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Authors: Suzanne Halliday

Tags: #novel

The Gideon Affair (37 page)

BOOK: The Gideon Affair
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“Promise?” There wasn’t a hint of teasing or jest in her question.

“Pinky swear. And just so you know, being in separate bedrooms doesn’t mean there won’t be any hanky-panky going on.”

She laughed and slid her hand under his t-shirt to stroke his stomach. “Oh, you mean like on the plane?”

“Yeah, the plane. And the shower room at that campground with the big fire pit. Or that time when we were leaving my lawyer’s office.”

She smacked his chest. “Shh. Oh my god, if someone hears you.”

“What?” His innocent reply made her shake her head and laugh. “Don’t want anyone knowing that you seduced me in the elevator then efficiently sucked me dry in a supply closet?” Tsk, tsk, tsk.

“I think I left some things in the camper. Wanna walk over there and help me get my stuff?”

She said this while boldly squeezing his manhood. She didn’t need to ask him twice.

aige rose with the dawn and staggered sleepily onto the wraparound porch that ran along one side of the house. Standing by the railing, she shivered in the chilly early morning air while drinking in the sight of the river behind the house and some mountains in the distance.

Beautiful didn't come close as a descriptive.

Today, Miriam and she were going into Casper for a shopping trip while dad and son were meeting with the Justice of the Peace to take care of some paperwork. Guess she was getting married in a couple of days.

Restless, she had a hard time getting to sleep last night, and now she was exhausted and wide-awake. The intense coupling they’d indulged in during their trip to the camper hadn’t been enough to wear her out. He’d done most of the work that time, taking her hard and fierce while he bent her over the small eating table. She was lucky not to have a concussion from the power of his thrusts. She’d nearly smacked her head several times.

Ahh. She couldn’t wait for them to be together all the time. The weeks they’d played house had been some of the happiest she’d ever known. Pacing the porch rather aimlessly, she’d walked along the railing once or twice before it dawned on her that there were three separate doors opening onto the wide second-floor deck.

Wait a minute. If that far door was hers, she’d bet the middle door was Marsh’s assigned sleeping quarters. That meant that door number three belonged to … Edward.

She didn’t remember walking; she might have flown for all she knew, making haste to the door and quietly trying the knob. Unlocked.

Pushing it open, she peeked first, saw Edward sprawled across a bed, and made a fast beeline for him. She quickly stripped, dropping her nightie on the floor, and then slid silently under the covers.

Seized by a lusty fever, she let nature have its way as impulses that felt primitive and without limits took her over. His scent filled her senses. With her mouth on his torso, she kissed his skin, licking with the flat of her tongue, taking pleasure in his taste. When he stirred and murmured softly, she didn’t stop.

Years of silently loving him coalesced inside Paige. This was what was real. What was right. They’d done it in reverse, filling the empty years with strong bonds of friendship. Having fate kick them in the ass with a ‘hurry up’ had come just in time.

Edward was the god’s honest, real deal. This promise they were making to each other, well … for a man like him, it was everything. As much as she loved him and all his man-quirks, he returned those feelings and boldly added something else. The man she was about to marry for all his sexiest man, Alpha, military vet macho bullshit was not embarrassed to admit that he needed her. Had been quite eloquent about seeing to it that she fully understood what that meant.

It wasn’t the sex, which was spectacular. He needed her embedded in his life. She was his future, and without her, he’d have none. It was all her.

What the heck did you say to such a declaration?

She’d made her way over his entire chest, pushing the covers away to uncover more flesh before aiming south. The blood was rushing through her body on a mad dash to fire up her pleasure centers as she caressed his sides, and her mouth sampled the hard, taut area around his waist. He was especially sensitive there.

He shifted. His body relaxed flat against the mattress, arms out, one leg cocked to the side. Paige drew back to look. Unf. He was simply the most beautiful man alive. They were good together. And he was hers.

Scanning him with avid interest, she enjoyed the sheer masculinity his big body put off. Then her eyes fell on the sexy ink that began on his hip. For so long this tattoo had freaked her out. It felt like a symbol of a disconnect between them. Then when the video happened—as a symbol, it represented something she thought would never be hers. A naked, aroused Edward.

The fact was she’d come to hate the damn tattoo. But now, everything’s changed and what freaked her out for so long was going to end up being part of what rescued their out-of-control nightmare from getting worse. In some twisted way, the bro moment with him and some buddies, wasted off their asses and trying to out-macho each other in a tattoo parlor, was the best fuck you of all time.

Paying homage to the sexy ink trail, she traced each line, swirl, and curve with her tongue until she was face-to-face with a ferociously aroused shaft that twitched with a plea for attention.

Very nice but there was the little matter of the ink trail. She wasn’t quite finished. Pushing his thigh higher revealed the seam between his leg and torso where the wicked tattoo shot further south and started to curve under his balls. Tender territory she made short work of tonguing.

His hand went to the thickened shaft on his stomach, covering it with his big fingers and pulling it up and out of her way. Come on, seriously. Could this get any hotter?

After devoting some time and attention on the twin spheres that she noted were way more sensitive and groan inducing than she ever imagined, it was well past time to take other matters into her own hands. Pushing his hand aside, Paige experienced a drenching rush of heat as a wicked pulse of fiery arousal scorched her center when her fingers wrapped around him.

