The Girl. (31 page)

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

BOOK: The Girl.
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Brenda went grabbing her purse, as Shane rolled his dark eyes and Sebastian was on the phone

Rushing back into the kitchen, Brenda said, “Okay Shane, I made a small list”, as she reached it
to him rolling his eyes again, “Stop your eye rolling boy”.
Seth giggled and his daughter runs back in wearing a blue little sundress and sandals.

“Sammy girl daddy’s going to the store”, said Seth picking his daughter up.
She put her dainty little hands up by her mouth and her dark eyes got big.
“Of course anything you want pretty angel”.

Pushing her daddy’s long curls aside Samantha was whispering into his ear, as everyone looked
Standing by the phone, Sebastian seem to be staring out the back door at Saul and little Ashley,
he had a smile upon his face and said, “Aw hey Sammy girl, tell daddy to bring you a lot!”
He winked and Shane getting up from the chair heading by the sink pushed Sebastian and said,
“Aw just talk to your girl, lover boy”.

Brenda looked at Shane and wished he had a steady female already for he has no luck with
Shane waved his hand at Sebastian that talked into the phone saying, “Sorry baby I’m here”.
Wonder who Sebastian’s baby is and if the Wiley table had turned for him and his love Mandy
that appeared bad off.
Talked and laughing on the phone now, “Aw lover boy brother”, said Shane pointing towards the
door, Sebastian put his hand up and kept talking, “Heck don’t he get enough of that chick”.
Brenda pushed Shane and said, “Well maybe it’s time you found true love yourself boy”.
He blocked his ears saying loudly, “Aw maw this is not your place to talk about”.
“Oh Shane, someone has to, shoot it’s time to find love, it is a beautiful thing”.

Putting his hands onto his mother’s shoulders, Shane replied, “Do not worry maw, I am fine”.
“Maybe so boy, but I am talking about love not just a roll in the hay every now and then”.
“Aw, maw please stop”, and she went to say something else, Shane hurried out the back door
yelling, “Let’s go Sebastian”.
Kissed his daughter Samantha and Seth put her down, he winked.

With such a delicate voice, “Daddy don’t forget the coloring sticks for book coloring”. Seth
patted the top of his daughters head saying, “I won’t angel”.
Brenda laughs, handed him the money, and said, “Your brother ran away”, Seth smiled
rushing out the back door and Sebastian hung up the phone walking out.

In a flash, Samantha ran into the living room jumped up onto the sofa watching her daddy
getting in the red king cab truck.
Seth was that little girls everything, as she was waving.
Setting a plate onto the kitchen table, “Sammy I made cookies”, yelled Brenda taking a bite of a

Staring out the window Samantha said, “Wait some minutes Nana for me daddy is gone”.
In the kitchen, Brenda give a big smile when Samantha comes running in saying, “Me daddy’s
gone now”, putting her hands up shrugging.
Bending down by her granddaughter, Brenda said, “Aw bet he brings his special girl a surprise”,
Samantha’s eyes got huge and said, “Oh goodies”, patting her hands together.

At the grocery store, Shane with Sebastian stood in the checkout lane and stretching Shane
looked behind Sebastian that looked back too.
Pointing over his brother’s shoulder, “Hey Seth’s not behind you”, said Shane picking up items
from the shopping cart.
Sebastian glanced back again and replied, “All be darn, he was here a minute ago”.
Rolling his eyes as usual putting the items onto the conveyor belt, “Aw heck, you’ll never catch
me in a store again”, said Shane annoyed.

Sebastian helped putting the groceries down and said, “I don’t know what happened to him”.

Looking out into the busy store stretching his neck, “Yep, Shane Wiley’s shopping days are done,
finalized”, said Shane setting laundry detergent down.
“Heck, calm down it’s just a super market”.
“Yeah one I’ll never get a few feet near after today”.

With his hand up said, “Ah, Sammy’s coloring books”, said Sebastian handing Shane the flour.
“Don’t matter buddy, my shopping days have been numbered”.
Sebastian just shook his curls when Shane put the remaining groceries down on the conveyor
mad, suddenly he looked up, and a bit way down.

At an extremely tiny and young cashier girl with shoulder length palest blonde hair, bluest
The young cashier girl must have been only about five-foot, Shane stumbled back a few feet and
right into Sebastian that pushed him.
“Woe paw, you were right, I am looking down at Mrs. Right standing below me”.

