The Forbidden Trilogy (103 page)

Read The Forbidden Trilogy Online

Authors: Kimberly Kinrade

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Young Adult

BOOK: The Forbidden Trilogy
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Father Patrick chuckled. "Of course, she does. You will
make a beautiful family together. I'm very proud of you, Drake. So very

The large window behind him opened and a draft blew in,
along with Beleth.

Drake froze, ready to take the offensive if needed.

Father Patrick put a hand on him. "It's all right, boy.
He means us no harm."

Beleth nodded to the priest and stepped forward. "I
knew your mother. When she had you, I thought you were the most precious thing
in the world. I begged her to keep you, but she decided, for your protection,
to give you away and tell no one."

In that moment, everything clicked for Drake. "You're
my father?"

He nodded. "Yes. I just recently found out. I'm so
sorry you had the life you did, but I'm happy to know that you had people who
loved you, and who looked after you."

Drake didn't know what to think or feel. "Why are you

"I've done many things I regret, but now I have the chance
to make them right." He walked toward Drake. "I have a gift for you,
if you'll accept it."

Drake hesitated, but Father Patrick winked and nudged him

"I accept."

"Then kneel," said Beleth.

Drake would have felt sillier, if the
moment hadn't felt so solemn. He knelt.

"Drake, son of Beleth, you have a history and lineage
you cannot imagine. Someday you will know the truth of your past, but for now I
give you a small gift that is rightfully yours as my heir." He touched
Drake on the head, then pulled off a ring from his finger and handed it to him.
"Take this, son, as a piece of your history."

The gold ring shone with intricate winged patterns on the
sides and a striking blood stone in the center. He slipped it on the ring
finger of his right hand, saving his left for his wedding ring.

When Drake stood, his mind buzzed with new sensations,
almost like thoughts, or like the presence he felt when he could control minds,
but he realized they weren't thoughts, they were emotions. Father Patrick
emanated calm, peace and joy. Beleth felt guilt and relief, pride and love.

Then a vision overtook him, and he saw Ana crawling from her
crib and falling on her arm, breaking it. His eyes flew open and landed on
Ana's crib.

She still slept.

He didn't know what to make of these new gifts. They weren't
powers that could help him much, like his old ones, but he realized that if he
could sense emotions, he could help a lot of other people.

He held his hand out to Beleth. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Beleth turned to Father Patrick.
"You're on the right path, priest. Don't let them stop you. Something big
is coming and the world will need what you know and see."

He turned back to Drake, who had no idea what he meant.
"I must leave now, but I'll be watching."

"Wait. I want to ask you things—"

"Later. Right now, you have a wedding to get to."
Beleth flew out the window, and Ana cried.

Drake turned and ran to her, catching her just as she was
about to fall out of her crib, and onto her arm.

Chapter 135 - Sam


The scent of roses filled the air, and white lights twinkled
by the hundreds in the trees around them. White rose petals created an aisle
between two rows of chairs.

I waited at the back, fidgeting with my long white dress.
Lucy and Robyn walked ahead, stepping in time to the music, looking beautiful
in blue satin. Lucy carried Ana and Robyn carried her own bulging belly full of
baby. My hands shook so bad I looked like I was trying to strangle my bouquet,
but Drake stood at the end of my walk, waiting for me, so I took the first
step, willing myself not to fall on my face in high heels.

Luke and Bernard had both offered to walk me down the aisle,
but it felt right to go alone. No one had to give me away. I was my own person
now, and I gave myself freely to Drake.

Father Patrick smiled kindly as I approached, and Drake and
I held hands. We stood under the weeping willow tree Lucy had planted with Mr.
K's seed. It had grown faster than nature allowed, and held an energy that
reminded me of my mentor. I missed him so much, but this tree—
tree—helped ease that pain.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join
this man and this woman in holy matrimony...."

The words blurred in my head. All I could see were Drake's
eyes. All I could feel were his hands, and all I could think about was our
family, how we were finally together forever.

