The Girl. (45 page)

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

BOOK: The Girl.
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Sebastian grabs hold of her long hair and pulled her head back easily, as their cheek-to-cheek,
and said, “Well your gonna exactly what you want”.
Sebastian entered her fully in one deep powerful thrust, as they both gasped out.
He worked grinding his rock hard manhood inside of her, as he pinched the little tips of her

Crying out in pleasure, as he thrusts faster, she literally screamed out, “Oh my god Sebastian!”
Took charge once again and Ella lay flat on her back, as he was pounding into her deep in a
fierce paroxysm.
Ella arched to meet each possessive thrust, as they were colliding in perfect rhythm.

Clenching his teeth, she was now begging him to go easy, “Oh-oh-oh-oh”,
“My god, easy, slow down”.

That aroused Sebastian more and he delve deeper, into her with each rhythmic push, as she cry
out, “Oh my god Sebastian!” “Easy, oh my god”.
“You begged me to fuck you girl”, as he moved deep within her smirking and grunted out, “Aw
your loving it”, and rocked her to his rhythm, rubbing his fingers against her face licking all up
her neck, breathing heavy Sebastian said, “Your melting baby”, as she is crying out.

Lowers his head saying, “Rub that clit baby”, as he licked across her parted lips, Ella does and
he said, “faster, baby, rub it good”, as he thrust faster both gasping out.
“Yeah melt for me baby”, as he watched her fingers moving fast then sucked her breath
completely back saying, “Oh my god, it’s happening now!”

A wild wave of orgasm hit her. “Yeah pretty baby melt for me”.
Suddenly, felt her jerk under him and slamming her hips against his thrusting body hard,
Sebastian squints panting out, “Oh baby, I am gonna!” Whimpered lifted her hips from the
mattress never missing a beat.

Breathlessly gasping she said, “Good, I cannot take it any longer”, that made him spill himself
deeply inside her, groaning out, “Ah- ah- ah-uh-uh-ooh”, as he stayed on top of her and
face-to-face trying to catch their breath, panting said, “Was sure worth the wait”.
Giggling Ella replied, “I sure got what I wanted”, he laughs kissing her face all over she now

Furthermore, a month later, Ella started vomiting every morning and went to the clinic
confirming that she was four weeks pregnant.
Ella left the clinic with Tara and was beside herself crying, as Tara just drove trying to calm her

However, it did not work Ella cries saying, “Sebastian”, and driving Tara asked, “What?”
“The baby is Sebastian’s again”, and she cried, and shocked Tara replied, “Oh my, you sure?”
“Yes, I’m certain it is”, staring out the window with tears rolling.
Surprised, Tara asked, “When did this happen?”
“After going to the carnival, it was once again unexpected I have not slept with him since Ashley
was conceived”.
“Well you did now”.
“Yes, sure did, because I’m pregnant”.

Making it back home, Ella walked into the house quickly heading to her bedroom where she
broke down crying her hardest ever.
Pulling herself together walked out of the bedroom bumping into Brenda in the hallway holding
a laundry basket, she said, “Hey there sugar”.
“Hi Brenda, are the boys home from work yet?”
“Not yet dear, why is everything all right?” When suddenly Ella heaves running down the
hallway going into the bathroom fast, standing holding the basket Brenda rose her eyebrows
saying, “Oh lord she’s pregnant again?”

Then heard the boys and Sebastian comes walking up to her dirty from work wearing a red
bandana on his head of long locks and said, “Hey maw, got to shower”, heading toward the
bathroom, Brenda said, “Ah boy, Ella’s in there puking”.
“She’s sick?”
“No boy, pregnant I bet”. Silently Sebastian walked into his bedroom pulling the bandana off
running his fingers through his locks saying, “Aw man, pregnant, but is it mine?”
There was a rap on the door, “Yeah”.

Ella walked in shutting the door and looking at each other he asked, “You’re pregnant Ella?”
Tears rolled.
Sebastian wrapped his arms around her saying, “Aw it’s ok”, she trembles and he asked, “Is it
mine Ella?”
“Yes”, as he held her tighter saying, “Two kids now with the woman I love, but will never be only
“Are you mad?”
“Oh baby no, surprised, but never mad, we make beautiful babies, look at Ashley”, and Ella cried
holding onto Sebastian.



Time pass once again it was a warm summer day.

