The Final Omen: Second Sight Book Four (3 page)

Read The Final Omen: Second Sight Book Four Online

Authors: Heather Topham Wood

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #New Adult & College, #Psychics

BOOK: The Final Omen: Second Sight Book Four
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Chapter Five

Kate’s face fell as Rose remained silent. “You don’t have a plan.”

“That’s not entirely true…”

“I get it,” Kate sighed with resignation. “It wouldn’t matter if you had a plan anyway because I won’t remember being here.”

“I’m afraid so,” Rose acknowledged. “But you won’t be entirely helpless. You’ll still have your psychic abilities when you return to your life.”

Kate nodded as her thoughts wandered. She mused whether it was possible to have a migraine in the inbetween because she could swear one was forming. She pressed her fingers against her temples. “Well, at least that answers one of my questions. Am I getting any other superpowers after you send me on my merry way?”


“Really? Not even a teensy one?” Kate held up her forefinger and thumb for emphasis. “Maybe something small like having the ability to make vegetables taste like chocolate? Or being able to cure PMS?”

Rose smiled. “No, sorry, we’re all out of powers at the Superhero Store.”

Kate’s shoulders sagged. “Okay then. I figured it was worth a shot.” After a pause, she remarked, “I would love to tell Jared I’ve seen you and you’re okay. It would mean everything to him.”

“Maybe it would be better for both of you not to remember…”

Kate interrupted. “Are you kidding? Do you know how badly I’d like to tell every person who said I shouldn’t be with Jared to keep their dumb opinions to themselves and that we have divine intervention on our side?”

Rose chuckled and shook her head. “It’s never a dull moment when I see you, Kate.”

“I bet, but let’s not make this a regular thing. I’m only twenty-two, dying twice should be enough,” Kate said.

“You do have a choice, Kate, and I want you to understand that. You don’t have to go back. Every single path you choose isn’t going to be easy for you…”

Kate guffawed. “I gave up on the idea of having things easy for a long time. That’s what I did for two years after the coma. I thought hiding my powers and having no social life would make things simpler. But I wasn’t content with my life. Helping people makes me happy. Your son makes me happy.”

Rose mowed on, “The challenges you’ll face will be the hardest yet. Your injuries are severe and your physical recovery will be long and trying. Your body will never be the same…”

Kate didn’t expect to wake up and go swing dancing, but it was still difficult to hear. Her voice was thick as she replied, “It doesn’t matter. I mean…it does, but you don’t have to sell me on the idea of going back. I can’t leave the people I love already.”

“When you survive, your attacker isn’t going to give up. There’s too much hatred there and you’ll remain a target,” Rose explained, and her expression grew wary. She continued, “Kate, the premonitions you’ve seen, and will see, are volatile. They can change at any minute based on the smallest decision. Although at this moment, I see Jared committing a murder, there are other possible outcomes. Including your death and Jared’s death.”

If Kate was alive at the moment, she was certain she’d drop into a dead faint. The thought of Jared dying was the moment where her world ceased to exist. “He can’t die…” she gasped out.

“I know the thought is terrifying, but he’d be safe here. I’d love for you both to have a lifetime together, but at least you’d have forever with him.”

“That can’t happen…I wouldn’t survive without him. But, you’ve healed me before; couldn’t you do the same if he was killed?”

Rose looked saddened by Kate’s question. “I’ve run out of chances to use the power to heal. If something happens to you or Jared, it’ll be your final death.”

“Well, don’t waste it on me. Just make sure Jared is safe,” Kate insisted.

“He will be safe, Kate. If he dies, he’ll be here waiting for you. But if you don’t go back to prevent him from seeking vengeance, his destiny will be far worse. Trust me, Kate. I love you both and will do anything in my power to keep you with Jared. I want you two to live out a long and happy life together.”

Kate wanted to argue further, but by the set of Rose’s shoulders realized it would be futile. Kate had to believe she wouldn’t be led astray. Rose’s love for Jared was palpable in her words and actions. Although Jared’s death seemed to be the ultimate tragedy, Kate knew an eternity apart from Jared based on a misguided revenge scheme did sound far worse.

Her mission was clear: Find out who tried to kill her and stop him before Jared could get hurt in any way. “Don’t keep me in suspense. Who is it? Who wants me dead?”