Rolling his eyes now, “Oh no”, said Sebastian shaking his head at Shane who was suddenly love
struck on a girl he could barely see.
Sebastian tapped his brother on the shoulder and said, “Hey Shane your shopping days are over
remember”, Shane was silent staring down blushing.

The cashier with almost a whisper of a voice said, “Excuse me that will be $9.00 dollars”.
Shane responded not a word and stayed glued at her.
Since he could not hear her real quiet soft-spoken voice and she giggled, as Shane was frozen.
When Sebastian gave him a shove saying, “Pay brother, I think?” Scratched his head.
Shane stood sighing, as she giggled even quietly.

Snarling Sebastian remarked, “Aw shoot, I couldn’t hear that girl, maybe she has a sore
Shane stared with a glow upon his smiling face and not hearing his brother either.
“Better watch Shane strip throat is catchy”, said Sebastian taking a deep gulp.
“Aw that’s nice”, just gazing and looking confused at the smallest cashier ever.

“You sure heard nothing, but hey it’s okay Shane, because I can’t hear either, guess that’s
Shane was sighing and really did not hear his brother who stretched looking far down and rave
on, “Shoot, I can’t even see her mouth to read what she is whispering”.
Sebastian rubbed his head of long curls and carried on, “Oh I am getting sharp head pains.”

The cashier was shaking her head and thinking guys are something strange.
Then she put a closed lane sign onto the conveyor fast and said, “I am closed after this”.
Shane turns around whispers to Sebastian, “Aw help me out here”, looking at his brother smiling
with an actual glow at the young cashier, Sebastian asked, “Seriously?”

Turning around fast, Shane replied, “Aw yeah, she’s the one brother, I can’t ruin this, help
Glancing at her, Sebastian whispered to Shane, “Don’t do it bro, because it’s child

Really glued at the young girl that asked, “Are you going to pay?” Shane stared not responding a
word, as she folds her arms mumbling under her breath, “Strange”, and grabbing his head
tightly, Sebastian mumbled, “Darn, come on Seth, because I need aspirin”.
Shane just smiled looking way down at the girls name tag, “Tara is it?” With the biggest smile.

Very low tone her voice was and said, “Let me guess, you don’t have the money?”
“Nah girl, I have the money”, holding her hand out she said, “May I have it?”
Shane stared, as she becomes annoyed and Sebastian looked at his speechless brother and spoke
for him, “May my brother here get your phone number?”
Shane nodded smiling big and flattered, but very nervous at this point she knocked over all her
daily receipts in the tray.
Quickly, bent way over in her short blue uniform dress to pick them up.

At that moment, Shane bent looking way over the counter far down and remarked, “Aw,
Once again Sebastian mumbled, “Well the cat is about to swallow the mouse”.
Shane was still looking over the counter all red in the face and blowing kisses behind her back.
“What a fool”, said Sebastian rubbing his head.
The cashier still bent down, as she made a big mess of confusion with the receipts all mixed up.

With a glowing grin, Shane continued looking way over the counter and almost back onto the
conveyor belt leaning way over now, his eyes were big, and was scanned a few times.
Sebastian mumbled, “I will never go shopping again, because my brother just got scanned”,
Shane looked faint, as he grabbed onto the counter tightly.

Tara was still bent down trying to sort through most of her receipts and Shane said, “Aw I got
to take one last peek heck have too”.
Therefore, Shane looked leaning way over and literally down onto the conveyor belt.
All of a sudden, he started jerking constantly and holding his head actually massaging it,
Sebastian asked, “Shane?”

Lying face down closely onto the conveyor, Sebastian saw him seriously jerking and asked again,
Stuttering badly, “Aw heck, my flannel is caught, help me, I’m going down the lane ready to get

Holding his head, “Oh come on man, see punished for looking at a kid”, replied Sebastian and
Shane jerking out of control remarked, “If you don’t help me, you’ll get punished from my
shaking fist”.
Sebastian looked out into the crowded store and about to get whiplash Shane said, “Please
brother hurry, because I am getting rubber burns”.

Now Sebastian bent way down over on the conveyor with Shane jerking stuttering out, “Be
careful brother, don’t let it get you to, because we are threw than”.
Tugged onto Shane’s flannel pulling hard while his brother was having fits.

