The Girl. (18 page)

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

BOOK: The Girl.
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The baby started to cry again and Saul raised his pale eyebrows, Ella said, “Hey check the bag for
a bottle”.

Pulling out a bottle squinting from the screaming baby, Saul reached it to Ella fast and she bent
down to the carrier lifting the baby out saying, “Oh come here sweet little girl”.
Saul stood with Shane that comes into the living room now both looking on in shock
and suddenly the kitchen sounded loud.

Hanging up his keys on the hook, Paul Gene said, “Okay Seth boy, remember what I told you
think twice block your nose, please for the third time telling you, use those karate moves”.

Seth had his nose all wrapped up in a bandage and replied, “Yes paw, but I don’t like using my
moves, I want to fight fair”.
“Well that way gets your nose broken lately”.
Paul Gene winked and Brenda went hanging her purse up in the laundry room when Seth went
walking through the dining room right into the living room.

Saw Ella rocking a baby that was a sleep and asked, “Woe Ella, have the kid all ready?”
Saul and Shane smirked at Seth, as the baby cried out again.
Right away Seth grabbed his ears saying, “Screeching”, and Saul with Shane grin at the same

Holding his ears still Seth said, “Yep that’s a crying baby, I better buy ear plugs”.
Saul looked at Seth and said, “Better get use to the screeching noise daddy -O”, walking away
waving his hand back at Seth that froze.

Pointing Shane mumbled, “See what you get from sneaking back off to Kansas”, and Seth asked,
“Huh, we never lived there fool, it’s Kentucky”.
Swinging his arm out, “Aw the story did get mixed up, because they told the wrong state”, said
Shane scratching his head.

Seth looked at dazed and confused Shane and said, “Heck, I’ll never be a drop out, because
ruined for life over it”, as he looked serious at his brother.
Ella tried to calm the baby down walking around the living room swaying the baby in her arms.
Seth took his eyes off his poor brother and onto the baby.

His hands tremble nervously and Seth asked, “What did Saul say Shane about that kid?”
Waving his long finger in Seth’s face, “Nah I’ll do the asking here, how’d you make a kid”, and
Seth remarked, “Why did I ask him, who is dumb as a rock”.
Ella giggled quietly, rocking the baby on the wooden rocking chair that put the baby to sleep.
Seth got all excited now saying, “What kid, shoot I haven’t yet with Missy”.

Pointing at the baby, Shane remarked, “Ah, you better not either from the looks of that
blubbering lullaby dancer”.
Seth rubbed his head of long dark curls and Shane added, “You know boy your whole life is
trapped, heck tied down with years of screeching, never ending”, as Seth looked ready to cry.

Putting his hand against his forehead “Lord almost forgot about all the wants”, remarked Shane
and Seth was looking at the baby, as Shane rave on.
Then patting Seth on the back, Shane said, “Have fun hearing screaming all night, better buy a
few packs of ear plugs little daddy”.

Shane walked away leaving Seth behind in shock and Ella just looked down at the precious baby.
However, they could still hear Shane, “Heck should have gone to the corner store spent a
quarter, because now he has to spend more on those darn ear plugs”.

Seth stood silently along with Ella rocking the baby and listening to Shane carrying on saying.
“See how reasonable twenty-five cents is compare to a fortune in the long run with clothes”.
“Aw heck dolls, prissy dresses not to mention stuck up ballerina classes”.


“Which being a lullaby kid, she’ll be a good dancer”.

Shane was rambling on, as they heard his door shut finally and Seth was standing there looking
at the baby along with Ella smiling down at her.
Suddenly, Shane opened his door back up and said, “Aw man don’t forget dealing with naughty
boys chasing her, the money you’ll spend on aspirin in the long run”.

Upset, Seth yelled, “STOP SHANE!” Looking at the baby asked, “Hey Ella is it true, my kid?”
“Yes Seth and Dana’s the mother”.

Running out of the living room fast and Ella heard Seth’s door slam, she had tears now and felt
bad, as she held his baby girl tightly.
Paul Gene with Brenda comes walking into the living room and she was asking, “What’s this
entire door slamming?”
Noticing the infant Paul Gene said, “A baby here”.
Brenda put her hand by her mouth mumbling, “That guy was right at the market”, as
she played nervously with her locket, Paul Gene asked, “Hey who’s kid?”
Brenda knew it had to be their lost grandchild, because why else would a baby be there.
Rocking the sleeping baby, Ella replied, “I shouldn’t be the one to tell you both”, and Saul comes
back in the living room.

Turning around from looking at the baby and looked at Saul now, Paul Gene asked, “Well what’s
the deal here with the kid?”
Arms folded, Saul replied, “A big deal paw, it is Seth’s baby”.

