The First Touch (22 page)

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Authors: Alice Sweet

BOOK: The First Touch
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Ivan closed the door and locked it turning the room pitch black
for a moment
, as s
he listened
to him moving in the dark easily, turning
on the light
in the bathroom. She smiled grateful
for the change and walked to the end of the bed as he
rummaged through a bag. Then he gestu
red for her to sit. She plopped down asking
, “What did you say to those men?” He pulled out a bottle of water and some pain medication and set it on the chair next to the bed.

“I told them you were contagious

“Am I contagious right now?”

He frowned, “Only to my kind.”

She asked the obvious question then, “So they were
like you
? They didn’t feel like it.”


Then why did you tell them that?

“Smells from other males
linger on you skin.”

Autumn asked then
looking curious, “Do all smells linger?”

Yes, most I can over look but right now that would be especially bothersome.”

She nodded and watched as he finally sat on the bed next to her and she asked curiously
, “
Is this how you always look?”

Ivan seemed surprised
and a bit confused by her question
replied honestly, “Yes
this is my face.”

She nodded
and replied
, “Time?”

Ivan looked at his watch and replied, “Thirteen minutes.”

She gasped looking at him
, “
Thirteen minutes.” Ivan nodded trying to breathe easily, thoug
h he seemed to be struggling all of a sudden

Autumn noticed then that Ivan seemed to be just as nervous as she was
He began
to fidg
et, as he waited for her to begin,
the perspiration on his brow
glistening in the dim light.
It looked like her vision was becoming painfully accurate. She moved in closely and slid her hands over his damp shirt and his muscles tensed. Autumn smiled shyly and slid her hands up higher to his neck sending
chills through both of them, asking
breathlessly, “Are you ready?”

Ivan’s eyes were clouded with the pain of her embrace and he moistened
his lips in anticipation, nodding without listening. She slid her mouth up
unsure of herself and began slowly kissing his neck and gradually worked her way up to his face. This did not feel the same as before, there was an edge to it now. His body was rigid and his back arched in pain when she slid her fingers across it n
ow. Each spot that she
began to bubble.

She jerked away seeing his bodies’ reaction and his steely arms tig
htened around her in response. Causing her to voice her doubt
in a whisper,
“What if it doesn’t work?”

Ivan did not open
his eyes, still intoxicated by her closeness, “Try love please.” He sucked in hard when she ran he
r fingers through his hair, slid her mouth up
to the place where the fire had yet to reach. She
kissed his lip
s gently, softly searching for that
feeling in his mouth. He moaned into hers
as she deepened her kiss
and her mouth finally found the
fire again.

She lifted her head slightly and he pulled her back down again
murmuring hungrily, “More.” She felt her body begin to draw the fire from his body
just as it had in her dream and she tried to pull away again
fearful of the result this time
but his grip was too strong
. She tried to tell h
explain the reasons that her mind still hesitated
but her body would no
t listen, continuing to draw the flame out
and neither would he
, so wrapped in the rapture
Soon, h
er skin began to heat up, as he
slowly cooled down. His body was free of its pa
in, and all he could think of was his own pleasure then, and in spite of her minds hesitation, her body did not seem to mind in the least. She felt her nipples hardening under the material of her bra, and a silky wetness beginning to form between her legs as he continued happily.
his body became its normal cold self and his arms c
ooled her skin, sending
through her
with every touch of his

Mean while, the fire increased in intensity inside
d with it so did her strength. W
hen she was finally able to
halt Ivan’s advances, h
e looked at her his eyes clouded with h
unger, as
she asked concerned, “You feel better?” Ivan nodded breathlessly, and she smiled pleased with herself and slid her mouth back down to his
, finally giving in fully
. His hunger increased te
n fold and she soon found hersel
f lying on her back
, pinned underneath him. H
e kissed her
leveling out
her emotion along with apparently
, the flame inside of her
. She felt relief pulsing through her
, she was going to be alright and so was he
. No more burning ma
n, the flame
turned into a comforting spinn
ing ball of life in her chest which
began beating as her heart once had.

