The Girl. (11 page)

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

BOOK: The Girl.
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She bent picking them up, broke down sobbing and said, “An innocent little baby out there my
boy don’t even see the child”, kneeling on the floor crying, as she let the cans fall from her
shaking hand.

After sometime, Brenda finally had dinner set, but an hour and a half later.
The Wiley’s were all sitting around the dining room table except Saul, as she glanced often at his
certain seat and her three boys ate when Shane asked, “Maw you gonna eat?”

“No boy, I can’t really”, as her head was down with one hand to her forehead.

Worried about what that person had told her earlier and about Saul with Ella.
Brenda thought more babies from their raging male hormones.
Reaching his dish out Paul Gene said, “Well fill me up maw”, she got up and started laughing
saying, “You know Paul Gene you amaze me”.
“Oh no their going to argue”, mumbled the boys.

Waving her arm out, Brenda sarcastically said, “Well hey, what if Saul gets her pregnant,
because those things happen from boys!”
Putting chicken onto his plate, “I am hungry here Brenda, no time for games, my boys know
bundle up before diving in”, said Paul Gene filling his plate.
Pointing at her husband across the table highly upset, “Sure go right ahead fill your gut, because
it’s no big deal to you”, said Brenda upset.

Everyone at this point was silent including Paul Gene and could have heard a pin drop.
Not Brenda though, as she added, “You just sit there not worried about a darn thing, well mark
my words Saul will knock her up”.

Pointing at her three sons now she screamed, “DARN ALL YOU BOYS WILL!”
Brenda stormed off, as the fellows were stunned at that point.


Shane almost choked on his chicken from the comment his mother made and hurried to get his
water, mumbling, “Nah, not having heathen kids, ever”.

Sebastian was shocked, because their mother never speaks one cuss word or has ever.
Shane was choking and eyes big Seth asked, “You okay?”
“Fool”, mumbled Sebastian looking at Shane.

That put his hand up, “Yeah fine for now, but if I ever had a kid, never would be okay not having
them, don’t want any kids”.
Snarling, “Okay Shane, we got the picture”, said Sebastian pouring ranch dressing on his salad.
Cutting up his baked potato, Seth said, “Paw”, getting his food asked, “Yeah boy?”
“What’s maw talking about or so mad over?”

Holding his fork ready to eat, “Well see boy were all having dinner, but your big brother is
having dessert first”, replied Paul Gene taking a bite.
Shane laughed and did choke on his chicken, quickly, Sebastian patted him on the back very
hard, “All right brother, I’m fine, can you please stop punching my back with those massive work
out arms”.

Sebastian smiled reaching the sour crème for his potato.
“Oh their doing the forbidden word?”
Nodding, Paul Gene replied, “Well yes Seth, I believe so”, as he pours gravy on his potato.
“Oh, okay paw”, and loaded butter on his cut up potato.

Shane looked at Sebastian, as he winked and Shane grinned when Paul Gene said, “Hey, Seth
your sixteen boy”.
Seth gave a serious look with his hidden eyes very big.
Quick blurts out, “No paw, I have not done it yet”, and ate very fast, as he thought woe narrow
escape and Paul Gene grinned saying, “Aw you two other boys, I don’t need to ask”.
Shane and Sebastian both smirked eating their dinner.

At Ella’s house she was crying out in satisfaction from feeling Saul’s moist tongue thrusting
inside of her then swirls around darting right on her clitoris now Ella jerked, as she cried out in

Felt dizzy rolling her head all back into the pillows gasping heavily, gripping the pillow tightly,
just tugging at it and ready to climb the wall.
Saul had tried very hard taking much time at getting her mind and body lost in passion so it
would not hurt that bad, being her first time.

Slowly comes up onto her pressing his bare flesh firmly against hers their lips connected kissing,
his tongue made deep swirling motions inside her mouth fast.
Easily Saul started to enter her, with his full throbbing erection sliding into her.

Squinted turning her head into the side of the pillows, as Saul worked thrusting his aching
hardness slowly into her and she cried out, “Ah-ah,”
“Owe-owe”, “Oh my god!”
“Owe, Saul!” That put each hand on the side of her face breathing heavy said, “Aw relax Ella”.
“Oh, I can’t it hurts awful”.
“Only for now, it won’t no more, promise, as he kissed her nose pushing his hot swollen flesh
much deeper, she cried harder, he said, “Baby almost there, just let it get in”.