Completely shocked, Brenda rushed out of the room with her hands against her face, as she
never expected her youngest was the daddy.
Looking at the baby again, Paul Gene shook his head and asked, “Seth?”
Hanging his head Saul replied, “Yes paw, Seth our little brother”, as Ella kept her head down
smiling at the baby.

Choked up, Paul Gene turned walking away just hanging his head.

Ella holding the sleeping baby asked, “Are they going to whip him or not want this baby?”
Sitting down on the sofa grabbing a handful of peanuts in a dish on the coffee table, Saul said,
“Nah, my parents are very supportive they got all boys, heck my paw come from eight Wiley
Ella kept looking down at the little girl sleeping peaceful.
Saul looked at the baby adding, “Nah my parents will be that kids biggest help after they cool
down”, munching on peanuts.
“Sure their shocked”.
“Nah I’m sure my parents are worried since Seth is far too young”.

Ella kept looking down onto the precious baby girl and Saul said, “Seth is in school, has no job,
my parents won’t let him quit like Sebastian made a big mistake”.
“Guess Seth has one hard job ahead”.

Grabbing another handful of peanuts, looking over at the baby, Saul added, “I thought me
and Shane made it clear to him, if ever he messes around to bundle up”.
Ella gave a sad look, Saul said, “Guess it still can happen, because look you’re pregnant”.
“Saul are we going to go through this again”.
“No, I am tired of stressing over it”.
“Fine, guess you do not want your child huh?”
Smirking said, “I’m here right?” Tossing peanuts into his mouth.
She thought yes you are here, but your hearts not, because your attitude has changed drastically.

Ella in tears also thought, having a baby at such a young age is not a wise decision and can put
strain on a relationship, definitely.

Walking into the front door, Sebastian was holding a twelve pack of ginger ale all smiles that
turned to a frown and pointing remarked, “A baby?”
All of a sudden, Shane rushed up to Sebastian literally pulling him saying, “Aw lord come on
brother”, jerking away Sebastian said, “Wait let me set this case of pop down”.
“Oh thanks, I was feeling nauseated”.

Rolling his eyes, “Nah, I did not buy this for you”, said Sebastian setting the case down and
Shane looked sad holding his stomach.
Putting the cans into the refrigerator now Sebastian said, “The ginger ale is for Ella, shoot she’s
very sick lately”.

Raising his hand up Shane asked, “Mother may I have just one though, such drama today has
grown me an ulcer!”
“Grown, isn’t it gave you an ulcer?” Then rose his hand up adding, “Wait hold up, mother!”
“Oops, sorry man, sir, I mean real rugged male!”

Snarling, Sebastian tossed Shane a can and said, “Touch another I’ll touch you”.
“About now brother, I’d rather be hospitalized for years”.
Forcefully dragging Sebastian into his bedroom Shane was out of breath and Sebastian asked,
“What bro?”

Shane opened up his dresser drawer and said, “Take your pick”, as Sebastian stood there
smirking just looking onto a load of condoms.

Nervously sweating, Shane added, “Heck little brother take um all if needed”.
Sebastian stood silent holding his laughter back and Shane said, “Heck, can’t have any more
screaming munchkins around here, because I’ll really miss our home in Kansas, Seth’s wrong”.
Sebastian gave a big smile, as he pulled a few out of his flannel shirt pocket.
Shane patted him on the back in tears almost, Sebastian said, “Hey I see tears in your eyes”.
“Nah catching a cold might be one of those country bugs”, as he rubbed his eyes.
Sebastian thought, yeah right fibber when you been to a different country.

Standing there shaking his head, all of a sudden folded his hands looking up to the ceiling in
tears excitedly, said, “Thanks sweet Jesus for sending one younger brother that never goes in the
storm alone without his valuable quarter”.
Sebastian pointed at him saying, “Ah huh you got tears, no flu”.

Patting him on the shoulder Shane replied, “I know because it’s the city virus going around”.
Sebastian shook his head of long curls and sneezed, as Shane winked saying, “See how catchy
those flu bugs are brother”.
“No Shane, I honestly see how important education is”.

Chapter 11.

A few days went by, the Wiley family were all still in shock over their new addition.
Five-month-old, Samantha Faye Wiley and Seth’s bedroom had become a nursery, of course
kept his bed, dresser, but many things now filled the room.
Sebastian still had not spoken to Mandy or heard from her and Sebastian has been moping
around, Brenda was getting kind of use to his sour look.

Until one day, Sebastian got a big surprise along with shock he was working up on a roof with
his two brothers, as the beauty salon needed a new roof.
Hammering away when two young girls comes walking out the front door to the shop and heard
above them all the noise then looked up and one girl said, “Sebastian!”

