The Giants and the Joneses (12 page)

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Authors: Julia Donaldson

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: The Giants and the Joneses
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Three years later

, Jumbeelia!’ the girl giant pleaded. She was sitting up in bed and gazing at her big sister.

Their mother pottered about the room, tidying up and half-listening to the story she had heard her older daughter tell so many times before. It was a ridiculous story, she thought, but anything was better than the awful books she used to have to read to Jumbeelia. Thank goodness she didn’t have to go through all that with Woozly.

Jumbeelia sat on Woozly’s bed. Both pairs of eyes were alight as Jumbeelia told the story she never tired of telling and Woozly never tired of hearing. This story didn’t come out of a book. It was the story of Jumbeelia and the iggly plops.

English/Groilish Dictionary

again – tweeko

fill – whedderwhay

all – ootle

funny – heehuckerly

and – da

Giant Land – Groil

are – oor

giant language – Groilish

around – arump

give – niffle

away – awook

go – glay

baby – bobbaleely

goodbye – yahaw

back – abreg

grandfather – grishpij

bad – pecky

grandmother – grishmij

bean – bimple

grass – strimp

beanstalk – bimplestonk

grow – eep

button – whackleclack

have – ev

cat – spratch

heart – jarn

chip – snishsnosh

hello – wahoy

cuddly – woozly

help – aheesh

cushions – squodgies

home – jum

down – boff

horrible – frikely

drink – gloosh

how – heek

father – pij

I – ee

I’ll – eel

other – ithry

is – ez

our – woor

joy – sprubbin

peace – zab

kill – kraggle

person – plop

killer – kraggler

phone – frangle

kind – jin

pillar box – pobo

kitten – spratchkin

please – beesh

land – chay

poor – roopy

lawn mower – strimpchogger

pound – poddum

little – iggly

pull – haroof

look – oggle

quickly – flisterflay

lovely – beely

right – rootle

many – munchly

see – oggle

mine – mubbin

sheep – blebber

mother – mij

sorry – yimp

my – mub

splash – glishglursh

naughty – pecky

stop – askorp

no – nug

swap – sweefswoof

not – nug

thank you – oidle oy

old – floopy

that – osh

one – wunk

the – o

them – uth

warning – throg

they – uth

washing line – swisheroo

this – ish

where – queesh

three – thrink

white – lolshly

tomorrow – chingulay

with – fa

two – twunk

worm – squerple

weed – veep

you – oy

weedkiller – veep kraggler

Groilish/English Dictionary

abreg – back

ev – have

aheesh – help

ez – is

arump – around

fa – with

askorp – stop

flisterflay – quickly

awook – away

floopy – old

beely – lovely

frangle – phone

beesh – please

frikely – horrible

bimple – bean

frimmot – carrot

bimplestonk – beanstalk

glay – go

blebber – sheep

glishglursh – splash

bobbaleely – baby

gloosh – drink

boff – down

grishmij – grandmother

chay – land

grishpij – grandfather

chingulay – tomorrow

Groil – Giant Land

da – and

Groilish – giant language

ee – I

haroof – pull

eel – I’ll

heehuckerly – funny

eep – grow

heek – how

eeped – grown

iggly – little

ish – this

pecky – bad, naughty

ithry – other

pij – father

jarn – heart

plop – person

jin – kind

pobo – pillar box

jum – home

poddum – pound

kraggle – kill

queesh – where

kraggler – killer

roopy – poor

lolshly – white

rootle – right

mij – mother

snishsnosh – chip

mub – my

spratch – cat

mubbin – mine

spratchkin – kitten

munchly – many

sprubbin – joy

niffle – give

squerple – worm

nug – no, not

squodgies – cushions

o – the

strimp – grass

oggle – look, see

strimpchogger – lawn

oggled – seen


oidle oy – thank you

sweefswoof – swap

oor – are

swisheroo – washing line

ootle – all

thrink – three

osh – that

throg – warning

oy – you

tweeko – again

twunk – two

woor – our

uth – they, them

woozly – cuddly

veep – weed

wunk – one

veep kraggler – weedkiller

yahaw – goodbye

wahoy – hello

yimp – sorry

whackleclack – button

zab – peace

whedderwhay – fill

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