The Geography of Genius: A Search for the World's Most Creative Places From Ancient Athens to Silicon Valley (50 page)

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It is no exaggeration to say I could not have written this book without the unfailing support of my wife, Sharon. She is my muse, my love. My genius loci is anywhere, so long as she is by my side.

Finally, it is with heavy heart that I thank Eugene Martinez. In the short time I knew him, he became a trusted guide and a friend. He is missed. This book is also dedicated to his memory.


is a philosophical traveler and recovering malcontent. His books include the
New York Times
The Geography of Bliss
Man Seeks God
. A former foreign correspondent for NPR, his work has appeared in
The New York Times, Slate, Quartz,
Los Angeles Times, Foreign Policy,
the BBC,
AFAR, The Best American Travel Writing,
and elsewhere. For some reason, he lives in the Washington, DC, area. Learn more at:

Tell us which places spark your creativity at



The Geography of Bliss

New York Times

“Charming, funny, and illuminating.”

Washington Post Book World

“Flirty and provocative and keeps reeling you back in.”

Denver Post

“There’s enlightenment in these pages.”

Los Angeles Times

“This wise, witty ramble reads like Paul Theroux channeling David Sedaris on a particularly good day.”

Kirkus Reviews

Man Seeks God

“Informed, impassioned, and idiosyncratic.”

National Geographic Traveler

“Winsome, self-deprecating humor marks every page.”

Publishers Weekly

“Weiner is Woody Allen channeling Karen Armstrong.”

—The New York Times Book Review

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