The Flavor Of Love (19 page)

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Authors: Shiree McCarver,E. Gail Flowers

BOOK: The Flavor Of Love
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Hey, Carla and Reko, thanks for doing a great job. Once you look over the start-out menu and note anything I might be missing, you can take off and I will see you in the morning at six-thirty a.m. so we can get a big southern comfort breakfast out for the crew. We might as well give this kitchen a test run for what’s to come.”

Wow, we get two extra hours of sleep; it will feel like a vacation.” Reko spoke up. “I’m going to go ahead and slice up the breakfast ham. I will make sure my area is cleaned before I shut the kitchen down for the evening.”

You’re the meat expert. Do your thang,” Etta smiled up at him. She shoved her arms into her jacket to keep away the evening coolness of the mountain air at bay.

Have you spoken to Keigo yet?” Reko asked quietly.

Nope,” Etta shook her head. “I guess he doesn’t have much to say to me after the way I left things last.”

I doubt it. Keg is probably trying to do everything himself and that doesn’t leave him much time for anything else. By the time he turned in at the cabin, he was dragging on his feet.”

Or maybe he prefers to spend his time off with someone else,” Etta murmured staring over at Carla.

Etta, Carla and Keg--”

Hey big brother…Etta,” Carla walked in the back screened-in door of the kitchen. “All of us are going to watch a movie in the recreation hall; you two want to join us?”

No, I thought I might go for a short walk. I’m feeling restless, but thanks.” Etta smiled.

I hear ya. If it wasn’t for my ten mile run in the mornings, I would go crazy,” Carla giggled and winked. “Running is the ticket; it gives you a sense of freedom that’ll last you all day. You really should join me. Keigo used to run with me, but I don’t know if he will now.”

Carla,” Reko called out his sister’s name and a look passed between them.

Etta wondered what Carla meant? Was there a reason Keigo wouldn’t do what he used to do? Was he behaving differently because she was here this year? She probably ruined the one thing he looked forward to; coming up here and spending time with his friends and camp kids.

What?” Carla voice squeaked. “I was just telling her about our running. You used to run too.”

Reko looked over at Etta and grinned. “After I quit the force, those days were over for me. Running with Carla has become like fuckin’ boot camp for anyone around here over twenty-two since she became a fitness instructor for one of those celebrity fitness shows. That’s probably why Keg has cried off too.”

All you guys have become big babies,” Carla teased and licked her tongue out at her brother.

Etta shook her head and released a long sigh. She knew she was a big baby when it came to running. Who the hell, besides Carla, would think running ten miles before working ten to twelve hours on her feet in the kitchen was refreshing?

As for Keigo, he would spend most of his days sitting behind a desk teaching classes. With the exception of sitting down for meals and the recreational time in the evenings before settling in for the night, those would be the only times they would be able to spend any time together.

Etta shook her head. “Ya know what, Carla? I’m going to have to take your word that running ten miles is the bomb ditty because it’s not happening here, girlfriend. That’s why I do dance and Yoga to stay in shape.”

It seems to be working for you,” Carla complimented her.

Thank you.” Etta grinned, surprised by her compliment. “I would kill to have your legs,” Etta returned the compliment. “But if it takes a ten-mile run to have legs like yours, then it would kill me!”

Carla laughed. “Okay, I’m out of here. Come join us in the recreation hall when you get back.”

If I’m not too tired,” Etta told her before turning to speak towards Reko. “I’m out of here. Could you throw my apron in the wash when you throw yours in?”

No problem. And Etta, it speaks of flash storms in the area so you may want to keep your walk very short,” Reko warned.

I should only be about an hour. The glade I saw doesn’t look too far from here.”

Just don’t move off the rock trails. The soil is still damp from the last rain and you never know when you might step into a sink-hole,” Reko said, then added with a frown, “You know what Etta, maybe you should hold off until one of us who knows the area better can come with you.”

I’m an outdoors girl and I’ve spent most of my life outdoors at one carnival ground after another. I promise you if the glade is not as close as it appears, I will turn right around and head back.”

Anything you want me to tell Keg when I see him?” Reko asked.

Nah,” Etta grabbed a water bottle and a flashlight from the utility closet just in case she needed it because of the rain. The clouds had gathered over the sun and made it appear darker earlier. “We’ve been here four days and he’s hardly said two words to me, so I doubt he will care enough to ask about me.”

Etta, trust me it’s not like that--”

Save it. I have eyes and I don’t have to be a psychic to see Keigo and your sister, Carla, have this funky vibe going on,” Etta interrupted. “But hey,
Mister Buff and Sexy
, Keigo doesn’t owe me anything. I’m just here doing community services remember? Later!”

Etta, remember what I said!” Reko yelled after her.

Etta felt tears burning in her eyes. She was hurt and disappointed Keigo looked as if he had moved on without her. She just wanted to get away from prying eyes and have the cry that has been threatening to spill forth since she got into the jeep. She was disappointed when he didn’t protest Carla moving from the front seat to sit beside him in the back. She had thought he was saving that place for her. It didn’t matter now. She just needed to stay focused on why she was here and get pass the thirty days. Afterwards, she would never have to see Keigo again.




Hey, Reko, how’s it going?” Keigo pushed the wet hood of his rain parka off his head as he entered the back kitchen door.

Great. I was just finishing up the washing of the aprons. What’s up? Did they get the sewer lines fixed before it started raining?”

Finally.” Keigo rolled his eyes heavenward. “Some tree vines had choked and busted a line, causing the back up. They were bulldozing in the last layer of dirt before the sky opened up.”

Glad the weather held up until the job was finished.”

