The Ghost of Josiah Grimshaw (8 page)

BOOK: The Ghost of Josiah Grimshaw
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Sitting back down, she closed her eyes for a minute. 'I'm dreaming. None of that really happened to me,' she told herself. But when she opened her eyes, she wasn't alone. Sitting beside her was none other than the ghost of Josiah Grimshaw.

She closed her eyes again, took a deep breath and re-opened one and then the other. He was still there. The young man she'd seen die in hospital.

'H...ello.... Joe,' she whispered.

His face lit up as he turned to look at her. 'You can see me? You can see me now?'

Slowly she nodded.

'But why? You couldn't see me earlier on. I've been on the boat with you and Lana all day.'

Gulping, she scrutinised him, 'You have?'

'I...I... just came back outside when I saw you.... jump out of the water.'

'You did?'

He nodded.

'So it did happen,' she squealed, turning to him and attempting to hug him but her arms went right through him and she almost tumbled to the floor.

'Sorry,' he said, 'but if it hadn't happened, surely you wouldn't be soaked to the skin. Aren't you cold? You must be freezing.'

As Emma's teeth began to chatter, she realised that she was actually a bit chilly and her clothes were sopping wet.
Now what?
she thought.
I can't very well go inside like this, Declan will go mad.

'Erm, Joe?'

'Yes Emma?'

'Can you do me a favour?'

Ten minutes later, Emma had managed to creep back inside without Declan noticing her. Lana met her in the toilets.

'What's going on?' she said, 'For some reason, Joe told me to bring your bag into the toilets... Oh My God... you're soaked. What happened? Jeese Emma are you all right? You look like you've been for a swim. Hang on a minute... you look amazing, how is that possible? For the past five days you've looked like you were about to die and now you look like, like.....'

'Like what, Lana?' laughed Emma.

'Like a new woman.'

'I feel exactly like that, Lana, I feel like a new woman. My fear... it's gone. it's completely and utterly gone!' she exclaimed as she took off her wet jeans and wrung them out over the sink.

Lana gasped.


Pointing, Emma slowly looked down. She'd forgotten about the black thing in the water. She, too, gasped when she saw that a tattoo-like thing was still winding itself up her legs. Soon it had reached her belly. A sudden pain made her bend over and she winced, holding her stomach tight.

'Oh God... that's agonising.'

Lana watched in shock as the tattoo then began winding itself around Emma's back, finally stopping in exactly the same spot that her own tattoo had. Like hers, it hugged the curvature of her spine. Emma stood up as the pain eased. 'Wh... what does it say? Does it say Provehito In Altum? Look, Lana, look.'

Leaning down, Lana read the words aloud, 'Lux In Tenebris Lucet,' she said. 'And it's the same tattoo as mine with the eye and the wings, it's just the words that are different.'

'But, what does it mean?'

'I haven't got a clue, Em, I'm no Latin expert. Maybe Declan will know?'

'No! We can't ask him?'

'Why not? Its not like he'll have any idea why we're asking.'

'I suppose not.'

A voice came from inside one of the cubicles, 'it means light shines in the darkness.'

'Josiah Grimshaw... this is the ladies toilets, what have I told you about that. It's creepy.'

'Sorry, I didn't see you get undressed, honestly. I've been behind the closed door the whole time.'

Lana suppressed a laugh as she looked at her sister, 'So what does that mean? Light shines in the darkness?'

Emma shrugged as she put a black sweater on over her purple jeans, 'I don't know. I don't know what any of it means. I've just been for a swim in the Thames, Lana... the Thames! I could almost breathe under the water and I swam like a... like a.... dolphin or something. It was amazing. But I have no idea what it all means. Even though I feel so totally exhilarated, all of this is scaring the living daylights out of me. What are we going to do?'

Lana raised her eyebrows and sighed, 'There's nothing we can do. Not at the moment anyway. We're in London for the next few weeks, we will just have to get on with our work experience. We can figure everything out when we get home, okay?' she said as she hugged her sister, 'I'm so glad it's happened to you too, Em. Now we're even more like true sisters.'

The girls smiled at each other as they walked out of the toilets carrying Emma's bag, complete with sopping wet clothes inside.





Declan didn't say a word when they returned to take a seat next to him. Instead he just looked up at them and grinned before pointing out the window.

Lana gasped at the sight unfolding in front of her. It was breathtaking. It was the Thames Barrier.

'Wow,' she muttered, her eyes wide in amazement, 'It's amazing. I can't believe we're actually here.'

'It is a great city,' said Declan, 'I think the three of you'll find it a real eye opener.'

'Don't you mean the two of us?' asked Emma.

Declan's eyes shot wide open before he laughed, 'That's what I said, wasn't it?'

'No... you said the three of us.'

'Must have been a slip of the tongue,' he winked.

Lana glanced at her sister, her eyebrows raised before she shrugged casually and continued to stare out the window.

'It was built to stop London from being flooded by storm surges and particularly high tides,' said Declan.

'It was the storm, the great storm that influenced its creation,' whispered Joe as he seemed to shiver.

Lana and Emma tried hard to ignore him.

'Has it ever been used?' asked Lana.

'Oh yeah, it's been closed loads of times,' answered Declan.

'When was the most recent?'

'This year, they closed it for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee pageant.'

'Really? How come?' asked Emma.

'Oh, not because of anything serious that happened. It was just to reduce the flow of the river due to the number of boats that took part.

'Did you see it, did you take part?' Emma asked.

Declan laughed, 'I saw it, yeah, but I didn't really take part. Not exactly.'

'What do you mean, not exactly?'

