The Flavor Of Love (9 page)

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Authors: Shiree McCarver,E. Gail Flowers

BOOK: The Flavor Of Love
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Etta moaned and said, “The frog is back. Ribbit…ribbit.”

Then why are you the one making the frog noises?” He pointed out.

Because it takes one to know one?” Etta said snidely, ending the question by sticking her tongue out at him.

Keigo laughed.

Tell me, Etta, with exception of your Internet cooking show, what are your future plans? Don’t you think people would take you more serious if you didn’t tell them you fancy yourself as a psychic chef?”

You don’t have to believe in me. Lord knows before Neil died, I was determined to never read another hunger pang and to become one of the ‘normal’ people.”

Who’s Neil?” Was he the “almost marriage” she implied about earlier?

Neil is another story, for another time.” Biting her lip, she avoided his eyes. It wasn’t enough for him to miss the moisture that pooled in them before she looked away. “I know what I do is strange to some, but I grew up in a carnie. Normal is strange to me. In my world with the people that I call family along with my mother, people with the second site is a reality. There is no way you can grow up around people with gifts of their own and remain a skeptic.”

Keigo admired her easy optimism. He was an admitted reserved planner. If he worked in a bank and someone with her personality came to him wanting his bank to invest based on supernatural abilities without having scientific documented facts to back it up, he’d turn her down without further consideration. Dreamers were good in a romantic affair, but not business.

The one thing he couldn’t deny is the kids at his camp would love her. The more he thought about his decision, the more he was coming to like the idea of having Etta underfoot at Bent Arrow. It definitely wasn’t going to be boring.

He must be dizzy from lack of food too, because he couldn’t stop looking at her, especially when she wasn’t looking at him like she was at the moment. Her lovely eyes trailed from his face to his chest and then to his crotch? He must be mistaken. Surely she hadn’t just sized him up! He would be offended if he hadn’t already done the same to her several times.

Men sized up breasts. Women secretly sized up crotch bulges thinking men weren’t aware that they were being checked out. When in actuality, men always did crotch checks on themselves to assure zippers were up and penises nestled in the most flattering position.

He cleared his throat bringing her attention back to his face. “So plans for you being head chef at Bent Arrow aren’t going to be a problem for you?”

Does the camp have Internet access?”

It’s a training camp for inner city kids who want to go into the field of law. Fast access is a necessity along with other necessities,” Keigo assured her.

I’m hoping for the most important necessity such as indoor plumbing. I’ve seen enough bushes and port-o-potties to last me a lifetime.”

Etta, it’s not a boot camp,” he shook his head at her musings. “We try to give kids options before they decide to make the wrong choices, not after.”

Sounds like something that I would feel honored to be a part of. So when do we leave?”

Keigo stared. She had loveliest reddish-brown eyes he’d ever seen. They reminded him of a puppy he had once; trusting, affectionate and needy for love and attention in return. He crossed his arms over his chest and moved to take a seat behind his desk, putting some distance between him and those eyes.

How about we get together and discuss everything another day? I will call you and set up a time that is good for you.”

I…I thought you were going to come for dinner.”

Was that disappointment he saw on her face? “I’m afraid I’m not up to eating anything else today.” He massaged his tender stomach.

Should have left off the hotdog with double chili,” she mumbled.

How--” His words dwindled to silence at her knowing grin. An immediate chill went down his spine. For a brief moment, he wondered if there was something to this psychic stuff after all and spied the small spot of dripped chili on the white shirt he wore. Keigo’s judge’s robe was no longer hiding his guilty pleasure. He still remained unconvinced.

Well, I suppose that’s it then. We’ve reached an agreement.” Etta unfolded her legs from the chair and slid her feet back into her sandals.

I’m glad you accepted my offer, Etta. Thank you.”

No, thanks for coming up with something where I will feel as if I’m being useful.” She came to her feet and stretched, reaching far over her head.

Keigo’s eyes fell to her breasts once again. The dark nipples brushed against the white material. His body tightened. He knew what he would be doing in the shower tonight besides scrubbing his body.

Will you be going home and cooking you something to eat?” He asked.

I think I will warm up some leftover lasagna since I will be eating alone and listen to some of my favorite albums, nursing a glass of red wine in the bath.”

Pushing aside the visualization of picturing Etta naked in a tub, he asked, “Are we talking real
or CDs’?”

Records, of course. Man, it’s the only way to go,” she smiled. “There’s nothing like the pop and crackle of vinyl.”

Something we can agree upon.” Keigo returned her smile. “I love holding the album jacket in my hands and looking at great cover shots of Charlie Parker or Billie Holiday, along with a blurb about the artist’s personality or career. There is something so delicate about handling an album, don’t you think?”

Etta nodded her head. “You place it on the turntable and ease the needle just a breath above the album and let it drop. There is this silent pause before that first crackle, then the music begins to play and I swear there’s nothing like it.” She paused and asked, “By the way, what do you know about blues and jazz on vinyl? Or are those backup names you throw out just to impress?”

It’s you that are the perpetrator of jazz and blues, if anyone in this room is being accused of such a crime,” Keigo replied with feigned haughtiness. “Is there anything else that sounds better on vinyl?” Their gazes locked and he tried to swallow. So much for judging without prejudice, he thought wryly. Etta was too interesting for him not to be interested.

I’m impressed. I don’t mean to sound racist but I don’t know too many Japanese men that appreciate good jazz.”

