The Ghost of Josiah Grimshaw (11 page)

BOOK: The Ghost of Josiah Grimshaw
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Lana left Emma alone to go and chat up a cute dark haired boy she'd had her eye on since walking in.

'Hi,' said a voice to her side as they walked slowly along behind Eleanor.

Turning, Emma saw that it was the boy with the cropped blond hair who'd kindly given her a drink.

'Hi,' she answered shyly, her cheeks turning a little shade of pink.

Holding out his hand, he said, 'I'm Diarmuid'.

Taking it and shaking gently, Emma smiled, 'Emma Jane. Well, just Emma really,' she said, the pink tinge of her cheeks darkening into more of a red hue.

'It's great to meet you, Just Emma,' he laughed. 'So...'

'So...' she replied, feeling more and more at ease with him.

'Where are you from?' he asked as she pushed strands of her hair behind her ear before remembering she wasn't keen on her ears, so she pulled the strands back down again.

'Andilyse Island. You?'

'Andilyse Island? Where's that?' he asked.

'You've never heard of it?'

He shook his head, 'I never was much good at geography,' he smiled, the brightness of his near perfectly formed teeth almost enticing her in.

'It's just off the English coast, east of here basically. I guess it's not the most popular of the British Isles,' she giggled before realising she sounded like a love struck moron and shut up.

'It's not? How come?'

'People are put off by all the fog we get there, I guess... and the rain. And they're not too keen on all the wind turbines. We have tonnes of them on the island, but they don't bother us. We kinda like them, actually. I find them quite soothing and it's nice to know that our electricity has all been generated by nature, if you know what I mean.'
Oh My God, I'm mumbling like a moron
, she thought to herself just as she tripped up, almost falling to the ground. As Diarmuid caught her, she almost swooned as he very carefully pulled her upwards, looking down into her eyes. Her heart fluttered and she could have swore her stomach did its very own triple salchow.

As he eased her back up into position, he grinned at her again as she bit down on her lip, completely embarrassed.

'Thanks,' she muttered.

'Your island sounds nice. I like wind turbines.'

This time her stomach did a backwards somersault.

'Hmm,' she muttered, 'You never told me where you're from?'


'You're a long way from home.'

'Well, I grew up in Ireland but I live in Oxfordshire now with my Mum, well, she's not my real mum. I found that out just last week. Came as a bit of a shock.'

'Oh... I'm sorry.'

'That's okay. Did you know about... you know?'

'That I'm adopted? Yes. It was always pretty obvious when you look at the rest of the family. They're all blue eyed blondes yet there's me with my dark hair and green eyes and my sister Lana with her afro hair and amber eyes. Not exactly a secret they could keep from us,' she smiled. 'But we only just found out about th... this.......'

'Okay everyone, gather around please,' announced Eleanor from the front of the group as all the teenagers shuffled forward so they almost surrounded her. Behind her was a huge statue of an angel with massive wings that cloaked a small child. At the foot of the statue was a plaque with an inscription that included The Praxos Foundation's emblem: the winged eye.

'This statue is thousands of years old, created by those who started Praxos. Each house across the country, and actually around the world, has a similar statue in their HQ. It signifies everything that we stand for. If you look closely at the plaque it has the words Stamus Contra Malum.'

'What's that mean?' asked a girl wearing glasses and her hair in a high ponytail.

'We Stand Against Evil. Simply put, it signifies that we promise to defend the innocents of this world, whoever they may be. Praxos is all about fighting evil, in whatever form it may present itself.'

'But how are we going to fight evil? We're just teenagers,' said Lana from the other side of the group.

'You might be teenagers, Lana, but you are all very special teenagers. One of your parents was very special indeed. One of your parents was an angel.'

Pausing for a moment as gasps flooded through the small group while they all looked around at each other in shock, Eleanor continued, 'You are what we fondly call the Watchers.'

'The Watchers,' everyone whispered quietly.

