The Ghost of Josiah Grimshaw (29 page)

BOOK: The Ghost of Josiah Grimshaw
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'Yeah maybe, but there is one thing here that really sucks. She's alive and he's... well... dead.'

'Yes,' sighed Eleanor, 'But she has aged apparently. Perhaps they can be together again one day in the not too distant future.'

'Is there any way of tracking her down?' asked Emma.

'I've already asked Nikolaos. He promised me that all his resources are already on the case. We just need to wait patiently.'

The girls sat back, relaxing their tense shoulders and watched as people wandered through St James Park, some of them sitting on park benches and chatting to each other.

'And the world goes on as usual,' smiled Eleanor. 'Speaking of which, you girls are going home tomorrow. How do you feel about that?'

Emma smiled, 'I'm looking forward to seeing Mum and Dad, Lucy Joe and Greg.'

'And Scott and Henry,' Lana added.

'Henry?' Emma said, confused.

'The dog!'

'Oh yeah, I'd totally forgotten about him. Maybe we should ask Joe what his real name is?'

'Nah, not such a good idea. How would we explain that to Lucy Joe?'

Emma laughed, 'I guess so.'

Lana turned back and said, 'I'm quite happy to be going home... because there is a possibility we'll be coming back soon, isn't there?' Lana asked questioningly as she looked across at Eleanor, hoping for a response.

She smiled broadly, 'We'll talk about that tonight with the rest of the group. Oh, by the way, wear your party dresses,' Eleanor added with a cheeky smile as they walked out of the office.

After popping back to the boat for a quick shower and change into casual clothes (carrying their party outfits in bags with them), the girls walked back from Westminster where they were once again moored, towards the Foundation with Declan and Saleena. On the way there, they met up with Liam, Diarmuid, Zane and Marian.

The adults went on without them, suggesting the four of them take some time on their own before heading back. The meeting wasn't going to commence until 6pm, so they had plenty of time to kick back and relax first.

Liam casually draped his arm over Lana's shoulder, while Diarmuid and Emma firmly held hands as they walked along Leicester Square, stopping to gaze at a pretty water feature with a statue of Charlie Chaplin in its centre and spouts of water shooting up into the air.

'I can't believe the two weeks is almost up,' said Diarmuid as he squeezed Emma's hand.

'Yeah I know,' Lana added, 'But at least we're closer to the school year.'

'Yeah, that's great if we've been accepted into the Academy,' Liam replied lazily. 'If not, I'll be stuck in Chelmsford. What about you, Diarmuid? Where will you go if you're not accepted?'

'Somewhere in Oxfordshire, I guess. Unless Mum wants to go back to Ireland.'

'I'm sure we've all been accepted... I hope so anyway,' Lana whispered as the sun glistened on the rippling water. 'I really don't want to go back to Andilyse for good. Not now that I've had a taste of this life.'

'Come on, let's not mope around. Let's enjoy our last few hours together. Let's go get a drink,' Lana said all of a sudden, pulling them away from the fountain.

Emma's eyes glazed over as she thought about what Lana had said. Their last few hours together. The idea that she may not see Diarmuid again was the same as being punched in the stomach, and so she held back for a moment. Her sister and Liam carried on walking as she and Diarmuid stood looking at each other sadly.

'Stop thinking what you're thinking, Emma. I can see it in your eyes. We are coming back in a few weeks. I just know it,' he said as he gently held her chin in his hand, using his thumb to stroke her cheek.

A cyclist whizzed passed them, followed by a small group of kids eating burgers who stopped and sat beside the fountain. But Emma didn't notice them. She didn't notice anything. All she saw was Diarmuid, his sweet smile revealing an almost perfect set of white teeth, just one was slightly askew.
I could drown in those eyes
, she thought as he leaned forward and kissed her softly on the lips.

Wolf whistles echoed behind them, but she didn't care. All she wanted was to stay in that moment, for it to never end.

