The Girl. (15 page)

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

BOOK: The Girl.
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Brenda had noticed something different with Ella, and shook her head saying, “Oh lord the stork
hit, knew it would happen”.
One evening the Wiley’s are all sitting by the dinner table with Ella as usual.

Ella kept making a face watching Shane pour ranch dressing all over his meatloaf.
They ate and talking, as she picked at her food and felt terribly ill, Brenda had really noticed it
Since Ella always cleaned her plate from her cooking and Saul pay no mind to how Ella was
acting or feeling.
Chapter 9.

Pointing across the long wooden table, “Hey maw, pass me the greens”, said Paul Gene when
Ella heaved continually and covering her mouth, she got up quickly running to the bathroom
The males all gave a funny look, but kept eating their dinner, not paying no mind,
Saul asked though, “Hey, what’s that all about?” Pointing towards the bathroom.

Putting her fork down, ready to take a bite of food, Brenda replied, “Well son you’re a
twenty-one-year-old man”.
“Yes, what’s that got to do with her being sick”.
“Well guess you made it, better go check on her, because it appears she is about to be your
babies mama”.
“Seriously maw?” Puzzled expression.
Nodding, “Definitely”, added Brenda taking a bite of food.

Instantly, all forks dropped on the table and eyes rolled, Brenda said, “Sebastian dear can you
pass the gravy please”, as he looked pale as a ghost.

With his bluest eyes big, Saul said, “Nah Sebastian, just hold up on that gravy there”, grabbing
the gravy bowl right from his brother’s shaky hand.
Therefore, Sebastian just sat there with the rest of them and kept putting his head down shaking
his long curls.
Pushing his half-eaten plate aside, Saul asked, “Okay maw, now what’s going on, are you playing
games again?”

Brenda now put her fork down and remarked, “No boy, I most certainly am not Saul, the girl is
going to have a baby, your baby; I take it from the look of you two”.
Saul yelled, “WHAT!” With a very surprised look on his face.
Eyes rolled and his brothers said, “Woe”.
“No way!”
“A crying baby?”
They all pushed their plates aside shaking their heads complaining.

Mostly Shane, as he mumbled, “Aw heck, my bedroom is right next to Saul’s, I’ll never sleep,
need my beauty sleep”.

Snarling Sebastian punched his arm then got up from the chair walking away and Brenda asked,
“Boy where you going?”
“I have one of my bad headaches maw, maybe tired”, replied Sebastian, as tears filled his eyes.
Waving her hand, “Well go rest”, said Brenda and he walked away hanging his head it appeared
he wiped tears, as he walked down the hallway.

While his two other brothers rave on, Saul stood up asking, “Ella is having a kid?”
Pouring gravy, Brenda remarked, “Oh I think so boy, surely I can bet on it”.
Now, Saul rushed away from the table and went to check on Ella.
Smiling, Paul Gene said, “Hey come on Shane, let’s us go out back and celebrate the news of my

Shane smirked to that getting up from the table and followed his paw outside and Brenda just
shook her head and mumbles, “Oh no, smoking the wacky tobacco”. Seth giggled.
Brenda had a funny feeling that this was not good news and none of them finished their dinner
that evening a true Wiley first.

Clearing off the table then walking into the kitchen, Brenda heard Paul Gene laughing, as he
was happy about the news.
Saul went in by Ella who was kneeling on the bathroom floor with her face lowered into the
toilet, “Well Ella, how long was you gonna keep this a secret?”
Wiping a wet washrag across her face, “I am sorry Saul”, and vomited again. “You okay?”
He just looked at her, as she heaved with a few gags, “No, I feel horrible”.

Silently stood Saul looking down at her with her face in the toilet then kneeling down to her
asked, “A baby, is it true?” She shook her head meaning yes.
“Shocker, a kid of mine, shoot we only done it twice, swear I used protection too”.
Holding the wet cloth back against her face, “Saul they can break right?”
Expressionless he answered, “I guess, it appears to be, huh?”
She just nodded and he said, “You’re pregnant”.
“Yes Saul, are you happy?”

Raising his pale eyebrows, “Heck yeah”, replied Saul rubbing her back and Ella reached over
hugging him and his facial expression did not seem thrilled.
Time would tell how happy Saul was or if he is ready to be a father?
Brenda yelled, “Saul telephone it’s Rodney”.
“Coming maw”, looks at Ella saying, “Be right back”.
“Okay”, gagging again.

