The Fuck Up

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Authors: Arthur Nersesian

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BOOK: The Fuck Up
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without drugs, New York style.”

—Hal Sirowitz, author of
Mother Said

“For those who remember that the eighties were as much about destitute grit as they were about the decadent glitz described in the novels of Bret Easton Ellis and Jay McInerney, this book will come as a fast-paced reminder.”

Time Out

“Touted as the bottled essence of early eighties East Village living,
is, refreshingly, nothing nearly so limited…. A cult favorite, I’d say it’s ready to become a legitimate religion.”

Smug Magazine

“Having ‘grown to tolerate all of New York’s degradations,’ Arthur Nersesian’s main character is irresistibly charming, funny, and real. Nersesian’s writing, reminding me at times of John Patrick Shanley and Gogol, is beautiful, especially when it is about women and love.
is a terrific success.”

—Jennifer Belle, author of
Going Down

“Not since
The Catcher in the Rye,
or John Knowles’
A Separate Peace,
have I read such a beautifully written book…. Nersesian’s powerful, sure-footed narrative alone is so believably human in its poignancy…. Nersesian mixes ‘F’ trains, lumpy couches, SoHo lofts, dive bars, lonely divorcees, porn theaters, posh brownstones, embezzling employers, ritzy Hard Rock Cafe parties, deceitful, would-be kept starlets, bathroom-stall poetry, free Mercedes-Benzes, and even Mormons. Whew! I couldn’t put this book down.”

Grid Magazine

“Fantastically alluring! I cannot recommend this book highly enough!”


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Also by Arthur Nersesian

East Village Tetralogy (four plays)

Tremors & Faultlines: Photopoems of San Francisco (poems)

Manhattan Loverboy (novel)

New York Complaints (poems)

Tompkins Square & Other III-Fated Riots (poems)

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Portions of this book have appeared in the
Portable Lower East Side.

Previously published by Akashic Books

POCKET BOOKS, a division of Simon & Schuster Inc.
1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020

Copyright © 1991, 1997 by Arthur Nersesian

MTV Music Television and all related titles, logos, and characters are trademarks of MTV Networks, a division of Viacom International Inc.

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Pocket Books, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020




First MTV Books/Pocket Books trade paperback printing May 1999

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Art Direction: Tracy Boychuk, Deklah Polansky

Graphic design: Deklah Polansky

© MTV Networks. All rights reserved.

Cover photography: Jason Stang and Clay Stang

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I would like to thank those who helped bring this edition into print:

Patrick Nersesian

Kim Kowalski

Jennifer Belle

John Talbot

Laurie Horowitz

Zeke Weiner

Greer Kessel Hendricks

Eduardo Braniff

Kristen Harris


the price of comfort is that life passes more rapidly. But for anyone who has lived in uneasiness, even for a short, memorable duration, it’s a trade-off that will gladly be made. When I was in my teens,
made an appraisal of how comfortable my life could turn out when I became the age I am now. Because of a mechanical failure, the prediction was inexact. Things reversed. I ended up living somewhere I once avoided, with a woman whom I genuinely once disliked.

Recently we celebrated our seventh anniversary together with a decent dinner and a not dreadful film. I got out of work early that evening and took the
F train to Forty-second Street. I crossed Fifth Avenue toward the Main Branch of the Public Library, but paused in the middle of the crosswalk. It was filling up with the evening rush hour crowd: men in trench coats, secretaries in tennis shoes, cabs in the crosswalk, cars honking, leviathan buses zooming inches, braking, zooming again, and bike messengers slicing through it all. The last time I was in that spot, seven years ago, there wasn’t a person in sight.

Seven years ago that day, as dawn rose, I remember standing in roughly the same spot watching as the traffic signals hanging over each intersection slowly turned yellow then red. Cars zoomed forward, headlights still on, staying ahead of the changing lights; at dusk they could make it all the way down without a single red light.

At rush hour, the entire avenue was gridlocked. But I could still faintly make out the small white crown of the Washington Square Arch at the very end. The anniversary of my relationship coincided with that dawning, and although that morning marked something that eluded celebration, it couldn’t be forgotten either.

