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Authors: Arthur Koestler

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The author and publishers wish to thank the following for permission to
quote from various works:
The Macmillan Co., New York (Science and Human Behaviour,
by B.F. Skinner, © 1953 by The Macmillan Co.);
Allyn & Bacon, Boston (Psychology, ed. A.D. Calvin,
© 1961 by Allyn & Bacon);
Penguin Books Ltd., Harmondsworth ('Differentiation', by R.M. Clayton
in Penguin Science Survey 1964B);
Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., London, and Harcourt, Brace & World,
Inc., New York (Life: An Introduction to Biology, by G.G. Simpson,
C.S. Pittendrigh and L.H. Tiffany, © 1957 by Harcourt, Brace & World,
Inc., and Routledge & Kegan Paul);
The Listener, London ('How Do Adaptations Occur?', by
C.H. Waddington); Chatto & Windus, London (Man in the Modern World,
by J. Huxley);
Cambridge Univ. Press (On Growth and Form, by D.W. Thompson);
Edward Arnold Ltd., London (The Matrix of the Mind, by F. Wood
Jones and S.D. Porteus);
Robert Hale Ltd., London (Cannibalism and Human Sacrifice,
by G. Hogg);
Methuen & Co. Ltd., London (On Aggression, by K.L. Lorenz,
tr. M. Latzke);
The Listener, London ('The Wild Ones' and 'The Affluent Crowd',
by W.M.S. Russell);
McGraw Hill, New York (J.B. de C.M. Saunders in Control of the Mind).
Abominable Fancy, 259
Abraham, 239, 311
Abstract thinking, in language, 31
Abstractive memory, 84-6, 345
Act of Creation, The, ix, xii, 13, 18, 28 n, 56 n, 80 n, 93 n,
153 n, 169n, 178n, 18on, 182, 185 n, 295, 350, 351
Action patterns, fixed, 343
Active speech, 41
Adaptations, 152
Adaptive radiation, 161
Adrian, E.D., 213
After Many a Summer, 167 n
Age of Enlightenment, 238, 256, 258
Age of Reason, 256
Aggression, 230-3, 252, 265, 266, 285, 292, 308
Aggressive-defensive emotions, 343
AH reaction, 188-9, 190, 193, 242
AHA reaction, 184-5, 193
Ahrendt, Hannah, 234
Alice in Wonderland, 39
Ali's computer, 297-8
Allport, F.H., 293
Altamira caves, 192
Amber, 184
Amphibians, 128
ancestry of, 166
self-repair in, 173-4
Anamorphosis, 200
Anatomie Générale, 274
Anger, identification and, 245
improvisation by, 106-7
instinctive behaviour, 105
language and, 19
Anna Karenina, 245, 263 n
Ape, comparison with man, 166
Ape embryo, resemblance to man, 166
Arborisation, 345-6
Archetypes, 137, 138
Arrchicortex, 279, 280
Archimedes, 300
Archives of General Psychiatry, 336 n
Aristarchus, 179
Aristotle, 200, 274, 301, 350
emotion and, 189-92
paedomorphosis and, 169
Arthropods, brain development of, 268
Artistic inspiration, 195
Artists, 194-5
Asian history, 260
Association, mental, 182-4
Associative contexts, 182
Asymptotic approach, 35
Atomic holons, 62
Auditory holons, 80
Auditory memory, 89
Automatised routines, 207, 208
Autonomic nervous system, 274, 275, 292, 293
control of by limbic brain, 293
emotion and, 294
Autonomous complexes, 232
cerebral cortex and, 282
hierarchic, 246-7
seat of, 282
Awareness of specific activity, 206
Aztecs, 236, 237, 238, 258
Baehrends, G.P., 106
Baird, James, 249
Balance, law of, 140-2
Baldwin, M., 153,163
Baldwin effect, 159
Bartlett, F., 78, 185 n
Basal ganglia, 278
"Beach at Ocean View, The," 210 n
de Beer, Sir Gavin, 164, 165, 166, 314, 316
Beethoven, L., 263 n