'Yes, that's right. It's a kind of nickname we use for all those who have an angel as a parent. All those like you.'

'Do you know our parents? Do you know where they are?' asked Emma.

Turning to look at her, Eleanor smiled sadly. 'Your parents no longer walk among us. The angels were here for a brief time and then they had to re-join the upper societies. Your other parent, I'm very sad to say, also no longer walks among us simply because they perished. But I did have the opportunity to meet some of them, yes. But that I will tell you about, individually, another time.'

With tears welling up in her eyes, Emma didn't know where to look. She didn't want to wipe her eyes either, for fear that the others would see she wanted to cry, so she looked down towards the ground as Eleanor continued speaking.

A soft firm hand reached out to her, gently squeezing her shoulder. She glanced up as Diarmuid smiled sadly.

She didn't do anything, she just let the warm glow flow all over her body. He had such a soothing effect on her and she soon almost forgot about her real parents.

'On your 16th birthday (your actual 16th birthday, not the day your adopted parents celebrated) each of you became one of us. Something huge happened to every one of you and resulted in what looks like a tattoo growing into your skin. You each have a few words etched beneath it. These words are words you will live by. It has been known for the words to change over time, so if this happens to you, fear not.'

'But why do we have them? How did we get them?' asked Lana.

'Every Watcher grows them. It is simply a part of who you are, something you must accept. I have one, Wilbur has one, everyone of you has one. In fact, why don't we share each others so we can all understand. Seeing the others artwork will help you all to accept them. Emma, let's start with you.'

Eleanor reached out and gently pulled her to the front of the group, Emma turned around and lifted her top, revealing the now familiar winged eye with the words, Lux in Tenebris Lucet. Gathering around, the group had a good look before Eleanor continued, 'Actually, this is probably a good time to introduce yourselves, tell everyone your name and your words. Go ahead, Emma.'

Blushing brightly, Emma put her top back down and turned around. Attempting a smile, she said, 'Hi. I'm Emma Jane Morgan. Lux in Tenebris Lucet. It means light shines in the darkness.'

Eleanor pointed to Lana next, who stepped forward with a wide grin on her lips.

'Hi all! I'm Lana Beth Morgan, Emma's sister, and my tattoo,' she said lifting her top slightly to show everyone, 'says Provehito In Altum. It means launch forward into the deep. It's also 30 Seconds to Mars' motto which is pretty cool,' she said holding up her hand like she was at a rock concert. The others laughed. Lana had broken the ice.

'Hi girls and boys. My name is Liam Hawkes and my tattoo says Citius Altius Fortius, faster higher stronger. Check it out,' said the cool shaggy brown haired guy Lana had been chatting to.

Next up was a girl who wore glasses and her mousy brown hair was fixed in a high ponytail.

'Hello,' she said shyly with a wave, 'I'm Moira Lynn. My motto is In Somnias Veritas, in dreams there is truth,' she said before stepping down, having flashed her lower back just briefly.

'Diarmuid O'Connor. Crescente Luce, light ever increasing,' he said with a smile as he turned and lifted his shirt to reveal a nicely toned torso before revealing his tattoo. Emma's knees buckled slightly as he beamed at her when he returned.

His motto is like mine, it's connected to the light,
she thought, squealing inside like a child.

'Hi everyone. My name is Ava Burton and my words are Audi Vide Tace, meaning hear, see, be silent,' said the most exquisite looking petite girl with very fine features, slightly dark skin and piercing blue eyes. After she'd revealed the words inked on her back, she dropped her top and flicked her shoulder length mocha coloured hair back over her shoulder with a friendly smile.

'Opera et Veritate are my words... Oh, I forgot my name. It's Penny Vega,' she said laughing before continuing. My words mean in action and truth. Nice to meet you all.'

'Hello everybody. I'm very pleased to meet you. My name is Nisha Singh and on my back are the words Mortui Vivos Docent, which means the dead teach the living. A little morbid, I know,' she said, smiling shyly as she stepped back into the group.

