The Geary Series Boxed Set (23 page)

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Chapter 7


Lilly took a deep breath, as she needed to put her feelings aside for now because she had an awful discussion ahead of her. Her parents were not going to be supportive of her decision especially when she tells them she is going to be working at Blue’s. She could picture their faces as she revealed her news. It wasn’t a conversation she wanted to have, but she would pull on her big girl pants and do it. The earlier she felt their wrath, the sooner she could get on with the next chapter in her life.

Lilly looked back to see if Elijah was still there but he wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Reaching the end of the street and flagging down a taxi, she climbed into the back and gave an address to her driver and sank back into the seat. Touching her lips with the pads of her fingers, Lilly wondered if they would get to kiss again. Would he want to have a relationship with her once she wasn’t a corporate lawyer? Gazing out of the window, she watched as the city centre shops turned into leafy suburbs until the taxi pulled up in front of her parent's house.

After paying the cab driver the fare, she climbed out of the back of the car and instinctively tied the belt of her coat tighter. Her coat needed to act as her armour to protect her from her parents’ disappointment. Even though it was her life, her future and her decision, the constant need to please her parents increased as she got older. During school and university she hoped that once she had made partner she would care less about her parents’ approval but it was the opposite.

Walking up the path to the front door, she rang the doorbell and waited to see which face would greet her arrival. She wasn’t sure which parent she would prefer to see, her mother would be the lesser of two evils. Fidgeting on the spot, she fiddled with the belt of her coat and waited for the door to open. Just as she thought no one was in the door swung open, and she faced her brother, and he looked awful. Dark shadows under his eyes and greasy hair.

“Hi Lills, how are you doing?” William greeted her with a hug and a peck on the cheek.

Lilly hugged her brother in return and walked into the house.

“I’m very well thank you, I’ve news to tell you all, is mum and dad at home?” Lilly asked her brother. She shrugged off her coat and hung it on the end of the banister. Clothes lying about was something her parents hated, but she didn’t care, she felt brazen and in control. She wouldn’t be here long enough for them to see the coat let alone tell her off for leaving it there.

“They are in the garden, have you got a promotion?” William asked her, his eyes lit up with the prospect.

William was four years younger than Lilly and still lived at home. At twenty-eight, she thought this was disgraceful but never voiced her opinion on the subject. He had yet to find a career or a full-time job after leaving University. He was the only person she knew that had two degrees and couldn’t find a job. He had the odd casual job here and there, never anything longer than a few weeks. She did worry about him, as he was always asking her for money. With her change of job, she would no longer be able to bail him out with money and she knew he would not be happy with this situation. A few months ago he had lost his temper with her when she was unable to get to a cash machine to give him some money because she was due in court.

“No, I have not been promoted, come with me and I can tell you all at the same time.” Lilly told him and grabbed his arm to drag him along to the back of the house.

They both walked through the kitchen and out through the French doors to the garden where Lilly could see her parents reading the papers under the shade of an oversized umbrella. The house always came alive in the summer, large colourful garden, which languished in the sun all day.  Today had turned into a beautifully sunny day.

Lilly’s dad looked up to see his children approach and wore his usual wary frown. His instant question was one that they were used to.

“Why are you both here in the middle of the day, as far as I know at least one of you has a job?” Dylan said, his voice stern and unforgiving. Lilly was thirty-two, but she still felt like a child in the presence of her father. Drawing in a deep breath, she prepared to speak but was interrupted.

“Lills has been fired.” William announced.

Gale, their mother and her father Dylan’s head snapped round to face her in a flash. The anger on her father’s face was the opposite of distaste that was evident on her mother’s face. She could see her expression and that she thought no daughter of mine gets fired.

“Thanks Will, you just made this ten times worse than it already is.” Lilly bit out to her brother.

“Just breaking the ice sis, at least now whatever you say won’t be as bad.” William said and shrugged his shoulders and started to laugh. It didn’t last long, Lilly had her courtroom face on and turned to William and showed her anger.

“Oh,” William spluttered “you haven’t lost your job have you?”

“No, William I have not lost my job as such.” Lilly said to all three of them but glared at William, “I quit my job this morning.”

“What did you just say?” Dylan questioned.

“Tell me this isn’t true Lills, what am I going to do if you haven’t got a job. You’re so selfish. I’m going out.” William announced, he didn’t allow his sister to explain before the back gate slammed as he left her to it. He had made this far more difficult than she imagined, and she didn’t have a chance to ease them into her decision. She wasn’t entirely sure why he was so angry about her quitting, he didn’t have a job either.

