The Flavor Of Love (14 page)

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Authors: Shiree McCarver,E. Gail Flowers

BOOK: The Flavor Of Love
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Err…” she cleared her throat. “That won’t be necessary. Where were we?” Her voice seemed to raise a couple of octaves. “Oh yeah, Auntie Loo is a medium. She communicates with spirits that have passed.”

So she could contact members of my family that have died?” He asked concerned by the tinge of hopefulness he felt.

Keigo supposed at one time or the other everyone had someone they wished they had the chance to speak to once more. For him, he had several. He would love to know what his father thought about the choices he had been making in his life since the accident. Would he be disappointed that he was no longer pursuing their long-term dream? What about his daughter, Miko? Was she happy where she was now? Did the dead continue to grow or would she remain forever frozen as his little angel? His eyes burned and misted as his mind raced with questions. Questions he wasn’t prepared to ask aloud for fear of the answers.

Auntie Loo’s abilities can be the most difficult of all because it’s unpredictable. Sometimes the spirits of loved ones don’t have the energy to come through and even worse is she can skip the ones that do come through in order to bring in the ones you want to speak to.”

Keigo frown, lifting his free hand and washing it over his face with a deep sigh. There was so much more to these unusual women than he could have ever imagined. Could his wife have spoken to Auntie Loo of his situation, his guilt? Had she been the one that wanted him to know he needed to move on? If so, what did Etta have to do with all of this? Was it something supernatural that had brought them together in his courtroom?

I know it’s a lot to take in,” Etta said in a soothing tone. “I can tell your ulcer is acting up again.” She released his hand with a pat and stood. “Let me make you some of that tea I sent you. You are drinking it as I instructed, aren’t you? Your soup should be gone by now, but I will make you up a batch to keep in your freezer if you feel uncomfortable utilizing the recipe.”

Keigo didn’t get the chance to say anything before she was skirting around his legs and moving towards the kitchen. He took the chance to take in the open space of a living area with a combined dining area and attached kitchen separated only by a built in island.

The sitting area was made up of two dominant wooden based sofas with single cushions covered in a blue silk. Both were pushed against the wall. They looked more like beds than sofas. He’d seen the Asian style, but felt they were a little to low to the floor for his Westernized taste. But what the sofas lost in height, they made up in comfort he found out as he leaned back against the mountain of colorful pillows and long plump gold colored bolsters.

Keigo’s eyes secretly watched and enjoyed the domestic scene they made, with him sitting restfully on the sofa while she moved about in the kitchen. His heart ached with loneliness and longed for the camaraderie one could only find in a loving relationship.




We’re having the warmest fall season in years. It might as well still be summer.” Etta chattered nervously as she moved about the kitchen. “Why are you out and about so early on a Saturday anyway? Don’t you ever take a day off?”

I don’t have time. Even if I’m not in court, I have meetings and such in regards to the foundation. So there is always something to do,” he answered.

You’re staring at me, that way again.” Etta pointed out looking up to find his eyes on her. She turned her back to him to reach into the refrigerator and retrieve an orange ceramic bowl with diced and cubed cantaloupes, honeydew melon, watermelon and full-sized strawberries.

What way do I look at you?” Keigo asked.

I don’t know,” she shrugged. “It’s like you’re expecting me to say or do something wacky and you don’t want to miss it.”

He gave her a smile that set her pulse racing.

Etta, why in the world would I expect
to say or do anything crazy,” Keigo laughingly asked.

Ever the smart ass, I see,” Etta murmured with a grin.

The teakettle shrilled behind her and she turned to shut off the gas to stovetop before using a brown potholder to lift it. Etta poured the hot water over the filter full of her special blend of tea- leaves before placing the hot pot on the awaiting cooling trivet next to the tray she was preparing.

When she thought he wasn’t looking, Etta observed how Keigo’s square jaw tensed visibly in a grimace while his hand rubbed at his stomach. The rise and fall of his shoulders indicated a deep sigh as he blew through the obvious discomfort he was in. She saw him pull something out of his shirt pocket and pop it in his mouth. He rubbed his eyes and leaned back against the cushions.

Etta wondered why she hadn’t noticed until now how exhausted he appeared. It probably was his stomach keeping him awake.
When was the last time he visited a doctor?
She shook her head and bit her bottom lip to keep from asking. She’d already become more personally invested in Keigo than she should be, considering the only reason he is sitting here now is because she will be his to do as she is told for the next thirty days.

Etta finished loading the items on the tray and lifted it. She left the kitchen and walked across the room.

Keigo, I saw you rubbing your stomach.” She nodded towards his hand, now still across his flat stomach. “I think you need some of my tender loving healing.” She spoke to him like an ill-mannered child as she came to stand before him with tray in hand.

I need something, starting with sleep,” he commented. “What do you have there?”

I made some Rooibos tea. It will help settle your stomach. There is also some fresh fruit and cream because you didn’t eat breakfast this morning. You know how they say, ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’? Well, it’s the truth and with your sensitive stomach, you need to be in a relaxing place with no televisions and telephones when you eat your meals. Also, no more eating on the run. You need to eat at least three meals a day.”

Who has time?” Keigo stood and took the tray from her hands to place it on the low table in front of the sofa.

Anyone who wants to live past fifty?” She replied quirking her eyebrow at him and dropping down beside him. “Is that you? Because I know I plan on being a sharp old lady like my grandmother.” Etta winked at him. “Gran was ninety-two when she died and didn’t look a day over seventy. She worked until her heart started giving out on her. I believe she managed to squeeze out the last year of her life on being pissed because she had to retire, alone. Hell, the only reason Gran didn’t live longer was because without the carnival, she basically died from boredom.”