We slipped rings on each other's fingers and then kissed
each other into wedded bliss. The tree around us swayed without any wind to
carry its branches, and yet they flowed around us, creating a halo effect.

Our friends all cheered as we marched down the aisle, hand
in hand, married. The party moved to an open area where we had food and drinks
under tents, and I tossed the bouquet. I expected Lucy to catch it, the way she
and Hunter kept eyeing each other, but Mary actually grabbed it from the air,
to my utter shock. On this day, of all days, I had no animosity for her. She'd
paid her dues, and we all deserved a second chance.

Luke got up on the makeshift stage and cleared his throat.
"We have a first dance for the newlyweds. If you please."

I smiled as Drake held out his hand and ushered me to the
dance floor. I smiled even bigger when I heard the song:

Drake held me in his arms. We locked eyes. As the music
started, I sang the first few lines. "Every time our eyes meet, this
feeling inside me...."

"You have a beautiful voice."

"Thank you."

"I think I'm going to like being married to you, Mrs.

"I think I'm going to like it too, Mr. Davis."

He dipped me and I laughed.

After a few more dances, I needed to find a place to stow
the evil high heels from hell. I sat at a table and slipped them off just as
Brad arrived clutching his briefcase.

"I'm so sorry to do this on your wedding, but I just
got the paperwork in for the property in Hawaii, if you could just sign real

I took his pen and scribbled my name. Sam Davis. I knew it
was trendy for women to keep their own name, but Smith was a made-up name, not
mine. Davis at least had a history.

Brad closed the folder. "Thanks, Sam, this is going to
be so great for all the kids."

The one good thing to come from being related to Steele: he
had millions from his Rent-A-Kid operation, and Hunter had convinced IPI to
release all of it to me as his only living heir. I was so rich I'd never have
to worry about money again, and neither would any of these kids.

Robyn walked up holding her belly. "Sam, Ana's awake
and needs changing. I can do it, but if you'd rather I didn't, after
everything, then...."

I sighed. Robyn had walked on egg shells since Steele died.
All of our missing memories had returned, and Robyn realized she had been the
one to kidnap Ana and deliver her to Steele. She, of course, was not to blame,
but she still worried every time she got near Ana. All I could do was reassure
her it wasn't her fault. If I had any inclination to judge her for what had
happened, I just thought about the horrible things I'd said and done, and knew
that neither of us had any choice.

"I would really appreciate it if you could care for
her, Robyn. Honestly."

She smiled and fluttered away to change my daughter.

Bernard walked up and hugged me. "Congratulations, Sam.
You look beautiful."

"Thank you."

Drake came back and handed me some juice.

Bernard sat next to me. "I wanted to talk to you about

"You know I missed my interview. I mean, I obviously
don't need financial help, but I missed my chance to be accepted into the art
program." Money or no money, I still wanted desperately to study art, but
I'd have to wait another year.

"I made a call. They can squeeze you in next

"Thank you, so much." Tears sprang to my eyes.
"But there's just no way I can complete a portfolio by then."

"Well, a few of your friends have a surprise for

Dozens of my classmates lined up, and the first one to
approach was Curtis, the kid who'd beat up Greg. "Sam, I know I'm an ass,
but a long time ago, you drew this portrait for me and... well, here you

He handed me a painting I'd done of a tree in the fall, because
he'd remarked that he loved the colors. His thoughts also surprised me as I
looked from him to Greg. They'd made up, and he'd come out of the closet, with
Greg's and Gary's help.

I looked at the painting, tears in my eyes. "Thank you.
This means a lot to me."

One by one, every portrait I'd ever painted for my friends
was returned to me with a short story of how I'd touched their lives. By the
end, I was silently blessing whoever had invented waterproof mascara.

Even Tommy walked up, a small stack of papers in hand, with
Serena beside him. The kids we'd rescued had gone home, if they had homes.
Those who didn't now lived here. Tommy handed me the papers. "You made
these for me when we first met. I hope they help you go to school, though I
don't know why you want to go to more school when you don't have to. Adults are

I looked at the papers and laughed even as tears streamed
down my face. Every crazy make-believe animal he'd asked me to create for him
and draw would now be a part of my permanent portfolio.

