the chance?”


“The dwarf you bought me. He’s lived in my studio for months. You pair are my good luck charms.” He grins and I roll my eyes. “Seriously, he’s in my suitcase.”

“You got this chance because of your talent, Dayton. Now you just need to show them what you’ve got, and I know it’s a lot. But, just for the record, I’m pleased to be here with you. There’s nowhere else I would rather be.”

I tip my chin and bring my lips to his. His arms tighten around me and the breeze from being up so high on the terrace carries Dayton’s scent. I turn in his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck and going on tip toes to deepen the kiss but Dayton breaks off, resting his forehead against mine.

“Thank you, for being here, for easing my nerves, for your support. For everything. I love you, Alannah Matthews.”

I sigh, my feelings for him momentarily suffocating me. “I love you, too, Dayton Scott.”

We spend the afternoon in bed, then the huge bathtub, then the couch. We almost miss our dinner reservation in the stunning hotel restaurant. The food and intimate atmosphere is divine and totally romantic but it’s not enough to make us linger after we have satisfied our appetites because we have an insatiable appetite for each other that can only be satisfied in the privacy of our hotel room.


The next morning I am laid by the hotel pool sipping cranberry juice on a lounger whilst Dayton swims lengths. I have been pampered like a princess from head to toe, literally. I’ve had a facial, manicure, pedicure and a full body massage. I’m so relaxed I could fall to sleep right here. I’m not sure if it’s all the aromatherapy about the place or the fact that we were up most of the night feasting on each other but right now I’m happily sated and chilled by the pool.

Dayton finishes his length of the pool and climbs out, his biceps and pecs flexing as he pulls himself out of the water. A memory of those muscles bunched under my palms flashes through my mind and I nibble my lip to stop from smiling as he approaches. “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing, just mucky thoughts. You look amazing all wet and dripping.”

“Or you just have a mucky mind and can’t help yourself.” He smirks but I shake my head.

“I’m not the only one then. See that group of ladies at 5 o’clock, over on the other side of the pool? Their eyes have stalked you the whole time we have been in here. Face it, Dayton, you’re gorgeous.”

Sure enough when he casually flicks a look behind him all four ladies avert their eyes, but they trade knowing glances. I smirk, I can’t blame them, my man is a sight to behold, especially half naked in wet swim trunks.

“Okay, now I’m uncomfortable. I’m gonna go dress then we can grab some lunch and go sightseeing and shopping.”

“Okay, where have you got in mind?” I follow him to the changing rooms to begrudgingly change out of my super soft and fluffy Dilston robe I’ve been snuggled up in.


After we took in the sights at Buckingham Palace, rode the London eye and visited Madame Tussauds, we hit the shops. I’m lured to a tiny little shop down a side street, the retro sweets and the chocolate fountain in the window make it impossible not to go inside. I quickly swipe up popping candy for the girls and a bag of pink shrimps and banana foam sweets for Coby. I fondly remember sitting separating the bag into two piles on Sunday night while we watched Gladiators on TV. “I need vanilla fudge for Dad and comfits for Mum,” I declare, darting between the shelves, much to Dayton’s amusement.

“You’re literally like a kid in a candy store.” He chuckles, lazily scanning the displays of chocolate. When I have what I’m looking for I find him in the chocolate aisle. “Well, I know not to buy you any of this stuff.”

“Look, Wonka bars. How are these even real? You think Roald Dahl get commission on this stuff?” I giggle. I look up to Dayton who has a faraway look in his milky blue eyes and a small smile on his face. “What?”

“I love the childlike characteristics in you. You have London’s designer stores at your feet and we end up in here, just like the Disney store. It’s adorable.” I feel a blush colour my cheeks and he pushes a stray hair behind my ear. “Your optimism is infectious, you know? I bet you even imagine there’s a golden ticket in that bar, don’t you?”

I giggle. “There could be. I’m going to buy it for you. If there is one then you know the audition at Sphinx is going to win you what you want.” I grin, heading to the till with my sweets and chocolate.

