The Firefighter and the Girl From the Coffee Shop (6 page)

Read The Firefighter and the Girl From the Coffee Shop Online

Authors: Terry Towers

Tags: #Contemporary, #alpha male, #Sex Toys, #contemporary erotic romance, #romantic comedy, #hero, #friends to lovers, #Firefighter, #fireman, #dual penetration

BOOK: The Firefighter and the Girl From the Coffee Shop
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He growled low
and nodded. "Let's get this over with." Placing a palm at the small
of her back he gave her a slight push forward urging her to open
the door.

"Why do I have
to go first?" she grumbled, unlocking the door slowly.

first," he retorted smirking and pushing the door open wide with
his palm revealing the scowling saleswoman, and a couple of
customers staring in their direction.

"This is a
bridal shop, not a brothel," the sales woman spat as she glared at
Alyssa, up to him and back down to her.

"It's not what
you think," Alyssa looked up at him and Evan shrugged.

"Please leave
my store." She looked from one to the other once more. "Both of
you, before I call the police."

The police was
the last thing Evan wanted. The crap he'd get from his captain if
he got arrested wasn't something he was too eager to

Alyssa looked
up at Evan once more then to her silver dress and then to the
glowering saleslady. "We're really sorry," she caught her lower lip
between her teeth looked up at Evan then back to the sales lady,
giving her the most apologetic smile she could muster as she passed
her the silver dress, "but could we buy the dress first?"




Alyssa sighed
and closed her eyes as she took a long, hard gulp from her
chocolate milkshake as she looked across the cafe table at Evan.
Why in the name of God did she convince Evan to fuck her in the
dressing room? She could still feel the heat rising to her cheeks
each time she thought of it and that had happened close to two
hours ago.

She normally
wouldn't have been so brazen, but there was something about him.
The spark had always been there, but after last night, it was a
raging inferno within her that didn't seem to want to simmer. She
could easily spend the next few days, hell week, doing nothing but
fucking him.

"I'm really
sorry about the whole..." she groaned inwardly a she felt her
cheeks grow warm - again.

Evan leaned
back in his chair, crossing his arms over his thick chest amusement
gleaming in his emerald green eyes. "Not to worry. Wasn't the first
time I've been caught with my pants down," when her brow creased he
gave her a cocky grin, "so to speak."

Trying to keep
her expression stern, Alyssa narrowed her eyes at him. "So when and
with who?"

He waved a
dismissive hand at her. "Not important."

"No, you just
can't bring something like that up and drop it. Come on, spill

Her rolled his
eyes and huffed, as though he were being forced to give information
he treasured. Somehow Alyssa doubted it. He was baiting her.

"Well," she
prompted, not being able to keep the curiosity and excitement from
her eyes and tone of voice.

"Alright fine.
The first time was when I was sixteen. In the girls' locker room at
my high school with Misty Ambers. Principal Peterson heard the
commotion and she came storming in. I was suspended for two

Alyssa's face
broke out into a grin. "Couldn't you have waited until after

"It's evident,
my sweet Alyssa, that you haven't a grasp on the extent of the male
hormones at age sixteen. I would have done it in the middle of the
football field with the school cheering me on if I could have found
a female willing."

snorted, rolled up a paper napkin and tossed it at him. Hitting him
square in the chest, which sent him into a round of laughter.
"That's just nasty Evan. Nasty." But she couldn't help up grin as
she caught his eyes. With his looks, charm and charisma she
imagined he would have had his choice of young women when he was

Evan spread
his hands out, palms up. "I told you not to ask."

"But you said
the first time." She sat back in her hair and tapped her fingernail
against her teeth. "Did your last girlfriend like to do it in
public places?" As soon as the question came out of her mouth she
wished she could retract it. His smile faded and a vein in the side
of his neck flexed as his jaw clenched. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean

With a shake
of his head he seemed to shake the dark cloud hovering over his
mood and he smiled over at her although his eyes failed to meet
hers. "It's not a huge deal. More of a hurt to the ego than
anything. The past couple of girlfriends preferred sex with men
other than me."

