The Girl. (12 page)

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

BOOK: The Girl.
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With long dark hair going all down her full figure, she wore a yellow mini skirt and white
sweater and Brenda gives a bigger smile saying, “Mandy”.
Paul Gene said, “Come on maw you got to go, Seth’s waiting, bleeding”.
She comes out from behind the counter and gave a closer look, as she mumbled, “Oh is she

However, did not go up to meet Mandy in person, because she noticed they were arguing
somewhat seriously.
Since she saw Mandy pointing right in her boys face.

Brenda hurried off with her other boy then Mandy stormed out slamming the front bar doors

Angrily, Sebastian kicked over the trash bin walking towards the back of the bar highly upset.
Shaking their heads Saul with Rodney saw and heard Sebastian losing that fight.
Rodney remarked, “Women pal will take you down every time”, both laughed.
Shane was cleaning up all the trash from the bar floor snarling he said, “Heck, I’m hurting him”.
That night had been very crazy in the bar.
Calming down some when unexpectedly Sebastian become aggravated again.
Since some jocks accidentally bumped into him, is what they told Sebastian and they actually
pushed him into a table roughly.

Instantly, the voices rose with them close into each other’s face, as Rodney nudged Saul saying,
“Man brother number two is up”.
Over by the pool table looks like trouble was brewing, as Sebastian yelled,

The jock got even closer along with three others all right upon Sebastian who shouted,
Saul patted Rodney, saying, “Come on”, and hurried into the crowd where Sebastian was about
to be ganged up on.
Irate, Sebastian snarled at the light hair male and were face- to- face arguing, “Get out of my
face, I’m warning you dude!”

The one jock started to shove Sebastian backwards and fast as lightening dropped that jock
down with brute force.
Sebastian had been having a bad night to begin with and that was the last straw, which broke the
camel’s back.

Furiously now pounded the jock roughly kneeing him in the face when the jocks friends all
moved up really close to the fight and their friend, as Saul moved just one step forward and said,
“Nah, it’s not happening”.

The three jocks looked at Saul then over at Rodney standing with Shane right next to him as his
arms were folded.

Therefore, the jocks just stood back watching, as the fight ended quickly and walking away now
Sebastian was wiping a little drop of blood from his busted lip.
All of a sudden, one other angry jock threw a beer bottle right at Sebastian’s head; this caused a
deep gash instantly, grabbing his head, infuriated Sebastian growls out, “Aw, I’m messing dude
The gash continued to bleed, Sebastian charged the jock, slamming him down on the floor, and
they rolled at it.
His two brothers stood near with Rodney watching them rolling on the floor swinging punches
then jumping up fast swinging brutal punches and crashing down onto tables breaking them.
Behind the counter, Paul Gene mumbled, “Well boy that just cost you a week’s pay replacing

The other four jocks watched their friend and cheered him on saying, “Pound that punk!”
Shane looked over at them and spit to the floor, as a jock grinned at him.
That seem to get Shane upset, as he went up to the jock getting right in his face and the fingers
started pointing.

Saul whistled for Shane, turning back looking at his brother, who pointed at their younger
brother starting to take a loss?
Shane looked at Sebastian down on the bar floor being severely kicked then saw Saul shake his
head mumbling, “No, don’t you start”.

Sebastian started to endure many bad blows and wiping blood on the floor from the gash on the
side of his head.
The jock hit him punch after punch to the face and much blood was on the floor.
Shane was literally chewing his fingernails nervously and with a frantic look on his face, Paul
Gene mumbled, “Come on Wiley boy end it”.

Standing near Saul watched calmly, as Rodney squinted his face some, people moved back out of
the way from the serious fight.
Sebastian was grunting and took many repeated punches, as he blocked his face a few times.
Covering his eyes, “Darn I can’t watch this, heck I feel like maw”, said Shane peeks through his
“Good thing maws gone, because she would freak”, remarked Saul watching and Rodney added,
“Yeah getting beat to a pulp”.

Paul Gene watched feeling helpless as a parent, his boy chose to take the fight on and now he
pays the price.