We end up in a huge department store, browsing everything and nothing. “Why don’t we buy you something to put character in the flat?” I suggest and Dayton looks over from a shelf full of picture frames.

“Like what?”

I shrug. “I dunno. Things you like, things that are

“Okay, well. You tell me what things you think are ‘me’ and I’ll buy them.”

“Dayton, that’s so lazy. There are a million things in this store for you to do up that near empty flat, there must be something that you like?” I laugh and I see Dayton look around the shelves like he is trying to pick something for the first time.

He spots something over the other side of the room and darts off. “I like these.” He grins, plonking his sexy ass down in a union jack bean bag chair. I smile.

“So get one.”

“But I have perfectly good sofas to sit on. I don’t need this.”

“You didn’t
to spend all that money on a hotel but you did. Why not splurge on your flat for once?”

“Okay, I’ll get one, if I can buy you that one?” He nods at the matching bean bag in shades of pink. I roll my eyes and sit on the bag.

“Fine. But if you’re planning on getting his and hers everything it’s going to be a long day and you’re on at Sphinx in four hours,” I remind him.

“Okay, so let’s get cracking.”

He pulls me from the bean bag, heading off to find more purchases for his flat.

An hour later we have a pair of iDucks for our phones whilst we are in the shower. What can I say? He even wants music in the shower. It’s so ‘Dayton’ that I had to laugh when he added them to his order. He bought throw cushions with musical notes on them and bedding with the New York City skyline on. I sneakily managed to buy him a silver ring with musical notes around it. I plan on giving it to him before we head back to Manchester tomorrow. I just feel after all he has spent on lavishing me in luxury this weekend I had to buy him a thank you token to show my gratitude.

We wander into the department with all the pictures and canvases and he heads straight to the pop art prints. “Hey, look at this.” He indicates a desk with personal pop prints. “I want one of these.”

I’m looking at previous customers prints then it dawns on me what he wants. “I’m not going on one of these,” I declare, feeling embarrassed but ever so slightly flattered.

“What? Why not? It would be great in the kitchen with my new red accessories that you picked.” He grins. “Do you take the picture or can I use one off of my mobile?” Dayton asks the assistant who looks like she is ready for swooning, happy that he is even acknowledging her. She recovers herself and bats her eyelashes at him with an adorable smile.

“You can email a picture to this address, sir. Or I could take a picture and you can see the results on the computer before you order.”

“See, if you don’t pose for one then I’m going to use one off of my phone. Please, Alannah. I really want this, more than the bean bags.”

His eyes look pleadingly at me and I feel myself caving in just at the puppy dog eyes and his slightly pouting bottom lip. “I have one condition. You’re in it with me,” I relent and he instantly perks up, his grin is boyish and so cute it makes me smile. How can a guy with the body of a sexual god, that makes us women want to fall to our knees for him, still be so boyishly adorable? He never fails to astound me with his beauty and endearing character. He is a mountain of muscle and has this cool, calm exterior but I know deep down he is nervous as hell about tonight.

He pulls me to him and wraps his arm around my shoulder. “Okay, take the picture before she changes her mind.” I playfully poke him in the ribs. “Hey, you’re going to bruise me if you keep poking me there.” I look up at him and laugh, he lands a chaste kiss on my lips and pulls me tight under his arm, fitting me snuggly beside him. The snap of the camera comes without warning and neither of us were looking.

“Sorry. I just find the quicker and more natural I take the picture the better the result, it gives you less time to get nervous. See?” She holds out the camera and sure enough, the picture is perfect. I’m looking up into Dayton’s eyes and he is smiling down at me. We look so happy and carefree. She shows us previews with the pop art effect added and I find I love the result so much I order one for myself.

After a dinner at a lovely little family run restaurant we head back to the Dilston to shower and change for Dayton’s slot.

Chapter 17


The queue outside Sphinx is ridiculously long, it goes right around the building. We head straight to the front of the queue, the doorman looks us up and down as we approach.