Scratching his head of long curls, “I can’t get a good grip, because it is stuck way down into the
side”, said Sebastian aggravated at this point.
Shane at this point was practically bouncing on the conveyor belt asking, “Aw, hey this thing
speed up, shoot help me man it’s killing my back”.
Looking at flopping Shane, “Oh shoot, he is my brother about to get his neck broken”, said
Sebastian that actually crawled up onto the conveyor.
Stutters out, “Help, please this machine is whipping my behind”.
Sebastian started trying to free his trapped brother.
That looked directly at him and said, “Hey man your eyes really are sky blue”, Sebastian really
rolled them blue eyes, as Shane rolled all over, viciously swung.

Two gray haired women comes into the lane and saw them on the conveyor belt and each
other, because Sebastian was leaning over top of his bouncing brother.
Trying to unloose his shirt, that was stuck badly, down under the belt of the conveyor and
tangled strangely somehow?

The two women gasped looking at them on top of the other, one woman said, “Oh dear god”,
and hearing the woman, Sebastian with Shane bobbing looked at them both.
Waving her fingers said, “Shame on you young men right here, the nerve”.
The two older women got out of that lane quickly.
You could hear them talking, “This younger generation is all about sex”.

The other woman replied, “All these kids want to do is sex no matter place or time of day”.
Both women remarked, “This crazy hippie generation”.
The one woman giggled saying, “Lord that one young man moves rather fast, reminded me of
my late Edgar”.

After that huge embarrassment, Sebastian tugged when Shane jittering fiercely said, “Aw shoot
get me off this back breaking machine”.
Sebastian gave such a strong and powerful tug with all his infuriated might.
Which took them both off guard suddenly, as they landed hard onto the store floor?
Shane lay a minute rubbing his back and said, “Aw, I am honestly free”, as Sebastian was really
blinking his eyes and sat up grabbing his head.
Shane pulled him back down onto the floor fast and Sebastian said, “I am sorry I turned him
loose, because he is damaging me bad”.

Pointing under the checkout counter, Shane glows saying, “There is the sweetest thing”, and
Sebastian lay back down right next to him on the floor holding his head.


“Look it’s her, wondered why I hadn’t seen her in about a half hour”, said Shane staring with a
bright smile.

Growling, Sebastian smacked Shane upside his head hard that said, “Aw heck brother that hurt
my head harder than the fall”.
Sitting up cracking his neck a few times, Sebastian replied, “Join the club, because not only is
mine killing me, I got a concussion”.
Patting him, “Shoot don’t feel bad buddy, because I got rubber burn scars down my body”, said
Shane holding his back.

Stood back up shaking their aching heads when Sebastian actually saw his stupid brother lean
peeking back down over the conveyor.
Shane this time nervously stumbled back going right into the magazine stand.
Knocking magazines all down on the floor, as Sebastian covered his face fast and then peeked to
see if anyone saw his ignorant felony brother.

Suddenly, Shane grabbed on fast to the bare magazine rack and swaying, as it wobbled.
Embarrassed, Sebastian mumbled, “I was better hidden on the floor from all this nonsense”.
Tightly gripping the empty stand and rocking it, Shane said, “Aw I am going down a second time
Sebastian now had tears filling his burning eyes, as this was a shopping trauma.
Shane embracing the empty stand and practically swinging on it said, “Woo-wee that’s a lot of
noise coming from a little thing like her, it scares me”.

Letting go fast, of the stand and patted his forehead saying, “Whew, this store is boiling its
making my eyes water too brother".
Sebastian shook his painful splitting head and felt sick mumbling, “Never again”.
Shane reached down on the floor in the pile of scattered magazines all over grabbing one up
immediately fanning himself saying, “Aw a little better not much”.

Then the cashier finally stood back up after almost a half hour, quickly Shane threw the
magazine over his shoulder.
Rubbing his head hard Sebastian mumbled, “This is unbelievable”.
Shane whispered back to him, “Nah brother, them there magazines are filled with fibbing, let um
lie like we were”.
Tara the tiny and young it appeared cashier sure stared at Shane definitely staring back and
grinning pulled the money out, as she giggled.

Relieved, Sebastian said, “Thank god, because this cat and mouse chase is endless”.
Shane reached the money to her and said, “I was gonna pay little darling, by taking you out to
dinner if you’d go”.
Burning eyes big, Sebastian said, “Good, fool didn’t need my help”. Smirking at his love-struck

Out of breath, Seth comes rushing into the line and Sebastian said, “About time”.
“I ran in to someone that you knew or know”, said Seth and Sebastian really blinked his hurting
Excitedly, Seth asked, “Hey Shane, please can you buy me this box of dominoes, because I only
brought enough money for Sammy’s books”.

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