The Girl. (28 page)

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

BOOK: The Girl.
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They shook hands and told each other nice to meet then he left completely heartbroken and
when getting home Sebastian had an unexpected visitor.
Sadie was sitting on the porch steps, “Hi Sebastian”, and he put his hands in his blue jean
pockets not answering.

Nervously, twirling her long blonde hair with her shaky fingers, said, “I hesitated to come, but
thought I’d give it a whirl”.
“Sadie, I am sorry about us, but in all honesty, it just wasn’t whole hearted for me”.

Jumping up from the steps quickly, she said, “Oh I see, you used me in bed, because it sure
seem to be heart filled at the groaning moment”.
Sebastian hung his head of golden locks and said, “Honestly yeah, guess I did, it’s wrong to

Standing there in a little cheerleader uniform, “Well goodbye Sebastian”, said Sadie walking
away swinging her hips when he hollered, “Remember Mandy I told you about?”

Sadie paused shaking her head-meaning yes.
“Well she suffered a violent attack”, Sadie comes back closer saying, “Oh I am sorry Sebastian”.
“Yeah me to, because she’s in bad shape”.

Sebastian cried again and Sadie put her arms around him tightly, as he cried shaking.
After hugging for a few minutes, Sebastian and Sadie just sat on the porch steps and he told her
all about Mandy’s condition, as he had tears rolling, she even had tears.

They held hands tightly talking about such a tragedy.

One month pass.
Sad to say there had been no change in Mandy’s condition and Sebastian was there every day
faithfully right at her humming side and brought her gifts each day, as her room become
decorated with stuffed animals.
Even fancy wicker baskets filled with flowers, Sebastian put a picture he had of them at the
carnival on the merry-go-round.
Right next to her bed on the little dresser that he smiled at often, as they both were young.

The woman that worked there had grown quite fond of Sebastian and thought he was an
honorable young man.
Especially, as she noticed most days he come right from working all day and dirty then notice
him yawn, as he did not even eat all day, but a fast snack so he could hurry to Mandy.

The woman gave many smiles watching Sebastian reading to Mandy that stares blankly and
never gives a response of any kind.

A few times, he even played his harmonica strumming perfectly along with her humming.
One day the woman had tears when Sebastian brought his parents up to see Mandy.
It turned into many tears, as Sebastian cried in his mother’s comforting arms and Paul Gene
stood silently looking at young Mandy.
Sebastian cried hard, as Brenda held onto him and first time in many years.

Later that day and at the Wiley home.
Paul Gene called a family meeting, but just with Sebastian and Brenda they sat by the kitchen
table, as Sebastian hung his head and looked wore out.
He even had dark circles under his bluest eyes, Paul Gene sure has noticed his loyal young boy
trying and giving his all for Mandy.

It was dragging Sebastian completely down, Brenda worried about her shattered boy doing his
best at only eighteen-years of age.
Teary eyed, Paul Gene said, “Boy I am truly proud we raised such honorable boys, because each
one of you are decent young men with heart”.

Brenda wiped tears playing with her locket nervously and Paul Gene continued, “You boys
may be rough and tough, but on the inside it’s Jell-O for your females”.
“Surely the way it should be for love of your girls”, added Paul Gene.

Wiping tears, Sebastian had his head down , “I am not saying boy to completely wipe Mandy out
of your life, but just to get a firm grip on yours”, said Paul Gene sniffling.

Sebastian kept his head hung and Paul Gene said, “You heard the doctor’s son, appears she is
in a permanent state”.
Brenda gripped her locket, as Sebastian sobbed, Paul Gene hung his head now and Sebastian
looked at his paw wiping tears asked, “What are you telling me paw?” Break it off and don’t go
see her no more?”
“Boy you can’t break anything off, the poor girl doesn’t know your there”.
Brenda hung her head again when Sebastian jumped up from his chair knocking it over standing
up close to his paw looking very angrily, he said, “Never paw, sorry, I will not listen to you on
this rule”.

Hanging her head almost ripping her locket off, as Paul Gene sadly said, “Sorry it’s the way son,
been a few months”.

