The First Ladies of Rome: The Women Behind the Caesars (77 page)

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Authors: Annelise Freisenbruch

Tags: #History, #General

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Betjeman, John, 274
Biblioteca Classense, Ravenna, 297
Bithynia, 202, 250, 279
Black Sea, 69, 91
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 35
De claris mulieribus
, 4
Boleyn, Anne, 4 Bona Dea, 30, 76
temple, 76, 94
Bonaparte, Letizia, 263
Boniface, 297, 300, 303
Borgia, Lucrezia, 4, 62
Boudicca, Queen, 164, 180
breast-feeding, 18
Britain, 127, 158, 164, 201, 211, 234–5, 255, 258, 273–4, 283, 289
Britannicus, 127, 130, 134, 138, 140, 142, 147
Brontë, Charlotte:
Jane Eyre
, 119
Brundisium, 23, 25, 36, 86, 87, 106, 116, 120, 122, 212, 258
Bruttia Crispina, 215
Brutus, 11, 12, 13, 19, 23, 29
Burrus (Afranius Burrus), 140, 142, 147, 148, 151
Burton, Richard, 35
Bute, Earl of, 116
Byron, Lord, 275
Bywaters, Frederick, 4
Byzantine Empire, 313–14
Caecilia, 52
Caecilia Trebulla, 204
Caecilius Metellus, 59, 60
Caecina, 174
Caelian hill, 144, 206, 263
Caelius Rufus, 21
Caenis, 4–5, 95, 117, 168–70, 17l, 185–6
Caesarea, 161
Caesarea Philippi, 163–4
Caesarion, 34
Caesonia (Milonia Caesonia), 123, 124, 139
calls Livia
Ulixes stolatus
, 12, 114
as a child, 100, 101, 120
as candidate for succession, 110, 116, 121
delivers eulogy for Livia, 114
becomes emperor, 121
reign, 121–4, 160–1
assassination, 124
failure to nominate heir, 125
brief references, 136, 139, 173, 202, 253
Callistus, 130, 136
Calpurnius Piso
Calvisius, 148, 149
Cambridge University: Museum of Classical Archaeology, 1–2
Campania, 111, 112, 200
Campus Martius, Rome, 84, 199
Canova, 263
Capitol, Rome, 232
Capitoline hill, Rome, 74, 168, 273
Capitoline Museum, Rome, 154, 263
Cappadocia, 213
Capri, 84, 112, 115, 117, 121, 122
Caracalla (formerly known as Bassianus)
birth, 221
renaming, and nickname, 225
given title of
, 227
marries Plautilla, 228
and death of Plautianus, 233
banishes Plautilla, 233
antipathy towards his brother Geta, 233–4
goes to Britain, 234
death of his father, and truce with Geta, 235
feud with Geta, 236
and death of Geta, 237–8
reign of, 238–9
death, 239
Domna’s reaction to death of, 240
brief references, 216, 217, 218, 231, 241, 246
Caratacus, 139
Carnuntum, 222
Carrhae, 239
Carthage, 261, 313
Cassius, 11, 12, 13, 19, 23, 29
Cassius Apronianus, 195
Cassius Dio, 61, 123, 150, 195, 199, 216, 221, 228, 229, 233, 234–5, 237, 240, 241, 244
Castel Sant’Angelo, Rome, 205
Catherine de Medici, 4, 218
Catherine the Great, 4
Cato the Elder, 38, 172
Catulus, 48
Celadus, 95
celibacy, 260–1, 292
Ceres, 93, 137, 181, 194, 209
Cerinthus, 203
Cestius Gallus, 163
Chalcedon, Council of, 311
Chalcis, 161
Champagne, 311
Charmion, 45
Chatsworth House, 263
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 35
childbirth, 16–17
children’s upbringing, 17–19, 51–3
see also
Christianity, 183, 219, 249, 251, 254, 257–8, 258–9, 260, 261, 266, 267, 268, 269, 276, 280, 281, 283, 290, 292
Christina of Sweden, 218
Chrysaphius, 304, 307, 308
Church of the Ascension, Jerusalem, 267, 306
Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, 269
Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, 267
Cicero, 13, 16, 20, 21, 29, 31, 34, 42, 52, 55, 171
Circe, 62
Circus Maximus, Rome, 226
Claudia, 26
Claudia Antonia, 126
