The Girl. (34 page)

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

BOOK: The Girl.
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Giggled watching Saul sitting on the swing now with Ella straddled onto him and swung high
with her laughing, as Ashley was swinging on the swing-set watching.
Cody was crying in the toddler swing, Ashley says, “Do not be sad small brother”, and Brenda
watching still saw Seth hurry out from the garage rushing over to screaming Cody then looked at
Saul with Ella on his lap and said, “Hey the baby’s crying”.
“Well you got him”, replied Saul swinging higher, Seth waved his hand lifting his son up from
the toddler swing and walked away mumbling.

Walking into the house upset, Brenda stepped aside and said, “Aw poor baby”, touching Cody’s
face. “Yeah, crying, those two laugh”.
“Oh Seth let them, it’s about time, makes me happy to see them acting this way”, going over to
the refrigerator grabbing a bottle out, Seth replied, “Aw, don’t hold your breath maw, because
Ella’s swinging with the wrong one”, he walked out of the kitchen holding his screaming son.

However, the next few weeks things remained perfect between Saul and Ella, as they went to the
movies then out to dinner another night and took the kids to the circus one Sunday, as Cody
screamed, Ashley shook her head at her sad brother, but she had fun.
Ella sure did and has for the past two months since things have been great with Saul that
appeared happy too.

Leaving the circus, Saul carried Cody that was sleeping and Ella held Ashley’s hand that
carried on happily holding a stuffed elephant she got from the circus.

Making it over by the tan blazer, Saul opens the back door, gently putting Cody in the car seat
and Ella got Ashley buckled in when suddenly, “Saul”, was heard and he bumped his head
turning out from the vehicle looking at Ruby standing there with a small child at her side with
the blondest hair.

Ella comes walking around from the other side, Ruby smirked saying, “How sweet, you must be
his lucky wife”.
Rolling his eyes, Saul asked, “What do you want Ruby?”
“Nothing brought our daughter to the circus”.
“What”, gasped Ella, waving his hand Saul said, “My kid, get away from me with your lying
Grabbing onto the little girls hand, Ruby replied, “Okay, whatever”, Ella stood upset and asked,
“Is it true?” Looking at the child.
Highly angered, Saul replied, “Heck no”, Ruby smiles saying, “Take a good look”, and Ella did
putting her hand by her mouth and got in the passenger side crying.
Saul went up close to Ruby and said, “Fuck you whore”.
“Ah, you did, now look”, as she pointed at the child, he said, “Nah, it’s not mine”, and stormed
away getting into the blazer, as Ella was crying he said, “Aw Ella, it’s not mine, can’t be” .
“I don’t want to talk about it Saul, not in front of the kids”.

Therefore, Saul pulled away and Ella cried all the way home, as he tried to talk to her, but she
yelled, “STOP!”
Soon as they made it home, the children were sleeping in the back seat their parents carried
them into the house taking them to the bedrooms, putting them in the bed and crib, Ella rushed
away fast with Saul following her right outside where they stood arguing badly.

Standing by the back screen door, Brenda mumbled, “Oh why?”
Saw Ella slap Saul across the face, Brenda walked away in tears, Seth comes walking into the
kitchen saw his mother in tears and asked, “What?”

Sniffling, feeling awful she pointed saying, “Aw you were right”, when Seth looked out the back
door looking at Ella and Saul yelling in each other’s face then turning away from the door said,
“Told you maw, Saul will never change”.
“Guess not”, Brenda wiped tears.
Outside standing on the lawn,
Saul grabs hold of Ella shoulders saying, “Please stop, I never knew of a child”.
“Well you got one huh”.
“We don’t know Ella, heck don’t blow this between us”.
“You did Saul”. Putting his hands against his head with tears actually he said,
“No, I won’t let it destroy us, I love you Ella”.
“Yes, so much that you knocked up another woman, ew god get away from me”, she walked

Throwing his arms up, Saul asked, “This what you want Ella, us to be apart again?”
With tears rolling, “I think I do, I cannot deal with your cheating ways anymore”, replied Ella
wiping her eyes.
“Fine whatever”. Swinging his arms out.
“It’s your fault Saul”, walking up the porch steps and standing on the lawn, puts his hand to his
chest saying, “Always is Ella”.
That stood on the porch, “Sorry I cannot handle this situation Saul”, and she went inside.
Heard Saul yelling, “Don’t give up on us Ella!”
“You are the only girl I ever loved”, she stood in the middle of the kitchen listening to Saul that
added, “Your perfect right”, eyes huge and Saul got in his blazer speeding away, Ella mumbled,
“No, he cannot know about Seth, can he?”