Looking over at his mother in tears hanging her head, Sebastian said, “Maw you feel the same,
just ditch Mandy like a spoiled vegetable”.
“In life boy there are some things we can’t control and must come to terms with hard or not,
she’s gone boy”.
“Gone, you both are wrong, Mandy is young, alive still thank god, she could snap out of this”.
“We hope she does Sebastian, but if not what then”, said Brenda wiping tears.
“Sad situation”, remarked Paul Gene shaking his head.
Sebastian stood there silent, as Brenda added, “Lord knows you done your best that any loving
boyfriend could or would do, but you can’t kill yourself”.

Looking his angriest at his parents suddenly kicking another chair down storming away.
Paul Gene looked at Brenda who said, “We told him right paw just has to be for our son’s sake”.
Wiping his teary eyes, Paul Gene replied, “Yeah than why do I feel so bad”.

In the bathroom, Sebastian was wiping a wet washcloth against his face, as the door was
cracked open.

Wobbling in quickly, Ella said, “Oh, I am sorry”.
Drying his eyes, “Nah, I was just leaving”, and she remarked, “Being this close I should move
into the bathroom”, as he nods then started to head out and asked, “You’re doing okay though?”
“I am fine and you?”
“I feel pretty miserable Ella”, and walked out hanging his head, she closed the door with hers
A few sad days later, Sebastian went to the institution to see his girl he loves dearly.
The woman saw him and he said, “Hello Martha”.
“An early day you’re here”, said Martha smiling.
“Yeah, I took the day off work, a first”, holding a little present and she asked, “Oh a gift for her
among the many in her fully decorated room?”

Hung his head and Martha asked, “Sebastian is everything fine?”
“I won’t be coming back here after today Martha”, replied Sebastian in many tears rolling.
She frowned and said, “Oh, I understand Sebastian”. That sniffled.

Both quiet a moment then he said, “Well I’m gonna go say my farewells after two years with
Martha now hung her head and he added, “I met her a few months after we moved here and she
made a new town feel like home”.

Sebastian even gave Martha a hug goodbye, as she had tears and said, “You came rain or
shine faithfully for four months straight”.
He wiped tears, she added, “Your life can’t stop, because hers has mentally”.

She gave him another big hug and said, “You’re a fine young man, the best I’ve ever come
across or met”.
Raising one light eyebrow high, “Martha do you know anything about the person that hurt her?”
snarled Sebastian.

Martha gives him a serious look now and knew he wanted to confront this wicked


Therefore, off the record Martha told Sebastian exactly where the young man was and that it is a


He gives a grin through tears and she said, “You take care Sebastian Wiley”.
“Thank you Martha, you’re too kind”, then walked away sobbing and Martha wiped tears.
Went into Mandy’s room where she sat rocking just humming as usual.

Giving her a kiss on the cheek, as she stared blankly, heartbroken Sebastian knelt down in front
of her with tears rolling said, “This is something real special for you Mandy girl”.
Mandy never batted an eye, as he opened the present pulling out a beautiful necklace that
sparkled, reached putting it around her neck, as she hummed.
Sebastian placed it onto her giving a little smile looking at the necklace with his name.

It had little diamonds all surrounding his name.
“I’ll always be close to your heart near or far”, sniffling he added,
“You been my best friend”.

Tears rolled heavily down his face and bent kissing her on the lips of course he got no response
in any way or even a slight reaction.
Sebastian looked at Mandy then stood up shaking his head saying, “It’s not goodbye in my

He walked over to the door, turned back giving one last look then going out the door

All of a sudden, Mandy slowly reached her one hand grabbing onto the necklace of Sebastian’s
sparkling name and tears rolled down her face.
Twenty minutes later, Sebastian walked in the back kitchen door and saw Shane sitting by the
kitchen table reading a magazine.

Wiped his eyes cracking his neck and noticing Sebastian rather upset, Shane asked, “Hey little
buddy who you about to stomp?”
“Hey Shane can you take me someplace important, please?” Smirked Sebastian

Getting up from by the table then grabbed his truck keys off the hook hanging on the wall.
Holding the keys, “Come on brother”, oh don’t get us thrown in the slammer over her defense”.
“Hey how’d you know that’s where I want to go”.
“Aw lucky guess”, said Shane and they walked out the back door.

In the red truck, Sebastian was silent, as Shane kept looking at him and knew he would probably
do the same or at least want to see this creep.
After a long drive, which took a good two hours, Shane pulled into the parking lot at a high
guarded correctional institute.
Chapter 22.