Claudia Marcella Maior, 64
Claudia Octavia, 6, 126, 135, 138, 146, 147, 150, 162, 181, 182
Claudia Pulchra, 112
Claudian, 286, 288
Claudian family (Claudii), 12, 13, 22, 28, 40
portrayed in work of Robert Graves, 2
writings of, 6
birth, 94
attitude of Livia and Antonia towards, 96, 97
childhood, 96–7
disabilities, 96, 97
meets procession led by Agrippina with ashes of Germanicus, 87, 120
as candidate for succession, 121
becomes emperor, 124–5
lacks support from senatorial classes, 125
orders deification of Livia, 125
bestows title on his deceased mother, 125
recalls nieces from exile, 125–6
first two marriages, 126
marries Messalina, 126
birth of children, 126
tries to win over sceptics, 126–7
conquers Britain, 127
vetoes bestowal of title of
on Messalina, 127
and Messalina’s sexual behaviour, 128
atmosphere of paranoia and suspicion at court of, 128–9
and banishment of Julia Livilla, 129
perceived as puppet, 129–30
and death of Asiaticus, 131
and Messalina’s relationship with Silius, 132, 133
and death of Messalina, 133
in ancient accounts of Messalina’s downfall, 135
marries Agrippina Minor, 136–7
adopts Nero, 138
and Caratacus, 139
and public unrest, 140
stages mock naval battle, 140
last years, and death, 142
divine cult, 144
and Julius Agrippa, 160, 161
brief references, 3, 62, 75, 98, 141, 143, 145, 147, 159, 163, 182, 270
Claudius Pompeianus, 213
Cleander, 222
willing to work with Rome, 34
affair with Julius Caesar, 34
relationship with Antony, 24, 34–6, 37, 41
projects her image across her kingdom, 39
depicted on Antony’s coinage, 41
and Donations of Alexandria, 41
portrayal in Roman accounts, 35–6, 42–3
and Antony’s will, 43
at war with Octavian, 43–4
defeat at Actium, 12, 35, 44
death, 44–5
Poppaea compared with, 149–50, 165
and Berenice, 171, 173, 175, 186
brief references, 21, 40, 46, 55, 57, 58, 62, 89, 94, 103, 121–2, 218, 250
(film), 35
Cleopatra Selene, 36
Clodia Metelli, 21
Clodius, 21
Clodius Albinus, 223, 224
Cloelia, 20, 21
Cluvius Rufus, 146
Coel, King, 273, 274
coins, 24–5, 33–4, 39, 41, 66, 93, 111, 122, 125, 136–7, 144, 146, 181, 182–3, 185, 194, 205, 208, 209, 211, 226, 235, 236, 245, 246, 262, 282–3, 291, 298, 301, 305, 309
Colchester, 273
Cologne, 271
see also
Ara Ubiorum; Colonia Agrippinensis
Colonia Agrippinensis, 139
Colosseum, Rome, 167, 176
Colossus of Memnon, 103, 187–8, 203, 204, 227
Column of Antoninus Pius, Rome, 210
Commagene, 96, 187, 203
Commodus, 1, 189, 209, 211, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 220, 221, 222, 225, 243, 251
, 78
Consolatio ad Liviam
, 75, 94
Constans, 262, 277
Constantia (wife of Gratian), 279, 302
Constantia (wife of Licinius), 258
Constantina, 262, 278, 279
birth, 251
and lack of evidence about his mother’s origins, 251–2
education, 254–5
proclaimed as his father’s successor, 255
marries Fausta, 256–7
and battle of Milvian Bridge, 257–8
and Christianity, 249, 254, 257–8
assumes control of western empire, 258
concord with Licinius disintegrates, 258
defeats Licinius and reunifies the empire, 258
legislation, 259–60, 260–1, 264
importance of images in reign of, 262
birth of children, 262
and the Roman public, 264–5
and deaths of his son and his wife, 265–6
and his mother’s religious faith, 267, 268
entrusts his mother with monitoring building works in Jerusalem, 269

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