The Flavor Of Love (5 page)

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Authors: Shiree McCarver,E. Gail Flowers

BOOK: The Flavor Of Love
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I only agreed because putting her in jail would only bring bad publicity for us,” Keigo protested.

What do you mean by that?”

Keigo simply arched an eyebrow that dared him to deny it, “Meaning she has a following of her own. She’s listed all over the Internet. First, it seems she was part of a team with her mother. They took the act on the road with a traveling carnival and now she has her own online cooking show and business. So with her being somewhat of a local celebrity, I didn’t want to be known as the judge who threw her butt in jail.”

You’ve always been a softy disguised as an ass,” Marco said playfully. “I think this lady is just what you need. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen the old you. I’ve missed him and if this woman can breathe life back into you, I’m already one of her biggest fans.”

Keigo had reached his limit. “Marco--”

Marco’s cell phone vibrated at his waist and he held up a finger. “Hold that thought, Bro. Let me take this call.”

, why did Marco have to be so blunt about everything? He was
at hearing it, but it was the truth. For one brief and crazy moment he was able to laugh without feeling guilt for it. He’d been angry and depressed so long, he completely forgot how exhilarating it could be sharing carefree witty banter with a woman.

A smile came to his lips. “She never did put on those damned shoes. That’s all I need, the stupid woman catching pneumonia and blaming me for locking her up.”

Marco clicked his phone shut. “What was that?”

Keigo blinked. “Huh? Oh, nothing. I was just thinking aloud.”

I would stay and chat a bit longer, but I need to go wrap up some stuff before I can call it a night. “Are we still meeting up at Bent Arrow next week?”

Same as every year,” Keigo nodded.

Etta coming with you?”

You say her name as if you’ve known her for years,” Keigo snapped. His eyes locked with Marco. “Tell me why I’d bring
Miss Jones
to Bent Arrow with me?”

Marco shrugged his broad shoulders. “Maybe because we don’t have a cook this year and now you have one in your possession for thirty days. Seems to me that the angels are smiling down on you, Bud, and answered your prayers.”

I don’t think I can handle being around that crazy woman in such close proximity for a month. Her stopping buy to drop something off or a few hours each day is one thing. This is something completely different.”

It’s not like you have to share a cabin with her. I can bunk in with you and she can bunk in with Nan,” Marco suggested.

Keigo gave him a sly grin. “Won’t that throw a wrench in your and Nan’s plans?”

Man, don’t even pretend like you already don’t know I’ve been spending the last month in my own bed, alone! Talk about a fickle ass woman. She’s always finding ways to push my button. One day the relationship is on and hot as hell, the next I’m sleeping in an icebox. Currently, my dick is on ice,” Marco scowled. “Don’t try to change the subject. Etta is our best bet. I know for a fact Nan has called at least fifteen people. Everyone is either booked or too cheap to volunteer their services,” Marco shook his head. “Seems to me your time is running out.”

Keigo arched a brow at his old friend. “I rather pay someone.”

Marco sighed. “Very well, but if you aren’t going to be here, you might as well cut her loose and forget the entire thing.”

Let her off, without any reprimand? You must be kidding,” Keigo snorted. “Heaven forbid if she ends up in my court again someday. She will think she could pull more nonsense.”

Mmm, sounds like there is only one thing for you to do because we know how
the odds are that she would make a second appearance on your show.”

Keigo saw the humor in Marco’s eyes and bit down on the back of his teeth. “Don’t you have something you should be doing?”

I do, but this is more interesting. I’ve been meaning to ask you if you arranged for me to have this case on my show because you knew about her reputation of being a handful.”

Hey, I read something to that effect, but you can’t always believe what you read,” Marco admitted. “She seemed to be reasonable in the interview. Besides, I didn’t go seeking out the case. I don’t even get to choose; that’s all on the producers. That Lewin Lady went through the website and emailed her complaint and information to the show. They started to pass it up until they saw that the complaint was against a psychic chef. They decided it should be a hoot. They were on the money with this one.”

So none of today was staged?”

Hell no, that’s why I enjoyed it,” Marco laughed. “You two were smoking hot. It set my handheld monitor to sizzling. Boy, I can’t wait to do the edits. You have to see some of the facial expressions you were making! Priceless! I--”

! Didn't you say you had something to do? Get out of my office. I have things to take care of before I knock off.”

Is taking care of Etta on that list, Bro?” Marco snickered. “I'm serious. If you haven't considered how you're going to make her serve her thirty days, invite her to cook for us at Bent Arrow. Nan and I will graciously help out in the kitchen as usual, but you know our skills are limited and we have a full house this year.”

Why can’t you let this go?” Keigo shook his head, his broad brow creased in a frown. “Are you sure you don’t won’t Miss Jones to join us so you can make a move on her?”

Marco got a mischievous gleam in his eyes before adding, “Would it bother you if I did?”

Marco, get out,” Keigo practically growled out the words. His hand massaged his stomach.

Okay, I will see you up at Bent Arrow, Bro. You sure you don’t want me to swing by and pick you up?”

I’m sure. Once I find the cook, I will see if they can drive the terrain vehicle and if not, then I will just hire us a driver.”

Marco’s animated face grew somber. “You know, Keigo. It’s going on four years. If you won’t even try, you’re never going to overcome your fears.”

Save this discussion for another day, Marco. I’m just not up to discussing it now, okay?”

Deal; if you invite Etta to Bent Arrow, I will never speak on it again,” Marco challenged. A grin stole back to his lips.

Out, damn it and let me work in peace!”