I think Dayton looks perfect tonight in loose fitting black jeans teamed with a grey tight fitting t-shirt and a black casual shirt worn open and with the cuffs rolled up to the elbow.

“Got a queue jump ticket?” the very intimidating looking doorman asks and Dayton lifts his CD case.

“I have an appointment with Mark Hardy, I’m playing tonight. The name’s Dayton Scott,” he tells him and the bouncer nods.

“One minute, buddy,” he replies before speaking into a handheld transmitter and receiver then waiting a second before someone’s crackled reply comes through the speaker. I look at Dayton who doesn’t look in the slightest bit nervous and is watching the doorman who is now talking into the ear of another doorman next to him. Dayton gives my hand a reassuring squeeze and I smile up at him. “Okay, Dayton, follow Seb and he’ll take you up to Mr Hardy’s office.”

The doorman steps aside and Dayton thanks him, guiding me into the building behind Seb.

We are led up a small flight of stairs and through double doors into a huge room that is full of lasers and the crowd is like an ocean of bodies. The air is thick with the smell of perfume, aftershave and alcohol. Artificial smoke is blasting from the stage above the ocean of people. I’m taken aback by the volume of the music. RnB is being played at an almost deafening level. The light show is hypnotising as laser beams shoot from all angles, the colours alternating and flashing in time to the music. Dayton pulls me along and we skim the outer edge of the massive room, past the bar that’s five people deep and down towards the back of the room. I’m taking in the sights of the clubbers in various types of dress, or in some cases, undress. A group of women are dancing together in rave clothes, fluffy leg warmers in neon colours hang from their knees and their bra and knickers sets are PVC. I look down at my black bodycon dress and heels and wonder if I’m overdressed but further towards the back I see many ladies in short dresses and heels and feel much better.

The nearer we get to the stage, the thicker the crowd gets and Seb has to move people aside, checking we are still following behind him. We get to double doors next to the stage and I look up at the stage. The DJ has his hands in the air, taunting the clubbers to yell, he looks like he is getting a total rush from the crowd. Dancers are popping out impressive moves in front of the decks and the smoke machine forces out plumes of smoke into the crowd.

We go through the double doors to wide flights of stairs, one leading upwards on the right and a flight leading downwards on the left. The stairwells are well lit and clubbers are moving between floors. A couple stands kissing and running their hands all over each other on the stairs and Seb taps them on the shoulder.

“Don’t linger in the stairwells, take it to the chill out area,” he demands and the girl blushes deeply and the young man nods, taking his snogging partner’s hand and pulling her down the stairs behind him. We move up the stairs to the upper floor and through more double doors into another huge arena. This place seems enormous and I’m suddenly scared of being parted from Dayton in case I get lost.

The music in here is much heavier and harder, hard trance booms out of the big rig and the light show is just as effective as downstairs. I notice raised dancing podiums in this arena and professional dancers are using the podiums and poles to entertain and impress.

On the left side of the doors is a walkway leading off to an area lit with red lights that has water beds and long couches all covered in black leather. That must be the chill out area in this arena. We stay on the left of the cramped dance floor towards one of the bars at the back of the room, the stage area on the right. We have to push our way through and I grip Dayton’s hand tightly.

Next to the long and very busy bar are two more double doors marked ‘Staff Only’ and Seb nods towards the door, opening it for us and speaking into Dayton’s ear. He nods in reply then taps the bouncer on the back in thanks before pulling me through the door with him.  The door closes behind us shutting out some but not all of the noise.

“You okay, sugar? You were looking pretty lost.” Dayton smiles reassuringly.

“Yeah, I’m okay, babe. I just can’t believe how huge this place is.”

Suddenly I have a better idea of why Dayton was so nervous about playing tonight. I thought Lexis would be terrifying but Sphinx makes Lexis look like practise runs. I take a deep breath to steady my nerves and excitement.

