The First War of Physics (83 page)

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452 ‘(1 group unrecovered] received from REST …’: Venona document images, 15 June 1944,

452 ‘On ARNO’s last visit to CHARLES’ sister …’: Venona document images, 16 November 1944,

453 ‘CHARL’Z’s information 2/57 on the atomic bomb …’: Venona document images, 10 April 1945,

454 ‘We have evidence that within recent weeks …’: quotation from Truman statement announcing the Soviet atomic bomb, 23 September 1949,

454 ‘Keep your shirt on’: Goodchild,
Edward Teller
, p. 141.

454 ‘It seems to me that the time has now come …’: Rhodes,
Dark Sun
, p. 381.

455 ‘Not very different from what it was …’: Bird and Sherwin, p. 419.

456 ‘If super bombs will work at all…’: majority annex, General Advisory Committee’s report on building the H-bomb, 30 October 1949,

456 ‘Necessarily such a weapon goes far beyond …’: minority annex, General Advisory Committee’s report on building the H-bomb, 30 October 1949,

456 ‘In sum, I believe that the President …’: quotation from Lewis Strauss, letter to Truman, 25 November 1949,

457 ‘It would be foolhardy altruism for the United States …’: Rhodes,
Dark Sun
, p. 406.

457 ‘Certainly not’: Bird and Sherwin, p. 427.

457 ‘Can the Russians do it?’ and subsequent quotations: Bird and Sherwin, p. 428.

457 ‘It is part of my responsibility as Commander in Chief…’: statement by the President on the H-bomb, 31 January 1950,

458 ‘Complete with dishevelled appearance …’: Lamphere and Shachtman, p. 140.

459 ‘Were you not in touch with a Soviet official …’: Moss, p. 167.

459 ‘What do you want to know?’ and ‘I started in 1942 …’: Moss, p. 173.

460 ‘The Soviet government…’: Sakharov, p. 99.


461 ‘Despite the vision …’: J. Robert Oppenheimer,’Physics in the Contemporary World’, second Arthur Dehon Little Memorial Lecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 25 November 1947. See Oppenheimer,
The Open Mind
, p. 88.

462 ‘With the discovery of fission …’: Rhodes,
The Making of the Atomic Bomb
, p. 751. Rhodes quotes from the galley proofs of C.P. Snow’s
The Physicists
, but goes on to observe that the quotation does not appear in the published work.

463 ‘Our greatest fear finally materialised …’: Jean Baggott (now aged 72), communication to the author.

463 ‘I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ …’: Bronowski, p. 374.

464 ‘It is said that science will dehumanise people …’: Bronowski, p. 374.

464 ‘It is the tragedy of mankind’: Bronowski, p. 370.

465 ‘May have to sit for a while’: Peat, p. 92.

465 ‘Oh my God, all is lost …’: Peat, p. 92.

466 ‘I would say definitely …’: Peat, p. 95.

466 ‘Thorough American.’: Peat, p. 95.

466 ‘US atom scientist’s brother …’:
Times Herald
, 12 July 1947.

466 ‘I will answer, if asked …’: Bird and Sherwin, p. 396.

466 ‘I think we all have been tremendously impressed …’: Goodchild, J.
Robert Oppenheimer
, p. 192.

467 ‘I have here in my hand a list of 205 …’: Griffith, p. 49.

467 ‘Senator McCarthy’s crusade …’: Lamphere and Shachtman, p. 142.

468 ‘I am the man …’: Lamphere and Shachtman, p. 157.

469 ‘That is where we are just now …’: Rhodes,
Dark Sun
, p. 461.

470 ‘Simple, great and stupid!’: Goodchild,
Edward Teller, p.

470 ‘Technically sweet’: Rhodes,
Dark Sun
, p. 476.

472 ‘He congratulates everyone who helped …’: Sakharov, p. 174.

472 ‘The trouble then is just this …’: J. Robert Oppenheimer, ‘Atomic Weapons and American Policy’, lecture delivered before the Council on Foreign Relations, New York, 17 February 1953. See Oppenheimer,
The Open Mind
, p. 68.

473 ‘For my part, I experienced a range of contradictory sentiments …’: Sakharov, p. 193.

475 ‘Own personal initiative and responsibility’: William L. Borden, letter to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, 7 November 1953, quoted in full by Borden during his testimony at Oppenheimer’s security hearing. See Polenberg, p. 307.

475 ‘Based upon years of study, of the available classified evidence …’ and subsequent quote: William L. Borden, letter to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, 7 November 1953, quoted in full by Borden during his testimony at Oppenheimer’s security hearing. See Polenberg, pp. 305–06.

477 ‘Now let us get back to your interview with Colonel Pash …’ and subsequent quotations: Polenberg, pp. 67–8.

477 ‘For your information, I might say we have a record of your voice’ and ‘not one lie … but a whole fabrication and tissue of lies’: Bird and Sherwin, pp. 507 and 509.

477 ‘You spent the night with her, didn’t you?’ and subsequent quotations: Polenberg, p. 74.

478 ‘I would not clear Dr Oppenheimer today …’: Polenberg, p. 81.

478 ‘Here is a man who is being pilloried …’: Polenberg, p. 204.

478 ‘I think this board or no board should ever sit on a question …’: Polenberg, p. 207.

478 ‘Now a question which is a corollary to that …’ and subsequent quotations: Polenberg, p. 253.

479 ‘I believe … that Dr Oppenheimer’s character …’: Polenberg, p. 264.

479 ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘After what you’ve just said, I don’t know what you mean’: Bird and Sherwin, p. 534.

479 ‘Conduct … sufficiently disturbing as to raise a doubt.’: Polenberg, p. 362.

480 ‘Thinly differentiated from high treason’: Moss, p. 202.

480 ‘Worse than murder’: Rhodes,
Dark Sun
, p. 480.

480 ‘I felt, not satisfaction, but defeat …’: Lamphere and Shachtman, p. 278.

481 ‘BEK visited Theodore Hall …’: Venona document images, 12 November 1944,

483 ‘I would have done it …’: Albright and Kunstel, p. 240.

483 ‘ But in 1995, when the whole story came out…’: Joan Hall, ‘A Memoir of Ted Hall’, History Happens website:

484 ‘On 14 June a meeting took place …’: Venona document images, 21 June 1943,

484 ‘I later learned that, in the course of tracing the source of leaks …’: Peierls, p. 225.

485 ‘British security service sources’: Farrell,
The Spectator
, 29 May 1999.

486 ‘It seems paradoxical that the German nuclear physicists …’: Jungk, p. 105.

486 ‘Science under fascism …’: Goudsmit, p. xxxv.

487 Apologia for being willing to work …’: Mark Walker, Nazi
Science: Myth, Truth and the German Atomic Bomb
, p. 244.

487 ‘Why were myths and legends of active resistance …’: Mark Walker,
Nazi Science: Myth, Truth and the German Atomic Bomb
, p. 268.

487 ‘Eine Legende’: Gerald Holton, ‘What is
Trying to Tell Us?’, in Därries, p. 52.

488 ‘The administration would come back and say …’: Kohn and Harahan, p. 93.


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