Jared exited the ICU and walked straight into a melee. Kate’s father had arrived and he was livid. Darlene and the police officers were trying to keep him calm, but he wasn’t having it. “What do you mean I can’t see my daughter? No one is going to keep me from her.”

“Robert, calm down…the doctors need to restrict visitors while Kate’s in the ICU,” Darlene said and gripped his forearm tightly.

“Calm down? I get here and you tell me my daughter is in a goddamn coma…
! I told you to stop her from getting involved in this psychic bullshit. Christsakes, she was abducted a few months ago. When is it enough?” A vein pulsed on Robert’s forehead and his cheeks had flooded with color. Kate didn’t resemble her father; she was more of a carbon copy of her mom. Robert was tall with salt and pepper hair and piercing blue eyes.

Dan stood up. He wasn’t as tall as Kate’s father, but had a heavier build. “Stop yelling at her like that.”

Robert barked out a mirthless laugh. “I was married to her for almost twenty years; you have no place to tell me how to talk to her.” He addressed Darlene, “Why is he here anyway? I didn’t bring Carly, it should be family only.” Carly was a cause of contention in Kate’s family since Robert left Kate’s mother for his younger girlfriend.

Jared pressed his palm against the starched fabric of Robert’s dress shirt. “Don’t do this here. Think about Kate.”

Robert swatted the hand away. His eyes volleyed back and forth between Jared and Declan. “I’m including you two chuckleheads in that sentiment, too. My daughter’s life has been hell ever since she met the two of you. Both of you are pathetic, can’t do your own jobs, so you force an innocent young woman to do it for you.”

Declan ran a hand over his cropped hair. “No offense, but do you know your daughter at all? I doubt she was ever forced into anything. I bet she gave you and Mrs. E hell when you told her to finish all of her dinner if she wanted dessert.” He coughed uncomfortably when he was only met with Robert’s glare.

Jared leveled his gaze on Kate’s father. “We’re all just as upset as you are. But nothing productive is going to come out of fighting…” Jared had seen the same thing happen over and over again on the job. Life and death situations either drew people together or flung them apart.

Robert shook his head in disbelief. “You’re the worst of them all,
,” His voice was mocking. “You took my daughter’s schoolgirl crush on you and demoralized her. Then disposed of her as soon as you got what you wanted. If anything happens to her, it’ll be your fault.”

“Robert, please…” Darlene begged in a small voice and began dragging him towards the door. “Let’s take a walk. By the time we come back, you’ll be able to see Katie.” His jaw tensed, but he allowed her to lead him away. Darlene mouthed sorry to Jared before the doors shut behind them.

Declan shoved his hands into his pockets and turned to Jared. “That sucked. Never thought Kate’s dad would be kind of a dick.”

“He needs to rewrite history. He’s feeling helpless and wants to blame someone, I make an easy target.” He felt like it was the truth, but he didn’t feel blameless. What if he’d never gone to Kate’s house for help finding Cori Preston, his then girlfriend’s sister? Would Kate have been safe? Jared couldn’t find it in himself to imagine a different outcome. If he hadn’t gone to see her, he would’ve never met Kate and he’d never wish her out of his life.

It had fallen on him to fix things with her, and that feeling extended beyond their romantic relationship. They were friends first and if he hadn’t pushed her away, he would’ve been there to protect her. He couldn’t undo the past; but from that second on, he wouldn’t let her down again.

It took a minute to realize Declan was addressing Jared. “How is she?”

“She feels alive to me. Probably sounds strange, but I’ve seen a lot of dead and near dead people before, and you can feel they’re not really here anymore. She’s in a coma, but I still felt like she was in the room with me.” He’d be embarrassed to admit it, but he’d kissed Kate before leaving the room in hopes of stirring her will to live. In his head, he begged her to wake up, to open her eyes so he could get out of the purgatory of not knowing if she’d survive.

“Does Julie know she’s here?” Declan asked.

Julie Mitchell was Kate’s best friend, they’d been inseparable since they were assigned as college roommates their freshman year at Thompson College. Kate had dropped out after her coma, but Julie was currently a senior at the college.

Jared nodded. “Darlene called her, but told her to stay home and we’d call as soon as there was any change. With the limitations on visitors, Darlene told her it’d be better for her to get some sleep and come to the hospital when the restrictions have been lifted.”

Declan rubbed at his bleary eyes. “What time is it, anyway?”