Alyssa's mouth
dropped open and then she snapped it back shut. "I'm sorry. I

Standing he
gathered their shopping bags in one hand and extended his free hand
to her. "Come on. Let's head home."

Accepting his
extended hand, Alyssa stood, her eyes scanning him from head to
toe. She couldn't imagine ever wanting another man when someone
like Evan was around. The idea seemed ludicrous to her. Granted
she'd only known him for a month, but she felt that in that month
she learned the most valuable of information. He was kind, funny,
sexy as hell... As far as the sex was concerned... So far it was
mind blowing - for her anyhow. She suspected the feeling was

seeing her perturbed expression Evan brought her hand to his lips,
flipped it over and kissed the palm. "I admit that due to
experiences with past relationships, trust is a very big issue with
me, but that's my problem... Not yours." He gave her hand a little
tug. "Now let's get home. There is some lingerie I am eager to see
you model for me."




Evan had
become somewhat solemn while they drove home since their little
discussion on past girlfriends and his problems with trust. The
tone in which he said trust was a big issue felt like it had been a
warning, even though he covered it quickly by stating it was his
problem not hers. Alyssa was desperate to figure a way to pull him
out of his mood and the very thing she needed to do it was fast

"Pull in
here!" Alyssa wagged her finger at the parking lot on her side of
the road that led to the kinky sex adult toy store. She wasn't one
for toys, but she'd been in an adult store with boyfriends in the
past and in her experience nothing lightened a mood like a trip to
the adult store.

"The sex
shop?" Evan raised a questioning brow at her, shrugged, signalled
and then turned in where instructed.

"Thirty years
old and you've never been in one before?" she met his questioning
brow with one of her own.

"Well, yeah,
but..." he grinned as he slid the car into an empty spot in front
of the building. "You just never stop surprising me."

"Isn't that a
good thing?" she teased her hand already on the door handle and
opening it up eager to get inside to explore.

Evan chuckled
lightly as he caught her eye. "Yeah, I think it is," he decided as
he followed her into the neon lit building.

Being that it
was midday the large novelty store had only a couple of shoppers,
both of them women who were giggling and chattering in hushed
voices in front of the vibrators. The sales clerk was an attractive
female, light blonde hair with massive breasts who appeared to be
roughly Alyssa's age.

"A basket? Is
that necessary? How many things are you planning on buying?" Evan
teased as she grabbed a red plastic hand basket by the door.

Looking over
at him Alyssa didn't reply, but gave him a coy grin, took his hand
and led him off to their first stop. The oils and lubes. Standing
in front of the wall carrying that carried a massive variety of
lubes with varied in function, colour, smell and taste, Alyssa
assessed her choices.

Alyssa jumped
slightly when Evan stepped behind her, wrapped his arms around her
waist and pulled her ass up tight against the hardening ridge of
his cock. He nuzzled her neck for a moment, igniting her need for
him. "You know, I'm not sure what we'd be needing lube for
considering how wet you tend to get for me," his deep, sultry voice
washed over her sending a tremor through her that ended with a
pulsing between her legs.

She moaned
softly and leaned back against him. "Well, you never know when it
may come in handy," she managed to whisper. Grabbing a tube of
strawberry flavoured she held it up for his inspection. "Strawberry

"Oh, I think
you taste fine as you are," he countered, his tone now teasing.

She tossed the
strawberry lube in the basket and then grabbed some warming and a
couple other tubes without really paying much attention to what
they claimed to do. Her focus was too trained on the hard body
behind her.

He suddenly
backed away from her, leaving her stumbling backwards. "Well, if
you're really serious about stocking up then we might find these
useful." He grabbed a pair of handcuffs covered in black fur from a
rack behind them and tossed them into her basket with the lube.

Alyssa blinked and gave her head a little shake clearing the
thoughts of how good he felt in her at the bridal shop earlier that
day. Damn, why did he have to work her up like that? Revenge for
the bridal shop she imagined.