Continuing easily to enter inside her deep, as she was squirming saying, “Owe-owe”, this hurts!”
Working his fullness into her breathing very heavy, he just could not take it no more and worked
thrusting his body a bit harder, as he hung his head squinting and groans out, “Uh-uh-uh”.

Pulling at the pillow in her face, Ella cried out, “Saul owe!” Squirmed against him gasping out,
“Owe god it hurts!”

Pumping his manhood deeper into her, his head lowered real close in her face, breathing heavy
he whispered, “I promised I’d make you feel good, I’m about to baby, it’s ready to pop!”
Saul grinded his aching hardness inch-by-incredible-inch much deeper, as she wiggled her hips,
he could not take it any longer wanting to fill her completely, pushing his fullness powerful, as
she cried hysterically.

Breathing hard looking down at Ella in pouring tears, Saul said, “Aw hey girl calm down”.
Ella cried heavily and Saul shook his head asking, “Did I do something wrong?”
Ella did not answer and he rose up, parting from her that lay sobbing he looks at her crying
taking a moment to cool down.

Then stood pulling up his boxers looking at Ella that pulled the covers up to her face he asked,
“What Ella tell me?”
She quietly said, “It hurt”, and Saul put his one hand near his ear asking, “What, speak up,
I cannot hear you?”

Ella rose up saying, “It hurt real bad okay, so be disappointed”.
“I understand Ella, no rush”, pulling his jeans up.
“You probably think I’m a kid, sure you’ll waste no time finding a real woman from the bar”.
Shaking his head replied, “No, not at all”, putting his shirt on.
“Just go Saul”, that looked at her asking, “Really, is that what you want, me to go and never
come back?” In flowing tears Ella lost it screaming, “GET OUT!”

Hanging his head, Saul said, “Fine”, walking out and trembling with tears rolling Ella said, “I
lost him?”
Making it outside, walking towards his truck, Saul got in fast literally aching, unzipped his jeans
taking a firm hold on his manhood, stroking up and down, as he leans his head back against the
seat groaning out, moving his hand faster, “Uh-uh-uh-uh man”, spilling himself in his hand.
Reached into the glove box grabbing tissues.

At the Wiley home, Shane sitting by the kitchen table tying his boots for work at the bar said,
“Darn man, Saul is going to be late”.
Sitting across from him, Sebastian replied, “Paw will get him, heck it’s Saturday”.
Leaning against the counter looking through a magazine Seth shook his head.
Rolling his eyes, “Man he knows better to be on time, you know the rule, because paw will skin
us, come on Saul, you’ll do it again, how long does it take you”, said Shane.
Standing by the kitchen counter holding the magazine, Seth giggled asking, “Hey y’all how long
does it actually take?”
Shane along with Sebastian grin and Shane said,
“Oh little brother about the best fifteen minutes of your life”, Sebastian really laughed now and
wiggled his light eyebrows.

Setting the magazine down, Seth replied, “Oh, okay Shane, about fifteen minutes got that down
Raising his finger, Shane added, “Aw might be wrong there little buddy”, as Seth looked at
Shane that said, “Certain females might take longer”. Sebastian smirks and Seth asked, “Why,
how long?”
“Long, what a struggle reaching the finishing line”, and Sebastian was laughing, as Seth waved
his hand. Shane with Sebastian grinned looking at their little brother and waiting for their big
brother and kept looking out the back door saying, “Shoot come on bro”, as they waited in the
kitchen ready to leave.

Rushing in the back door Saul was out of breath, Shane remarked, “About time boy, heck were
gonna be late,” as he pointed towards the big rooster clock.
Saul looked at the clock above the stove and Shane added, “Darn, trying to get us all skinned
alive, over your heavenly fifteen minutes”.

Grabbing his boots quickly, Saul asked, “Fifteen minutes, what you are talking about man?”
Wiggling his dark eyebrows Shane made a vulgar hand gesture saying, “You know big brother”.
In the laundry room right off the kitchen, Saul was now grabbing a shirt from the dryer and
looking at his brothers grinning.

Holding the fresh flannel shirt, Saul said, “Oh just forget it”, as he saw their glowing faces.
They were really smiling, “Heck, I don’t want to know about what ever fifteen minutes means to
y’all”, added Saul rushing around the kitchen.
His three brothers chuckle now, as he said, “Shoot, I am going to be late here”, and went rushing
to the bathroom and then they all heard the shower.
Throwing his long arms up, Shane said, “Great, now fifteen more minutes with a darn shower”,
and added, “Hey you two better get to the bar, because it is past 6:00 already, why should you
get in trouble over Saul’s evening of glory”.
Seth was smiling and Sebastian said, “See you at Wiley’s”, they left running out and
jumped off the six porch steps, as Sebastian smirked saying, “Aw little brother see that perfect

Waving his hand Seth said, “Neat-O, come on were late”, and they run down the long driveway
heading to the bar ahead.