Weariness settled in Jared’s bones. “Almost six in the morning.” It was close to twelve hours since he’d found Kate; it had been the longest night of his life. “I have a few more questions to ask you and then you should go home and get some sleep.”

Declan gave a humorless smile. “I thought you weren’t on the case. Going rogue now?” He gave Jared’s shoulder what was meant to be an amiable shove.

“Don’t touch me,” he replied dryly. “I may be asking for your help, but that doesn’t change things. For one, I still consider you a suspect. Secondly, I still don’t like you.”

Declan chuckled. “Right back at you. In fact, as part of our digging, I may have snuck into your brain a few times.”

Jared’s stomach tightened with mortification. When Kate had told him about the times she saw his past memories, it was endearing. To think of Declan rooting around in there left an unpleasant taste in Jared’s mouth. “And?”

Declan gave a defeated sigh. “You think about Kate way too much for it to be healthy, but your thoughts were innocent.” His expression turned lecherous and he winked. “Well, unless you count the time you came over and she was sunbathing in that green bikini.”

“Play peeping Tom when I’m with Kate again and I’ll gouge your eyes out,” Jared spat out through clenched teeth. “Unfortunately, I don’t have the luxury of seeing inside your head. Where were you last night? You might as well tell me, the cops are going to ask you the same thing.” He was only asking out of obligation, he didn’t honestly suspect Declan. Besides lack of motive, his concern for Kate didn’t come across as manufactured. However, it didn’t mean Jared wasn’t going to put the man through the wringer. Each time Jared looked at Declan, the image of his lips on Kate’s, and the urge to punch him in the face, returned.

Declan shrugged. “I had a date with a bartender named Leah. I’ll give her your number if you want. I was close to bagging her when you called.”

“I guess that means you’re no longer after Kate?” Jared tried to conceal the tightness in his voice, but understood he failed by Declan’s bemused expression.

“Nah,” Declan said and shook his head. “She was way too hung up on you. I don’t chase girls, they chase me.”

“Arrogant dick.”

“Self-righteous asshole,” Declan said with a smirk. His features relaxed and he continued, “Glad we got our pissing contest out of the way. And… sorry for going after your girl. I regret that night and I know she does too. She’s one of my only friends and I wouldn’t want to fuck it up.”

Jared nodded. “If you’re her friend, then you’ll help me find who did this. Did Kate suspect anyone else?” Although Declan and Kate’s visions didn’t reveal her assailant, she could’ve still had suspicions.

“She did, but you’re not going to like it.”

“Until Kate wakes up and gives us details about what happened, we have to try and piece together the details on what we already know. I don’t want this person to take off or make another attempt when he realizes she isn’t dead.”

“Okay, but remember I warned that you weren’t going to like it…” Declan’s chin lifted defiantly. “Kate suspected your ex Nikki of having something to do with it.”

Jared swallowed. “Why would she think that? You told me she didn’t see the person in her visions but she was almost certain it was a man attacking her.”

Declan shook his head as though Jared was dense. “No, she didn’t think Nikki attacked her. I never met Nikki; but according to Kate, she outweighs your ex by twenty pounds and she’d be able to take her down in two seconds once her fists of fury were unleashed.”

Jared’s lips quirked up and he managed a smile. “I have no doubt of that.”

“But Kate said you worked a case not long ago about a man who hired someone to kill his wife and thought Nikki would’ve known about it. Kate’s theory was that since Nikki is super loaded maybe she paid someone to kill her.” Declan shrugged. “Kate didn’t have any proof, but apparently they had a blow up at a nail salon a couple of weeks ago. I wasn’t sure if Kate actually felt threatened or the fumes from the nail polish had gone to her brain.”

Jared turned away from Declan to think, without having to look at his smug face, and considered the possibility of Nikki being involved. She was many things, but she wasn’t a killer. If she blamed Kate for the demise of their relationship, Nikki wouldn’t do something that would bite her in the ass later; she’d go for a subtler way.

“We won’t rule Nikki out, but I don’t feel like it fits. Besides, if she hired someone, it’s unlikely a hit man would stab the victim and leave her for dead. He would’ve used a gun and made sure the job was done.” Involuntarily, he shuddered. “Was there anyone else?”

“I’m not sure what you know, but Kate has been looking for a missing teen from South Jersey…”

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