His quiet groan pushed her on.

In the muted light of a new day’s dawn, she let the sight of his naked beauty and what her hands were doing to his manhood mark her soul. Exquisite emotion filled her up. He meant more to her than she could ever express. Friend. Lover. Mate. Being together at last was so right that the awareness blinded her.

And so, with her beautiful man’s hand tangled in her hair and the other clutching the bed sheets, she reduced him to a quivering mess. Eventually, she broke him down, and he bucked silently, once, twice, three times. A long, drawn-out growl quietly broke free as he released in her throat.

Maybe this separate rooms thing wasn’t such a shitty idea after all.

dward barely bit off a yawn as he cooled his heels in a diner that had a sign in the window that said,
Eat, Then Get Hell Out
. He was waiting for his dad who was down the street schmoozing with a town official, handling whatever official paperwork needed to happen for Paige and him to get married.

It had been an exhausting day so far. They’d been on the move, getting shit done, as his father irreverently put it, since the wedding was happening on what could only be described as the fast track. While the women were off doing bridal crap, his dad and he were wrestling all the practical details to the ground.

Of course, some of his exhaustion could be explained away by the dawn patrol goddess who crept into his bed and seduced him out of sleep and to within an inch of his sanity. That girl had a wicked mouth and just the right amount of gag reflex.

Oh, he’d gotten his too when he shooed her back to her guest room. She’d gone reluctantly, pouting the whole way after refusing to put her nightgown back on. Nope, if he were going to dismiss her from his bed, she would make her displeasure known by stomping naked across the porch. It had been really funny.

But the laughter had stopped when he’d silently pointed at the bed—staying under his parents’ radar meant they hadn’t talked, using gestures and head movements instead.

Motioning for her to get on her back and spread her legs, he’d delivered a delicious payback that had ended with his hand covering her mouth to muffle her cries as he licked her to a violent orgasm.

There was no going back to sleep after that.

He’d taken the opportunity while waiting for his dad to FaceTime Mickey for an update. In every way that mattered, his clever fiancée had saved the day with her brilliance. She’d been totally right and had given them the kill switch of all time. According to M, panic over what the FBI was finding out fueled a desperate attempt to deflect attention to Gideon. It was unclear who was the mastermind, but it didn’t matter.

A lot had happened in a short time after Mickey and Edward’s lawyer paid a second visit to Perry Waterman. Almost overnight, Joann hightailed it to the Mediterranean for yacht season. Many rich men with fat checkbooks were eager to pay for whatever brand of fuckery she was dishing out. Smart, although a sadly desperate move on her part. By removing herself from the L.A. scene, she wouldn’t have to deal with Alan’s mess in public.

Markus was going down. There was no way to save him. The dumb fucker let his fingers right click and save a few too many Internet files with questionable content. Well, at least Joann had readied his butthole with her strap-on talents. It would make being some prison dog’s bitch easier to take.

At the secret meeting, Perry got put on blast and had his ass threatened with Mickey’s impressively shady Russian thugs. Basically, he got told to make the tape disappear. If even so much as a whisper of the provably false accusation that it was Gideon fucking the underage girl got out, Perry Waterman could kiss his fortune, and probably a limb, good-bye. They weren’t going to fuck around with this shit anymore.

Moira was all over Phae’s messy part of the sex tape angle. The young woman took everyone by surprise when she issued a statement claiming ownership of the tape. Yes, she’d been underage at the time, but she was with her boyfriend doing what all teenagers did. Why hadn’t she let Gideon off the hook sooner? She got the best line of all and shut down all the doubters by stating that in the Cincinnati suburbs, nobody gave a shit about the narcissistic bullshit happening in Hollywood. She wasn’t into Internet porn and though she’d heard about the infamous Gideon Shaw sex tape, she wasn’t ever going to go looking for it. The only reason she came forward now was to take responsibility and put an end to the gossip. It would be a one-week story, and then the press would move on.

He couldn’t wait to share all this with Paige. They were passed the whole Edward-Gideon divide. Having time to focus on them had helped. It wasn’t one or the other. This was their life—the one they built together. Being Gideon Shaw was his job, but he wasn’t what he did.

The only thing bothering him at the moment was a bit of anxiety about Paige’s parents because they didn’t like him. Not that anything had ever been said. He found a middle ground with her dad, man stuff mostly, but her mom, she was a problem.

It wasn’t so much that Rose disliked him personally. Oh, there was probably a little of that going on, but he’d been giving this some serious thought lately and had come to an uncomfortable conclusion. With her fancy degree, Rose probably felt her daughter should be upper management at the Four Seasons by now or running a diplomat’s embassy in some foreign country. It was likely Mrs. Turner disliked him because being some Hollywood actor’s assistant wasn’t what her mom had expected for Paige. He got it.

The revelation had gotten him thinking about a lot of things and prompted a decision he needed to share with his almost wife. Now that he saw things in a different, clearer light—he didn’t give a rat’s ass about Perry Waterman’s promise to give him a boost into the director’s club.

Fuck that. He’d either get there on his own … or not. He wasn’t about handouts and look-the-other-way incentives for getting ahead. Not only that, but the twelve-year plan was also quickly backspacing to the decade mark, and that was being generous. Yeah, he liked making movies, but at some point … nah.

BOOK: The Gideon Affair
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