The Gentlewoman (13 page)

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Authors: Lisa Durkin

BOOK: The Gentlewoman
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Slowly, so as not to completely send her over the edge, he
brought his head forward and lightly kissed the damaged area. He slowly laid
his cheek on the spot, and nuzzled her there. He stayed that way for some time,
hoping that her fear and stress would be allayed. After several minutes, he
felt her hands grip his shoulders tightly. After a couple more moments, he
raised his face to hers. The tears had stopped falling, and she looked at him
with bewilderment. In answer, Jackson immediately pulled her lips to his and
kissed her passionately.

Rory grunted and grasped his jaw. Jackson ran his hands up
to her breasts and cupped them firmly, pinching her hard nipples. He sucked one
into his mouth. Rory inhaled sharply and her hips grinded with urgency against
his body. Sensing her need, Jackson cupped her sex and impaled her with two
fingers while moving his mouth to the other nipple. She cried out and he rose
up and grabbed her by the arms, lifting her and pressing her back against the
wall. He lifted her thighs around his hips and frantically drove his hard cock
into her hot wet sex. They both shouted as he slammed into her again and again
until they came with violent shudders.


They didn’t move. Her forehead rested on his shoulder, her
arms clamped around his neck. She felt sated and tired but frightened and her
brain and body were begging to turn it all off and shut everything out for the
rest of the night. Jackson had made her feel too much intensity and emotions
she hadn’t expected. She wanted to be alone so that she could find her
equilibrium again.

He didn’t give her the chance. Her legs still wrapped around
him, he carried her out of the bathtub. He dried her entire body and wrapped
her up. He quickly dried himself, and carried her to the bed. He gently laid
her down and covered her, turning off the light and holding her close.

“Go to sleep now, sweet Rory.” She closed her eyes and shut
out the world, and drifted into a deep sleep, feeling the heat of his warm body
nestled tightly around her.

Chapter Twelve


He pushed her into the house with such force she fell
forward and hit her head as she slid across the hardwood floor. The pain in her
wrist was so piercing that the movement sent bolts of lightning through her arm.
She lay still on the floor, looking around, frantically trying to get her
bearings. Her head pounded and her ears had begun to ring loudly. She could
smell vomit in her nostrils and still felt sick. She tried to rise. He locked
the front door and walked over to where she struggled from the floor.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he drawled in his thick
brogue and kicked her in the ribs continually until she dropped. He continued
kicking until she stopped moving. She lay in a ball, knees to her chest. Tears
escaped, but she made no sound as she tried to catch her breath.

She could hear her own breathing and loud ringing. The
fear and panic tasted metallic in her mouth. Her adrenaline had spiked so that
she was hyperaware of his movements as he closed the blinds on the windows. She
stared across the floor. She could see the legs of the sofa and the floor
underneath the recliner from where she lay. Somebody had dropped a comb under
the chair. How odd, she thought, so normal an occurrence; such an everyday
observation to calmly make before you die.

He dragged her by the hair and threw her onto the couch.
The heartbeat and ringing in her ears made it hard to hear what he was saying.
She barely made it out.

“…think you’re so special, Daddy and all your fancy
political friends…” The sound of his voice went in and out as he grabbed her by
the throat and squeezed. She gasped and grunted. “Just a piece of ass, stupid
cunt.” He smacked her hard across the face again. He pushed her over and held
her down onto the couch by the neck while he climbed on top of her. “I bought
and paid for you just like the rest and you’ll put out like the rest of them,
you fucking whore.”


Rory was jostled awake.

“Come on, baby, wake up.” Jackson was leaning over her. She
sat up quickly and looked around the room. It took her a moment to become fully
aware. The bedside lamp was on. She lay back slowly and rubbed her hands over
her eyes.

“You okay? You were having one of your nightmares.” He
smoothed the hair away from her face and rubbed her cheek with his thumb. His
warm skin felt so good and she tried to concentrate on the feel of his body on
hers, instead of the dream. Her hands were shaking and she could feel the edge
of panic. She didn’t want him to see her like this.

“I’m okay.” She tried to slow her breathing. He searched her
face in concern.

“You’re very pale and you’re shaking.”

“I’m fine, really. I’ll be fine,” she whispered. “What time
is it?”

“Four-thirty.” He lay back and gathered her into his arms.
“Try to go back to sleep.”

She didn’t tell him that she could never sleep after one of
her nightmares. Instead, she lay still against him, her cheek on his powerful
chest and his strong, warm arms around her, holding her to him. He breathed in
and out evenly. He ran his hand through her long hair over and over, smoothing
it across his chest until it lay over him like a blanket. She could hear his
calm heartbeat, the feel of his chest rising and falling rhythmically and his
hand caressing through her hair. She inhaled his delicious masculine scent.