“This way, babe. Seb gave me directions. I won’t get us lost.”

We head down a long corridor past various doors on either side until we come to another door marked ‘Private’. It leads us to a wider space that’s bright and you can’t hear the music being boomed out in the arena behind us. It’s decorated in cream and coffee shades with a desk in the corner with a computer on it. A huge canvas covers one wall with the Sphinx club logo in different shades of brown rather than the neon blue and pink on the illuminated sign outside the club.

A door on the left of the room opens and out comes a tall, thin man with a head of red hair and a goatee. He looks to be in his forties and is dressed in a very sharp pinstripe suit. He has a welcoming smile and sticks his hand out at Dayton which he swiftly shakes. “Dayton Scott, nice to meet you, young man,” the man greets him. “I’m Mark Hardy.”

“Nice to meet you, too, Mr. Hardy. Thanks for giving me this opportunity, I really appreciate it.”

“Please, call me Mark and it’s my pleasure, Dayton. We are always looking for talented DJs and producers around here. From what I’ve heard on your website you show much promise.” He grins before turning to me. “And this must be Alannah?”

I am taken aback he even realises I’m here let alone knows my name. I mentally slap myself and force myself to shake his proffered hand and smile back.

“Sorry, yes, hi. This is a great place, Mark.”

“Thank you, I’m glad you’re impressed. Do you want to come through and we’ll have a drink then I’ll let you go get your bearings before you play, Dayton,” he invites us into the room he has just come out of.

“Excellent.” Dayton smiles and follows Mark into a small but luxurious office.

It’s the total opposite to the outer office. The walls are all charcoal with black and white prints of the nightclub dance floors crammed to capacity. The pictures are taken from the back of the crowd looking towards the stage, clubbers with their hands in the air and the DJ is standing tall on the stage under a spotlight. Mark’s desk is a black high gloss affair and the chairs are white leather, the whole room reeks of expense.

I look at the framed pictures of Mark and a very large, muscly looking bald man shaking hands in front of a backdrop with the Epic Records logo jumping off the backboard.  That must be Jimmy; he is a very intimidating looking man. Even with a huge perfectly white smile and an elegant three piece suit you can see the bulging muscles that put Dayton’s to shame. He towers over Mark in the picture, so he must be well over six feet tall. His features seem to scream aggression and I drag my eyes from the picture to see Mark at the drinks cabinet pouring himself what I assume is a scotch.

“What can I get you pair? Any short you like.” He smiles and I flick my eyes to Dayton wondering if he is going to follow his own advice and not drink prior to a big set.

“A small whiskey for the nerves would be great, thanks.” I raise my eyebrows in surprise then realise Mark is looking at me.

“A vodka, please.” Dayton meets my eye, giving me a wink and I smile before looking away.

Mark gives us our drinks then takes a seat, picking up his glass.

“I think we discussed pretty much everything over the phone to be honest, Dayton. I’ve seen your playlist for tonight and I’m hoping you have a copy available? I’m sure you understand I don’t often revel with the clubbers.” He laughs. “Not that I won’t know the reception you get from my crowd. I have ears everywhere and there isn’t much I don’t hear. I’m sure you’ll get good feedback from my judges though,” he says like he doesn’t want to add any more pressure to an already nervous Dayton.

I must admit I’m very impressed with Dayton’s acting ability. I’m sure Mark hasn’t spotted the little nervous mannerisms Dayton has displayed. The nervous lower lip licking and the one finger gently tapping on his CD case. He pulls a CD and hands it to Mark.

“I hope you like it.”

Mark assures him he will, slipping it into a briefcase that’s open on his desk. He presses a button on his desk and there is a crackled response from a two way radio boomed into the room from a speaker on the telephone.

“Mr. Hardy,” the speaker crackles and Mark presses down the button.

“Can someone track down Evan and send him to my office, please?”

“No problem, boss.”

Mark lets go of the button. “Evan is our floor manager. He’ll introduce you to a few people and make sure you have no problems tonight. I’m sure Alannah will want to join you on the stage but we do have regulations, Evan will explain.”