“Explain yourself young lady, why is my daughter out of work?” Gale demanded, arms folded, her newspaper discarded to the side of her coffee.

“Yes, Lillian please explain to us why you thought it fit to give up a perfectly good job we have worked so hard to get you.” Dylan added.

Lilly wanted to run away and burst into tears, she wished that she had Elijah here to hold her hand. She should have said yes when he offered to come with her. She never felt as alone as she did at that point.

“I have decided to give up being a lawyer and search for what I really want to do with my life. I hope you’ll support me and let me find what it is I love to do.” Lilly said, hating the pleading tone that came with her speech.

“Don’t be ridiculous darling, we didn’t work hard to put you through school and university for you to throw it all away, you’re a partner for God’s sake. Harry won’t just let you walk away.” Gale spat out the words to Lilly.

As each word came out Lilly shrivelled up a little inside but kept her poker face on. She would not allow her parents to see how disappointed she was that they were not going to support her.

“Don’t worry Gale, I’ll call Harry now and get this sorted out, Lillian will be back at work tomorrow.” Dylan said and patted his wife’s knee to comfort her.

“Of course dear, this is just a misunderstanding.” Gale answered and then looked up to Lilly, “that’s right isn’t it? You are just having a rebellious tantrum and will apologise to Harry and go back to work tomorrow.”

Gale wasn’t asking her daughter she was telling her, and it angered Lilly no end. She had the same treatment all her life. She was never allowed to give anything up her parents wanted her to do. She was going to stand firm, she was going to stand up to her parents.

“No.” Lilly said in a low voice.

“Speak up child, what did you just say?” Gale demanded.

“I said no, I am not going back to the firm. Harry supports my decision and has accepted my resignation, he has also allowed me to leave immediately. So, no, I won’t be going back, in fact, I start my new job tomorrow at Blue’s, it’s a bar in the city.” Lilly announced and turned on her heel, she had enough time to see the gaping mouths of her parents before she entered the house and collected her coat and bag and walked out of the front door.

Lilly felt empowered and strode down the driveway and down the leafy road where her parents lived. She walked until she hit the main road and flagged down a taxi to take her to her home. She was happy and messaged her best mate Angie to tell her the news that they were going to get drunk tonight to celebrate the start of her new life.

Brilliant, it’s about bloody time, I’ll come round early with wine and you can tell me about Dreamboat.

His name is Elijah, not dreamboat, and I’ll see you at six.

See you then, make sure you wear fabulous underwear, you might get Dreamboat naked tonight.

Hush, see you later x




Chapter 8


The noise of the doorbell made Lilly jump, she was deep in thought about what she had done today. It wasn’t regret she was feeling but a sense of nothingness. A state of limbo, she had a clean canvas and had no clue what she was going to do next. There were so many possibilities of what she could do. She had Elijah’s offer of a job, and she could always keep painting. She had sold a few canvases under a fake name and had a few commissions secured. She had a future in the art world, if she chose to go down that path.

Padding through the morning room and out into the open plan lounge and kitchen, she reached the front door and let in the whirlwind that was Angie.

“I have wine,” Angie declared. She swept past Lilly in high heeled stiletto peep toe shoes with a short flared black dress. Her bouncing jet black curly hair had a personality all of its own.

“That’s great, have you already started drinking Angie, you seem exuberant even for you.” Lilly asked.

“Nope. I am just so damned delighted that you have come to your senses. I am a little bit hurt that it took Dreamboat only six months to convince you when I have spent the best part of two years trying to convince you. I won’t hold a grudge Lilly because I adore you.” Angie said.

“Oh, don’t be hurt, it was me in the end that made the decision, I could happily throw up now that I have made it.”

Angie came across the carpeted floor and gave Lilly a cuddle, she was a lot shorter than Lilly. Her head rested on Lilly’s breast, and Angie always made fun and nestled her head on them just to embarrass Lilly. It was her favourite pastime to embarrass Lilly as it was so entertaining to see her blush.

“Let’s talk about this evening, show me your knickers.” Angie asked.

“Angie, please, not this again.” Lilly whined.

“Show me them.” Angie demanded, hands on her hips, head nodding to the hem of her dress.

“Fine.” Lilly relented.

Lilly lifted her blue dress and showed her matching blue knickers.

“Excellent, they should get him hard in no time and you are bare-legged too for easy access.”

“Bloody hell Angie, do you have to be so crude.”

“Tell me you didn’t dress this evening for Dreamboat, go on I dare you to say it.” Angie demanded, her eyebrows almost reaching her hair line in question.