When he woke her again she was shocked. “What time is it?”

“Six-thirty, sleepyhead, time to get up. Unless you want to
play hooky again today.”

“Hooky. You really are a relic, aren’t you?” she teased,
returning his smile.

“I’ll give you some relic right here, baby…” She giggled as
he covered her mouth with his.


“So how was your day off, Congresswoman?” Nicole walked into
Rory’s office grinning from ear to ear and Rory knew she was going to fish for
all the nasty little details she could get about Jackson.

“It was good, thank you. How are you, Mrs. Dailey?”

“Pregnant and feeling a little queasy, to be honest.” She
gingerly lowered herself into one of the office chairs.

“I’m sorry, Prego, go home and rest.”

“Naw, no need, it’ll pass… So…give me the scoop,” she said
slyly, rubbing her palms together.

Rory laughed, “Whatever do you mean?”

“Give it up, Morgan, I know what you were up to yesterday
and I want details; I deserve details!”

“Like what?”

“Where’d you sleep last night?” Her eyes were alight with

“In a bed,” Rory quipped with a sly smile.

Nicole gave her the “no shit” stare. “Give it up, that man
is hot. Everybody in the country wants to know what it’s like to sleep with him
and I want some details since that pleasure was bestowed upon my best friend!”

“Everybody in the country? Really?” Rory looked skeptical.
“Okay, okay, I slept in his super-king-size bed last night.”

“And how was it? He is one fine-looking man. Do his skills
match his packaging? I want details!”

Rory busted out laughing. “You are so predictable. I knew
you would ask!”

“I want to know, everybody wants to know! How’s the junk? Is
it impressive? It looks large in his pants.”

“You’ve checked out his package?”

“Everybody’s checked out his package; he’s Jackson Dorn!”

She laughed again at Nicole’s exasperated expression. “It is
a nice package,” Rory agreed. “Let’s just say his bed wasn’t the only thing
that was king-sized.”

“I knew it! And talent to back it up?”

“I’d say the rumors are true.”

“Wow, I think I’m jealous! So he was good to you?” she asked
more seriously.

“Yes, very good.” Rory leaned back in her chair. “Very good.
He…makes me feel good.”

Nicole smiled warmly at her. “I’m glad for you, Ror. And you
didn’t freak out? You’re handling putting yourself out there?”

“So far,” Rory said quietly. “So fill me in. I haven’t been
here since Thursday.”


Rory sat on her sofa later that evening, Peter Gabriel
playing in the background, a glass of Chablis in hand as she reviewed large
stacks of legislation. She had taken the livery car home alone. Jackson had a
party event that was taking him well into the evening. Her ears perked up
whenever she heard a sound.

She wondered if he would want to see her tonight. She didn’t
know the parameters of this relationship, or whatever it was. She stiffened as
the thought occurred to her that maybe he had his fill of her already. Maybe
that one night was all he wanted. He was a player after all. She ignored the
pang of melancholy and remembered that he had invited her to the state dinner
Saturday night, so she was just being stupid.

As she flipped pages, Jackson entered and crossed the room,
swiftly setting his coat and briefcase on the chair.

“Well, hello,” she said, surprised, as he leaned in and
forced her back against the sofa. His body covered hers.

“Hello yourself.” He kissed her forcefully, voraciously
exploring with his tongue. It took Rory’s breath away.

When he finally raised his head the intensity in his eyes
made her blush.

“How was your day, Congressman?” She grinned up at him.

“It was a good day,” he murmured, lightly running his lips
over her chin and down her throat. She gasped and her body began to sway into
his. “The best part is coming home to this.”

Jackson abruptly lifted her, swinging around and heading for
the bedroom. Kneeling at her bed, he dumped her on the mattress and began
unbuttoning his shirt.

“Take your clothes off, I need to be in you right now.” He
slipped his tie and shirt off over his muscular shoulders, then pulled his
pants off and knelt down in front of her. She stared at his huge cock. He
grabbed her shirt and roughly yanked it over her head. “You’re not getting
naked fast enough.”

Entranced and aroused, she grasped his erection. Jackson
groaned and cupped his hands to her naked breasts, massaging her bare flesh and
thrusting his cock into her receptive hands. She smiled up at him before
sucking it into her hot mouth.

He hissed and grabbed her head, gently thrusting his cock
until he could feel the back of her throat. She sucked him hard and groaned
when he pulled back.

“You’re going to make me come down your throat, baby.” He
chuckled as her pleased groan vibrated around the head of his cock.

Pulling himself completely free of her, he grabbed her
thighs, yanking them out from under her, dropping her onto her back. He quickly
peeled off her yoga pants and tossed them to the floor. With the same
swiftness, he hugged her legs against his chest, her feet at either of his
ears, and slammed into her.