Really? So how many Japanese men do you know?”

Counting you? Three, but only one of them is a good friend and he’s purely techno.”

I see,” Keigo rubbed his chin. “I would say out of large population of Japanese men,
is adequate enough to base your conclusions.”

The laughter he received from Etta warmed his insides and he admittedly enjoyed the feeling. It had been so long. He thought he’d lost the ability to feel such warmness once more.

Okay, that was a stupid thing to say,” she admitted.

If you want to make it up to me, how about I bring a few of my favorites and you bring a few of your favorites to Bent Arrow and we can compare notes?” He found himself suggesting. Keigo would wonder later what had gotten into him. He wasn’t usually this forward.

Sounds good to me.” Etta beamed at him. “My name sake is definitely at the top of the list.”

Let me guess,” he pretended to think long and hard before blurting out, “Etta James.”


She’s one of my favorites also,” he admitted. “I love to hear her sing my favorite song--”

Let me guess.” Etta interrupted. “Everyone’s favorite, including the “jazz clueless.” At

He was shaking his head before she finished speaking. “Wrong,” he said lifting an “I told you so” eyebrow at her for once again making assumptions about him. “For me, it’s
My Dearest Darling

Damn,” she slapped her hand against her thigh with excitement. “You impress the hell out of me. If you don’t stop, I’ll swear you’re trying to steal my heart. You do know your stuff.”

Yes, I do,” he admitted proudly. “Not only do I know what I like, I have the only known copy of a studio demo with Chet Baker and piano player, Russ Freeman, during a jam session in 1954 messing around in between sessions.”

Get Out!” Etta shrieked. “That is to wild. You have to bring it.”

No way,” he shook his head. “I’m not going to risk it getting broken in the transport. You will have to come to my place someday to hear it.”

A hush seemed to charge into the room like a pink elephant with a hangover. His invite was hanging out-there, yet neither was sure how to proceed. Keigo realized he had made an open door invitation. He really was tired. He was giving her the impression that they would still be communicating after the thirty days ended. Etta, in a graceful way of not making a big deal of his offer, put him at ease.

That is wild.” She nodded her head at him. “Chet Baker was one
bad ass
trumpet player. He made strides in a genre few Caucasian men have succeeded in. It’s sad that he had to become another one of those musician drug clichés that we hear about too often. It’s truly a shame how many of the late great talented jazz artists took the hard path in their personal lives.”

True,” he agreed.

Etta’s stomach growled and he laughed.

Enough for today. Do you have a way home?” He asked.

Are you offering?”

I could have my driver drop you off,” he suggested.

Driver?” She snorted. “My, aren’t we special.”

It’s not like that,” he said defensively.

Hey, I’m not judging you,
,” she teased. “I have my car in the parking garage. Thank you for offering. You have my numbers in your case file, or just key in and search my name with ‘psychic chef’ if you want to drop me an email. Meanwhile, I will be utilizing my readings on you and making out a menu that will help your ulcer.

Keigo returned her smile. The aching in his stomach already seemed to be easing.



It had been two days since Etta’s court fiasco. Even if she hadn’t received thirty days community service, the tongue-lashing she received from her mother was punishment enough. Having a psychic for a mother left her little leeway for getting away with anything. She wondered why her own abilities were so limited when she felt as if her mom was the oracle of all. Her mother explained that until she gave birth to her own daughter, her abilities were limited also.

Etta didn’t see children in her future, so she was content to have the abilities she had. In the past, she resented being different. Meeting Neil and falling in love, she was willing to give up everything to do with the supernatural world by closing and refusing to practice the art. In the end, it was the one thing she reached out to and held on to in order to stay sane.

Helping others with her abilities and utilizing her loving grandmother’s holistic uses of foods that had been passed down from one Louisiana Bayou Chirac female to another, had became her life’s goal. She figured this was the way God intended for her to spend her life. Being alone, Etta figured she must have a higher purpose than being the supportive wife and loving mother she’d hoped to be.

She released a deep cleansing breath and lifted her arms in a stretch before moving from the
yoga position into the
position. Poised with right foot against her left inner thigh, she aligned her pelvis and raised her hands overhead with palms pressed together.

She easily held the stance.

Etta heard from Keigo once since they parted, and it was a quick and abrupt 'thanks' for the cabbage and carrot soup she made to improve his stomach issues. He had already left to begin his vacation. Lucky for her, his Assistant, Nan, was passing through. She assured her she would make sure Keigo received the soup and her note with instructions. Etta also took the opportunity to pen him a personal “thank you” for allowing her the chance to set things right without going to jail. He assured her he would be calling again with details and that is where things stood. The waiting was driving her crazy. She had never been good at sitting around and waiting on others to make decisions for her.

Etta blew out a puff of breath and alternated sides.

What if he had a chance to think about it more and changed his mind? It wasn’t really like he owed her any consideration, but he did say he was a man of his word and she believed him. The other thing that nagged her was Keigo would think she was helping because she had to. The truth was if she had been giving the opportunity under different circumstances, she would have volunteered her time willingly. She couldn’t think of a better way to spend her summers while on hiatus from the show than spending it on a good cause.

Etta blew out another burst of air. Bending over at the waist, she pressed her nose to her knees and held it for a moment before coming up in a prayer stance. She said a silent prayer of thankfulness, ending her workout. Picking up her towel, she wrapped it around her neck and moved out of the atrium to the kitchen.

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