The Forbidden Trilogy (43 page)

Read The Forbidden Trilogy Online

Authors: Kimberly Kinrade

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Young Adult

BOOK: The Forbidden Trilogy
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"Sure we do," I said. "We go to the
Rent-A-Kid center, and... improvise based on what we discover when we get
there. What could go wrong?"

My attempt at humor was met with frowns from both men.

"I'm going to bed now. See you guys in the morning."

Drake tucked the covers around me and kissed my cheek.
"I've got to make a call to Father Patrick and let him know what's going
on. I'll be back in a minute."

He took his cell phone and left the room.

My body screamed at me to sleep, but too much had happened.
I needed to know what Drake would say to his confessor, and his mind was so
familiar I could easily slip in without him knowing.

I pushed aside the guilt with memories of the hamburger meat
Drake had made of the man who attacked us. I had to know if I could trust him.

The conversation played out in my head as clearly as if I
too were a part of the call.

'Father, forgive me for I have sinned.'
Drake's voice
sounded broken, lost.

'What is it, Son? What's happened?'

'I killed a man today. He was a bad man who would have
killed Sam and our child, but still... I beat him until he couldn't even be
recognized as human. Am I going to hell?'

'You don't believe in hell.'

'But you do. Father, I'm losing Sam. I can see it in her
eyes. That's the worst kind of hell there is for me. What do I do?'

'You keep loving and keep fighting for what's right. You
give her the honesty and intimacy that has always been denied to you—and you
let her make her own choices.'

Silence stretched on and I had to fight my own emotions so
they wouldn't bleed into Drake's awareness. He hurt so much. I wanted to reach
out to him and comfort him, but I didn't know how.

'Unless I can talk Sam out of it, we will be attacking
tomorrow. We need your help.'

My concentration faded. I couldn't hold onto the
conversation. Exhaustion claimed my body and blissful nothingness claimed my


I float outside myself, through the door and into the
world beyond. Darkness claims me like a lover, each star a song for my soul.

A girl meets me under the light of the moon. She too
hovers in between realities. Her long brown hair flows around her as if she
were a mermaid swimming in the sea.

Her kind, brown eyes spark recognition. "I know you,
don't I? From somewhere? Another life, perhaps?"

She smiles with heart-shaped lips and takes my phantom
hand. I'm surprised that I can feel her skin, her touch, as if she were real.
As if any of us were real.

"Yes. I am Desirai. We went to school together,
before you left. I'm a Dream Walker. Lucy has been captured and I need to tell
you what's happening at the school."

Lucy. My best friend in the whole world. How I've missed
her. How I've longed for her presence through all this insanity.

"Is she hurt? Is Luke?" I am surprised by these
feelings of panic in my ether body.

"They're fine, but not for long. Come, I must show

I let her lead me to the Rent-A-Kid center. What had once
been home now looks like a prison. I'm saddened by the armed guards and
reinforced fences, by the beauty they have destroyed. "What's happened
here? This is worse than I thought."

"That's not all." She takes me to the center,
and bodies appear. Kids I had gone to school with. I realize we are not in
present time, whatever that might mean. We are in no time. She is showing me
the past.

A new man, scary and big, with a gun at his side, takes a
whip and.... How can this be? He tears the skin off the back of a young boy.
"No!" I scream, but no one turns to look at me. He doesn't stop.

"They can't hear you. It's a memory, nothing more.

We leave that horrible scene. The boy's tortured face
will forever haunt me, I know.

We come to another place on campus, outside the
Headmaster's office. Two boys prepare to duel. I smile. Duels had always been
fun, though sometimes a little dangerous. What mischief are they causing now?

Fire and Ice. Robert Frost is recited. As is the
tradition in our duels, there must be a recitation of poetry or literature to
thematically inspire the duels. It's my favorite part. And this is one of my
favorite poems.

But something goes wrong. They are interrupted by the
tall, mean man. The gun is in his hand.