Later that night, Ella tossed and turned in the bed, she looked at the alarm clock, as it was
2:00 am and she sat up saying, “Oh please come home”.
All of a sudden, Ella heard the blazer, as Saul’s muffler was loud recently, jumping off the bed
she hurried over by the window watching Saul get out then a few minutes later he walked down
the hallway heading up to the attic to sleep.

Ella comes out in the hallway, “Saul?” That paused with his back towards her, she asked, “Where
you been?”
“Out Ella”. Trembles asking, “Where?”
“Why, this is exactly what you wanted, right?”

Taking a deep breath she replied, “I don’t want you to be with a woman, were you?”
“Go to bed, no worries”.
“Well, I am worried”, twisting the belt on her blue robe.
“Aw don’t know what to tell ya Ella”.
“How about the truth, did you sleep with someone tonight?” Twisted the belt with tears flowing.
“Stop, you’re going to wake my family up”.
“I will go to bed, just tell me Saul, were you alone tonight?”

Hanging his head now with his back still towards Ella, he replied, “No, I was not”.
Ella gasped rushing into her bedroom and fell onto the bed crying, Saul went up to the attic.
The next evening at the bar.

Saul stood with Rodney by the jukebox and Rodney said, “Hey my friends want to play poker
again they want another shot at getting their money back since you were the big winner last
Smirking, “Aw, I was lucky”, replied Saul.
“Huh, lucky, you cleaned house with my dude’s money”, Saul laughed.

Later that night after the bar closed, Saul was tired of sleeping on a mattress up in the attic and
walked into him and Ella’s bedroom getting undressed then crawled into bed, asking, “You up
“I am now, why you sleeping here?”
“Aw my back hurts from the dang mattress on the floor”.
“Oh thought nothing ever hurt Wiley men”.
“Ha-ha funny”.
“Fine sleep here, but stay over on your side”.

Looking at the back of her long flowing hair and bare shoulders in the nightgown she wore Saul
said, “Hey Ella”.
“What?” Staring at the wall.
“I was not with a woman, I was at Rodney’s playing poker all night”.
“Strip poker?”
“Very funny Ella, shoot I won two hundred dollars”.

Turning over facing him, she asked, “You did?”
“Yeah those guys got sore”.
“Oh my lucky a bad fight did not happen”.
“Nah, their cool, heck I know them”, when Saul now turned over facing Ella brushing her bangs
back saying, “Don’t be mad at me Ella, I was not cheating, have not either for some time”.

She gave a smile he added, “I wouldn’t”, instantly she wrapped her arms around Saul tightly,
just clung to him saying, “Oh Saul I love you so much”.
“Aw baby, I have always loved you”, as he roll Ella over easily onto her back, now face-to-face
staring, he said, “You make me happy”. Wiggling his eyebrows, she blushed and within a few
minutes Saul thrust slowly deep inside Ella that brushed his pale bangs back saying, “I wish you
could stay in me forever”, he grins saying, “It’s a great feeling”.
“Oh my god yes”, breathing heavily kissing deeply with him thrusting faster.
Ella was sure happy and glad to know Saul was cleaning up his act.

However, the next day Ruby actually stood by the front door arguing with Saul that was furious
telling her, “Get the hell out of here”.
“Oh I’m going Saul, but your kid is staying, I can’t take care of her no more”.
“Like hell Ruby, take that kid out of here”.
Chapter 4.

By the living room entrance standing with Ella and Shane, Brenda yelled, “Saul stop it’s a
“Yeah well not mine get her out of here”, as Ella looked at the little blonde haired girl standing
against the wall pouting, as arguing grew.
The little girl even shook when Ella went over by her, knelt down saying, “Hey, I have a little girl
around your age, would you like to go play, she has many fun toys”.

The little girl shook her head and Ella took hold of the child’s hand, as shouting with many foul
words roar Brenda yelled, “STOP SAUL!”
That caught a glimpse of Ella walking away holding the child’s hand and said, “What the hell are
you doing Ella?”

Ruby smiled saying, “What you should be doing, tending to our kid”, that was Saul’s boiling
point and was literally pushing Ruby and saying, “Get out of my house”.
“Better take care of our kid”. Saul saw red.
Grabbing Ruby by her long hair, Brenda screamed, “Saul!”

Shane rushed up pulling his angry brother back that yelled, “Get the fuck out whore, take your
fucking kid too”.
“No Ella, with this whore it could be any man in all of Tennessee”.

Ruby slapped Saul and it was an ugly fight, as they both pushed each other with Shane
squeezing between.
Upset, Brenda hurried into the kitchen hunting through cupboards with bowls falling on the
floor and Seth sitting by the table staying out of this horrible situation asked, “What are you
doing maw?”