influence of environment on, 110-11
instinctive, 344
in animals, 105
Behaviour of Organisms, The, 9
Behavioural holons, habits and, 76
Behaviourism, 7, 13, 96, 162, 17), 188, 194, 202, ~-26, 295, 349-52
approach to language, 19
creativity and, 13, 14
terminology of, 12
the rise of, 5-9
irrational, 289
structure of, 254-7
Believing, as knowing, 289
Beloff, John, 202 n
Benzedrine, 293, 294
Berger, F.M., 311 n
Bergson, Henri, 200, 206
Berlyne, D. E., 2a6
von Bertalanffy, Ludwig, xii, 13 n, 61, 67, 100, 109, 147, 198,
200, 320, 352
Bichat, Xavier, 274, 275
Binet-Muller test, 91
Biocoenosis, 66
archetypes in, 137-9
orthodox doctrines, x
self-repair in, 173-9
Biological evolution, 3
paedomorphosis and, 169
Biological holons, 341
Birds, improvisation by, 107
Birth control, Catholic Church and, 260
Bisociation, 181, 182-4
Bizet, 263 n
Blood-suckers, 270
Bolk, L., 166
Bonner, James, 125, 126
death and, 311
evolution of, 278-81
experiments on, 203-4
human, 272-4
lack of co-ordination in, 273
of invertebrates, 268-70
of marsupials, 270-2
simian and man compared, 166
slowness of man to actualise potentials of, 299
the 'unsolicited gift', 297-8
'tumorous overgrowth', 272-4
Brain and Conscious Experience, 204
Brain and Mind, 205
Brain-making, mistakes in, 267-72
Brain-stem, 278
Brains, the three, 277-81
Brave New World, 335
Breakdown of behaviour, 111
Broca, P., 280, 281
Brown, L.R., 314
Brown, Roger, 30 n
Bruner, Jerome, 179, 185 n
Buddhists, militant, 260
Buffon, Comte de, 137
Bun, Sir Cyril, 6
Calendar, the new, 322-7
Caligula, 234
Cannibalism, 236, 237, 238
Cannon, Walter B., 98, 276
Cannon-Bard theory, 276
Car driving, 206, 208
Carmen, 263 n
Carrell, A., 64
Cartesian dualism, 204, 205
Caruso, 87
Cassandra, 313
Castration complex, 263, 264
Catholic Church, 243
birth control and, 260
Cavell, Nurse Edith, 246
Cells, 117, 119, 120, 122, 124, 125
Cell-tissue, genetic potential of, 120
Centipede, paradox of the, 109, 110
Centre for Advanced Study in the Behavioural Sciences, xi
Centrosomes, 63
Cerebral cortex, awareness and the, 282
Cerebral hemispheres, 279
Cerebro-spinal nervous system, 274, 275
Cézanne, 194, 196
Chained responses, 19-23
Characteristics, acquired, 116, 117
Charcot, J.M., 249
Chardin, Tellhard de, 240
Chess, thinking and, 183
Child, C.M., 68, 165, 231 n, 347
Children, acquisition of language by, 28-32
population growth, 258, 315
Chlorpromazine, 293, 294
Chomsky, N., 13, 30, 31 n, 36
Chosen race, 255
Christianity, 256
Chromosomes, 64, 122
heredity and, 65
City of God, 301
Clark, Colin, 315
Clark, Professor Le Gros, 272
Classes, élite, 255
Classificatory hierarchies, 61
Classless society, 256
Clinical psychoses, 232
Closed systems, 263, 264, 265, 289
Cobb, S., 294
Coghill, G.E., 96, 153
Cognitive holons, 182
Cognitive systems, 289, 290
Collective hysteria, 248
Comic discovery, defined, 186
Comic inventiveness, 195
Commensualism, 66
Communism, 256, 257, 261-2
Communist purges, 234
Complexes, autonomous, 232
Compound eye, 149
Concept of Mind, The, 202
Consciousness, 208, 209, 347
behaviourists and, 15
negative definition of, 207
seat of, 282
states of, 205, 206
Constable, John, 82, 86-7
Contact lenses, 177
Contraceptives, 330
Control of the Mind, 204
Copernicus, 179, 255
Cortex, 279
in evolution, 279