No. Oh my God, no. The boy. The fire boy. He's dead. No!
I knew him. I had class with him, and now his brains are splattered all over
the sidewalk.

"Is this real? This can't be real."

"I'm sorry, but it is. We need your help. Can you
come? The Seeker, he's killing us. He controls us and takes away our powers.
We've already failed once at escape. We need you and Drake."

"We're coming. Hang on to hope. We'll be


Dawn lifted the veils of night from the sky and awakened me
before the alarm. I shook Drake awake. "We have to go. No time to wait.
Kids are dying."

I just hoped we wouldn't be next.

Chapter 48 – Lucy


The Seeker's voice drifted into Lucy's dreams. Why was she
dreaming of the Seeker?

Consciousness played hide 'n seek with her mind until a
dull, throbbing pain in her shoulder brought her back to reality.

"I trust you are comfortable enough? I knew you would
want your wits about you, so I had the doctor give you a smaller dose of pain
medication than normal. Please, let me know if it is not enough, and I shall
have more brought to you. I apologize for the trigger-happy fools who shot you.
They have been dealt with."

Lucy pulled herself into a sitting position on the bed. The
Seeker sat in a chair next to her. "Where am I?"

"These are my personal chambers. I wanted to supervise
your care personally."

A candle on the side table lit the room with a soft glow,
but cast the Seeker in shadows. "Why's it so dark in here?"

"I exist in the shadows of the world." He offered
just the hint of a grin. "I am delighted you have woken. Can I get you
anything before we talk?"

Lucy swallowed and ran her tongue over her fuzzy teeth.
"Water, please."

"Of course." The Seeker poured a cup from the
dresser next to him and handed it to her.

The cold, pure liquid washed away the remnants of medication
coating her mouth and fogging her brain.

"My brother, Luke, is he okay? Was he hurt?"

"Your brother is unharmed." He waved his long
fingers in the air as if to shoo a fly or dismiss a thought. "So let's get
down to business, shall we? It hurts me that the students I work so hard to
protect are destroying everything we've built here. Tell me, Lucy, why are you
and your friends rebelling?"

"You really think I'm going to give up our secrets to

"I am not interested in your secrets, only your
motives. I want to understand how this has happened. It was not in the plan,
and it perplexes me." His eyes glowed an unnatural white, and he curved
his lips into something that looked like a frown, but lacked any humanity.

Lucy couldn't tell if he was lying. Either her powers had
been shut down again, or he could block her. She would have to assess him the
old-fashioned way.

"You have spies in every corner of this school. How can
you not see why we'd rebel? We aren't safe here anymore. You had my best friend
impregnated against her will and locked up. She escaped, and now you and your
goons are torturing, whipping and killing students. Why would you do this to us
and claim to want us safe and happy?"

All her frustration, all her fear, boiled over. She knew she
should have stopped talking, forced herself to calm down, but the words poured
out of her, louder and louder, until she was all but screaming. "You treat
us like property, like a weapon to be used and discarded. We've made this
organization millions of dollars, maybe more, with our talents, and now you do
this to us. We're not weapons. We're human beings. Those are just kids out
there, and now one is dead!"

The Seeker nodded. "I agree. This has all gotten out of
hand. You have no idea how... valuable you all are. I wish we could all live
free in the world, at peace and happy, but the people out there are not ready
for what we can do."

His long fingers gripped the glass of water next to him as
if it was a neck to be choked. He took a sip and set it back down. "I
loved someone once, deeply. She too wanted a normal life in the world. There
are groups whose sole purpose is to destroy us. They killed her, but only after
torturing and raping her. People are afraid of us. They use our services, yes,
but deep down they loathe us for our power. They will never allow us to be
their equals, ever. If we hide in the shadows like nightmares, it is only until
we can claim our rightful place in the world."

Lucy flinched from the pain and adjusted herself in the bed.