Saul walked out shutting the door, a few seconds later the door opened and Sebastian stood
there looking at Ella vomiting. Lifting her head up noticed him standing there, he asked, “You’re
having a baby?”

Instantly tears rolled, she replied, “Yes, I’m pregnant”, he rushed out of the bathroom and
hurried into his bedroom.

When Seth in his bedroom mumbled, “What the heck”, as he heard ruckus coming from his
brothers room added, “What’s he doing rearranging furniture?” Then Seth jumped, as Sebastian
in his trashed bedroom pushed his dresser over.

Right across from Sebastian’s room in the bathroom, Ella heard and stood by the sink, placed
the cloth over her face crying.
Two weeks pass.

Ella started feeling much better, the morning sickness finally stopped and her parents told her
that they were working hard now to pay her brother’s wedding expenses and their house was
finally paid off.
After many years and that they were not about to take on another mouth to feed, as they put it.

Ella’s parents also told her, that she made her bed so she should lay in it, she was devastated
over what her parents told her and told the Wiley’s.

Brenda along with Paul Gene both got angry over such a comment toward a grandchild
including their own child and Brenda knew what kind of folks they are.
Brenda comforted Ella in tears, as she then showed Ella her new room if she wanted and the
Wiley boys stood grinning, as they knew their parents are awesome.

Ella liked the room and told them, “Yes, I am honored to be a part of the Wiley’s”.
Paul Gene had a tear over that one, and Shane patted his paw.
Ella along with Brenda fixed the room up cute.

Furthermore, Saul pitched in with the wallpaper, as his brothers helped him and the room was
coming along nicely.
Although, Saul had to yell a few times at his three silly brothers who helping out with the room,
somehow got into a wallpaper fight with glue too.
Aggravated Saul yelled at the three of them,

Seth gave Shane a look of mischief, and Sebastian nodded to them both whispering, “Yeah, let’s
get him”.
Suddenly, they tag teamed their older brother and had him down wrapping him in wallpaper, all
laughing including Saul, as they were making a huge mess?

Paul Gene walked by the room, as he heard the ruckus, opened the door and saw them all in a
big mess, rolling on the floor in wallpaper and on each other just slinging glue all over.
Paul Gene shut the door fast shaking his head, chewing his tobacco and said, “Yep maw, rooms
coming along great”.
The boys did get the room done after a week and it looked nice.
“Yuck”, remarked Seth, as his brother’s smirk.

Folding his beefy arms, Sebastian said, “I knew maw wanted all girls, told you Shane”, pointing
to every pink corner.

Standing in the newly decorated room, Ella told Brenda, “I am so grateful to you all and
very lucky that I finally have a family”.
Brenda replied, “Ella, I love you”.

“Really”, said Ella happily.
“Yes sugar I do from day one I did and you’re having my grandchild, our bond will grow stronger
through the years”.
They both hugged tightly at that moment of true Wiley bonding and the room after another few
days was definitely finished.

Brenda had done the final touches, she hung up curtains that she made by hand they looked nice
and pink.
Walking down the long hallway Sebastian passed Ella’s new bedroom and he paused noticing his
mother and mumbled, “Heck, over doing the pink”.

Turning away, walking down the hallway mumbling under his breath “Please lord, let it be a


Ella loved her new totally pink bedroom and it was now time to go get her things.
She prayed her parents would not be home, as they never were before.

However, they are home of all days and outside, Ella was handing light things to Saul that
loaded up the truck.
Handing more things to Shane and Sebastian with Seth, when Ella went grabbing a box up from
the porch, quickly Sebastian snatched it up saying, “Aw this one might be to heavy”.
She nodded and he winked putting it onto the truck then they were getting her bed along with
her dressers into the truck and most everything was all loaded now.

At this point, her parents remained quiet.
Her father though had been glancing out the living room window and told Ella’s mother. “Linda
would you look at the Wiley clan, bad people I’m telling you and a bunch of hippies”.
He watched them putting his daughter’s things into the trucks and tried to stay silent to his
Until Ella got the last of her things, grabbing her pillow, then she went into the living room.