sub-divisions of, 279
Craik, K.J.W., 212 n
Creative activity, 194, 195-6
Creativity, 180 194-6, 230-1, 288
Behaviourism and, 13, 14
of human mind, ix
paedomorphosis, 181
three domains of, 195
Creeds, 255
Critique of Pure Reason, 310
Cro Magnon man, 298
Crowd mentality, 250-2
Crystals, 62 n
Cybernetics, 97, 99, 199
Danzig, 326
Darlington, W., 132 n
Darwin, Charles, 137, 153
Darwinians, 260
Davies, Kingsley, 315
Daydreaming, 182
De Anima, 274
Death instinct, ix
Delusional streak, 265-6, 267
schizophysiology and, 289
Depth-psychology, 35
De-specialisation of race, 164
Determination, 125
embryological, 119-20, 125
Developmental hierarchies, 61,125, 126
Developmental homeostasis, 142
Differentiation, 124
Dionysian cult, 229
Disorder, 347, 348
pattern of in history, 259
Dissectibility of hierarchies, 65, 342
Dividuals, 67, 68
Divine Flame, The, 260 n
Docility, 125
Docility of embryonic tissue, 119
Dominant genes, 123
Donne, John, 117, 188, 230, 312
Doppelgängers, the, 143-6
Double-think, 260-5
Drever's Dictionary of Psychology, 250
Drive reduction, 226
limbic system and, 286
sexual, 291-2
Dualism, 210
Dunbar, H.F., 68
Dürer, A., 196
Dynamic equilibrium, 347
Eccles, Sir John, 209 n
Echinoderms, 162, 163
Ectoderm, 118, 119, 120
Edison, T., 314
Eichmann, Adolph, 234
Eidetic images, 90
Einstein, A., 180, 184, 200, 264
Elwin, Dr Verrier, 235
eye-bud of, 119, 131
morphogenesis of, 117-21
resemblance of ape to man, 166
Embryonic development, 68-9, 72, 126
Embryonic tissue
determination of, 119-20
docility of, 119
Emergency reactions, 276
ancient brain and, 281-5
and irrational beliefs, 289
and laughter, 187-8
art and, 189-92
autonomic nervous system and, 294
novelists and, 287-8
physiology of, 274-7
three dimensions of, 226-3o
two basic categories of, 294
Emotional commitment, a59, 264
aggressive-defensive, 292
classification of, 227
James-Lange theory of, 275, 276
overheated drives, 276
Papez-Maclean theory of, 277 et seq.
participatory, 293
preparatory, 293
self-assertive, 218
self-transcending, 218, 292
vicarious, 217
Encounter, 11 n
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 14
Entropy, 199
negative, 199
hierarchy of, 114, 346
influence on behaviour, 110-11
interpretation of, 102-3
man and, 3
Epigenetic landscape, 125
Epilepsy and the limbic system, 284
Equilibrium, dynamic, 347
Erasmus of Rotterdam, 301
Ergotropic system, 293
Ethnic tensions, 315
Euphony, 194
European Common Market, 321
Evolution, ix, x, 127-50
biological, 3
by paedomorphosis, 161-71
explosive, 173
homology and, 135-9
internal selection, 130-3
Law of, 200
mental, 3
of brain, 178-81
of ideas, 168, 169
progress by initiative, 151-60
random mutation, 127, 130
retracing of steps in, 166-9
sex a late-comer in, 292
strategy of, 267
superimposition of new on old brain, 281
the law of balance and, 140-2
Evolution of Human Nature, The, 273
Evolutionary holons, stability of, 140
Evolutionary homeostasis, 142
Evolutionary Humanists, 240
Evolutionary maze, 164
Evolutionary mistakes, 268
Evolutionist doctrines, 116
Ewer, R.F., 158
Exploratory drives, 153
Explosive evolution, 273
Extra-sensory perception, 219
Eye, compound, 149
Eye-bud of embryo, 131
Eye-cup of embryo, 119
Eye lenses, 149
Eysenck, H.J., 350

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