The Girl. (49 page)

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

BOOK: The Girl.
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The doctor hung his head and sobbing Brenda added, “He recently built a whole house with his
bare hands, such a good boy”.
“Very hard working”,
“Don’t bother or hurt no one.”
Crying very hard with her hands to her face saying, “No lord, please do not take my precious
“Mommy loves you so much!”
The doctor told her, “I am very sorry for your pain truth is your son is in serious condition and
even if he comes out of this it will be a long struggle”.

Brenda stood trembling and he added, “There is always hope though and it’s your decision to
have a minister come say prayer”.
At that moment, Brenda actually freaked out, banging on the wall shaking and crying out,
“Oh god!”
“No, don’t take my boy!”
“Sebastian no”, when she screams out, “SEBASTIAN!” Leans against the wall gasping hands
over her face.

The other boys come rushing in by their mother leaning against the wall and Saul said, “Maw
come sit down”, facing against the wall putting her hand up said, “Leave me be boy, please”.
Shane and Seth hung their heads, she added, “You all go sit by your paw, I’m worried about him
too”, as she cried harder.

Motioning to his brothers, Saul told them, “Let’s just leave maw alone”, and they walked away
going back by their father that sat crying the three froze looking at him.

Leaning against the wall in tears pouring Brenda saw flashbacks from the past of her son she
cried her hardest ever begging, “Please god, don’t take my child!”
A few minutes later, went into the waiting room sitting by her family and noticed Paul Gene was
looking real bad health wise.

A nurse comes up to the Wiley’s and told them only two to the room at a time and make it
short by Sebastian.
The boys raised their heads wiping tears and Paul Gene looked seriously ill.
Brenda in tears gives a nod and the young nurse said, “My names Maryann”, as Brenda replied,
Nice to meet you”.

She and Paul Gene that got up slowly went into their son’s room, while Maryann walked away
down the hall by Sebastian’s wife Mandy’s room.
Maryann went into Mandy’s room, as she lay there awake on the bed.
Maryann said, “Mrs. Wiley?”
Sarcastically Mandy answered, “Look no more blood, my arms look bad enough”.

Maryann comes closer to the bed in tears and said, “I’m not here for blood it’s your husband”.
Mandy give a blank stare and asked, “How’d it happen a bar fight again shoot knew this day
would come”.
“No he got jumped in the parking lot”.
“You sure, cause heck he’s a Wiley, toughest”.
Standing before the bed, Maryann replied, “Yes I seen his chart”.

Eye rolling, “Well a first with no bar around”, said Mandy fluffing the pillow.
Maryann with tears said, “I heard he never swung one punch”.
“How do you know he did not give a fight, because that doesn’t sound like Sebastian, that’s
meaner than a snake”.
“Some elderly couple witnessed this awful incident and cops took their statement”.

Pointing toward the door Mandy said, “Leave please, I am tired”, as Maryann walked away and
out of the room.
Mandy in her bed broke down heavily when there was a knock at her door, Mandy said, “Now
A tall slender woman entered with long blonde hair, as Mandy sat up and excitedly said,

Hurried over to Mandy, as they embraced tightly and Mandy said, “Don’t worry, our baby we
waited so long for is fine”, as the young female said, “Thank god, I love you Mandy!”
That smiled, Marcy added, “I was working the graveyard shift at Southern Hills and heard word
of your car accident”.

The woman held her tight and Mandy said, “I am okay Marcy and love you”.
Maryann had headed back down the hall and going around the corner to Sebastian’s room.
Approached the waiting room across from his room she noticed that his brothers and parents
were not sitting there.

Therefore, went over to the closed doors and peeked into the little window to his room.
Immediately, she rose her hand up by her mouth looking in as she saw his whole family in the
room now and knew that meant no good for Sebastian.

Maryann stood there looking into the little window, mumbling, “I do not know this fellow, but
let him pull through”.
Suddenly three older men approached her they were wearing baggy jeans and black steel toe
boots with denim jackets.

One really tall and slender built man with dark hair asked, “Is this Sebastian Wiley’s room?”
In tears, she turned around saying, “Yes it is”.
“Were Sebastian’s uncles”.
She gives a little smile looking at Danny Ray, John and Marty Wiley.

All three Wiley’s gave a slight grin back to her and she started to tell them what has happen
and how bad their nephew really was.