Declan just shook his head, 'You ask a lot of questions, Emma. Just enjoy the views,' he said pointing outside again.

From then on, they all sat quietly, as they passed landmark after landmark.

Even Josiah's mouth stayed open as he took in the sights to the city. A city he'd never visited, not as a young man nor an old one. His entire life had been spent on Andilyse Island.

Emma was tempted to close his mouth for him, but thought better of it while Declan was so close. Plus, her fingers would probably go right through him anyway.

Declan chuckled to himself.

Turning to see what was so funny, Emma thought she noticed him look away from her suddenly. Was he pretending to read the newspaper?

'This is it, girls. This is where we get off,' said Declan as he folded his newspaper and stood up. 'Are you ready for your first adventure in London?'.

The girls grinned and nodded as they followed him off the ferry. Lana was so focussed on the views surrounding her that she kept tripping up.

'Watch where you're going, Lana,' tutted Emma as Declan took their largest hold-alls off them.

'We have a little bit of a walk so I'll carry these for you. Just follow me,' he said and then he was off, walking so quickly that they had difficulty keeping up.

Emma had to keep grabbing Lana's arm to stop her from being too distracted as they rushed on behind him, occasionally bumping into passers-by.

With London bridge now far in the distance and the London Eye on the other side of the Thames pulling her in, Lana's stomach was filled with butterflies. Breathing deeply, she took in the sweet scent of candy floss and smiled. She was on cloud nine. For years she'd dreamed of this moment, and now she was here. She was really here. She sighed happily as Emma dragged her out of her daydreams.

'We're going to lose him if you don't snap out of it. Come on,' she said sharply.

'Oh for goodness sake, let me enjoy the moment. We're not going to lose him. He's right there... erm....'

'Oh great. See? Now look what you've done,' snapped Emma as she scoured the crowds trying to spot the familiar well built man with his cropped brown hair and slightly broken nose.

'We've lost him,' wailed Emma just as a firm hand squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. She turned to see Declan grinning at her.

'Sorry girls, I just thought you might like some of this,' he said smiling as he presented them both with candy floss on a stick, bought from a vendor who was now pushing his candy floss cart across the road.

'Aww thanks Declan,' said Lana with a massive grin.

Emma blushed and took it reluctantly.

'Oh, it's okay if you don't like it, Emma. Not got a sweet tooth like your sister, then?'

Still blushing, Emma shook her head as Declan took the candy floss back. Turning, he scanned the crowd and spotted a young boy.

'Harry!' he yelled at a nearby youngster who was wandering across the road. Although the boy's clothes looked a bit old and dirty, he looked happy enough, even more so when he noticed who was calling him. In fact his face lit up as he ran towards them.

'Afternoon, Dec.'

'Afternoon, sonny boy. Do you like candy floss?'

Harry drooled and nodded, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as Declan handed him the stick with the large fluffy pink stuff.

'Here you go then, enjoy it! And stay out of trouble, all right?'

The boy nodded, grinning before he ran away.

'Sorry about that,' said Emma, 'I don't really like sugar.'

'That's quite all right. You made Harry's day anyway,' he said with a warm smile. 'Here, c'mon, we're nearly there,' he said, directing them to follow him.

After they'd walked for another five minutes, Lana and Emma exchanged an odd look as they both realised they'd gone round in a circle. But before they had the chance to say anything, Declan turned to them and started laughing. His laughter was infectious and soon, the girls were giggling alongside him as he walked back towards Westminster Pier.

'What are we doing?' giggled Lana.

'I just figured you'd need a bit of exercise after being on the ferry for so long. Plus, I knew you'd want to get a little look at London before you get settled in. Here we are... home sweet home.'

Lana looked around before standing, arms down, totally confused.

'Erm, where exactly is home sweet home?' she said as Emma just watched, waiting.

'Right here,' said a beautiful Asian woman who stepped off a large house boat directly in front of them.

'Hey Sweetheart. You miss me?' Declan said as he leaned forward, put their bags down, and gave the woman a long kiss and a gentle hug.

'Always,' she smiled before she turned to them with the kindest smile they'd ever seen.

'Girls, this is Saleena.'

Saleena was like no-one Lana or Emma had ever seen. Her beauty was breathtaking, with her long luscious dark chocolate coloured hair with caramel strands that seemed to bounce in the light breeze. Her eyes were the colour of jade, so crystal clear that you could almost see right into her soul. Perfectly formed pink full lips and high cheekbones finished off her look to utter perfection. Saleena looked just like an angel.

Smiling softly, she hugged each girl tenderly.

'It is such a pleasure to finally meet you both. I have heard a lot about you. I do hope you have surpassed your fear of the water, my dear Emma Jane?' she enquired.

'Just Emma,' she replied almost shyly, 'and yes, I honestly think that I have.'

'I am delighted to hear of it,' she said as she turned to Declan who winked surreptitiously at her.

'Do come aboard. This is to be your home for the next couple of weeks. We had to keep it a secret, of course, otherwise you might not have come had you known,' she said to Emma who giggled as they stepped onto the boat and followed Saleena indoors.

Lana was uncharacteristically quiet.

'Are you all right, my dear?' Saleena asked, 'I understand you are normally the chatty one?' she smiled.

Glancing around at her surroundings, Lana finally closed her mouth. 'Erm, yeah, yes I am,' she chuckled, 'I'm just so, so... you know, blown away by it all,' she said as she pointed to the boat's interior which wasn't what she had been expecting at all.

From the outside, the boat had somehow been well hidden, and even when they'd stepped aboard, it didn't look too special but the moment the door had been opened and they saw inside, it was like stepping through the looking glass.

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