Etta couldn’t believe Keigo was here in her home having a conversation with her as if they were old friends. In a way, she felt as if they were. He had been a constant thought in her mind since she spoke with him last. In her dreams and waking hours, she played his features. She loved the sexy shape of his mouth, his arrogant profile, aquiline nose and the Asian beauty of his heavy-lidded eyes. Since Neil died, she barely gave any man a second look, but with Keigo, Etta couldn’t take her eyes off of him and she had no idea why or what made him different from any other man she’d come in contact with during the past four years.

He wasn’t considered textbook gorgeous, but he had an attractive quality and calmness about him that made you take notice and want to get to know him better. The more she saw of him, the more handsome he was becoming to her.

May I ask what this roo-ee-bus tea is?” He asked, not sure if he wanted to drink something he hadn’t ever heard of.

It’s also called African Red Tea because of where it comes from and its color. It’s my own special blend.”

She watched quietly as he smelled the contents.

Smells fruity,” Keigo commented. “I’m not big on fruity tasting beverages.”

Yeah, you rather have hot dog type stuff with extra sautéed onions. I know that’s what you like. My job is to tell you what you need. You have my services for a month; you might as well use me.”

Keigo’s mouth spread into a wide grin as he placed the cup at his mouth and there was a boyish twinkle in his eyes.

Etta rolled her eyes heavenward and snorted on a laugh. “You know what I mean.”

What?” He looked at her with feigned innocence, removing the cup from his mouth before he took a sip. “I didn’t say anything.”

It’s what you didn’t say that I was responding to, so don’t even pretend like you don’t know. Now drink,” she ordered. Etta saw the hesitation his face as he looked down at the contents in the cup. “What is it now?”

I don’t like tea that much.”

A Japanese man that doesn’t like tea?” Etta asked. “Are you kidding me?”

Do you like pickled pig’s feet?” Keigo came back.

No,” she grimaced.

An African American woman that doesn’t like pig’s feet? Are you kidding me?”

, I apologize,” Etta conceded with a soft smile on her lips.

For the record, I do like pickled pig’s feet,” he supplied.

You would,” she shook her head. “It’s just something else that is too heavy for your stomach in its current condition. I suppose that means you haven’t been drinking the tea I placed in the gift basket with the soup?”

Yes, I tried it,” he replied with an affronted glare. “I just didn’t like it. I did, however, eat all the soup and it was delicious, thank you.”

I see.” Etta released a deep sigh, speared a piece of honeydew melon with a toothpick and dipped it in cream before shoving it in her mouth. Etta simmered.
Why was he so stubborn?
She was only trying to help him, but what good would it do if he didn’t want to be helped?

She ate a strawberry and sipped on her tea. The silence stretched between them. She plopped in a piece of cantaloupe and dipped her finger in the whip cream. Before she could lick the cream off her finger, Keigo had her by the wrist. She looked up to find him glaring at her.

Etta, I can tell you’re upset with me.” Keigo’s lips puckered with annoyance. He downed the warm contents of the mug and his scowl deepened. “
. See, all gone. So say something,” he urged. “If you’re upset with me, then say so.”

You didn’t have a problem telling me what you thought the other day.”

You’re my boss for the next thirty days,” she remarked, pleased at how casual she sounded.

Does that mean you will no longer have an opinion of your own?” His tone was coolly disapproving.

Keigo,” she whispered. Her gaze lifted and locked with his. “My whip cream is melting.”

He moved closer till his forehead nearly touched hers. “Allow me.” He pulled her hand, taking her finger into his mouth and sucked.

Etta’s heart lurched. Her blood dashed to her crotch and her clitoris pulsed with each pull of his mouth on her finger. Her eyes quivered shut.

Did I get it all?”

Oh, yes,” she breathed before opening her eyes. With a jolt of realization at his masculine laugh, her eyes opened. Etta could feel the heat spreading over her face and neck.

I’m not your boss; I’m your co-worker along with everyone else that has volunteered their services at the camp.”

His cool impersonal tone broke the erotic spell of the moment and Etta felt as if she had just had cold water doused over her head. “I’m not a volunteer,” she reminded.

Of course you are,” he countered. “You could have paid the fine or you could have hired a lawyer and fought the community service, but you chose to volunteer. I have a feeling that if the circumstances had been different, you would have willingly volunteered on your on accord.”

Why would you think that?” Etta asked, surprised at his statement.

Everything I’ve read about you, the things you have told me, the things I’ve heard from others. All of it speaks of a good heart, Etta.” He let out a long audible breath. “Do you know what I find likeable in you?”

What?” Her mouth twitched. “My loud mouth? You seemed to be enjoying my finger a minute ago.”

Smiling, he touched one of her mini braids resting over her shoulder and rubbed it between his thumb and forefinger. “As a matter-of-fact, yes to both.” He nodded. “I like the fact that you have a mind of your own and that you don’t hold back, no matter what. I want you to feel like you can continue to be who you are around me.” Keigo released the braid.

Okay, you asked for it,” Etta warned. “You pissed me off about the tea, which I’m beginning to wonder if you did it just to get a rise out of me.” She narrowed her eyes on him suspiciously. “I don’t know why you rather sit in pain, than to choke down some freakin’ tea. What does it matter if you like it or not as long as it helps you? Also…” her voice trailed off at his pleased grin.

Also what?”

Also you had no business sucking my finger like that! It makes me think all kinds of wicked thoughts,” she revealed in a rush. “If you do something like that again, then I’m liable to…to…”

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