The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles (8 page)

BOOK: The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles
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Elias’ impassioned speech gives Morna pause.  She kisses his cheek and hugs him tightly.  “I will try to not fail your confidence in me.  Please be safe Elias, you are very dear to me.”

“I can say the same to you Pretty Morna.” Elias says before he turns and walks out of the cottage.

“Luca, I am more confused than ever,” she whispers.

Luca takes her hand in his and says, “He is right.  You know that.”

Morna gets up and starts pacing, impatient to be off to Asgard.  She goes back into their bedroom and picks up Damian’s backpack and rummages around for another coke.  She chills it and then pops the top and takes a big drink.  Luca has followed her into the bedroom.  “It amazes me you figured out how to do that.  You must show me some day.”

“No time like the present Morna quips and quickly explains the mechanics of the spell.  It’s not a spell in the traditional Spell Weaver sense, Morna basically taps in the magic that resides in her being and harnesses to do her bidding.  Luca is very impressed and finds he can barely put a thin coating of frost on a can.  “No worries love.  It took me two weeks to really get the hang of it.”

Valliant enters the front room and the pair goes to meet him.  “Yes, and then she froze an entire pack of Utgard wolves that attacked as we crossed the plain of Rind.”  Morna can’t help but notice that his face softens at use of his grandmother’s name.  Morna wishes, not for the first time that she had had the chance to meet the Giantess that was her great-grandmother.

“How do you plan to sneak up on Magdrid’ spies?” Morna asks.

“I will walk up to them, carrying you in my arms and Luca and Damian can sneak up behind them and take them out,” chuckles Valliant.

“That’s a good, simple plan, I like it,” says Luca with a smile.

“My grandson thought of it,” says Valliant proudly.  Luca and Morna chuckle at Valliant’s eagerness to accept Damian as part of his family.

“Well, let’s go” says Morna.  She tugs the backpack on and heads for the door. 

“Not so fast Baby Girl,” roars Valliant.  “You are supposed to be injured, remember?” 

“Oh yeah,” Morna laughs.  She hands the backpack to Luca and holds her hands out to her father, waiting for him to pick up and carry her like an invalid.

“Damian and George should be in place by now, let’s go Baby Girl.”  Valliant scoops her up into his arms and heads for the gateway as Luca slips out the back door.  They approach the two spies quickly.  Morna is feigning unconsciousness, but she can hear Luca, Damian and George coming up behind the spies.  She marvels that they cannot hear it themselves.  She hears two bodies hit the ground almost simultaneously.  “Okay Baby Girl, you can open your eyes.”  Valliant laughs happily.  “That was too easy.”

When she opens her eyes she sees that Luca has the unconscious Nobbs over his shoulder, and Damian is carrying the unconscious Kelly over his.  “I can’t believe they didn’t weave an iron-lion spell to protect themselves.”  Morna says incredulously.

“Magdrid doesn’t teach them how to defend themselves these days.  You were the one who did that.  Magdrid wants everyone dependent on her.”  Valliant snorts in disgust.  “The Spell Weavers of Airendell have really been in a decline in the last fifty years or so.”

“Well, that certainly must change,” Morna mutters angrily.  “Archer told me that she had disbanded the Airendell Warriors in recent weeks.  I can’t understand what she hopes to achieve by leaving Airendell vulnerable.”

They are approaching the gateway when Archer and Breena come out to meet them.  “What do we have here?” he asks his father.

“Keep them here and out of sight.  We can’t have them getting word to Magdrid.  We are on our way to Asgard.  We have to find Ari and your niece, Aideen.  She may be in great danger,” Says Valliant solemnly.

“Of course Father.  Contact me if you need me to do anything else.”  Archer walks over to hug Morna.  “Little sister, you look much better than you did a few hours ago.  I wish you Godspeed in finding your daughter.”  He turns to look at the other three men and says, “Watch her back, she knows no fear.”  And then Archer turns and leads the way into gateway holding cells.  “We don’t use these much, but it’s a good thing you built them back in the day, Morna.”

Morna is suddenly flooded with memories of her time as First Protector of the Gateways and Airendell‘s Talismans.  She had the cells built and magically reinforced to hold prisoners.  Prior to that it had been common practice to never let interlopers survive.  Morna had preferred to give them a chance to swear fealty to the Guild in a ceremony that would ensure unbreakable loyalty. 