Indeed.” Keigo looked around, impressed by the pristine condition of the kitchen. All the stainless steel appliances glistened and the lanolin floor shined. He didn’t want to give Etta more work by tracking in mud, so he stayed on the large rubber floor mat close to the door. From what he could see, everything was perfect for his final walk through tomorrow. Then the next day, the inspectors and if all goes well, the buses were set to arrive two days later.

He was disappointed to see Etta wasn’t in here. He had hoped to finally spend some time with her before things got really crazy, but from the looks of things she must have turned in early. He frowned, wondering if he should go and visit her in the cabin she shared with Nan.

Hey, Keg, what’s on your mind?” Reko broke the lingering silence. “Everything is cool here. Etta is something else. We got done earlier this year than all the years before. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone as focused and organized as she is in the kitchen.”

I knew she would be an asset to the camp.” Keigo looked at his booted feet.

Okay, you’re starting to freak me out.” Reko chuckled. “You’re not upset because Carla decided to come back this year, are you?”

Carla? Of course not; I’m lucky to have her back to help us out.” Keigo looked at his old high school buddy. “No, as far as Carla is concerned, that was over before it started last year. I realize you can’t relive your youth and Carla and I was before I married Claire. ”

I don’t know if my sister feels the same way you do. It surprised the hell out of me when she let Etta have the front seat and sat in the back with you. It makes me wonder if the only reason Carla came back this year was because she thinks another year has made a difference for you,” Reko said, throwing him an apple. Keigo caught it in his right hand and brought it up to his mouth to take a bite.

It surprised the hell out of me, but Etta didn’t protest, so neither did I,” Keigo stated. “As for Carla, we’ve talked about it and decided to be friends. The chemistry isn’t there.”

I’ve seen how you stare at Etta when she isn’t looking at you. You can’t tell me there is no chemistry there,” his friend commented.

Choosing not to elaborate, Keigo asked, “How is Etta? Has she said anything about not seeing me around?”

Getting the hint, Reko answered. “I think she believes you and Carla have something going on. Other than that, she’s been unusually quiet.” He folded his arms over his chest. “You know Keg, I like her. She works hard and she has a great sense of humor.” Reko shook his head and laughed aloud. “She’s even given me a new name, Mister Buffed and Sexy. She also told me I needed more fiber in my diet.”

She’s right,” Keigo murmured satirically. “You’re full of shit.”

Good to hear the old Keg is back. You haven’t had much humor since Claire and Miko died.”

Buffed and sexy
? What the hell kind of name is that? Etta really sucks at names. How difficult is it to say Reko, instead of that mouthful, buffed and sexy?”

What you getting all hot and bothered for? It doesn’t bother me none. A fine lady like Etta calling me sexy is not offensive at all,” Reko’s eyes twinkled with mirth. “Man, that dancing and yoga stuff really works because she’s got a bottom that doesn’t quit. She has to have a booty-delicious gene from her equally attractive mother.”

Keigo scowled.
What the hell was Reko doing looking at Etta’s ass and how could he have the nerve to brag about it in front of his face?
Taking another bite out of the apple, Keigo heatedly pondered on something Reko had said that hounded him more than he cared to admit. “You said you
her.” Keigo chewed on the bite of apple in his mouth and swallowed with a gulp. “Do you mean like her…

Are you asking me would I fuck her?” Reko chuckled. “Hell yeah. Not only does she make me laugh, she has a sexiness about her that isn’t obvious at first. You know, it’s as if her beauty sneaks up on you. One moment you don’t really notice, then
! You can’t take your eyes off her smile...or her ass. Also--”

I got it, Reko. Damn!” Keigo snapped.

Reko’s chin dropped as his mouth fell open in surprise. “I…I can’t believe it,” he sputtered and released a laugh. “After three years of
the walking dead
, I finally see signs of my best buddy. I should go get Marco and Nan in here just in case this is a fleeting moment. It will be like old times.”

How can a giant of a guy like you be such a drama queen?” Keigo shook his head.

I’m a
giant,” Reko spread his hands wide. His smooth olive skin stretched over high cheekbones in a wide dazzling display of straight, white teeth. “You got to love
Ree-ko Suave

Keigo laughed, “I haven’t heard that since the old college days.”

Now, those were some good days,” Reko’s voice said in fondness. “Keigo, the wonder-boy, Reko the suave, Marco the emperor.”

Together, Keigo and Reko looked at each other and said, “Nan, our African princess.”

How did the three of us end up with a girl we shadowed over the entire time we were in college like she was our little sister? Hell, all of you are two years older than me.” Keigo teased.

Hey, not everyone is walking around with your I.Q. and has the ability to skip ahead.” Reko reminded. “You used to get bullied so I became friends with you first.”

I suppose you’ve always been my bodyguard, haven’t you?”

Nannette grew up being neighbors and best friends with Marco. They went to the same elementary school, middle school and high school. I suppose it was natural they went to the same college together. At first she felt like one of the boys. The girl could play all kinds of sports and was good at it. The next thing I know, she started looking like this fine honey and was no longer interested in doing guy things.”

Yeah, I noticed. I guess she just finally grew up.” Keigo frowned. “It seemed as if it was out of the blue.”

Out of the blue? Naw, I think she found a guy that opened her nose and she wanted to impress him,” Reko chuckled.

Wow, he must have been one hell of a guy.” Keigo’s frown deepened. “I never noticed her dating. She seemed to be around us all of the time.”

Reko threw back his head in laughter, taking the apple core Keigo held out to him and dropped it in the waste can. “I think if you had taken your head out of the books sometimes, you would have noticed Nanette has always had a thing for you, Keg.”

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