“That’s great, thanks.”

“Do you have any questions you want to ask me? I’m sure you understand the business dynamic between Jimmy and I. If it’s music production questions then he is the guy you want but anything to do with playing at the club I’m sure I can help you.”

I drain my drink and look to Dayton who I see still hasn’t drunk his whiskey.

“I was going to ask if it was possible to leave you with some of my recent production work for Jimmy to listen to? Or I could deliver it to him myself if he has an available appointment?” Dayton asks and Mark nods his understanding.

“I can contact him now and see if he can see you. He has heard some of your work and saw the promise in it, but if you had new material that isn’t on the website then I’m sure he would be eager to hear it. How long are you staying in London?” he asks, lifting the phone receiver.

“We are leaving tomorrow. We could delay it by a day or two if needed though, couldn’t we, babe?” Dayton’s eyes plead with me and I feel taken aback to even be consulted on the matter. I look to Mark briefly then back to Dayton who looks like he is holding his breath.

“No problem, we can delay returning if you need to,” I reassure him and his eyes thank me.

“Great.” Mark presses a number on the phone and the room falls silent. Dayton looks over at me and takes my hand in his, the little intimate touch reminds me how nerve-racking this alone is for him and he hasn’t been up on stage yet. I squeeze his hand reassuringly and slowly stroke my thumb over his knuckles.

”Jim, how are you doing?” There is a short pause while Jimmy answers and I watch Mark sit back in his chair, resting his ankle on the opposite knee in a casual manner. “That wasn’t why I called but send the paperwork over tomorrow and I’ll take a look. Anyway, I’ve got Dayton Scott here, he is playing tonight and he has some material you need to hear.” Another pause. “No, I haven’t, one second.” Mark covers the receiver and looks at Dayton. “Is it exclusive and where was it recorded, buddy?”

“Yes, it is exclusive and the vocals were recorded at Soundwaves in Manchester but they have no rights to it. The rest was done in a private studio of my own, I own all the copyrights.”

Mark repeats the information to Jimmy.

“Okay, right. I’ll send him over.” There is a gentle rap on the office door. “Got to go, Evan is here. Speak to you tomorrow. Okay, mate, bye.” Mark ends the call then beckons Evan into the office.

We all turn and watch as a short guy in his early thirties with spiky black hair comes into the room with a beaming smile.

“Everything okay, boss?” he addresses Mark while offering Dayton and me warm smiles. His eyes read understanding and I’m sure he has been in this position a million times before.

“Evan, thanks for coming so quickly. This is Dayton Scott and his partner, Alannah,” he introduces us and we shake hands.

“So, this is Dayton, I loved some of the work on your site, buddy. Are you nervous about playing tonight?” It’s obvious Evan has been informed about the newbie trying out tonight.

“Bricking it, mate, but I won’t puke and pass out on stage, don’t worry,” Dayton jokes and we all laugh.

“You don’t mind showing them the ropes, do you, Evan?” Mark asks and I think even if Evan said he did mind he still wouldn’t get out of the duty.

“Of course not. It’s my pleasure. Let me show you our dungeon,” he jokes, beckoning us to follow him, Dayton pushes up to stand.

“Jimmy can see you at Epic head office tomorrow at 10am, Dayton. It was the only time he was available I’m afraid. I’ll call you tomorrow, have a good set,” Mark says, shaking our hands again and smiling politely.

We say Goodbye and follow Evan into the outer office.

“So, you’re booked to go on at 10 o’clock. There is time for a drink if you would like although we advise you don’t go getting smashed before a set. We’ve witnessed some nasty reactions and trust me, if you aren’t up to the job our crowd will let you know. Not to worry you or anything but I don’t want my equipment wrecked. We prefer hands thrown in the air rather than ice thrown at the stage if we can help it,” he teases and Dayton chuckles.

BOOK: The Final Note (DJ Series Book 1)
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