He grabbed a
matching fur flogger and tossed that in along with the handcuffs.
He caught her eyes and then pointed to the flogger. "
sweetheart is going to be fun to try on you." Next he tossed in a
black satin blindfold.

She watched as
his eyes landed on the wall of vibrators. The women had moved to
the pornographic video section of the store so he grabbed her hand
and led her over to them.

"You know
Evan, we don't need to go too overboard."

He grinned at
her as his eyes ran up and down the length of her body, making her
both slightly self-conscious and highly aroused at the same time.
He grabbed a medium sized purple vibrator from the wall. "Purple,
pink or blue?"


Putting the
purple one back on the wall, he grabbed the blue one. "Good choice.
Says they use an innovative ribbing design for your pleasure." He
gave her a lopsided smile as he pointed to the front of the
package, making her giggle. The blue vibrator joined the growing
collection of toys.

Not being able
to resist herself she set the basket on the floor, slipped her arms
around his neck, stretched along the length of his body and kissed
him quickly on the lips. "Who'd have thought shopping with you
could be so much fun."

"Oh, I think
using the purchases will be much more pleasurable," he responded,
lowering his lips to capture hers once more.






Despite having
picked out the outfit with him less than an hour prior, Alyssa was
still feeling self-conscious as she assessed her reflection in the
bathroom mirror. Evan had picked out a black and white striped
prisoner costume for her to wear for him. He thought it would work
well with the handcuffs he'd bought for them. The skirt was so
short that if she bent, even slightly she'd be exposing her naked
pussy to the world. The top was skin tight and buttoned down the
front and dipped low into her cleavage, while pushing her breasts
up and together. The worst of it was the boots. The boots were
thigh high with a stiletto heel so high that she feared she'd trip
and make a complete fool of herself on her way to the bed.

Removing the
clip that was holding her hair into a bun at the top of her head
she let her long dark silken locks cascade down her back.
There's nothing to be shy about, he's been you're closest friend
for a month now and he wants you!
She reminded herself, trying
to gather the courage to face him.

Taking a deep
breath in, she grabbed the door handle, pulled it open and stepped
out into the bedroom. Her eyes immediately went to the bed, where
Evan was reclined wearing only his jeans, his hands laced behind
his head watching the news on the television mounted on the
opposite wall. Upon realizing she's entered the room he immediately
turned off the television and tossed the remote onto the night
table by the bed.

His eyes
popped open and he licked his lips. He whistled his appreciation as
his eyes slowly made their way down the length of her and then back
up to meet her eyes. The intensity in his stare took her breath
away momentarily and ignited the fire between her legs. He cleared
his throat and raked a hand through his hair as he sat up on the
bed. "You look... so fucking sexy Alyssa. Beautiful."

She cocked her
head and gave him a wink. "So glad we made that last stop before
coming home?"

"Oh, hell
yeah," he confirmed as he slid from the bed and slowly stalked
towards her.

She chewed at
her lower lip, watching him in anticipation of what he had planned
for her. The assortment of toys they'd purchased were lined up on
the night table waiting to be used. She didn't have much time
ponder it. When he reached her, he pushed her against the wall with
his hard body, and his lips claimed hers roughly.

She gasped at
his enthusiasm and he took it as an invitation to slip his tongue
between her lips. With a moan she slid her hands up his hard,
finely contoured muscular chest and laced them behind his neck,
pressing herself against him. His cock, already rock solid pressed
against her stomach, making her yearn to free it from his jeans,
fall to her knees and take him into her mouth.

But this was
his fantasy, so she was at the mercy of what he wanted from her.
Another shiver rushed through her thinking of the

"Mmmm," he
moaned pulling his lips from hers and stepping back and looking
down at her, his green eyes examining each and every inch of

"So now what
do you plan on doing with me?" She took a step forward and closed
the distance between them.

He didn't
answer, but spun her around and walked her backwards towards the
bed until the back of her legs hit the bed. "I think my little
prisoner needs to be taught a lesson."

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