“Ok, I did so you can hush up now.”

“Yay, good for you, he wants you so badly, he is so in love with you, it’s about time you two got together. New life starts now, I am sure that was what your text said earlier today.”

Lilly thought back to the text she sent and nodded her assent and took the offered glass of wine and clinked glasses with her best friend. Taking a large swig of the wine she placed it on the nearest flat surface and continued to apply her mascara. She watched in the mirror as Angie circled the room, dancing to the music playing and touching everything as she went. Angie had always been a tactile person right from the start.

Lilly had met Angie at the café she got her latte from each morning. Angie was in there one morning and was being served before her and wasn’t looking where she was going and walked straight into Lilly. Luckily the lid was on her coffee, so only a small amount had shot out of the hole in the top and landed on Lilly’s front. All over her left breast.

Angie had instantly grabbed some napkins and wiped down her breast without any hesitation. Much to the amusement of others and Lilly she carried on until she had satisfied herself that she had cleaned Lilly up.

From then on they were inseparable as friends and Angie took it as her life’s mission to direct Lilly’s life. Lilly didn’t let her of course but it was fun letting her try.

“What are you doing Angie?” Lilly asked, like she would a quiet child out of sight.

“Just checking out your new stuff and thinking what I can pilfer while you’re not looking.”

“Oh, ok, just checking.” Lilly said and grinned.

“Are you ready yet because I want to go and chat up some hot men while you swoon over Dreamboat.”

“Keep your pants on Angie I’m ready.”

“I’m not wearing any but I get your point, let’s go.” Angie announced and picked up her handbag and drank the last of her wine.

Lilly rolled her eyes at her honesty and hoped that it wasn’t windy out tonight.





Chapter 9


“Are you sure you want to go to Blue’s tonight, we can go anywhere in the city Lilly?” Angie asked Lilly as they stood outside the building, looking in through the windows.

“This may be the last night for a long time where I will be on the customer side of the bar, and I want to celebrate quitting my job, standing up to my parents and being kissed thoroughly by the man who owns this bar.” Lilly declared. “Let’s go in and get drunk.”

“He kissed you?  When, when did he kiss you, you didn’t tell me that bit.  Bloody hell Lilly you leave out all the best bits.” Angie said.

“Yes he kissed me, in this bar today and then again on the street after he stopped me from being run over.  Now you know everything why isn’t there wine in my hand?” Lilly said.

Angie laughed at Lilly’s conviction to have fun and followed her into the bar. It was busy in Blue’s, and Lilly had to fight her way through the group of people trying to leave the bar. She let out a yelp and hopped on one foot and looked up to see who had trodden on her foot. She looked up to find Jenny staring at her.

“Why the hell did you just stamp on my foot Jenny?” Lilly asked her.

“Oh, I didn’t see you there Lillian, I’m so sorry. Are you feeling better?” Jenny asked her in the same saccharine voice as Susan had earlier.

The gossips frustrated her so much in the office but to have Jenny assume she was sick as well was annoying.

“There is nothing wrong with me Jenny, why you have assumed I am ill is beyond me.” Lilly said and walked away and didn’t wait for Jenny to answer her. She wanted a drink, and more importantly she wanted to see Elijah.

Looking around the bar, Lilly searched for Elijah while Angie ordered their drinks. She spotted him talking to two women, laughing and joking with them. He looked happy and relaxed as he chatted to them. She kept her eyes on him willing him to look over so she could say hello. While she waited she took in his appearance, crisp white shirt with a tie and waistcoat, she could just about see that he was wearing matching trousers to his waistcoat.  He looked smart and sexy at the same time.  She didn’t have to wait long, within seconds he looked at her and stopped talking to the women he was with and just stared as his smile grew wide. He winked at her and made his excuses to the two ladies he was talking with and made his way over to Lilly.

“He is gorgeous Lilly, who is he?” Angie whispered to Lilly as she passed her the red wine she had just ordered from the bar.

“That’s Dreamboat.” Lilly just managed to say before Elijah was standing in front of her, grinning, with a twinkle in his eye.

“It is lovely to see you Lilly, I didn’t think I would be seeing you until tomorrow. You don’t normally come here in the evening.” Elijah said and leaned down and kissed her cheek.

“I thought I would have a night of freedom with my friend Angie before I started my new job. Is it ok that we are here? We can go to another bar if you want.” Lilly said.

“It is more than ok that you are here.” Elijah said, “Angie it is lovely to meet you, I have heard so many great things about you from Lilly. It sounds like she has a great friend at her side.” Elijah said and reached for Angie’s hand and kissed the back of it.