A few minutes later, he and Sebastian sat on two chairs waiting for the young boy to come on
the other side of the long glass window.
Sebastian kept fiddling with his hands nervously and Shane looked around at many young

All of a sudden, a young blonde haired boy comes walking out from a door on the other side.
He appeared to be seventeen or eighteen-years of age and about five-foot-nine, stocky built with
shoulder length blonde hair.
Sebastian just gives a grim stare and Shane shook his head.
The boy sat down picking up the phone and Sebastian did to with his hand actually shaking, as
Shane noticed his brother’s anger rise.

The young boy asked, “Sorry do I know you?” Sebastian did not answer and Shane whispered,
“Hey brother tell him who you are”.
Staring him down in silence and then what happened next, were almost Shane’s exact words.
Do not get them arrested.
Growling, Sebastian freaks out at the site of the boy who raped Mandy, he actually threw the
chairs at the window, (Roars).
Knocking his own brother down very roughly who tried to calm him down.
However, nothing did, as he went crazy roaring, even kicked the thick secure window a few
times and was hostile.
Punching the glass repeatedly in tears shouting,

Sebastian’s hand bled from the nonstop punches to the glass, Shane just stood there silent, as
his brother banged away in screaming tears.
The boy stood up behind the window and giggled saying, “She was mighty tasty”, as he licked his

Sebastian really flipped out now outraged when guards rushed in and Sebastian slung a few
down to the ground then flipped one right over his shoulder.


Shaking his head Shane said “Aw heck little brother”, and looked at the boy he added, “Shame
on you disgusting pig”. The boys smiles and flicked off his finger at Shane.
After a big scene and ordeal, it took many guards to finally restrain Sebastian that had been
searched and treated like a criminal.

He and Shane were driving home, Sebastian’s hand was badly bruised and driving Shane asked,
“Aw there’s this great diner I heard about, best fish and fries, hungry?”
“Not really, but we can stop”.
A few minutes later, Shane pulled into the parking lot at the local diner and getting out of the
truck walking towards the door, Shane asked, “How’s the hand?”
“Fine”, they enter the diner and young waitresses’ sure notice, as eyes got large with giggling.

Shane and Sebastian went sitting down in a booth when a young pretty waitress comes up to
their table, flung her long black hair back saying, “Howdy fellows”, as she stared at Shane that
did not notice, but Sebastian sure did.
Smiling she asked, “What can I get y’all?” Giggles and Sebastian really noticed.

Shane told her his order and Sebastian told her, “I’ll have the same”, she smiled walking away
and kept glancing back at Shane that leans back folding his arms saying, “Aw nice place”.
“Oh yeah friendly”, replied Sebastian smirking at Shane that nodded, as Sebastian held his
laughter back.

A few minutes later, the waitress comes up to their table setting down two fish and fries
platters with soda’s, she smiled asking, “If there is anything else you need or want my name is
Becky just let me know?”
Reaching for the ketchup Shane replied, “Sure will, thanks Becky”, that stood a second and
Sebastian rose his pale eyebrow mumbling, “Serious, how dumb is he”.
Becky added, “Okay let me know, enjoy fellows”, she walked away and Sebastian asked, “What’s
wrong with you?”
“Hungry”, replied Shane then ate a mouthful.
“Yeah she was for you”, almost choking on fries Shane asked, “What?”
“Shane that girl Becky was flirting with you”, waving his hand Shane replied, “No way”.
“Oh yeah, she couldn’t take her eyes off you”.
Putting tartar sauce on his fish, Shane remarked, “Maybe Saul was behind me”.
“Ha-ha funny Shane, she liked you”.
“What do you want me to do?”
“Give her what she wants, heck go for it”.
“You sure?”
“Yeah I’m sure, she did not look my way at all, heck I look like Saul”.
“Ah, just a little you do”, dipping fries in ketchup then cramming them into his mouth.
“Aw whatever, here she comes”, said Sebastian taking a bite of fish.
“What should I do?”
“Seriously Shane”.
“I do not have the right moves with women”.
“How true, let me help”.
“Thanks brother”.

When Becky stood by the table and asked, “Everything okay?” Staring at Shane.
“Food is real good Becky”, replied, Shane, as Sebastian shook his head and she asked, “Need
anything else?”
“Yeah your phone number”, replied Sebastian that points at Shane saying, “For him, not me”.
Smiling brightly, she pulled out her order pad writing her number down and Sebastian winked
at Shane.

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