Maryann with Sebastian’s three uncles went over to the waiting room and sitting down as she
told them how she met him actually and about Mandy.
The three original Wiley boys had serious looks on their faces John sat next to his brother Paul
Gene that did not look good at all.
Noticed this was too much for their oldest brother’s age and health condition.
Fifteen minutes later, Brenda and her three boys comes out of Sebastian’s room in tears, as Paul
Gene said, “The bars on fire boys a nurse just told us a few minutes ago”.

Meanwhile, when the Wiley men all made it back home and to the bar which no longer stood,
burnt down to the ground?
The wives and children were all standing around in shock and the Wiley men were speechless.
Their two uncles Danny Ray and Marty had tears then Danny Ray told his nephews, “Get the
women and kids home, I’ll wrap this up with the cops”.

Stunned and at a loss for words, as they took their family’s home next door.
Marty looked at the burnt down bar and mumbled, “Slimy slugs always crawl out”. Walking up
next to him, John knelt down brushing soot off the sign and looked up at his brother asking,
“Think their back?”
“Not them, I fear their kids are and blame us, its revenge?”

Glanced down on the ground at the sign Wiley’s Pub that lay in ashes and soot choked up; as
it was his paws bar and dream once.
Danny Ray stood talking with three police officers and the firefighters.

Shane with his family went into the door to their apartment and he said, “Aw, okay boys to bed.”
Looking at his battered face Josh asked, “Daddy you going to be okay?”
Nicky shrugged looking at his eyes closed practically.

Little three year old Lance pointed his finger saying, “Boo-boo,” as Shane give a small grin.
Tara than grabbed him up taking him to his bed, as she checked in on the baby asleep.

The two older boys still just looked at their dad, as his eyes were even blood shot red and barely
Shane give a small grin and replied, “Of course I’ll survive, names Wiley”, and his two boys
smiled going down the hall to their rooms.
Tara cuddled up in bed, gives a yawn, as Shane was by the kitchen sink washing up.
While in his boys bedrooms both of them lay in their beds trembling with their eyes huge
looking at two very big people with ski masks on.
The people both had to be at least six-foot-three or even four, they were tall and scary and
Joshua had tears.
His brother Nicky shook with fright and whispered, “Mommy”,

Meanwhile outside.
Danny Ray had finished with the police and he and his brother headed back to the hospital, as
all heck was about to go down.
Inside the apartment building.

Shane turned away from the sink walking through the kitchen very slowly and sure felt the pain
from the beating he endured.
However, would not let his boys know and worry them, while he moved like a turtle, suddenly
Tara screamed out quietly of course,
“Oh help me Shane!”
Halfway down the hall and could not hear her soft cries for help.

Reaching him and Tara’s bedroom, Shane opened the door going in, squinted, strain to see,
because his eyes swollen badly and from that far away did not notice a man raping his wife. His
vision was blurred but heard her sobbing though and squinted more asking, “Tara?” Gasping
saying, “Shane help me please!”

The person thrusting roughly inside of her got very angry and stuck a knife deeply into her
side, she gurgled out, “Oh Shane!”
Going further into the bedroom, suddenly a baseball bat coming from behind split the side of his
head open?

Instantly dropped to the floor in a pool of blood and the man who just raped Tara literally
started strangling her.
She gave a struggle, which was no use and was crying with many screams of torture that were
low that no one could hear.

After a few minutes out cold, slowly lifted his head up in a blur, as blood rolled down into his
Wiping some blood off Shane heard a bunch of guy’s deep voices laughing, when he sobbed
heavily saying, “Aw man please, let my girl alone, take anything just go”.
“Y’all win!” Sobbing and bleeding badly.
Immediately a big boot kicked him directly in the face and Shane rolled over in pain crying.
Then Shane reached his hand up begging for mercy, “Please stop hurting us.”
A buck knife swept down fast and a finger fell on the floor, as Shane really rolls in excruciating

Tara barely alive stretched her bloody arm out reaching by the nightstand trying to grab her
mommy whistle.
She struggled to get hold of it and the men were all on Shane beating the heck out of him now.
Shane Wiley took two brutal beatings this night and still messed up from the first fight.
Tara cries out softly, “Their going to kill my husband, how can he take anymore?”