They continued to kiss over and over again
while his hands began searching for more of her
, underneath her clothing. She responded favorably,
her hands unbuttoning his shirt
with the same eagerness that he felt.
Ivan’s kiss turned hard and want
ing, his
turned to a pleasure that he could not have imagined
, and his prick was now throbbing to see just how far it could go
. Autumn felt a pull from somewhere deep inside of her body then, an urge that began to chew her insides up with the sheer power of it. She pulled her hea
d back and saw Ivan’s eyes which
were now cle
ar and steady watching her
for something

She saw his eyes begin to dilate
and asked slightly alarmed
, “I am already changing?” He nodded and leaned
down to kiss her again, but she pushed
him back easily asking
a little nervous now, “You won’t get hurt will you?”

nearly laughed,

No, d
o you want me to stop?”

Autumn smiled wider and whispered, “No way.” Then Ivan slid his face down and continued his advances.

The knock on the door was sharp and abrupt,
and Ivan jumped
to his feet in one clean motion
, securing his shirt swiftly.
Autumn sat up
and began buttoning her shirt again
embarrassed by the quickness by which her lover had left her side
. Ivan slid the lock open slowly an
d an angry man in uniform demanded
, “Who did you bring aboard my vessel?” Autumn turned her head to the side as a surge of power began to fill her with a new pleasure that sent Ivan’s eyes in her direction. Her body
began to vibrate as Ivan’s eye
brow raised and he turned towards her ignoring the red faced man at the door.

Autumn asked her voice sounding a bit strange now, “What is the problem love?” Ivan looked at the captain for the answer. The captains eyes rested upon
and the blackness receded instantly from his expression.
His jaw dropped and he replied nearly squealing
, “
I am sorry. I had no idea!”

He stepped back and she twiste
d unnaturally and
began to creep forward
speaking to Ivan
, “
Ivan I think, I am...” Ivan’s face turned pale
he understood the sudden look,
his eyes
turning sharp and cold as he
stepped in between
and the captain.

She smiled
revealing her new teeth
, “No then?”

“He has safe passage as long as we do.”
Ivan explained to the newly made vessel before his eyes.

She nodded in response and then leaned into Ivan looking over his shoulder at the man plastered to the wall. “When can we eat then?”

The captain replied, “I will have some food sent down
then he scurried down the passage way
, bumping into the wall in his hurry to be away from them

Autumn s
tepped back and smiled then,
all of her tenseness draining away, “He scared easily.”

Ivan looked down at her face and smiled wildly, “You were teasing?” S
he beamed plopping
down on the bed
again, h
er eyes and mouth back to norm
al, “Yep. I didn’t like him. He
sent the darkness creeping out a bit

but your presence helped with that.”

He asked
clarifying, “How did I help?”

I don’t know
I feel centered with you, so
I can keep the change from moving as quickly.”

He frowned now,
not hiding his displeasure,
“I am slowing the change?”

Autumn frowned now and mumbled to
instantly seeing her mistake
, “
I should have just eaten the captain.”

Ivan laughed
and replied seriously
, “
I don’t want to slow the progression.”

She looked at him again puzzled, “Why?”

Ivan shot back, “The council might not be as patient as I am.”

She replied a little anxious
, “
So there is a chance that I could get hurt then?”

Ivan nodded without looking
at her, “We will be there in twelve
it is the longest that I could stall.”

She looked puzzled, “Stall?”

Ivan replied, “This is slowest route to t
he island.”

Autumn frowned, “Are you nervous that they won’t want to wait?”

He shook his head no, “Serena told them that you were the eye, so they want to test you soon though.”

Autumn snapped back, “And if I am not this eye?” He looked gravely at her then, and she finished the thought, “They will hurt me, and there is nothing you can do to stop it from happening.”

Ivan snapped back, “I would die trying.”

Autumn finished his statement again, “There are more of them though.”
Then she conti
nued, “Serena made it worse
when sh
e told them I was the eye?” He nodded, and she
growled, “I am going to have to talk to her.” Then she added hopefully, “Will they know if we are stalling for more time?”

“This is the only route that would get us the most time without them coming to collect you themselves.”

“So there
could be a lot of pain then?”

“It is not likely,” He explained adding, “But I will urge them to use caution.”

Autumn nodded in acceptance and replied, “Will it be long?”

Ivan replied truthfully, “Probably a day or two at most.”

Then she asked seriously, “Could I die?”

He shook his head, “That is not likely

“But still a possibility

Ivan nodded, “Yes, if the other clans get involved.

“They realize that I will not forgive them if I am this eye person, right?”
She snarled viciously.

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