But the moment passed. Lana called them from the distance, 'Come on you guys, hurry up!'

Diarmuid wiped away a tear from her cheek. 'Like I said, stop those thoughts. This isn't over. This is just the beginning,' he said with a huge grin.

'You're right,' she whispered, 'This is just the beginning.'





'Stamus Contra Malum. Three seemingly small words that sum up the true meaning of the Praxos Foundation. We Stand Against Evil. That is what we are here for, to fight evil of all kinds. Evil that hides in the shadows of the night ready to pounce on unsuspecting innocents, whether they be human or paranormal. We vow to protect those that need our protection. And fight those that choose the wrong path in this life. Stamus Contra Malum,' Eleanor said as she stood proudly beside the statue of the angel that filled the centre of the great hall with Watchers, Mentors and a few others that Lana and Emma had never met sitting in front of her.

'The past two weeks has not only been an introduction to the Praxos Foundation for you, but it has also been an induction. The moment you were born, you were destined to join us. And the moment you grew your tattoos made you a part of this family. Your initiations proved to us that you are more than worthy, and your tasks showed us your keen abilities to successfully solve problematic riddles and in some cases, to help others,' Eleanor said as she glanced in Lana and Emma's direction. 'I know I speak for all the Mentors here by saying that you have seriously impressed us by showing your true born colours, demonstrating your unique talents in a multitude of ways. It is therefore my very great pleasure to welcome you all...' she said, stopping to look at Daisy who blushed, 'to the Academy in a few weeks time.'

The Watchers let out a loud wild cheer, all jumping up and hugging each other enthusiastically and yelling at the tops of their voices.

Emma looked across at Diarmuid who held up both his thumbs to her and winked, 'I told you so,' he mouthed. A grin spread across his face as he took in her appearance for the first time. Her long hair was pinned up to reveal a long pale elegant neck which was enhanced by a black lace choker, beautifully matched to the1950s style gothic dress she wore.

'But, we haven't completed our task yet?' Lana suddenly blurted out when the group had quietened down a little.

Declan leaned forward over her shoulder and said, 'Yes you have. We discussed your task earlier today and we all agreed that you did an astounding job in tracking down Emelia Doris, girls. Your task is complete.'

Emma, who sat feeling a little self-conscious in her girlie dress, turned to look at him, 'But what about Joe? He hasn't crossed over yet. I won't be happy until he has,' she said.

Declan leaned back with a smile just as Eleanor quietened everybody down so she could speak. 'I just wanted to add how pleased we all are at how you grouped together to help one another. I think you're all aware that some of the tasks were more challenging than others. You showed us that you are indeed, already a family.

Lana and Emma, I neglected to mention this before but your task was much more in-depth than any of the other Watchers' tasks. But, as Josiah clearly needed to be helped, I decided to give that task to you, rather than pass it on to one of the older watchers. I am very pleased to announce, therefore, that the issue with Josiah is almost complete. Emelia Doris has been found. She is on her way to London as we speak. The plan is for her to travel back to Andilyse with you and Lana before you take her to Josiah's house. We believe then that Josiah will finally be able to rest in peace.'

The girls were dumbstruck, not able to utter a single word. Eleanor smiled happily, 'See? Your task is over. You passed with flying colours. It is clear that you are the stars of the past fortnight's... what do we call it? Work Experience. Come on everybody, how about a round of applause for Lana and Emma?'

Again, the group exploded with happiness and clapping, the Watchers pushed their seats back, scraping them across the floor, and surrounded the two sisters, patting them on the back and congratulating them. It was a fitting end to their first two weeks with Praxos.

'And now everybody,' shouted Eleanor above the noise, 'Now we feast!' she said as Wilbur opened the doors to the dining room, revealing a room completely decorated for the event, with blue helium balloons floating across the ceiling and Praxos Foundation banners stuck to the walls, the winged eye looking at them from every direction.