She blushes when she recalls the many times she and Luca had snuck down here to make to love before and after his ascension.  Luca sees the blush and guesses what she is remembering.  He squeezes her hand and whispers in her ear, “Good times baby.”  Morna gives his hand an answering squeeze and then turns her attention to Breena.

“Breena, are you up to a little trip to Asgard?” Morna asks quietly.

“Morna, I am game for whatever.  I want to find my niece before it is too late.” Breena says calmly.  Morna gives her older sister a hug, then turns her attention to Valliant, “Well Father, let’s go beg help from our Norse kinsmen.”


The little group follows Valliant out onto the Middle-world plain.   “Heimdall, I wish to come home and I have guests with me.”  Instantly, the rainbow bridge called Bifrost appears before them.  “Let’s go” says Valliant.  Everyone takes off running up the bridge.  Luca and Damian are carrying the inert Almeda.  Very soon they arrive at Heimdall’s gate.  The gate is over 100 feet tall, and made of some multifaceted gem that resonates all the colors of the rainbow.  Valliant taps lightly at the gate with his shield.  A deep, resonating voice challenges them; “State your business Valliant.”

“Why I came to see you, you old sod!” The magnificent gates slowly open to allow them admittance.  Valliant roars with laughter as he claps the magnificent guardian of the gateway on the back.  “Is my father in residence?”

“No, but our King and Thor are and both will be happy to see Baby Girl and to meet her companions.  However, Thor probably will not be so happy to see you.”  Heimdall laughs wickedly.  “He is still mad at you for besting in your latest drinking game.”

Heimdall turns his attention to Morna.  “Come here, Baby Girl, and give me a hug.” he coos.  Morna runs to her godfather and jumps into his arms.  Heimdall is as big as her father, but his skin is a beautiful burnished ebony color.  His massive golden helmet is adorned with great horns.  His armor is constructed of the same material as the gate and its facets shimmer and shine with his every movement.  His features are beautiful and strong.  His brilliant amber eyes are kind and wise.  They shine like highly polished gold, and right now they are twinkling with delight at seeing his Baby Girl.

“Oh Heimdall!  I am so happy to see you!” Morna gushes as she hugs his neck fiercely and kisses his beautiful ebony face repeatedly.  Luca is very surprised by this reunion between his wife and this Norse ‘god’.  He is taken aback at how comfortable she seems in the arms of the giant demigod.  He is also surprised by how small and fragile she appears compared to his massive bulk. 

Morna hugs Heimdall again and tells him, “I want you to meet my family.  May I get down please?”  Heimdall gently sets her down, and she motions for Luca to join them.  “Heimdall, this is my true mate, Lucian Invictus Bellona Michaels.  Son of Bellona, Roman goddess of war, Spell Weaver of the Second Order of Airendell, and Second in Command of the Warriors of the First Order of Airendell, and vampire of the Moonlight blessing.”

“Luca, this is the magnificent, inescapable Lord Heimdall, Norse god, Guardian of the Bifrost, Watcher of Midgard, First Protector of Asgard, Valaskjalf, (Shelf of the Slain), and Valhalla (Hall of the Slain), the House of Odin.  Godfather to Thor, Vali, Valliant, and myself.

Heimdall shakes Luca’s hand.  “It is an honor to finally meet you, son.  I have kept my eye on you.  You never fail my Baby Girl.”  Heimdall booms as he slaps him on the back.

“I am pleased to meet you as well, sir,” says Luca modestly.

Morna motions Damian forward.  “Heimdall, may I present Damian Summers, adopted son of Lucian and Morna Michaels of Airendell, Ireland, Wales, and the New World, Bonded Protector of the First Protector of the Gateways, and vampire of the Moonlight Blessing.”

Heimdall shakes Damian’s hand.  “It is an honor to meet you too, son.  You have a tall job ahead of you protecting my Baby Girl.  Good Luck!”  And then Heimdall winks mischievously at the young vampire.

“I am honored to be her protector, Sir.  Not that she has allowed me to do much by way of protecting her.  And I am honored to meet you Lord Heimdall,” says Damian sincerely.

Morna finally motions George forward.  “Heimdall, may I present George Welborn, Stone Breaker of the Anasazi, Gila Order, Apprentice to Maria, the Shaman of the Anasazi, Gila Order.  George is also my brother in battle and friend.”             