Standing in the bright sunny yard, Saul yelled over to his daughter, “Okay Ashley your swinging
high enough”.
“I’m okay daddy,” kept swinging real high and her very long golden curls hung almost touching
the ground.
Ashley was eight-years-old, as time had really gone by for the Wiley family, four years and
somewhat happily.
Walking through the yard Ella held two little boys hands they appear to be two or
three-years-old, as they walked calmly.
In addition, identical twin boys, Brandon with Dylan are three-years-old and Dylan had long
light blonde wavy hair and his brother had light curly hair with blue eyes.
Little Cody was seven-years-old and had long dark curly hair, and was running wild kicking a
soccer ball.
Standing in the middle of the yard, Ella yelled, “Saul get your son, because he grabbed the dip to
the party tray for the Fourth of July dinner”.
Saul went running after little Cody grabbing him up in his arms.
“Aw help me”.

Tickling him and both laughing Saul said, “Come on Cody, you will eat at the cook out”.
“Okay daddy”.
Ella sure had no time for a breather and has many children at twenty-five.
Saul comes walking up to her with Cody still in his arms, Ella said, “ I’m out of breath, with these
four kids”, Saul kissed her and faithful he has truly been for the past few years.
Sadly a table can always turn?

The Wiley cook out started and everyone was there, it sure become the big Wiley clan.
Shane and his wife Tara, who was expecting again and just turned nine-months to be exact.
Tara also had a whistle around her neck.
It was called her mommy whistle, so that the boys knew she meant business, as it was hard to
hear her yell or talk from a far that is how she got her boys attention.

Their oldest boy Josh was seven-years-old, jet black long hair, brown eyes and a very tall boy,
as he was a splitting image of dad.
Then Nicky was a tall child too, at only five-years-old, long blonde hair and looked like mommy.
Youngest boy Lance was just three-years-old, long blonde hair, blue eyes, resembled mommy
Shane that never wanted children has many and one on the way.

Sitting right across from Shane with his family, was Sebastian and his wife Mandy with a little
girl sitting right next to Sebastian real close she had long golden curls and was very tiny.
However, was not him and Mandy’s daughter, because two years ago, Sebastian got a big
surprise, just like Seth once did with Samantha.

The cheerleader Sadie that he dated a short time, got pregnant by him and knew he was in
love with Mandy.
Therefore, she backed off and had their daughter Kayla Lynn alone.
Two years later, Sadie was in an automobile accident and died and Kayla at two-years-old
belonged with her other biological parent Sebastian.

Furthermore, Sadie’s older sister knew Sebastian was the daddy and he had a paternity test
done and little Kayla was truly his, 99 percent.
Kayla was now four-years-old and looked like her daddy too with those curls, as they were

Sebastian’s curls though, were golden blonde just like his other daughter Ashley which was
hidden from the family, as Seth knew and the only one.
Sebastian still had his curls, as they were much shorter now and had bangs again.
Of course sitting there was the youngest brother Seth who really grew up.
He had a family, as his wife Missy sat next to him holding their baby boy, Steven just a year-old.

Little Samantha sat right next to her daddy and not little anymore she turned nine-years-old.
That child was an identical resemblance of daddy, her long dark curls hung down her tall
slender frame wearing blue jeans and a blue t-shirt, Samantha appeared to dress like a tomboy.
Went faithfully to her karate classes and has won most tournaments thanks to her daddy the

Definitely Rodney was there who was a big part of the Wiley’s., he sat with his wife Wanda who
was Spanish and their six-year-old son Jay, that they call (RJ) for short.

In time that had pass by, all the Wiley boys were married men and had their own family.
Walking up to the long filled picnic table was Brenda and Paul Gene holding large bowls with
macaroni and potato salads.

They were all very happy and doing well.
Ella was very happy also, as things finally had been good since Saul changed his bad ways and
become a great father to his kids.
Saul worked on his roofing job full time and even in the office at times.
The Wiley boys had all moved out of their parent’s home and still lived very near.
Paul Gene along with his four boys bought the apartment complex right next door to the bar.
It had four units with three bedrooms each, as that was just what they needed.
The Wiley’s were all together and the way they wanted it to be, by their paw and maw.
Glad they chose to be very close next door, because their paw Paul Gene was not feeling well

Eating at their big cook out, as Saul along with Paul Gene gave a great barbeque and everyone
was laughing having the best time as usual.
The Wiley bunch was all together always and celebrated holidays, birthdays and every event in
their life.