Angie flushed with the contact and flattery, her face matched her flame red lipstick and she tried to recover her composure.

“You are a charmer Elijah, it is lovely to meet you, Lilly doesn’t stop talking about you and it is lovely to put a name to a face. You have kept her sane over the last six months. I hope you know how brilliant you have been?” Angie blurted out and winced slightly at the kick she received from Lilly at her confession.

“I’m glad I could be supportive to Lilly and I’m very proud of what she did today. Things will only get better for her.” Elijah said.

“Ok, I’m still here guys, it was lovely to see you Elijah, and I don’t want to keep you from your work.” Lilly said in a rush. Wanting to hurry away, she didn’t like being talked about like a lost cause but at the same time grateful that she had two people who cared about her wellbeing.

“Not so fast sweetheart, I need to talk to you about tomorrow. Angie, do you mind if I steal Lilly away for five minutes?” Elijah asked.

“No, not at all, steal away, I see some friends of mine.” Angie said.

Lilly stood open mouthed at Angie as she walked through the mass of people in the bar and felt nervous being left alone with Elijah. She could feel his gaze on her and turned to face him fully. The desire in his eyes looking back at her warmed her soul, she felt an instant connection to Elijah all those months ago but didn’t feel the desire until he kissed her today. She felt his hand link with hers and a small tug as he pulled her towards him. Slowly his dropped his mouth to her ear, she thought he was going to kiss her neck and felt a shiver at the prospect at such intimacy.

“You look lovely tonight Lilly, I wish we weren’t in a room full of people because I so dearly would like to kiss you right now.” Elijah murmured to Lilly.

Lilly didn’t need to be kissed to feel a second shiver, his breath and words were enough to create instant passion for Elijah. She didn’t move a muscle waiting for Elijah to make his next move. She stood patiently while Elijah turned around. To her surprise Elijah led her through the busy room to the door at the end of the bar. Fishing out a bunch of keys in his pocket Elijah swiftly unlocked the door and led her through to a dark corridor.

No sooner was the door shut, and it was dark, his lips were on hers. She knew it was going to happen as soon as she saw the darkness, and she was ready. She opened her mouth to taste him, tongue duelling with his as the battle for supremacy began. The frenzied kiss took on a life of its own as they wrapped their arms around each other and kissed until they were breathless. Elijah’s heart soared as Lilly returned his kiss with such passion. He could feel his cock get harder as each minute passed, the beat of his heart accelerated as his pushed Lilly up against the corridor wall. She landed with a thump as her head hit the wall. Elijah pulled away with concern, he didn’t mean to cause her pain.

“I’m sorry Lilly, did you hit your head?” Elijah asked a little out of breath, chest heaving, and he stroked her face with one hand and rubbed the back of her head with the other.

“No, I didn’t feel a thing, apart from my beating heart and throbbing sex.” Lilly answered in a rush.

“Oh, you’re straight talking, I adore you even more. Let me feel how much that pussy of yours is throbbing sweetheart.” Elijah murmured into Lilly’s lips as he nipped at her bottom lip.

Dropping his hand, Elijah inched up the hem of Lilly’s dress and smoothed the back of his hand up her thigh. Devouring her mouth at the same time his fingers crawled further to the crease at the top of her leg. Lilly parted her legs to allow Elijah access, she ached for him to touch her. His open desire for her turned her into a wanton creature. Moving her head away to take a lung full of air, Elijah dropped his head and nuzzled and kissed her neck as he slowly moved the pad of his forefinger under the elastic of her knickers.

Lilly let out a soft moan as he dragged his finger down and underneath, still not touching where she needed it most. He was teasing her, taking his time, and she couldn’t cope with it.

“Please Elijah, slip your fingers inside me, I need to feel you there.” Lilly whispered into the dark corridor.

“I would like nothing more my darling,” Elijah said and withdrew his hand and pulled her dress down “but there is someone just about to come through that door.”

She was completely oblivious to the key turning in the door, lost in her lust at Elijah’s hands. Lilly felt Elijah take her hand and pull her along the corridor, she followed him into a room. Elijah flicked the light switch on, and the room illuminated, Lilly blinked a few times to get used to the brightness and looked at her surroundings.

She found herself in a large office crammed full of everything, there were files, papers, crates, and boxes everywhere. The desk, covered with loose paperwork and a mug full of pens and highlighters, looked a mess. She had never seen an office so cluttered. Looking around at the walls, they too were stuffed full of pictures. Some of movie posters and some of people, everything was black and white. The room looked cosy but chaotic. Her body visibly shuddered at the mess that was in the room, it wasn’t an environment that she could work amongst. Lilly preferred order and reason, everything in its place.