Looking down onto the girls along with his brothers Shane and Saul, he asked, “Meagan?”
Excitedly, “Yes”, replied Meagan waving her hands motioning for him to come down.
His brothers grinned and Sebastian actually jumped off the roof.
Glancing down, Shane remarked, “Woe perfect landing, see what barn jumping teaches, true
aerobics, aw you squashed a few ants though”.
Saul rolled his eyes at Shane that added, “Aw see why I give up my ant farm collection any sass
quash can kill um”, as Saul shook his head mumbling, “Shoot I could kill you”.
Standing before the two girls, Sebastian was smiling and all sweaty, as he even had his shirt
open, “Meagan I can’t believe it, shoot thought I’d never see you again girl”, and they hugged.

Unloading shingles, Shane asked, “Hey Saul think Mandy’s out of the picture huh?”
Wiping sweat off his face Saul replied, “Think she has been brother for only now”.
Sebastian’s disappointed looks suddenly turned into many smiles.
He stood talking with her for some time and she introduced her cousin, Courtney, as he smiled
saying, “Nice to meet you”.

After about an hour of talking, Saul whistled up on the roof and Sebastian said, “Well I do have
to help them”.
Meagan smiled giving Sebastian her new phone number in the town she resides in.
Embracing tightly, he said, “Woe, my first girl from time back, heck I was just eleven”. Meagan
in his brawny arms replied, “Yeah can’t believe it, talk about fate”.

Up on the roof, Shane was waving his hand, “Who you waving at?”
Sniffling replied, “Mandy”, wiping his eyes and Saul mumbles, “He’s such a born fool”.
Annoyed as usual, Saul threw a piece of cardboard at him and added, “Nah brother, don’t think
it’s really goodbye”.

Separating shingles Shane asked, “Why you say?”
“Because he really loves her, not puppy love like Meagan was”.
Shane nodded, as he lay the shingles out and said, “Guess, you are older, because that makes
logical sense”. Kneeling down opening the box of nails, Saul said, “I am older you goof”.

Suddenly pointing down Shane said, “Ah brother, you might be a bit mixed up from the heat”, as
they saw Sebastian kiss Meagan and her cousin Courtney glanced up on the roof and winks.
Both looking down Saul said, “Aw guess it is a hot day”.

Rolling tarp out now, Shane asked, “Well think you may be wrong?”
“Far from, because reality will hit right before making a big mistake true love finds the way
Wiping sweat off his face with a bandana, Shane remarked, “Man you should write books about
relationships it all jives”.
“Nah just real life brother is all”, as Courtney couldn’t take her eyes off the rooftop and noticing
Shane remarked, “Think that girls wanting something huh?”

Pushing Shane jokingly, Saul said, “Give it to her brother”. Wiggling his eyebrows laughing.
“Aw she’s not wanting me”, as she was smiling staring at them.
“How do you know Shane?”
“Because you’re here”, Saul laughs and Sebastian yelled up, “Hey Shane”.
“Courtney wants to give you her number”, Saul winks at Shane that looked faint.

Later that afternoon, after the Wiley boys finished the roof on the beauty shop, which looked
perfect the owner was pleased and even gave them an extra tip.
The boys are happy with a wallet full and Shane had Courtney’s phone number.

Saul and Shane were loading the ladders up onto the truck, as Sebastian seemed anxious.
He was rushing putting the tools and supplies onto the work truck, as Shane was eating a jelly
donut, cramming it into his mouth and sure noticed his sudden fast pace.

When Sebastian put the final box of unopened shingles into the truck said, “Hey y’all I have to
run at the store”, and his brothers both gave him a serious look.
With them staring, he added, “Shane mind if I use your truck seeing that mines home?”
Saul said, “We could take you brother”, as he stood counting his roll of hundreds.
“Yeah bro it’s no bother”.

Anxiously, “Nah it’s personal, kind of private something I need to buy”, replied Sebastian
putting his wallet into his back pocket.
Shane wiggled his eyebrows now and Saul laughed saying, “Oh my going to the florist huh?”

Wiping his face with a paper towel, Shane said, “Aw how sweet buying Meagan flowers?”
“Yeah strapping boy here don’t want us seeing his mushy side”, remarked Saul lifting the
toolbox onto the truck.
Pointing at them, Sebastian said, “Right, y’all caught me”. Nervously laughs.
Therefore, Saul got into the truck and Shane gave Sebastian his truck keys, as Saul and Shane
drove off, so did Sebastian that drove just down the street and pulled up in front of the furniture
Sebastian got out of the truck and headed inside the furniture store going right up to the

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