Something honked at me, so I crossed the street, reboarded the packed F train, and returned to Brooklyn for the anniversary dinner.

Before I got canned from my first job, back in the early eighties, I had relations with a waitress who subsequently became a girlfriend. I was a prep cook, at one of those West Village singles dives, and I think the boss was jealous over Sarah; she was one of the last waitresses there whom he hadn’t screwed. She lived in the East Village, near the Saint Mark’s Cinema, which is currently the site for the Gap. Soon after my dismissal from my prep cook job, I moved in with her. It was about a week after my new-found residency,
while passing the Saint Mark’s Cinema, that I noticed a sign written in a distressingly angular cursive. It read: “WE NEAD USHER!” I entered the theater and had a quick dialogue with Stan, the manager on duty, who hired me on the spot and wanted me to start that evening.

The only lasting memory of that virgin shift was the ejection of a wino. Pepe, the owner, quickly pointed to a bum as he was barging through the back door. Trying to impress the boss on the first day, I ran toward him and unintentionally locked elbows; we swung about in a one-hundred-and-eighty-degree turn, as if in a square dance. When I broke loose, he propelled himself back out into the night with his own momentum. After the incident occurred, Pepe embarrassed me by mentioning that while we were spinning around he couldn’t tell who was who. The derelict possessed my basic features: my age—twenty-two; my height—five feet, ten inches; and my weight—a hundred and fifty-five pounds. By the time the first year of ushering had come to a close, I was the longest surviving employee. Pepe had fired everyone.

One night, toward the end of that summer, for want of anything better to do, I jotted down a misconduct list composed of all that I had witnessed there: seven reported pocket-pickings, four robberies, one slashing (it barely broke the skin), and a pistol drawn (it wasn’t fired). I couldn’t begin to count the unnatural acts and unreported molestations. Despite these offenses, the most heinous crime in the myopic eyes of Pepe was smoking.

I took as many weekday matinee shifts as possible. These we called “lawnchair shifts” because the audience was largely composed of neglected old folks who took advantage of the pre-five o’clock senior-citizen rates. At the opening of the shift, each usher was issued a flashlight, and since we weren’t allowed to leave the auditorium—that was what Pepe called the theater—I’d read by flashlight.

So that was my day: opening the theater with the manager, helping the geriatrics into their fold-out seats, starting the film, making sure the image was good and that no one was smoking or being too enthusiastic. Then I would read. During the intermission I would mop the lobby, clean out the ashtrays, tour the aisles—politely awakening all the dozing grandparents just to make sure they hadn’t died—and when the film started, I would read again. Only once did I try to wake someone up and fail. He was a nice old guy that would shake a lot, and it seemed sad that his long life had come to an end in the middle of
Turk 182.
After a year, I had read
The Education of Henry Adams, The Autobiography of Lincoln Steffens,
and the first four books of
Remembrance of Things Past,
all with the films of 1982 as a backdrop. I didn’t even realize how much subconscious seepage had occurred until some time later when I was watching a rerun of
On Golden Pond
—I kept conjuring up strange images of young Henry Adams studying in Heidelberg.

The Saint Mark’s was a second-run house. The patrons were basically from the neighborhood, and so were the employees. When Pepe first took over the theater in the early seventies, the neighborhood was different; it was rougher but things were cheaper. By ‘82, the East Village, at least as far east as Second Avenue, where the theater was located, had become gentrified.

Perhaps because the neighborhood was becoming ritzier and Pepe was elevating the performance standard, or perhaps because one gets disgusted with minimum wage quickly, there was a large turnover rate. After two months, enough Angels were fired to populate a heaven. Two Jesuses were also dismissed: one was apparently too “brusque,” the other was “obtuse,” according to the ever idiosyncratic Pepe. When someone was fired for an Anglican reason, he was usually fired by Pepe. He did most of the firing, and I always wondered where he got his language. Then one Sunday I watched “Masterpiece Theatre” and heard Alec Guinness call someone “opaque.” The
next day, someone else was fired with the same word. No one ever knew what the words meant and they were either too proud or too lazy to look them up, so they submitted quickly and retreated back eastward.

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