“Is this your office Elijah?” Lilly asked him when she finally spotted him behind the desk among all the debris.

“Yeah, this is where I work, please forgive the messiness, I haven’t had time to sort it out since I moved in here. I know where everything is, there is an order to things.” Elijah said, looking sheepish.

Lilly knew he was lying to cover up the disorder, and she found it endearing that he was apologising for what he preferred. She had an urge to roll up her sleeves and sort the room out but cautioned herself that this was not her office to fix. She was just a bartender now, no in tray and no email inbox to sort through. She felt liberated, if this is the organised chaos Elijah lived in then so be it. It wasn’t her problem to rectify.

“No apology needed, at least I know you don’t have any sex in here, and there isn’t a spare corner in this room to sit.” Lilly joked and grinned at Elijah.

Circling the desk in a few strides, Elijah had Lilly in an embrace that squeezed all the air out of her lungs. He took her by surprise and held her tight brushing his closed lips against hers, once then twice.

“Don’t think for one moment that I wouldn’t remove everything from that desk and lay us both across it. If I want to sink into you, a messy desk won’t stop me.” Elijah said to Lilly and kissed her deeply.

Lilly was swept up in his kiss and let him take her away mentally and physically. She couldn’t think of anything else apart from his lips on hers.

Elijah slowed his kiss and pecked her lips a few times before pulling away. He cleared the stack of paperwork on a nearby armchair and invited her to sit down. Elijah walked back to the only other free chair which was behind his desk. Opening a drawer to his left, he rummaged through a drawer and lifted out a card. Choosing a pen from the mug in front of him, Elijah scribbled something on the back and got up from his seat.

Rounding the desk he approached Lilly and pulled her up by her hand and spun them so that he was now sitting in an armchair with her sitting sideways on his lap.

“Now where were we?” Elijah said into Lilly’s neck as he nibbled his way up from her throat to her ear.

Elijah bit lightly in her bare earlobe and poked the tip of his tongue out and gently licked a single line down her neck to her collar bone. He felt Lilly shudder in his arms and grinned, he was overjoyed at the sensitivity of her skin. He couldn’t wait to get her naked. Hooking his arm under her knees, he lifted her legs so that they were dangling over the arm of the chair. Tracing a line with the nail of his thumb from her ankle to her knee, he used his other arm to pull her back to his chest to kiss her. Slowly and chastely kissing her lips he slowly pulled his thumbnail up her thigh, under her dress and dragged it across her knickers. The stifled moan Lilly let out as he reached her knickers pleased him.

His cock hardened in his trousers and begged to be let out. Elijah needed to be patient and savour each step of the way to get Lilly into bed. He wanted to enjoy the seduction, her responses to his touch. He was in no hurry to get to the end.

Tracing the edge of her knickers again, Elijah slipped his thumb under the elastic and groaned as he felt nothing but bare skin. Using the pad this time he stroked down the lip of her pussy that was furthest away from him until he reached her entrance. He could feel that she was wet with desire and inched his thumb nearer to part her lips so he could push his thumb into her.

“For fuck sake.” Elijah growled and pulled his thumb out of her knickers and pulled out of their kiss. He stuck his thumb into his mouth and closed his eyes to savour her taste. She tasted exquisite, and he wanted to get down on his knees to put his tongue where his thumb had just been.

“What’s wrong Elijah, why did you stop?” Lilly asked almost in pain. “Are you set on tormenting me?”

“Pete is standing on the other side of that door needing my help, I need to see what is happening.” Elijah explained while he lifted Lilly with him as he stood and placed her on her feet. Straightening her dress and his shirt he took one step to Lilly’s side.

“Come in Pete.” Elijah yelled.

Lilly couldn’t understand how he knew he was there but accepted that he did when a young looking bartender came into the room.

“I’m sorry to interrupt Elijah, but we’re out of Gin and I think the new box is in here, somewhere.” Pete said and looked over the boxes that were scattered over the floor, frowning at the prospect of opening them all to find what he was looking for inside.

“It is in that box over there next to the lamp, help yourself. This lovely lady is Lilly and she will be starting with us tomorrow as our new bartender.

Pete wiped his hand in his apron and shook Lilly’s hand and nodded his head in greeting.

“Good to meet you Lilly, I’m glad he has finally found someone to help out, we are really short staffed at the moment. Welcome aboard the mad house that tough guy here runs.” Pete said and pointed his thumb in the direction of Elijah.

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