The Flames of Deception - A Horizon of Storms: Book 1 (24 page)

Read The Flames of Deception - A Horizon of Storms: Book 1 Online

Authors: AJ Martin

Tags: #fantasy, #epic, #dragon, #wizard, #folklore

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Josephine licked her lips and finally, after a
moments pause, reluctantly nodded. “Very well. But what of you
wizard? You wear a coat with delicate golden embroidery, leather
boots, fine breeches and you carry yourself around as if
were a prince! Such
a presence will likely cause a stir as well.”

Matthias nodded. “You may be right. But these
clothes also mark me out as a man of
. People think twice before approaching a
man they suspect may be a wizard. We are feared by many, as you
say. Their fear may also act as

Josephine sighed. “You have an answer for
question, don’t

Matthias smiled. “I find it helps when you wish to win an
argument. But perhaps you are right, in this instance,” Matthias
said. He put his bag down and untied the thick knot that held it
closed, pulling out a thin, black - green cloak made of a glossy
material. He threw it around his shoulders. “It protects against
the water. At least a little,” Matthias said. “What do you

Better than before, at least,” Thadius replied. “If still a
little unusual. I have never seen the like.” He shook his head.

Matthias smiled. “Good. Now, as for yourself,

Very well then. How am I to make myself appear
less regal? Walk with a hunch? Hop on one

Matthias chuckled. He bent down and ran his hand across the
moist mud, which ran along the bank of the stream, and plied it
between his fingers of both hands.

I?” he gestured.

Josephine sighed. “If you
.” He ran his hands across her hair,
spreading the mud through her golden locks, and then across her
brow and cheeks. By the time he was finished, her once porcelain
complexion was tarnished with the dirt, and her glossy, blonde hair
was flat and dulled.

Better,” Matthias said, smiling. “What do you
think, Thadius? Seeing as you are so quick to comment on

knight frowned. “She looks like she has been mucking out the

Exactly. We will have to find you some less respectable
clothes as well, at some point. But until then, just keep wearing
your cloak.” He rubbed a little of the mud onto his own cheeks and
smoothed it in. “There. We look like a pair of

Farmhands with leather boots and pearls?” Thadius added,
nodding to the wizard’s shoes that stuck out from below the shiny
cloak and Josephine’s necklace that still peeked from the top of
her shawl.

Matthias sighed. “It’s the best we can do for now.
You may want to change
own clothes as well at some point. You still wear
the garb of a Rinian soldier, and a sword larger than most

Thadius smiled. “Maybe they will think twice before they come
near us then?” he said.

Matthias shook his head. “Alright. Shall we get

inn appeared quiet from outside, which was hardly surprising given
the time of morning, but the door was open so they made their way
in. A woman was mopping the floor. She was tall and slender with
her curly red hair tied by a ribbon into a ponytail. The chairs all
around the bar were turned upside down, resting on the tables, bar
one, where an elderly man sat, a hat over his face, snoring. The
woman stopped and pulled herself upright as they

Morning,” she said with an air of confidence. “Up
with the cock, aren’t you?” She smiled. “I’m up to get away
,” she gestured to the ceiling with her eyes. “The lazy

Matthias smiled. “I hope we aren’t disturbing you?” he
ventured. The woman shook her head.

Not at all. Nothing to disturb at this hour, save
for old Weasel over there.” The snoring man didn’t stir at the
remark. “We used to try to get him out every night, but after a
time, you just think ‘what’s the point?’ So we let the old thing
be. He’s never any trouble.
, how can I help you? You look as if you’ve been
through the ringer. Especially you, little lady,” the woman nodded
to Josephine.

It’s been a long night of travelling,” Matthias continued.
“The two of us come from Tekri,” Matthias indicated to himself and
Josephine, “And this man is our guide, a soldier from your country
who we met on our travels. He is taking us to Rina. We’ve been
travelling overnight, so we can reach the city today for the

It’s dangerous to walk the roads at any time, let alone in
the dark, even with an escort as burly as your man here. It’s a
wonder you were not mugged, or worse. Take my advice. It’s not
worth it. I’ve seen too many people hurt on the roads to the

would like to see anyone try their luck, my good lady,” Thadius
replied, with a smile.

woman walked to the bar and propped the broom up. “Can I get you
three a drink? You could surely use something to eat as well? I
have some pottage left from yesterday. Turnips and

Sounds delightful,” Josephine said, her stomach rumbling

woman nodded. “Have yourselves a seat. I’ll be back in a minute.”
She left the bar through a short door, and sounds of clunking came
from what must have been a kitchen area.

Josephine turned to Thadius. “What is pottage?” she

Oats and vegetables in a stew,” he replied. “It
may be a bit
by the standards you are used to, princess,” he

” Matthias hissed. “Don’t call her that

Thadius rolled his eyes. “There’s no – one

There’s old whatever - his - name - is over there. He could
be a spy for all we know.”

