The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles (16 page)

BOOK: The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles
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He brushes her sweat soaked hair from her face and kisses her gently.  She releases her grip on the bedspread and brings her hands up to his face to caress him lovingly.  “I love you,” they say in one accord.  Then they both laugh softly.  He slowly withdraws from her and lies on his back beside her.  He draws her pliant body to him.  She rests her head on his chest and eases her hand across his hard pecs, and entwines her legs around his, and sighs a sound of deep contentment.  He lies there stroking her damp hair away from her face as she nuzzles into his chest for several minutes, planting small kisses and making contented sounds. 

He kisses the top of her sweat soaked head and says, “I can’t believe you haven’t gone to sleep yet, Morna.  Do you feel okay?  I should probably be beaten for using you like that when you need to sleep.”

“Using me? “  Morna laughs, “Hardly, my love. I am better than okay darling.  But I would like to take a little nap.”

“Then do so.  I will stay here until you fall asleep.  Then I am going to shower and go take care of a few arrangements.  Rinda will be here soon to help you get ready for the banquet tonight.  I asked her to stop by at seven.  That gives you a little over an hour to sleep.”  He kisses her gently and smiles when she snuggles into him and almost instantly drifts off into a deep, peaceful sleep. 

He slips out of the bed, showers and dresses quickly.  Heimdall had provided clothes for both of them for tonight.  He wonders at the demigod’s feelings for his wife, but dismisses his concerns as unworthy.  He checks on his mate and finds that she is resting comfortably so he kisses her on the forehead and silently leaves the room.  There is something very important that he is working one for his mate and he needs to see to the final arrangements.




Rinda arrives at Morna’s room a little before 7:00 pm.  She knocks softly at the door and goes on in.  She finds Morna still asleep on the bed.  Rinda drapes her garment bag across the back of the chair and quietly sets her backpack down beside it.  She watches her dearest friend in the world sleep for several minutes, then builds up the courage to lie beside her.  Rinda lovingly strokes Morna’s face.  She’s so similar, and oh so different at the same time.  Her coloring, the hair, the eyes, of course, are much the same.  But the body is very different, more statuesque, and powerful, yet mature, supple, and voluptuous. Rinda feels her body respond, and quickly smothers the feelings.  Morna can never return them and she knows letting the feelings grow will only cause everyone pain.

Rinda traces a finger across Morna’s full, soft lips.  Morna stirs, “Luca?”

“No love, it’s Rinda.”  She answers softly.

Morna opens her eyes and smiles, genuinely happy to see Rinda’s dear face before her.  “I am so glad you came to help our Aideen.” She whispers.

Rinda continues to lovingly stroke Morna’s face.  “You know I would do anything for you or anyone you love.  I love them too.”

“I know,” admits Morna as she reaches out to timidly touch her former lover’s face.  “Luca’s reaction to our history amazed me.”

“We have talked about you a lot over the last several hundred years.  We are very close now.  I guess because we share a love for you.”  Rinda admits with a little bit of embarrassment coloring her cheeks.

“Yes, I gathered that,” Morna says thoughtfully.  “Rinda, tell me honestly what you are wanting from me?”

“To be as close as we were.  Remember how close we were after you broke our sexual affair off?  We were still very, very intimate, without being sexual partners.  It was such a sensual and sensory relationship, but not sexual.  You know what I mean right?”  Rinda breathes.

“I remember it well.  It was lovely.  I am glad that you do not want a sexual affair, I am not open to that.  I only want Luca!  You understand and accept that right?”  Morna asks softly.

“You never were that into the whole girl on girl sex that much.”  Rinda chuckles softly.  “You only really enjoyed the intimacy, the companionship.  Especially when you carried Kylor and Aideen.  Oh how I enjoyed watching your body blossom.  And helping you care for yourself as the babies grew in your belly.”

“To be honest, I hope that you will stay with me this time as well.  If Heimdall is right, Breena will have her own hands full.  But maybe Brigid can be with us.  I can’t admit it to Luca, but I am kind of scared.  Carrying a vampire’s child to full term cannot be an easy process.  I am already exhausted and dealing with crazy mood swings, and feeling nauseated a lot.  My body is already changing so very quickly that it frightens me a little.”  Morna admits quietly as she gets up and puts her robe on.  “I need a bath.” Morna says before she walks into the bathroom.