In tears said, “Well bye mom and dad”.
Her mother was calm, hugging her, and said, “Please come see us with the child”.
“Of course I will mom”, as her father on the other hand got her upset.
He said, “Never come for a hand out Ella, you are on your own”.

Sitting down onto the big oversized chair and added, “Wiley boy made it, he pays”.
Looking at him angry she thought, you are so great dad and her mother said, “I love you Ella
keep me posted how you are doing?”

Instead of arguing, headed towards the front door and as she was going out the door, her dad
yelled, “Ella your life will be ruined from a Wiley”.
Instantly, Ella froze in her tracks and listened to her dad who said, “Me and your mom are
heading out of Tennessee next spring, your brother with his new bride too, won’t be here if you
come calling for help”.

Standing by the front entrance, Ella sarcastically said, “Sure dad that’s fine if you’re leaving,
because you’ll see that I will be fine with the Wiley’s”.


Her father chuckles and added, “Sure you will daughter”.


That stood there real upset in tears holding her pillow tight.

“Might I just fill you in a bit on you’re so called new family dear that you’ll be so happy with”.
Gripping her pillow now she was real quiet and listened to her father that said,
“I knew the Wiley’s from way back up in the hills of West Virginia”.
Ella rolled her eyes listening to her father who had her attention and her mother just hung her
head knowing it was true about that family.
He said, “Ella their nothing but a bunch of trouble making hillbilly’s, the worst of our kind”.
“Heck from selling moonshine to even scalping people up in the hills”.

Ella took a deep gulp and hugged her pillow, her father added, “God girl, I don’t even want to
say what all they have done and what their really like”.
Ella seemed shocked, he said, “The name Wiley says enough for me”.
“It can’t be true dad or there must be something behind them hurting people, they would not do
it intentionally”.

Her father nodded his head and said, “Sorry dear”, lighting up a cigar.
Looking sad, “I just don’t believe that about them”.
“It is true Ella”.
“No dad, you got them all wrong, just because they own a bar and fight, it’s their job to keep
things in control”.

A pitying expression her father remarked, “You will see dear daughter in a few years from now
how your life has been with a Wiley”.
She had more tears that rolled squeezing her pillow and her father was furious at this point
raising his voice loudly, “You’ll find out just who Wiley’s really are and back ground they come
“Heartless murderers!”

Shocked, Ella gasped, “Ah”, rushing out fast, slamming the door on her way out of that home, as
she was upset.
“Oh Mark did you have to tell her the gore details about that family”.
“Yes Linda, because I grew up in those hills going to bed scared of the Wiley bandits”.

Then Linda put her head down, as he added, “I heard and saw many of their cruel doings to
people, Indian warriors with no compassion”.
Linda had tears and said, “I think everyone in the hills that one tragic night saw the sky lit a
blaze from what the Wiley’s done to actual human beings”.

Wiping tears Mark said, “My only girl lives among cold blooded killers who got away with it”.
Ella stood out on the front porch in sadness of such a harsh tale then walked across the yard,
looked at the boys in tears, and said, “I am ready”.

Waving his hand Saul said, “Let’s roll you all”, as the four boys noticed her sudden frown.

They sure appeared to have compassion, as each one of them went up close and circled around
her in the middle saying, “You are among loved ones”.
“We love you Ella girl”,
“Your family”.
“It will be fine girl!”
Wiped a few tears, “Thanks”, said Ella sadly looking at the four standing before her.
Shane, Sebastian and Seth drove in the big red box truck then Saul with Ella in the white van, as
she was very quiet, he noticed that she appears a bit down still.

“What is it baby, did they say harsh stuff?”
She put her hand to her belly and teary eyed said, “Sure did”.
He reached over touching her belly too winking at her.

Driving Saul said, “My brothers are right, you are in a better home filled with much love,
concern, and will always be there to protect you Ella”.
“Forever”. She stared out the window silently and Saul tried reassuring her.
“You never have to worry, heck not with Wiley’s Ella”.

Making it back home, Saul and his brothers got Ella’s things all unloaded from the trucks and he
had to yell at his three silly and stupid brothers,

Saul stood on the front lawn near the cluttered items of Ella’s shaking his head aggravated, as
Sebastian accidentally dropped Ella’s large heavy dresser on Shane’s foot.
That jumped up and down screaming, “OWE!”
“Aw heck”,
“I’m hurt in you boy!”

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