Thadius looked at the old man. “Doubtful.”

would eat anything after all that walking!” Josephine

moment later, as the three of them turned some chairs over at the
table closest to the bar, the woman returned, with a tray of three
bowls of steaming food and thick spoons, and three chunks of bread,
which she placed in front of them. The pottage was thick and grey.
Josephine looked at it curiously.

I’ll just get you a drink as well,” the woman continued and
went to the bar.

Well at least it
enticing,” Josephine whispered under her

will keep you alive and give you enough energy for the day,”
Matthias whispered back.

So what business have you in the Rinian market?”
the innkeeper continued, returning with two tankards and a goblet.

for the lady,” she
smiled, and set the metal cup in front of her.

Thank you,” Josephine said. “We are merchants,” she

Merchants?” The woman said. “Merchants without any

have coin to buy new produce,” Matthias chimed in, giving Josephine
a brief look of disgruntlement. “We wish to take back some of the
local wares to Tekri. And we have been told of the market’s
incredible stalls.”

The woman smiled. “If you are going to
you had better tell your woman to get some more practice.” She
waved her hands as Josephine blushed. “I don’t want to know what
you are up to, with a soldier of the realm by your side. All I ask
is that you don’t muddy up my floor, you pay your bill, and if
there is any trouble, you will be out on your hides. Soldier or
no!” She nodded to Thadius.

mean you no trouble,” Matthias said. “I apologise for the
deception. We only want some food before we continue our

The woman chuckled. “You wouldn’t be the first
people to come in here with a tale to spin. I’ve heard them all!
Well, that is, I
I had until last night.”

What happened last night?” Josephine asked.

The woman pulled up a chair and sat by them. “I
thought I had seen it all. I’ve seen Aslemerian priests,
dark-skinned men, women dressed as men - men dressed as
, for that matter - but a creature arrived here yesterday
the likes of which I have
seen before in my life! And
could spin a tale with the

of creature?” Thadius asked, looking

for yourself,” the woman said and jerked her head to the far side
of the tavern. They turned to see what she was looking at. A figure
had emerged from upstairs: a tall man, dressed in a dark green,
velvet waistcoat, brown hemp breeches and a white sleeveless shirt,
which he wore confidently; the top buttons undone to his chest. His
light - brown hair was worked together tightly, tied and knotted
into locks that curled up and around his head. Separating his
freckled brow and hairline was a white bandana of coarse yarn. His
skin was tanned. With his hair tied up the way it was, two long,
pointed, curving ears protruded outwards around the sides of his
face, with small semi - circular notches taken out at regular
intervals until they curved backwards, their ends splitting into
two points as they wound their way up past his hairline

I don’t
it,” Matthias whispered, staring at the

What?” Thadius asked.

know him.” The figure spotted them at the only occupied table and
his eyes widened like saucers.

Matthias? Matthias, is that really
” the man asked as he strode towards

Luccius!” he exclaimed and nearly kicked his chair out as he
rushed over to greet the man, embracing him warmly. “My gods but
it’s good to see you!”

How can you be
” the man named Luccius asked.

could ask you the same question!” Matthias replied.

I’ve come a long way since we last saw each other
Matthias!” Luccius replied, a large grin on his masculine face. His
accent was rhotic and the twang foreign compared to the Aralian
dialects. “I
you I would travel far across the world! Now look at me! I
have been to the fabled city of Rina, the furthest from home I
been! Probably the furthest my people have been for
hundreds of years.” He laughed loudly and patted Matthias on the
shoulders. The wizard laughed with him.

This is incredible! It’s been what, five years at least?” the
wizard asked.

More like ten!” Luccius replied.

it can’t be that long!” Matthias waved him away.

,” Thadius coughed loudly.

Oh yes!” Matthias said awkwardly, caught off
guard. “Let me introduce you to my travelling companions. This is…”
He suddenly eyed the barwoman, and then turned back to Luccius.
“You know,
are my manners? May we have a drink for my friend?” He
asked the woman. She smiled.

course. Though if you wanted me out of earshot, you only had to
ask.” She turned on her heel and made her way to the bar. Matthias
shook his head, smiling.

I was saying,” he continued. “This is Josephine.” Luccius bowed
gracefully to her, taking her hand and kissing it delicately. She

Such a fair lady! Matthias, what have you done to deserve to
travel with such beauty?”

This is her… well, this is Thadius.” The knight stood to
shake Luccius’s hand.

An impressive
” Luccius commented, indicating to the
decorative hilt of Thadius’s weapon. “Suitable for the knights of
Aralia themselves, I’ll wager?”

Thadius coughed. “Yes. Yes, I’d imagine it would be, if I
were one.”

not bad with a sword myself. Perhaps we could spar together later,
if you have time?” Luccius continued.

,” Thadius retorted.

When did you learn to use a sword?” Matthias

I have learnt a lot in ten years,” Luccius smiled.
“I’m a little more
than before. So, where are you three going?” Luccius asked.
“Is Matthias taking you on one of his famous trips?” He grinned at
the wizard.

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