I hugged him so hard he squealed. "Sam, can't

I released him. "Sorry. This is just so amazing, Tommy.
Thank you." I held his hand in one hand and reached for Serena's hand.
"I love you both so much. I'm sorry you've had to go through such hard
times, but know that you have a family here with us."

Serena's cat Angel ran by in a streak, chasing a barking
Eddie, who had a piece of watermelon dangling from his mouth. Our resident dog
and cat had a love/hate relationship with each other. Eddie loved Angel, and
she hated him, at least on the surface. When she thought no one was looking,
she'd snuggle up to him and sleep. The two were favorites among the children
and adults alike.

Greg walked up to the stage and asked for everyone's
attention. "Sam, without you and your bravery, we'd still be locked up in
our lives, oblivious to what we were about to endure. You're the bravest person
we've ever met, and you deserve to live your dreams. We will all be here for
you to help with Ana, and anything else you need, so you can go to school and
become a famous artist."

The entire school cheered as I sobbed tears of joy. Drake's
arms wrapped around me and I beamed at my friends, so happy to finally have a
real home and a real family.

Chapter 136 - Lucy


Bodies pressed together, swaying on the dance floor, as the
four friends watched. Hunter and Mary approached Luke, Lucy, Sam and Drake.
Lucy's heart fluttered when he smiled at her.

He held up five envelopes made of thick parchment, and
handed one to each of them.

Lucy looked at hers. "What's this?"

He smiled. "Open it."

On the inside was a single sheet of paper with her name and
the words, "You've been selected," with the IPI logo embossed on the
back. She looked up. "Really?"

He nodded. "IPI wants you all to join us in Washington,
D.C. You'd attend college at the IPI Academy and be full agents with pay,
benefits and a free education."

Lucy looked at Luke and they shared a twin moment. Sam and
Drake handed the envelopes back.

Sam smiled. "Thank you, Hunter, we're honored, but our
place is here with our baby and this school. We're retired."

Hunter didn't look surprised. "I figured, but we wanted
you to know it's an open invitation, if you ever change your mind."

Mary clutched her envelope. "Well, I'm in. I need a
change of pace, a fresh start."

Lucy paused. She hated leaving Sam and Drake and Ana, but
she knew where she belonged, and she knew Luke agreed. "We're in."

Hunter beamed and twirled her around, then kissed her on the

She laughed and pulled away. "Just don't get too cocky,
mister. I'm not accepting to be with you. I'm accepting because I'm a damn good
agent and you need me."

"I'm not going to argue with a woman who can save the
world and still look this good when it's done."

He held her close to him, their bodies pressed together and
fitting so perfectly. This was their second dance together, and now they had
real music, but nothing would ever compare to their first night, their first

Her life fell into place, and everything finally felt like
it would work out for the best. Sam and Drake looked deliriously happy dancing
together, but Luke looked bored, sitting alone. Lucy was about to pull away
from Hunter to dance with her twin for a song, when he got up and walked to
Mary, who also sat alone, and ushered her to the dance floor.
one guy she couldn't seduce had asked her to dance. Lucy smiled at that despite
her not-so-loving feelings toward Mary.

Even Adam looked happy, swaying to the music. He'd been
staying at the mansion, enjoying the quiet life. The world may have known about
paranormals, but they weren't quite ready for Adam living amongst them yet. The
other Grunts had stayed at the compound and taken it over, content to live
their lives in peace.

After a few more dances, lemon-filled cake and food, the
limo pulled up for Sam and Drake. Everyone threw rice at them and cheered.
Darren used his powers to make the rice hover and dance in the air. He'd
handled Sam's wedding well, all things considered, though Lucy hoped he'd find
someone who would love him as much as he'd loved Sam.

The evening settled on them quietly, and Hunter pulled her
away from the crowds. "Walk with me?"

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