Lana smiled, watching as everyone rushed into the room one by one. Just for a moment, she stood and patted down her black pencil skirt and orange silk blouse and admired her brand new black heels.

Breathing in heavily, the smell of grilled chicken filled her nostrils as she then followed everyone to the far end of the room, piling her plate high with grilled chicken and sausages, salads, vegetables and what smelled like freshly baked bread. Jugs of fresh juice, home made lemonade and ice tea were scattered among the food.

Patiently waiting for everyone to fill their plates, Emma stood against the wall when Eleanor approached her with a smile. She handed her a glass of fresh apple juice.

'Cheers,' she said.

'Cheers,' Emma replied as they chinked glasses.


'Yes Emma?'

'Have you told Joe yet?'

Eleanor turned to face her and shook her head. 'We thought it would be better coming from you. Perhaps you can call him tomorrow morning when Emelia arrives?'

Emma grinned, 'I'd love to.'

'Come on, Em. Come and get some food,' Diarmuid called as he made a gap for her at one of the tables.

'Go ahead,' Eleanor said, 'Enjoy.'

'Wow,' he said as she walked slowly towards him. 'You look amazing.'

'Th... thanks,' she said shyly, looking down at the dress. A dress she never thought she'd actually wear.

'You should wear dresses more often. They really suit you.'

Pinking slightly, she said, 'Maybe,' before they turned their attention to the feast and began filling their plates with food.

Later that night, the Mentors had allowed their Watchers to stay on at the Foundation to say their goodbyes. Eleanor had wished them all a pleasant journey home and thanked them for their efforts, telling each and every Watcher that she looked forward to seeing them back shortly and then she and Wilbur had left them alone.

The group had grown fairly quiet, sitting around the angel statue in the hall, some chatting quietly among themselves. Lana rested her head on Liam's shoulder while Diarmuid had his arm protectively around Emma's shoulders.

'Well, we should call it a night,' said Penny who stood up and stretched, pulling Nisha up with her. 'I guess we'll see you all in a few weeks, then?' she said. 'It's been a lot of fun, guys. I'm really looking forward to studying with you at the Academy,' she added as Ava and Rupert stood up too. Rupert high-fived her before everyone else. Ava gave everyone a hug. 'Now you've all got my email address, stay in touch and I'll see you soon,' she said as the four of them walked out of the hall, into different tunnels.

Moira stood up next, followed by Imran, Cassie and Elliott who said their goodbyes and headed off down the same tunnel.

Liam, Diarmuid, Lana and Emma were left alone.

'I don't want to go yet,' Emma whispered as Diarmuid tightened his grip on her.

'We'll give you some space,' Liam said as he stood up and held out his hand to Lana. Taking it, she smiled and they walked away, into the room with the big beanbags.

'Finally on our own,' Diarmuid said. 'I know it's only a few weeks, but I'm really going to miss you,' he whispered.

She turned so that she was on her knees facing him. 'I'm going to miss you too.' Leaning into him, she gently placed her lips on his and they kissed like they'd never kissed before. The triple salchows were repeating themselves in the pit of her stomach as she rubbed her hands over his back, feeling the muscles rippling beneath her fingertips.

When she eventually pulled away, she turned to see Lana and Liam standing awkwardly waiting for them.

'I guess we should go,' he breathed, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

She kissed him gently just one more time and then hopped up, walking towards her sister. She gave Liam a quick hug and then pulled Lana away towards the elevator where she pressed the button and they stepped inside, turning just one last time to look at him.

'I'll call you,' he shouted just as the doors closed.

Lana gave her sister a hug before gently rubbing her arm. 'You'll see him soon. The next few weeks will go by so quickly'

Emma gulped back the tears, 'I know.'

'Me and Liam broke up,' she said suddenly with a smile.

'Wh...what? Why?' Emma replied, astounded.

Lana shrugged her shoulders. 'It was just a bit of fun for both of us. It was great while it lasted.'

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