'I'm Rupert Henson and I'm a chocoholic... oh, is this not the chocolate addicts group? Oh sorry... must dash,' he said as he jumped back into the group and pretended to run away before Eleanor, laughing, pulled him back by the collar.

'Woah there miss Hayden-Jones,' he joked. 'Right then, seriously now. My name is Rupert the bear. Okay, maybe not. It's Henson, Rupert Henson, but you can call me 008,' he said in a really bad Scottish accent as the group laughed out loud at his silliness.

'Get on with it, Rupert,' said Eleanor with a smile.

'In Omnia Paratus...which means hot sexy guy,' he said as he pouted momentarily before glancing across at Eleanor and straightening himself up. 'No, really, it means prepared for all things,' he said with a wink as he turned around and pretended to do a strip tease.

Somebody wolf whistled loudly and the group all cracked up as Rupert finally dropped his shirt, took a bow and stepped back as the Watchers gave him a round of applause.

'I'm afraid I can't match that,' said a tall pretty girl with curly blonde hair, 'Hi fellow Watchers, I'm Cassie Stanton and my motto is Esto Quodes, be what you are. I'm looking forward to working with you all,' she said, smiling widely as she showed off her tattoo.

'Hello! It's wonderful to meet you. I'm Imran Chaudri and on my back I have the words Tempus Edax Rerum, time devourer of all things. Thank you,' said the young Asian man with a baseball cap on backwards.

The last person to step forward was built like a rugby player with strong arms, sturdy legs and a stocky torso. As he turned to face them, he ran a large hand through his short brown hair and smiled a little nervously. 'It's a pleasure to meet you all,' he said as he blushed slightly, 'My name is Elliott Drake and my motto is Lux Veritas Virtus, light truth courage,' he said with a nod of his head, a quick flash of his back and that was it. That was all the Watchers.




The group had been shown round some of the other rooms and tunnels that led off of the main hall, including a large dining area complete with several tables and chairs positioned around the room giving it an almost restaurant-like appearance. There was a small cosy room filled with over-sized beanbags for them to chill out in, a few well hidden bedrooms and bathrooms, and a large living room complete with a massive library to one side of it. There was a strange fusion of contemporary style with old fashioned Victorian and Edwardian aged furniture and décor. But it was comforting and the group of Watchers soon felt at home. But they still had so many questions that needed answering.

But before they had the chance, something remarkable happened.

A beautiful oak grandfather clock that stood in one corner of the living room, began to chime loudly. On its first chime, Eleanor looked startled and rushed over to a large golden yellow chaise-longue beside an ornate coffee table in a dark hardwood.

As the others looked at each other, wondering what was going on, Eleanor said quickly, 'After the fifth chime, I will cry out in pain. Do not worry, this happens to me every day. Just bare with me for a moment while I change,' she said with a smile.

With no clue as to what was going on, the group stayed where they were, some sat on chairs around the room, others stood facing each other, chatting. But true to form, as the clock chimed its fifth chime, Eleanor let out a deep throaty cry that seemed to echo from the deepest depths of her body.

Emma was about to rush to her side, but Wilbur stepped forward and shook his head, with a smile. 'No need,' he whispered before he stepped back into the dark corner from where he'd appeared.

Her cries of pain went on for what seemed like ages. Yet in truth, it was merely seconds. As they watched her writhe on the chaise-longue alone, shocked gasps could be heard throughout the room as Eleanor physically changed right in front of their eyes.

Emma's hand was being gripped tightly by Lana.

After a few more moments, Eleanor turned to face them and stood up with a huge grin plastered across her face. A face that was no longer that of an elderly lady, but of a beautiful, youthful person more akin to that of a 20 year old. Eleanor was young again.

'There, that's better,' she exclaimed to the group of shocked faces. 'Oh don't worry, I'm fine. In fact, I'm better than fine. I always feel so much better at this time of day. It's good to be young again.'

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