Furthermore, were actually men now, as a few years past.
Saul turned twenty-nine-years-old, on January 8
, and brother number two, Shane just turned
twenty-eight this past February 17
Then brother three, Sebastian was turning twenty-six in a few weeks August 7

Youngest brother number four, Seth Wiley just turned twenty-four-years-old on July first.

A real man not little brother no more, but still would always be to his three brothers.
All seem to be well and happy for the Wiley family, as a few live with dark secrets and hidden
desires that still tempted them over the years.

However, Paul Gene did not look so good in the face or health wise, as four years had pass, he
was now in his late sixty’s, near seventy-years-old, as Brenda was much younger, twenty-years.
A few weeks later.

The four Wiley women were at the mall shopping not to mention spending their fellow’s money,
the Wiley men just finished a roofing job that paid top dollar.
Wallets were full until the wives shopping spree was over, Ella was holding Cody’s hand who
wanted everything, as she kept scolding him.
When he stomps his foot saying, “I want toys, now!”
“Oh boy, not only am I telling daddy, I’m telling uncle Seth too”, shaking his head says, “Okay, I
will stop don’t tell mama”.
The other kids went with Brenda that joined the event and pushing a double stroller with her
three-year-old twin grandsons.
Brandon and Dylan, as Brenda sure was a big help always, she also had Sebastian’s little girl

Kayla at her side.
Each Wiley wife, did not notice that they were being followed, Ella was in the candle shop and
kept smelling the sweet fragrant assortment.

Holding one candle near her face sniffing she said, “Oh this smells like pumpkin”.
Accidentally Cody dropped a candle and she said, “Gee boy just can’t wait a minute for the toy
store huh”.
“Sorry mama”.
Made him stand by the wall, as he did not move, because she warned him daddy boy!

Therefore, she bent down quickly, picking up the broken pieces, and as she went to grab a final
piece big black boots stood before her.

Thinking it was the stores help to come clean up the mess.
Still looking down grabbing glass, as her hands were full she said, “I am sorry about this”.
A real deep voice replied, “Ah quite alright there pretty lady!”

Shaking her head mumbled, “Gee, stores have changed bold I’d say”. Cody was just staring up at
the tall person.
Now standing up, looking at a real tall man with short jet black hair and dark eyes, he stepped
back and she said, “I am sorry, it’s just my son can be wild”.

He appeared to be in his middle twenties and was very handsome man, as Ella looked at him
and both were quiet with Cody pulling onto her blue jean purse saying loudly,

Grinning the man said, “Well prettiest mama don’t keep the boy waiting”.
Blushing and he winked, as she nervously dropped some glass from her quivering hand.
Bent down quickly grabbing the glass, as he also bent down grabbing a piece still in her shaking
hand, as he actually held hers.
“Here give that to me, I don’t want you to get cut pretty lady”.
Looking at him put the glass piece in his large open hand.
Cody whines out, “You fibbed mama”, and his mama and the person are staring at each other
Looking at her said, “You better make him happy”, as she said, “Ah huh”.
He stared right through her and added, “Pleasing is very important”.
Suddenly, Ella touched her head and remarked, “Woe this stores boiling”, as he really grinned.

Standing up quickly reached his hand out, as Ella took hold and he pulled her up fast.
He was sure muscular and very big, as he had to be six-foot-four.
Smiling told Cody, “Hey, you’re pretty mom will take you now”.
Excitedly, Cody jumped up and down, as the person grinned with Ella staring at him, and said,
“Thanks for your kindness”.

“Oh beautiful lady it’s been my pleasure”, as Ella took a deep gulp.

All of a sudden, Mandy and Tara with Missy comes walking into the front of the store and eyes
become huge.
Standing by the front entrance looking at Ella and some strange man, as Mandy kept giggling
looking on.

Mandy made a few comments, “Guess she learned the ropes from Saul”, as Missy nudged her.
Pointing into the store, “What, it’s true”, laughs Mandy.
Tara looked into the front of the store and kept looking down onto the stroller with her baby
daughter Sabrina.
She and Shane finally had a little girl and their last.

Abruptly, three tall young males with hoods pulled over their faces from the jackets they wore
the same, comes walking into the front entrance also and saw the Wiley women.
One whistled into the store and the man with Ella put his finger up.
The Wiley females could not help to notice the disguised people next to them.

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