Shane proved strength to the fullest extreme, as he took such a beating and his finger taken right
Tara within a few minutes gasped a deep breath out and her bloody arm dangled off the side of
the bed, as she lay silent and very still with no movement.
The four big disguised people kicked Shane rough and many times that he was out cold a second

Beating him again awfully bad and senseless, Shane was hurt bad this horrible night and
totally covered in blood now.
One of the people wearing a ski mask motioned to another hidden faced person and in a deep
voice said, “It’s time”.
“Open the closet now”.

Therefore, the person went over opening the closet door, as a teenage girl with gray duck-tape
over her mouth and her hands were tied tightly with rope stood shaking in fear.
You could actually see her knees knocking together in fright, as she had a little pink skirt on with
a white knitted shirt.

The people all laughed very wickedly as the person with the girl drug her out by her long golden
brown hair.
The one person with the deep voice bent down yanking Shane’s head back and said, “Well time
to prove you are a disgusting Wiley”.
Blood rolled heavily down Shane’s face, as the girl trembled in fear before him.
Forty minutes later, in the boy’s bedroom, they had heard screaming and yelling with even
Both boys restrained and had gags in their mouth along with rope tied tightly around their

Oldest Josh tried hard unloosing his hands, he was a Wiley boy determined, as he did get free.
Quickly, freed his brother Nicky and Josh then hurried over by youngest Lance that was sitting
on the toddler bed looking up, not touched, but saying, “I scared!”

Josh bent lifting him up and the boys snuck quietly out the window with Josh holding his baby
brother with all his might.

Making it out the first floor window, Josh set little Lance down and Nicky was fidgeting saying,
“Come on hurry, we left baby Sabrina in there”.
Josh looked down at his youngest brother and said, “Run Lance”.
The three young Wiley boys took off fast as lightning to get their two uncles.

Within minutes, comes running into Shane and Tara’s apartment they quickly went into the
Finding Shane sitting on the bloody bed rocking Tara in his arms, as he was crying and Saul
said, “Call help Seth”, as he run stumbling back out the door.
Saul went over by the bed and said, “Oh brother, what the hell.” Looking at Shane covered in
blood and eyes were swollen shut there was blood running down the side of his head.

In addition, through a sock that he tied tightly around his hand with the other missing finger,
which only the tip was cut off.
Rocking his bloody wife in his arms, Shane sobbed saying, “My tiny lady someone hurt real bad”,
and Tara never even moved, worried Saul yelled,

Back at the hospital.
Sebastian lay in a bed hooked up to many machines that helped him breathe, it was a very sad
sight looking at a young strong man giving his biggest fight ever.
For life.
He lay very still in a coma, as his two parents sat there next to his bed.
Brenda kept wiping tears looking at her boys face that was all swollen and totally blue and
purplish color with many multiple stabs wounds everywhere.
Pretty Sebastian Wiley looked very bad and was all cut up and completely burned, as it did not
look like him at all.

Furthermore, the doctors had told the family it was too soon to tell how badly his face was
damaged and if permanently.
From what they could observe is that the wounds covered his whole facial and neck area.

What the doctors discovered, is that Sebastian’s left eye, had been damaged beyond saving, as it
may have to be removed.
They scheduled surgery if he pulls through the night.

Sitting trembling Brenda quietly said, “Don’t you go boy that little angel already lost her
“Kayla sticks to you like bees to honey!”
Brenda sat crying heavily and worried for her grandchild that needs her father, Paul Gene had
tears listening.
“Don’t leave me either boy?”
“You’re my dear child!” Stroking his burned hand.
“Mommy loves you bunches”, crying harder.

Paul Gene’s head hung lower, Brenda sobbed adding, “Oh paw my once beautiful boy look what
they done to him”. Paul Gene was silent not feeling well.
“Whoever did this was beyond evil, because my child’s eye is going to be gone among his scar up
body”, and Brenda cried her hardest.
“Aw maw, I’d rather our boy lose his eye, perhaps looks, but to lose him I cannot bear”, he wiped
tears and was breathing much heavier now.

Meanwhile the nurse Maryann went down to the nurse’s station and looked at Sebastian and
Mandy’s charts.
While Maryann was standing behind the nurses desk gave a puzzled look.
Her eyes were big watching a young man walk pass the desk and right up to Sebastian’s door
that was closed.
The young man hung his head of shoulder length light brown curls, and was tall around
six-foot-two and slim built.
His jeans were so baggy fitting, as he was very skinny and wore a flannel shirt.

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