She shrieked and he paused, moving his hips slowly back and
forth. “I wanted to feel this all day,” he said, gazing into her eyes.

Rory looked into his beautiful blue eyes and was overwhelmed
by the desire he sent racing through her body. It felt so good to have him all
over her, inside her. She closed her eyes and moaned as he thrust deeply,
carrying her away on a wave of sensation that felt so good she thought she
would come immediately.

But before she had the chance, he pulled back and traded
places, lying back against the bed. She straddled him, his length impaling her.

“God, you look so beautiful, ride my cock, Rory.”

She moaned and her head fell back as she lifted and came
down on him again and again. His hands went to her hips and guided her, his
fingers digging in. Ragged cries escaped her as his large head hit her sweet
spot with every thrust. She looked down at him, his expression one of pure
rapture. She leaned down, drawn to him, her hands on his chest and kissed his
lips while her hips continued to move up and down. He moaned and met her
tongue, sliding his hands to cup her ass. She closed her eyes.

“Rory, open your eyes, please, look into my eyes again.” She
opened her eyes and was captured by his intense gaze. “You don’t know what you
do to me. I’ve never wanted anyone like I want you.”

She bore down hard as her orgasm ricocheted throughout her
entire body. His hands clenched her hips tightly as he shouted her name in
release. She couldn’t ever remember feeling such intensity, either physically
or emotionally. She marveled at what he evoked in her body, and perhaps her
soul. It was almost frightening.

They lay in bed, sated for the moment. Jackson pulled his
fingers through Rory’s long hair and blanketed his chest. She was so warm and
comfortable she thought she’d drift off to sleep.

His cell phone rang, jerking her back. She reached for his
pants on the floor, passing them to him. He pulled the phone from the pocket.

“Hey, kid, how’s it going?” he said cheerfully, a little
hoarse from his earlier exertions. Rory could hear Jackson’s son but couldn’t
make out the words.

“Oh yeah?” Jackson listened patiently, his eyes closed. Rory
watched him, head balanced on her hand. The sweetest smile crept across his

“So why this trip? We’re sending you to Aspen next month.”
She could hear the anxious pleading on the other end.

“Who’s going? Which kids and adults?” He opened his eyes and
gave Rory a wink. He mindlessly ran his fingers through her hair again. “I see,
Bella’s going and you want to be with her. What does your mom say?”

After some negotiations, and checking progress on
schoolwork, Dad agreed to pay for a getaway to a ski lodge in upstate Maine.
Jackson seemed to know the kids and parents going and Rory was surprised to
learn that this trip was in lieu of a weekend he was supposed to spend with his
dad. She wondered how Jackson felt about that.

“Keep control of your wandering hands, boy.” He grabbed
Rory’s ass. She laughed and clamped her hand over her mouth.

Jackson cuddled her close after hanging up, laying his cheek
on hers. “Once again, Ryan the horn-dog is chasing after a cute little girl.
He’s a good kid though and he’s doing well in school. Let him have his fun.”

“You’ll miss your weekend with him?”

“Yeah, it’s okay. I’ll see him soon. I want him to have fun.
He deserves it.” There was a bittersweet note to Jackson’s voice. She would bet
anything that he missed his son more than he was letting on.

“Do you want children, Rory?”

She stiffened. Nobody had asked her this since her husband’s
death, not even her closest friends. Her mind raced.

“Hey, did you hear me?” He nibbled on her ear.

Her first instinct was to say something sarcastic and change
the subject as quickly as possible. She stuttered with the attempt. “I…um…no, I
don’t know…” She laughed nervously. Her muscles went rigid.

“Did you want kids when you got married?”

Rory rolled over facing away from Jackson. He spooned her
tightly, resting his cheek on her hair.

“You have such difficulty talking about these things. Have
you ever talked to anybody? I’ve seen what people go through after tragedies, I
know the stress involved.”

She closed her eyes. “Yes,” she finally whispered.

“Yes to which?” he asked gently.

She took a deep breath and made an effort to unclench her
muscles. She needed to handle this. For Christ sake, she was sleeping with this
man. Sharing some intimacies was normal.

“Yes I saw a shrink the first year after, and yes, I wanted
children when I got married.”

He kissed her head. “Thank you for sharing that.” She stayed
quiet and still. He smoothed his hands to her shoulders and began gently
massaging her. “You’re very tense, let me relax you.” She concentrated on the
massage until he asked, “Rory, have you been involved with a man since your

Go with it, she told herself. “Not involved, per se.” She
felt her shoulders begin to relax and closed her eyes.

“Per se?”

“One. No relationship, just sex.”

“So you haven’t really opened up to anyone since the

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