Back at the house, Saul comes hurrying out into the kitchen with his long hair dripping wet and
was all dressed, he sat down getting his boots on fast.

Raising his eyebrows again Shane said, “So big brother”, crossing his arms leaning against the
wall smiling big.
“What brother?” Saul asked putting his watch on.

“Shoot man my shirt is getting all wet”, pointing Shane replied, “Hey brother it’s winkled too”.
Looking at the winkled shirt, “Darn man”, said Saul hurrying into the laundry room hunting for
another shirt.

Leaning against the wall, Shane shook his head and Saul comes back into the kitchen and saw
his brother still against the wall by the back door grinning, Saul took the wet shirt off quickly put
the dry flannel on.

Buttoned his shirt trying to ignore his silly brother that was beaming, Shane asked, “Well did
you?” Making the hand gesture again.
“We come close okay, are you happy now Shane”.
“What, close, you did not finish the job?” Shocked and confused.

Tying his boots, Saul said, “Please Shane just drop it okay, Ella’s young still, shoot guess not
ready, it hurt her to bad, I mean bad, the girl freaked”.
“Woe bet it hurt you not finishing”.
“Aw, I am a big boy, can handle myself”.
“Darn Saul if that happened to me, I don’t think I’d be able to stop”.
“Yeah you would brother if the girl is screaming hysterical, what else going to rape her”.
“Heck no, never”, said Shane leaning against the wall.

Hanging his head Saul said, “Maybe Ella’s not ready for me, or not really into me, which is a first

“Aw bull brother, I see her light up like a Christmas tree around you”.
Tying his other boot, Saul added, “I will close the deal though, because of such a challenge”.
“Aw that does grab your interest”.
“Of course just like hunting your prey and catching it, I will be Ella’s first”. Patting Saul on the
back, Shane remarked, “Aw, I’m sure you’ll finish what you started”, and Saul put his leather
wrist- band on.

Shane raised his black eyebrows high and Saul winked now heading over to the bar, and Saul
with Shane had jumped off the porch over the steps.
However, they actually competed and Saul after ten minutes told Shane it was an even draw, as
he believed him and they run to the bar.

Where that night there was a big birthday party going on with some jocks?
The bar was wild.
Seth actually had a bad fight already and that soon, because a jock got smart with Seth and that
fight went down.

Especially when the jock spit in Seth’s face and looked like his nose was broken, as blood runs
Rodney with Saul both stood in the back of the bar watching how crazy the bar was over that
party going on and shaking his head Rodney said, “Darn jocks man have been causing trouble
since they got here just looking for a fight”.

Looking into the rowdy crowd Saul replied, “Well pal we can’t stop them from coming in”, as he
took a hit off his cigarette.
Rodney really shook his head and remarked, “Broke Seth’s nose man, shocker, I better wake up
from this dream.”
“Hey just keep a big eye on the jocks, my brothers too”.
Patting Saul on the back saying, “Always Saul my number one pal”, replied, Rodney.
Saul smiled at his best friend Rodney who you do not want to mess with.
His name well known on the streets and he had run them since a youngster.

Rodney was very street smart and had another group of friends that helped him cover those
streets keeping things safe and definitely in line.
Up by the packed counter, Paul Gene told Brenda, “Take Seth to the hospital, it won’t stop
bleeding, it’s broke son”.

Brenda was real upset, as Paul Gene looking at his boys broken nose added, “If the trick doesn’t
work, you know it is broke than boy”.
Sitting on a stool by the counter with a rag up to his face Seth said, “I know paw, take pain
right”, Paul Gene smiled, and Shane said, “Hey little brother that guy you fought looks worse”.
“Oh sure right”, and grinned with blood running badly.
“Oh my come on Seth, hurry up we got to take care of you boy”, Brenda bent down fast grabbing
her purse under the counter, as Seth stood there with a towel to his nose.

Paul Gene patted him saying, “Aw you’ll be fine there boy just got to block better”, as he grinned.
She stood back up quickly and smiled looking by the front bar doors, as she saw her boy
Sebastian with a pretty girl and young she sure appeared.

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