The Flavor Of Love (6 page)

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Authors: Shiree McCarver,E. Gail Flowers

BOOK: The Flavor Of Love
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Etta closed her eyes and recalled Neil’s face. With each passing year, it was getting harder to visualize his smile as clearly as she had for the first year after his death when her memories of him nearly drove her insane with grief. The familiar pain weighed heavily in her chest and she rubbed the place above her heart.

Her eyes reopened and a soft closed lipped smile played around her lips. Keigo had a nice smile when he wasn’t being an ogre. The few times he unconsciously smiled at her, she felt warmness spread in the pit of her stomach.

She thought he had the kind of smile that reached and crinkled at the corner of his midnight colored eyes. Several times she desired to reach out and hug him. Especially when his hands would snake down behind the bench to knead at his nagging stomach or the times when his unconscious grins would melt into heart wrenching sadness. A moment so briefly exposed, one would believe they were mistaken at seeing it.

Was the sadness the reason Phil said they had something in common? Had Keigo lost someone he loved?

With a resigned sigh, Etta knew what she had to do. Her Momma didn't raise her to disrespect the judicial system even though working with the carnival during her childhood had pushed the envelope a few times. Oh boy, if she were years younger, her mother would have busted her bottom for her behavior today. In a few weeks, not only would her mother hear about it, the entire viewing audience will bear witness on her foolishness. She wouldn’t be surprised if the network didn’t drop footage of the upcoming episode on You Tube, to build the hype.

Tonight she would post an apology letter to her Internet following on her website before everything got blown out of proportion. She didn’t want her fans to think she felt she was above the law and did not follow rules because of her somewhat celebrity status.

With that in mind, Etta knew time for all silliness was over. She was no longer dealing with Tanesha who didn't have a legitimate complaint against her. She was now dealing with a judge that could put a dent in her checking account, increase her time and order her to serve some jail time to boot. If she play her cards right and kept her mouth shut, she might get out of here tonight with some light duty of community services. She doubted Judge Handsome would feel the need to uphold their initial agreement after kicking her out of his courtroom. She could start by thinking of him as Judge Kyou.

Taking one more deep breath and blowing it out slowly, Etta placed her hand on the cracked open door and eased it open further so that she could peek inside before entering the dragon’s lair. The one thing she hadn’t expected to find was a
dragon. She imagined he would be sitting behind his desk with steam shooting from his ears and his gavel posed to strike her over the head with it.

Etta quietly stepped inside and eased the door closed behind her. Her feet brought her closer and her eyes feasted on the sleeping man. With eyes closed and features softened like this, he really was more than handsome. He was adorable. His dark lashes, girlishly long, cast shadows over high cheekbones. His lips were firm and sensual while the set of his chin hinted at stubbornness she’d already had a taste of.

She wondered how old was he exactly? She surmised he couldn’t be no more then thirty-five, or he could be, because she was never good at guessing anyone’s age. However, she could predict what a person ate for breakfast. For instance, the Judge here had poached eggs, cantaloupe and dry toast with hot tea instead of coffee. Boring. Which led her to wondering about the double chili hot dog she could see him indulging in her mind’s eye for lunch? No reason his stomach was acting up.

Etta continued to study his face. Why would a man have such a bland healthy breakfast and ruin it with a heavy spicy fat driven lunch? Her mouth twisted wryly. It could mean someone else was ensuring he ate healthy at home. A wife? Girlfriend? Housekeeper? If so, why would he agree to her offer to cook for him? Wouldn't she be stepping on some other woman’s toes?

Well, in fairness to the feminist movement, it didn't have to have been a woman. It could be a male housekeeper or a male lover. Etta blanched at the thought. It suited her needs to think the person that cooked for him in the mornings was his sweet aging mother that he took care of.

Whoever it was, she wondered if they knew he ate junk food on the sly or that he had a wicked sweet tooth? She covered her mouth with her fingers to prevent the laugh from spilling forth and disturbing him.

She wondered if she should go back out and knock. If he catches her watching him while he slept, he’d probably tack on another day to her sentence. Instead of walking away, she moved closer and her eyes fell on his full bottom lips.

He had lips that made a woman think about long hours of just kissing alone. Etta leaned closer. She could feel the steady warm breath from his regal nose against her face. She was near enough that her eyes crossed and fluttered close. “
, why you have to be so freaking adorable?” she complained in hushed tones.

Miss Jones, please tell me you’re not about to do what I think you’re about to do?”

Keigo voice pulled her from her stupor. Her long lashes swept open in surprise. Once again her eyes crossed before clashing and settling eye to eye with him. “Err…ohm; you ordered me to come here, didn’t ya?”

Yes, I did.” His deep voice rumbled in the tingling pit of her stomach. “What I want to know is,
are you leaning over me, like--”

Like what?” Her voice grew louder.

Like you were about to kiss me.”

Huh?” Etta gawked and stood straight, looking down at his upturned face. She took an unsteady step back. “Why on earth would I want to kiss you?” She giggled nervously. The warmth blossoming in her cheeks, she figured gave her away, but she was keeping mum.

What would she say if she confirmed his suspicion? “Yes, I was about to kiss you, but I have no idea why.”
Yeah, right

A thoughtful smile played at the corners of his mouth. “If not to kiss me, tell me why were you leaning over me?”

I was just looking to make sure you were still breathing.” She shrugged her shoulders looking over his head so as not to lie to his face.