After many powerful punches and a bloody mess, Sebastian took sort of a comeback and gave
such a forceful kick at the jock bending over him just swinging.
At full speed the jock flew off and back landing into tables when Sebastian stood up quickly, as
blood run all into his face.
Pointing, Saul said, “Go clean up, it’s done”, exhausted, Sebastian just nodded walking away.
The crowded bar actually clapped for Sebastian and cheered saying,

Grinning, Saul patted his friend Rodney and nodded to Shane that went back behind the busy
counter helping his paw.
A woman with long blonde hair rushed up to Sebastian in the corner catching his breath.
Excitedly she said, “Wow”.
“You boys are sure amazing”. He was wiping his face off with a napkin and replied, “Thanks”.

The woman brushed his golden curls back giving him a kiss right on the mouth then said,
“Maybe later we can hook up”, and she walked away shaking her wide hips.
Sebastian cracked up laughing and mumbled, “Guess I sure got it”.
A few minutes later things calmed down.

Standing over in the corner by the jukebox, Saul told Rodney, “If those jocks pull anything funny
one more time tonight their out of this bar on their rumps”, looking into the rowdy crowd.
Brenda sure knew her boys and her words exactly, as they take beatings just like punching bags.
Her boys were painless to the extreme.

A half hour later, the jocks calmed down playing a game of pool, laughing and having a good
Standing by the jukebox swaying to the music Rodney remarked, “About time please let's hope it
last jocks”.

Rodney’s light of hope was sure wrong, because Saul went walking to the bathroom and really
did not mean it.
Accidentally, bumped into a jock shooting pool and the jock got very mad. Rodney looked over
at Shane working behind the counter with his paw and yelled,
Pointing over at Saul this round and the jocks by the pool table starting to argue, Rodney
mumbled, “Brother number three is up”, and went back to watching Saul closely.
Shane now glanced over to his brother, gave a little grin, and kept working.
Putting his hands up, Saul said, “Aw I am sorry man”, to the jocks who looked very angry at him.
Mainly the one jock that had a swelled black eye from Sebastian.

Trying to be sincere, Saul said, “I just have to use the rest room was all and am sorry”.
The jock very cocky said, “Sure you do buddy after you ruined my game here”.
Saul put his hands back up saying, “Hey, I am sorry man, just go back to shooting having a good

Sebastian this time along with Rodney watched, as Saul tried to calm the jock down.
However, it was not working, as they started yelling at each other, suddenly the jock shoved
Saul, that raises his voice saying, “Keep your hands off me!”
Rodney yelled again, “Oh hey Shane it’s really on”.
Shane was busy helping his paw, as the bar was full and nonstop serving.

Stretching his neck out, Shane yelled, “Yep I see Rod, very busy here”, serving a packed counter.
Rodney smiled and Sebastian with two black eyes was biting on a toothpick grinning.
Knowing his big brother could handle this situation , as the attractive young blonde haired
female winked at Sebastian that just ignored her.

The smirking jock shoved Saul powerful, as he stumbled back into a table.
Raising back up off the table fast, Saul clenched his jaw, literally locking it and swung one
mighty punch knocking the jock down on the floor instantly.
Fiercely the jock comes back at Saul, as they went at it extremely rough.

Throwing each other over tables, quickly people cleared out of the way, because they were
slamming the other down onto the tables shattering them with their bodies.
Viciously, fighting when very sneaky the jock broke a beer bottle through the scuffle.
Sebastian really bit into the toothpick and said, “Wrong move dude, my brother is really going to
mess you up now”.
Rodney said, “Man stupid jocks”, and yelled to his friend, “Hey Saul”,

Slashed Saul’s cheek open deeply, blood runs down and since he put pain on Saul that was it, as
he pounded the jock down to the floor.
Extremely severe and out of control, blood squirted everywhere, as Saul’s fist swung lightning
fast repeatedly.
Paul Gene watched, as he put his head down a few times though.
Due to the fact, he don’t like to see his boys get whipped and would rather not see their brutal
side either.

Saul then yanked the bloody jock up by his collar and yelled, “Sebastian”
“Help me, because they are all out of this bar”.

At first they had some trouble getting the jocks out of the bar when Shane had to jump over the
counter and was number four in it that night with the jocks.
Paul Gene was shaking his head, as he served a slow counter getting a little break now; he had
watched the fight between his two boys and now all them.

After much struggling and many rough punches, they finally got the jocks out of the bar.
Saul comes back into the bar with his face bleeding a bit heavier and Rodney following right
behind his friend with a big black eye.

Shane comes in fast going right behind the counter and getting back to work.