“Do you want me to leave while you bathe?” Rinda asks.

“No.  Come keep me company.  Unless it will bother you…” Morna says uncertainly.

Rinda laughs heartily.  “I think I can handle it.  What are you wearing tonight?  I didn’t bring anything real nice, just a pant suit.”

Morna drops the robe and eases into the tub as it fills with hot water.  “I am not sure,” admits Morna.  “Heimdall sent some stuff for us to choose from.  Luca picked something out for me and said it is in the armoire over there.  I still hate picking out clothes.  He has a better eye than I do for what looks good on me.  Thank God one of us does,” Morna laughs at herself.

Rinda walks over to the cabinet and finds a lovely cocktail length, emerald green colored silk cocktail dress with a bare back and dipping neckline, and a pair of matching leather sling back heels.  “Wow, those boys have good taste!  This will look awesome on you.”

“I am sure it will be fine,” Morna says tiredly as she relaxes in the hot bath water.  “Is Aideen going to be alright?  Really alright I mean?”

“Morna, I won’t lie.  She is out of stasis.  And I have gotten her to speak to me.  It’s going to be tough.  She’s dealing with at ton of guilt.  She asked me to bring you to see her before the banquet.  But here is some good news.  Agnar has been with her every moment since he left Heimdall’s sitting room, they have really reconnected.  It looks to me as though they genuinely love each other.  He’s very different than I remember him being.”  Rinda says thoughtfully.

“How long has it been since the two of you were intimate?” Morna asks, then says, “Sorry, that really isn’t any of my business.  I was just trying to get a feel for who he really is now.”

“Morna, it was before Aideen was even born.  It is absolutely not an issue.  I promise you.”  Rinda is thoughtful for a minute and then says.  “Truthfully, he will be much more help to her than I can be.  But I can help them get the process started, and then I can focus on you and Breena.  I am worried about you two as well.  Giving birth to vampire spawn is scary stuff.”

Morna chuckles and says, “That is putting it mildly.  I would be grateful to have you with me as the pregnancy progresses,” Morna admits.  She dunks below the water to wet her hair and when she comes up, Rinda offers to wash her hair for her.  “That would be nice, thank you.”

Rinda gently washes her friend’s hair and says, “Aideen does love you Morna.  You know that, right?”

“Of course I do.”  Morna says emphatically.  “That girl has had a very confusing life.  But you understand that the curse would not have worked if she didn’t already have those feelings, right?”

“Yes Morna, I understand how curses work.  And I understand that you have some serious issues too.  Are you planning on working on those?” Rinda asks quietly.

“I am trying.  Those issues, as you called them, are my Achilles’ heel, they have to go.”  Morna states flatly.

“Good, I figured you probably understood this.  You have always been fairly self-aware.”

“Not always,” Morna laughs in a self-deprecating way.  “I am pretty oblivious at times.”

“Well, you are only human, well sort of.”  Rinda laughs as she holds a towel for her friend to get out of the tub.  They both laugh at that and Rinda helps Morna towel dry and comb her hair.

Morna turns and hugs her friend.  “I am honestly so happy that you are here.”

“Me too.” Says Rinda and kisses her lightly on the lips.  “I need a bath too before I get dressed.  Do you mind if I make myself at home.”  She walks over to tub and weaves a spell, the water is clear and steaming hot in no time.

“Of course not.  I would enjoy the company.”  Morna walks into the bedroom and quickly dons the lovely dress.  Of course, it fits perfectly.  She returns to her friend and says, “How does it look?”

“Morna, you look like a freakin’ goddess!”  Rinda breathes softly, and then giggles; “I guess you are a goddess.  This life time really suits you.  I am glad you will be ascending in this form.  It’s as regal on the outside as you always have been on the inside.”

“Whatever.”  Morna snorts and turns to hide the blush that colors her cheeks.  “I am only a demigoddess by birth… but you know as well as I do that I am just me.” 

Rinda shakes her head and starts to argue, but just then a knock sounds at the door.  When Morna answers the door, Brynhold greets her warmly and says, “Excellent choice, Lady Morna!  Lord Heimdall sent a couple of dresses for Mistress Rinda to choose from.” 