All right, Bro. I’ll ease up on ya,” Marco smirked and shook his head. “I’ll call you later.”

Please, don’t; at least not this evening.” Keigo stifled a yawn. “I just want to go home, take something for my stomach and sleep for the next twenty-four hours.”

Tomorrow then. Have a goodnight and think over all I’ve said. Etta will fit in perfectly and I think the kids will love her.”

Keigo glared at Marco until he conceded by throwing up his hands and backing out of the room with a snicker.

to Bent Arrow? What was Marco thinking? He barely agreed to her silly offer in the first place, now his best friend wanted him to welcome her into his personal space. Still, he was a man of his word. They agreed on thirty days of her services. He wasn’t sure what that entailed, but Marco was right. He was going to be in the mountains for a month and he needed to find a chef for the camp kitchen. He wouldn’t be able to open the camp until he met all the requirements before the students arrived.

With a soft curse, Keigo picked up the telephone and dialed security. “Hey Phil, Judge Kyou here. You can bring Miss Jones to my chambers now. Make sure she brings along all her personal stuff. Has she quieted down some? Really?” Keigo released a heavy sigh. “She’s probably saving her energy for round two with me.”

He rolled his eyes heavenward as he listened to Phil sing her praises,
booming voice heavy with humor. It seemed Etta had managed to gain yet another fan in him. “You don’t have to stay. Go home and get to bed early, you have that drive tomorrow. Just show her the way and tell her to let herself in.”

Thank you, Phil. I don’t know how we would do the show without you. I will see you at Bent Arrow. No, I can’t get away right now. I still have some issues to deal with before we can open for inspection.”

He listened to Phil.

No, that won’t be necessary.” Keigo rubbed his temple and stifled a yawn. “I’ll find a way up there even if I have to hire a driver to drop me off. I might need to catch a ride back with you, though. I’m sure. Go on up and get things started tomorrow as planned. Marco and Nan will join you and I will be up by the end of next week. Thanks again and drive safely.”

He replaced the phone back on the cradle. Walking over to the bar, he removed a cold bottle of water from the mini-fridge and took several deep swigs. Thoughtfully, his gaze wandered at the downtown San Francisco view. He’d always loved living in the city, but it wasn’t as appealing as it used to be when he had someone to share it with. It wasn’t as if the pickings were slim. On the contrary, they had become various and broad since his face became well known from the show.

Keigo threw the empty plastic bottle in the recycle bin and made his way back to his desk. Leaning back in his chair, he closed his eyes.




He’s waiting for you, just go through that door.”

Thanks for everything, my brother, Phil. I promise to keep it a secret that you let me camp out in the security office while he had this time chill,” Etta grinned and winked at the burly older black man.”

Just cut him a break. Judge Kyou is cool,” Phil advised. “He’s just low key and over the past few years been through a lot. But he is a key player in making sure today’s youth stay on track. He’s known for giving people a second chance. So go in there, be straight and don’t be too hard on him.”

I tried to be easy on him in the courtroom, but he makes it too easy to agitate him,” she chuckled.

Phil laughed in a hushed tone. “You’re right, but ease up on the man, especially when his ulcer is acting up. Keep your shoes on,” he advised. “If Judge K calls me back up here to take you back down, I won’t have any choice but to lock you up Etta and I’m sure none of us want to see you in jail for real.”

I’m sure your Judge K would,” she murmured sarcastically.

Actually, he wouldn’t,” Phil debated. “I’ve known him for about five years and I haven’t witnessed an unfair bone in his body. Etta, give him a
chance. You might find that the both of you have a lot in common.”

I wouldn’t go that far,” Etta argued. “I’ve been through heartaches I wouldn’t wish on even Tanesha Lewin,” she chuckled. Her features grew more serious as she said, “Nevertheless, you’re right. I was angry because my reputation was being brought into question, but now I know I shouldn’t have taken my anger at Tanesha out on the Judge.”

The man is just doing his job and he is an honest man. Trust him to do the right thing, Etta.”

The right thing would be to let me go home with just a warning,” she snorted, looking at her sandal-clad feet.

You really don’t think your actions today require some form of penalty?”

She looked up to see Phil’s staring at her in question.

No,” she shook her head sheepishly. “I deserve whatever he deems necessary, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

Phil laughed softly. “I need to get going. Don’t forget to tell your Mother I will be calling her when I get back in town. Maybe we can catch up on those old school days. I was so sorry to hear about your father passing away several years back. We all were pretty close as
children, but lost touch after my
parents moved out of the old neighborhood. I did get an invitation to the wedding, but I didn’t feel right about going.”

Why not?”

A sad grin came to his full mouth. “Another story for another time. Don’t keep the judge waiting much longer. He’s usually out of here ten minutes after he retires to his chambers.”

Great,” she moaned. “Something else he can blame me for. Take care Phil and have fun at the camp you’re heading to.”

Etta waved farewell and turned to look at the closed door before her. Squaring her shoulders, she realized it was time to pay the piper. Did she want to deal with this right now?
Of course not
. Keigo Kyou was an obstinate stick in the mud for having her bullied out of the courtroom. In spite of what Phil says about the man, she felt he really wanted her locked up at the time he ordered it. Yet, he didn’t want her handcuffed.
What was that about?

She would be lying if she said she wasn’t curious to know more about this man. She hasn’t had a man to peak her interest since Neil and although three years have passed, she felt guilty for feeling anything for any man that wasn’t Neil. Her mother and brother assured her that he would want her to find love again, and have the home and children she’d always dreamed of. But how could she when she only wanted those things because of him?

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