Hmm, I see,” he grunted and sat up in his chair and adjusted the collar on his white shirt. “Wishing me dead are you? Well, no such luck Miss Jones I’m afraid. I’m still here to make sure you serve your time for disturbing my courtroom today.”

Etta’s arms crossed over her breasts in a haughty stance. “I’m sure you spent
your time
planning something dreadful. I should have known I couldn’t depend on you to keep your word.”

Excuse me?” His glaring stare was incredulous. “You have the audacity to call my honor into question? You were the one who struck the bargain and proceeded to disrupt my proceedings. What will you have me do, Miss Jones? If I allowed everyone to behave the way you did today in my courtroom and walk away from it, I would lose credibility.”

Etta released a long sigh. “I’m sorry. You’re right.”

Huh?” His head jerked back as if she struck him. “Did I hear a sincere apology and did you just agree with me?”

Etta chuckled. “Don’t look at me that way. When I’m wrong, I’m wrong and I don’t mind owning up to it.”

Then, I will accept your apology,” he returned her smile.

She tried to taper the dizzying current racing through her. He was so disturbing to her in every way and she wasn’t sure she was ready to go down this road again. Attraction was one thing, but to allow herself to ever love again was another. She wasn’t sure she knew how to trust in love again.

So tell me, Judge Kyou.”

His grin turned to soft laughter. “I must still be asleep.”

Excuse me?” Her head tilted in question.

You're being amicable and you just called me by my name,” he pointed out.

Slowly and seductively, her glance slid downward. He had a beautiful smile. She looked up to find his gaze riveted on her face and then it moved over her body slowly as if he was mentally peeling away her clothing. She wondered if the tell tale hardening of her dark nipples beneath her white blouse were noticeable.

Neither spoke aloud about the awareness that was developing between them.

She watched Keigo as he pushed himself up from his desk.



Keigo turned his back towards her and moved over to the aquarium on a stand next to the window. Lifting the little shaker of fish food from beside the tank, he sprinkled in some flakes to the koi fish.

A reflective smile came to his lips.

Why did he feel anxious? A light frown creased his brow. Another few minutes passed in silence with him watching the fish rudely crowding each other to pluck the food flakes from the surface of the water. Why was she being so quiet?

He was amazed by her change of behavior. Since meeting her, he hadn't heard her be quiet for such a long period and it made him suspicious. Was she hoping he would let this matter go altogether? If so, she was not going to be happy about his plans for her. After thinking over the discussion he had with Marco, he realized having a chef at his disposal was the answer to his current problems.

Turning to stare at her, Keigo got a nice view of her bottom. She was running her fingers beneath the leather straps of her sandals. A tender smile came to his lips.
She really does hate wearing shoes.
He shook his head and savored her upturned backside.

Stupidly, he wondered if she had an aversion to underwear, along with her dislike of wearing shoes. From the outline of dark nipples, he saw a few moments ago, he was sure she seemed to have a dislike of bras. Keigo started fantasizing of her walking about the house completely void of all clothing.
Why was he assessing her this way? What she wore or did not wear had no bearings on what he was about to propose. His interest was strictly in a professional capacity. She wasn't his type. His type was serious minded, big breasts red heads, like his wife.

Keigo had to silently admit, there was no denying Etta Jones had a nice ass. His thoughts turned once more to the woman bent before him. He followed the outline of her skirt dipping between two full butt cheeks and wondered if she avoided underwear too or was she wearing one of those lacy thongs nestled between like dental floss? How could she be blessed so perfectly in the booty department, yet was nearly void in the breast department?

Are you finished?” Etta voiced, craning her neck to catch him checking her out. Her lips twisted in a wry smile.

Keigo turned, scratching a non-existing itch on the side of his nose. “I…I…”
His face flushed red.
What the hell were they talking about anyway?

She crossed her arms in front of her. Lifting arched eyebrows at him in question, “So what’s it going to be? Have you changed you mind about my cooking for you? Do you plan on making me serve my thirty days in jail?”

Keigo continued to stare into her face without answering until she shrugged her shoulders, looked away and continued.

I’m asking because I don’t want to rot in a jail cell that some
pain in the ass
judge threw me in for exerting my rights."

He chuckled. This was the mouthy Miss Jones he had grown accustomed to. He noticed how she shifted from foot to foot. Seeing her long toes tense and release, he could imagine her pondering over the idea of shedding her shoes once again.

Won’t you have a seat, Miss Jones?” His eyes returned to her face and held.

Etta eyed him suspiciously. “Why do you keep staring at me like that?” She asked him, moving a slender hand to her face and wiping at something that wasn’t there. “Is there something on my face or something
on your mind?”

What? Nasty? No there isn’t anything
on your face. Why would it be?” Confused he supplied, “I wasn’t staring, I was thinking about what I’m about to ask you. I was wondering if what I’m about to suggest to you was a suitable penalty.”

Well, if you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking...I would say, don’t
think about it. No sir! I’m not that type of woman and it isn’t happening!”

His eyes widened in surprise at her outburst. Etta’s face had become flushed and her nostrils flared with anger. He replayed their conversation in his mind to figure out what he said to upset her.

It took Keigo another moment to realize the dense woman thought he was talking about
. Did she actually think he was the type that would use his power to bargain for sexual favors? She must have a terribly low opinion of his character.

Keigo cleared his throat loudly. He contemplated bringing this meeting to a close and calling security to hall her back downstairs to lockup. All his reputation needed was a sexual harassment suit.

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