Tearing drawers apart, Brenda replied, “There must be a backup cigarette somewhere, just has
to be”, as she heard Saul cussing and Ruby shouting, even Shane yelled, “Aw enough!”
Ella had took little Tina into Ashley’s bedroom that was happy to play with her, as Ella actually
smiled watching the girls play, but still heard the awful fight.
In the kitchen, Brenda actually found a spare cigarette and stood by the screen door smoking,
she mumbled, “I’m going to wash that boy’s mouth out”.
Seth chuckles hearing his mother then heard her coughing and asked, “You okay maw?”
“Oh lord here comes your paw with Samantha back from the store wait until he hears this in
Seth’s eyes become large eyes then rolled when Seth now heard his father yelling, “Aw just leave
woman, please”.

In the living room, “Ruby replied, “Fine I am, but Tina stays with daddy”, Saul snarled and Paul
Gene said, “Fine leave the kid here”.
“Seriously paw?”
“Shut up boy”, Ruby smirks walking away and out the front door when Shane walked into the
kitchen noticing Tupperware bowls on the floor, he scratched his head saying, “Always knew
maw had to many”, as Seth was in Ashley’s bedroom watching the three girls playing, he and
Ella smile she said, “What can I do”.
“Aw nothing I guess”, Saul walked in pointing and asked, “What are you doing Ella?”
“Watching the girls play”.
“Yeah, but that kid should not be here”.

Seth rolled his eyes again and Ella said, “She’s a child Saul, it’s not her fault”.
“No it is her lousy mother, damn whore”.
“Saul stop there’s kids”, said Ella watching the girls playing.
“Yeah brother my kid is in here”, sneer Seth.

Throwing his hand up, Saul said, “This is bullshit”, walking out with Ella following said, “Would
you stop”.
“No, you stop, what the heck are you doing Ella”.
“I felt bad for the child”.
“Aw, my heart breaks too that the kid has a bitch for a mother”.

Gasping with eyes huge, Ella said, “Saul stop the foul language, your mom is gonna kill you”.
“No, I want nothing to do with that kid Ella”, shaking her head, as he walked away and paused
turning around saying, “I want a test done if she’s mine, I’ll do right by her, until then Ella you
watch her”.
Thirty minutes later, Ella sat in Ashley’s bedroom watching the girls playing dolls and sitting
right next to them was a bowl of grapes Brenda brought in for the girls to snack on until dinner
that she was now cooking after all the confusion.
The door opens, Sebastian walked in holding a sucker, pointing he asked, “Who is that?”
Looking at him Ella replied, “Don’t go there”, when he gave Ashley the sucker smiling, she said,
“Thank you uncle Sebastian”, who noticed Tina looking sad and walked out of the room fast, Ella
asked, “Where you going?”
“Back to the store for another sucker”, she smiled mumbling, “His cold heart has melted”.

Suddenly, Sebastian stuck his head back in asking, “Not my kid, right?”
“No, maybe Saul”, and nodding he hurried away and walking by Saul with their paw sitting on
the back porch talking.

Much later that night, the family was in bed sleeping and Tina was bunking with Ashley, as they
giggled a lot before falling asleep, everyone sure heard the gigglers and Saul held a pillow over
his head with Ella smacking him jokingly.

Around 2:00 am, Tina crawls out of bed dragging a stuffed bunny at her side, walked out into
the hallway, peeks in each room then into Saul and Ella’s bedroom where she goes crawling into
bed between them, as they slept.

Come morning, Saul turned over and pulled his arm off Tina saying, “What the heck”.
Ella turned over looking at Tina sleeping holding the bunny she said, “How sweet”.
“Not Ella”.
“Yes she is Saul, you know it”.
“Aw what I know is she’s not mine”.
“Ah, I don’t know she looks like you a lot”.
“Wrong there are many blonde haired men in this world, I bet Ruby slept with most of them,
heck this kid could be Sebastian’s he’s blonde”.
“Oh would you just stop, it’s not about Ruby, it is about Tina”.

Saul sat up saying, “Aw, you’re going to get attached, heart broke too when you find out she’s not
“How do you know?”
“I wore condoms, especially with that woman”.
One month later, Ella had grown attached with the family, except Saul and Tina loved being
there. However, one week later, the test proved that Saul was not her father and Ella cried, as
Saul held her saying, “Aw I told you”.
“I miss her Saul, never thought I’d say it, but I do”. Lays head onto his chest.
Standing in the middle of their bedroom with Saul’s arms wrapped around Ella’s waist tightly he
asked, “We could have another baby?”
Pulling back asking, “You’re serious?”
“Aw why not, be fun trying”, and her eyes got large saying, “Gee I’m not sure”.
“Are you?”
Suddenly, right before Saul goes to answer they heard Cody screaming and both at the same
time said, “Nah”, and “Nope”.

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