The Seeker stood up and fluffed her pillow for her.
"This school was created as a haven for kids with para-powers. The
assignments became necessary in order to fund all that you see here, and
further research into our gifts. The breeding program, while controversial, is
needed to keep our race alive. Without it, the world would run us into
extinction. Besides, we don't want children born god-only–knows-where, with
dangerous powers they can't control. Don't you see? None of this is meant to
hurt you, Lucy, it's meant to help you, to help all of us."

The Seeker held Lucy's eyes during his speech. Everything
about his body language suggested that he spoke the truth, but her judgment
clouded with the rage at his justifications. "All this sounds so sweet
coming from your lips, but you're talking about rape, essentially. Forced
breeding, killing babies through accelerated growth treatments—how can you
justify any of that?"

He face contorted into that of a monster, and his voice was
so icy cold it could shatter windows. "A regrettable necessity."

And just like that, like a demon transforming back to
something akin to human, he was himself again. He brushed off his white
garment, though nothing had stained it. "We are using safer methods now,
and what we have learned will help us better protect you and our kind. Without
these sacrifices, our enemies would even now be hunting us down one by one and
exterminating us.

"I know Mr. Black slated you for the breeding program,
and it will not happen. That was a mistake. You and Luke are needed in other
ways. You are incredibly valuable to this organization. You could be great
leaders among our kind, a Queen and King to the masses of paranormals looking
for safety and guidance."

Lucy fought the fogginess of her brain, as his words lulled
her like a dream. She allowed her anger to feed her clarity, to keep her alert
despite his masterful manipulations. "So I'm too good for breeding, but it
was okay for Sam? And Drake? And why aren't the students told? When they're old
enough, why aren't they given at least the chance to live in the normal world?
We've trained our whole lives to blend in and control our powers. Don't you
think we could make it work if given a chance?"

"These anti-paranormal organizations are powerful. We
need to stand together. We need to grow our strength, or they will destroy us.
We'll be forgotten, wiped from history."

"But isn't that what you're doing to Drake and Sam?
You're trying to kill them and erase their memory from our minds."

The Seeker cackled. "I would never kill Sam or Drake. I
want only to help them—more than you could possibly understand."

The world toppled and turned once again at the Seeker's
words. Lucy tried to rub her headache away, but it persisted, just behind her
eyes. "Help them? Seriously? You have a very unfriendly way of helping
people. You might want to work on the whole how-to-win-friends-and-influence-people
thing. There's even a book on it. You should check it out, and stop getting
advice from Hitler's diaries."

Nothing seemed to rile the Seeker. He smiled at her and
offered her more water. "You have fire in you. Spunk. I like that. I am
glad Sam picked you for her best friend. She is going to need both of us, in
the coming months. Her baby's powers will increase. Without my guidance, those
powers will drive her mad. That is why I seek her."

"Oh my God, what kind of baby did you put in her?"

"Her baby is the hope for our race. Without her,
paranormals will stand no chance in the coming storm."

"I can't tell if you're lying, without my powers, but
my instincts say you're being honest. If all you've said is true, then remove
the lockdown and get rid of Mr. Black. Stop beating kids and shooting them.
Turn this back into the school we loved before you got here."

"Come now, Lucy. After Sam's escape, rebel meetings
started occurring. Other students started breaking rules, trying to escape. You
didn't know what was best for you. We had to implement a stricter policy to
protect the students. We had to keep all of you on campus, away from those who
would kill you. But you persisted. The harder you push, the harder the
organization has to push back, for the safety of everyone."

"So if we stopped the rebellion, then things would go
back to normal?"

"No, not normal."

Lucy scowled. She knew this was all bullshit, but his next
words surprised her.

"Better than normal. It's clear to me now we should
have been honest with you all along. No more lies, no more cover-ups. I will
personally make sure that everyone knows the truth."

"I want to believe you, but you've blocked my powers.
If you're being honest with me, why not let me confirm what you've said?"

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