Morna thanks Brynhold warmly and takes the dresses.  She walks over to the bed and spreads them out, and emits a low whistle.  By now Rinda is out of the tub.  She is wrapped in a towel and standing by Morna as she arranges the dresses on her bed.  “Heimdall knows what looks good on you.  I like the pale blue one, it will accentuate your eyes and show your trim little figure to advantage.”

Rinda eyeballs it skeptically.  “It looks a little too small to me.”

“YOU look a little small to me, but I am sure the dress will be lovely on you.” Morna assures her as she gives her a little hug. 

They are discussing the merits of the different dresses when Sammy comes striding into Morna’s suite without knocking.  She runs straight for Morna.  She’s still wearing jeans and a tee shirt.  “Morna don’t make me stay here!”  She’s begs Morna as she barrels into her.  Morna quickly takes the distraught girl into her arms and asks, “What’s the matter Sammy?”

“They want me to stay here.  I don’t know any of these people!  Morna let me come home with you!  I promise I won’t get into any trouble!”  Samantha sobs loudly, and Morna hugs her gently and kisses her forehead.

“Darling, don’t you want to get to know your parents?” Morna asks softly as Rinda walks away quietly.

“Yes, but not right now.  I want to stay with you until all this craziness is settled.  I want to be with you when Samuel is born.  I am your seer.  I should be with YOU!  Morna I am a grown woman.  I lied about my age. I am 21, I just said I was 16 to get into your half-way house and get close to you.  I can make my own decisions.” Samantha insists, stomping her foot like a little girl. 

Morna and Rinda both laugh at that little move.  Then Morna kisses her adopted daughter’s forehead again.  “You are 21?  Wow!  I should have known.  But I can‘t imagine why I didn‘t detect your magic.”  Morna shakes her head and then grins.  “I guess we are staying up here.  At least until Aideen is recovered.  Besides you have time to get to know your parents before the baby comes.  It will be fast, but still several weeks according to Gullveig.  And what did you just call him?”  She says as she hugs Samantha.

“It’s just what I think of him as.  I really don’t know what you two plan to call him.  I can’t see anything past him being born.  Morna, I really should be with you though.  The pregnancy will be hard on you.”  Sammy looks troubled as she says this.  “It’s going to cause you to go through a lot of changes.”

“You saw his birth?  Is he okay?” Morna asks breathlessly.

“Yes, he will be fine.  The little bugger will have his daddy’s hair and your eyes.  But I probably shouldn’t say little.  He’s going to weigh 12 pounds at birth!”  Gushes Sammy excitedly.

At that last little bit of information Rinda, who has just finished getting dressed comes and takes Sammy by the hand.  “Honey that might be TMI for Morna.  Jeez girl, don’t tell an expectant mom her baby will weigh twelve pounds.”  She chuckles as she leads Sammy to the door.  “You should go back to your parents, get ready for this shindig in your honor.  You can see Morna at the party.”

“TMI?  Oh, too much information.  I guess twelve pounds for newborn baby is pretty big?  Crap!  Morna I am sorry.  I didn’t mean to freak you out.”  Sammy says repentantly.  “Damn, I really have a big mouth, don‘t I?”

“Don’t worry about it, Sammy.  I know this won’t be your average pregnancy.  Go on, kiddo, get ready.  I will see you soon.  We can talk about this later.” Morna assures her.

When Sammy finally leaves, Morna sits down heavily on the bed.  “Oh crap!  Twelve pounds?  That‘s a big baby!  How can I deliver a child that big?” She asks fearfully.

Rinda sits down beside Morna and kisses her gently as she takes her hands into her own.  “Don’t worry honey, you already know they will have to take the baby by C-section.  It will be fine.  You’ll see.”  Rinda says as she tries to comfort her dearest friend.

“Please go find Luca for me.” Morna whispers as she clutches Rinda’s hands, feeling fearful.

Rinda looks away so that Morna can’t see the hurt in her eyes, and nods as she gets up to go find Luca.  She finds him already on his way to check on his wife.  “Luca!  She calls out to him as soon as she sees him across the great hall.  “Morna needs you.”

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