His paw nodded his head looking over at him with a busted lip and a huge bruise to the whole
side of his face and he went right back to work not complaining.
Shane took pain very well, especially if he could lose two fingers and never bat an eye.
Glancing into the crowd, Paul Gene counted and asked, “Hey Shane, I’m missing a boy?”
“Outside talking to his girl”.
Paul Gene rolled his dark brown eyes and got back to serving.

Outside in front of the bar, Sebastian and his girl Mandy made up.
Sebastian had Mandy pressed tight against the building of the bar actually pinned kissing softly,
his tongue found hers circling fast and his one hand was under her little yellow mini skirt.
Mandy was out of breath, as she went to say something and could not, instead she sighed, as she
felt his finger slide deeply inside her.
Licking her neck all over very wet, as she huff, “Ah-ah-ah”,
“Oh yes Sebastian!”
“That feels so good”, as arousal grew.

At once grabbed his face, and kissed out of control, as he made sweeping, thrusting motions
deep inside her mouth.

Mandy took hold of his working hand and pushed him to go much harder.
She had tears almost, as he used such strength wiggling his finger faster now and gasping, “Oh
take me home Sebastian.”

Panting practically, “Can’t, have to work”, biting her neck with his hand still under her skirt.
Suddenly, she pushed him back, as the nibbling and wiggling ended fast.
Breathing heavy Sebastian said, “Aw come on not again”.
“Mandy girl don’t start”.

Pushed him in his broad chest, “I am sick of the bar word, get it curly”, said Mandy sarcastically
and he hung his head, she walked away from him just swinging her wide hips.
Waving her hand all up in the air and really yelling,
“Go find a tramp from that stupid bar?”
“Ew, I hate you Sebastian Wiley!”

He stood until she was out of site shaking his head of long locks then went back inside and Paul
Gene noticed his huge black eye swelled almost completely shut.
Outside, those jocks would not give up for anything and returned all standing out front of the
bar with many bruises to their torn up faces.

One light haired jock said, “Man it's my birthday, shoot they put us out of a bar, on my day”.
“Man that’s bull, who the heck are they?”
“The Wiley boys”, answered a dark hair young male.
A third blonde haired jock added, “Toughest in all Tennessee word is”.

The birthday boy of the jocks said, “You’re kidding me right, toughest”.
One more light hair jock said, “That’s what their rumored to be”.
“Wiley boys have a rough reputation”.
“Yeah they never lose”.
“Well tonight they will”.
Those jocks definitely were not going to let this night go, as they hung out front of Wiley’s Pub.
Back in the bar, everyone went back to a good time and calm.
Over by the corner jukebox stood Rodney smiling and said, “Yes Sebastian now I like it this
way”, as he shook dancing to the music ,Sebastian smiled at their best friend.
Another woman approached him and Rodney, she softly touched Sebastian’s bruised face
saying, “Oh poor thing”.

Rodney was smiling and she said, “Come home with me and I’ll doctor you up pretty boy”,
and she winked adding, “Your friend can come too”, as Sebastian and Rodney looked suddenly
faint and told her sorry they are taken.
She walked away still looking back at Sebastian and Rodney that laughed both saying, “Sleazy!”
Rodney was a big part of the Wiley family, and he was like their fifth brother.
Shane was very busy again behind the packed counter helping his paw serve drinks.

Meanwhile outside, Brenda with Seth pulled into the driveway to Wiley’s Pub.
Turning her head looking at Seth, asked, “Boy you want to maybe go home, just rest, because
you look very tired”.

“No, I am okay maw”, as she just looked at him with the big bandage on his nose.

Pointing to his shirt, “Oh look at your shirt that blood will stain”, said Brenda rather upset.
“Maw please stop, because I am a big boy, its fine just park the van”.
Brenda smiled at her young and very strong son.

“I’m going in by paw, showing him my new look”, she smiled saying, “Okay boy”, giving him a
pat on the shoulder.

Pulling his long curls behind his ears, he winked at his mother, and got out of the van heading
back to the bar.
The crowd of jocks out front noticed him and looking down at a magazine about motorcycles
that he swiped from the hospital.
Never saw it coming when suddenly Seth kicked in the face, this split his nose right open
Twice in one night and grabbing his nose, yelled out,
“AW HECK MAN!” A lot of blood runs down heavily.

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