Heimdall shakes George’s hand and booms, “Don’t be so shocked she knows all your titles son, she is in Asgard now, her power is nearly at full force.  She has regained most of her memories, knowledge and powers.  Being back in Asgard has awaken much of her magic.”

“I am simply very pleased that she called me her brother and friend.” admits George.  Heimdall, Valliant and Luca all laugh at George’s reaction.

“She often has that effect on people.” crows Heimdall.  “Our Baby Girl is one of a kind.”  Heimdall turns to Morna, “Baby Girl, you must be the only soul alive who could unite a Stone Breaker to fight alongside two vampires, even civilized ones with the Moonlight Blessing.”  Then Heimdall turns his attention to Breena who had been standing quietly behind George.  “Hello lovely lady.  You are looking lovely dear Breena, mender of broken hearts, minds and bodies.  Thank you for honoring us with your presence.”

Breena finally steps forward at Morna’s urging, she feels very out of place here.  She doesn’t believe she is in the same league as her sister and the others.  Heimdall looks Breena up and down, taking in her pixie like beauty and gentle demeanor, and smiles widely as he says, “Breena Glynn, Spell Weaver and Master Healer of the First Order of Airendell, Chronicler of Airendell and slayer of rogue demons and vampires, you truly don’t realize what a gem you are, do you?”  

Breena tries to smile but all of the attention is making her uncomfortable.  “It is an honor to meet you Lord Heimdall,” she says quietly.  “I have been an admirer of yours since my childhood.  Your abilities greatly intrigue me.”

“And I have admired you since your childhood,” Heimdall laughs.  “And your abilities intrigue me.  I may be able to see and hear what people are up to from a far, but you can know their hearts, from near or far.  Your empathic and healing abilities are amazing.  And your wisdom and kindness greatly endear you to the Norse ‘gods’.  We are pleased to count you among our children.”

When Breena blushes bright red, Heimdall pats her hand and whispers in her ear, “Take heart dear child.  You are just as spectacular as your sister.  You and she will give birth to a whole new race of magical beings.  Your wisdom, humor and loving spirit will make them a blessing for all the world.”  Breena looks utterly shocked at Heimdall’s pronouncement, so he pats her hand and says, “Trust me, little one.”  Breena nods silently and looks at Morna, who only smiles and shrugs.

“Go forth friends, but leave Almeda here.  The healers are on their way to get her.  Once they have reanimated her, she will go before Odin and explain herself.  Odin, Thor and their wives await a visit from you at Odin‘s Great-hall of Valhalla.”

He turns to Morna’s father and says; “Valliant, when you have finished paying your respects come back here and I will help you find Ari and your granddaughter.  By the way, Aideen was safe the last time I located her, but she is truly not in her right mind.  Someone has possessed her mind.  At least that’s what it looks like, and sounds like to me anyway.  Ari is continually moving around and I am having a hard time keeping an eye on them, but I won‘t give up until we can rescue your granddaughter.” Heimdall smiles reassuringly and then motions for Morna to come to him.  “Morna come here dear.”

Morna turns around and walks back to her godfather.  The giant guardian leans down and whispers something in her ear.  Luca and Damian both look at each other quizzically, neither can hear what Heimdall is saying to Morna.  Morna kisses Heimdall’s cheek again.  “Thank you, godfather.  I will remember that.”  And then she strides off to rejoin her group.

Valliant leads the way to Odin’s hall where a contingent of Norse ‘gods’ await them.  Valliant also decides he should educate the newcomers on the proper etiquette that they should observe when introduced to the other ‘gods’.  Heimdall has already informed the ‘gods’ of who their guests are, so when presented to the gods, Morna will not use their titles.  Luca, Damian, Breena, and George are advised to keep their heads bowed until Valliant says, “Brothers, and Sisters, make my guests welcome.”

On the way George is surprised to note that the stronghold of Asgard resembles an ancient Viking village.  There are lush fields, green rolling hills, Greathouses, barns, sheds, animal pens, a smithy, a shipwright, sheep and pigs roam about freely.  And everywhere that George looks he sees happy, healthy children running about playing.  “Valliant, Asgard doesn’t quite look like I imagined it would,” he says uncertainly.

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