The Girl. (43 page)

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

BOOK: The Girl.
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The Wiley band started in the living room, little Samantha was singing and shook her hips just
swaying to the music.
Her red velvet ruffle dress kept going up, as she rocked her tiny body and Ashley shook her baby
doll to dance, as she looked sweet wearing a red velvet jumpsuit.

Brenda smiled at her two granddaughters, as the choir played, when all of a sudden two
harmonicas come joining in.
Little Samantha jumped up and down, as her daddy sure played that harmonica and Seth even
took over doing a solo, as his three brothers joined in quickly, Brenda sat holding baby Cody
whispering to her grandson saying, “Aren’t they good?”
Cody was bouncing on his grandma’s lap to the music and Tara smiled, as her baby kicked.
Ella just stared at Seth and noticed his red eyes then she glanced at Saul and Sebastian as her
heart hurt actually, because she was torn between brothers she loved.

A few months go by.
Saul had been true blue to Ella and sure did give his all with his whole heart.
Sadly, Ella knew what it was time for, because her heart hurt very much wanting Sebastian and
knowing it can never be and Seth deserved a normal life from behind hidden walls.

Therefore, Ella told Seth to meet her at the park around the block and he did.
The wind picked up, as light rain started to fall and Seth had his head down, his locks were a
bit wet.
Heartbroken, and truly torn, Ella stood in tears looking at the man she needed the most and
sitting on the bench folding his hands Seth quietly said, “Aw I have a feeling what your about to
tell me”.
“Oh god I am sorry Seth that this has to be”.
“Nah guess the best man won, huh”.
“No that’s not true Seth, because I am looking at the best”.
“The best doesn’t lose like I am, because my hearts crumbling”, rain fell heavier.
Sitting down next to Seth wiping tears, Ella said, “You won Seth, whether you believe it or not,
my heart holds you forever”.
“Yeah right”.

Placing her hand onto his folded hands, “God Seth I will always need you”.
“I love you Ella always will, but how do I go on without you”.
Holding Seth’s hand she said, “I will miss you, no doubt”.
“You and Samantha are my whole world and half is crumbling right now”. Raining heavier.
“I know mine is to, but I have to at least try with Saul for our daughter’s sake.”
“Yeah try with my son Cody to, isn’t that right”, raining pouring.

Both becoming drenched, she said, “Please don’t get angry over this, because there’s nothing we
can do about your boy”.
Hanging his head, curls dripping, she added, “You’re in his life always will be, but we have no
choice Seth about our feelings do you realize what agony it would be for all of us”.
“Nah, I could never stay mad at you, shoot you’re my best friend and much more Ella”. Gave a
slight smile and Seth added, “You been my best friend for many years”.

Sniffling Ella said, “You sure proved to me how nice you are”.
“Aw told you, I would in time huh”.
“Yes Seth, because this is breaking my heart too”, pouring rain they look at each other and Seth
places his hands against Ella’s face, as rain pours with hearts pounding he asked, “I want us to
share one last time”.
Placing her hand softly against Seth’s face, Ella replied, “Take me to that magical world one last
Chapter 16.

A few weeks pass.
Saul had once again turned the table around and was great to his family although Seth was
moping around lately and Brenda sure noticed his frowns now and remarked, “Good lord my
boys with their girl drama”.
Mentioned to Paul Gene, “Will we ever meet Seth’s hidden love interest Missy or does he have

A few more weeks go by and sitting on the sofa in the Wiley living room was Seth with his girl
Missy right next to him.
Furthermore, he actually bought Missy a diamond ring, as he figured it was time to move on
from Ella after sharing one last time together that was it.

Realized that he hurt without Ella and could not deal with such heartache. She always seem to
run back to his jerk brother giving him another chance and leaving Seth on hold or the back

In the kitchen Brenda was cooking and glad that Missy become a part of them all too.
Sitting on the loveseat, in the living room, Ella just kept looking at Missy all into Seth, as they
were hugging tightly.

Saul was sitting next to Ella and kissed her on the cheek she smiled, as Seth saw frowning.
Mandy come back home and Sebastian seem to be happy, as they worked things out and let us
hope for good?

A few days later, Ella told Seth to meet her at the park again that she needed to talk to him.
Sitting on the park bench hanging her head Seth stood before her with his hands tucked into his
blue jean pockets asking, “Well what’s this about Ella?”
Lifted her head in tears rolling cried out, “Guess your deep feelings for me have vanished”.

Seth now hung his head and replied, “What do you expect me to do, just sit around watching
you with my brother play happy family?”
“No guess not, that’s selfish, but I actually believed you’d never stop loving me Seth?”
Seth knelt before her and asked , “Is that what you think has happened Ella?”
Heartbroken, she put her hands to her face crying out, “Yes, I am petrified, because I need you
so much, I always have and will”.
“You have me Ella”.
“No, I don’t, not anymore”. Placing his hand on her leg Seth said, “Yes forever”.
“I cannot imagine my life without you!”
“You never will lose me Ella, never”.

“I am so scared Seth, because I have needed you most and your always there to make me feel
“I am not going anywhere Ella”, sniffles, “I will always be there for you!”
“I know that Missy will become your best friend then what we have felt will die”.
“Do you honestly believe that I could ever stop loving you Ella?”
“It will happen Seth”, as he hung his head and she cried out, “It’s heading down that path, mark
my words”, staring deeply at him with tears rolling.
“Wrong, we been friends many years, remember hiding up in the tree from those snakes?”

Sniffling, she nodded saying, “Yes, I do, that’s why I could never lose my best friend”.
Hanging his head Seth said, “I hurt without you Ella, I had to do something”.
“I hurt without you”, said Ella wiping tears.
“Missy can never replace you, because you locked the key to my heart Ella girl!”

Seth stood up and wiping tears Ella said, “Don’t go”.
“Aw, Ella do not get upset, but Missy made dinner reservations for us”.
Nodding Ella replied, “Well better hurry”.
“Are you gonna be okay?”
“Sure just fine”.
“Maybe I should cancel”.
“No Seth, you must move on, I cannot hold you back from living a normal life anymore, it’s
wrong and unfair”.
“You sure Ella?”
That had tears rolling and replied, “How sad, we never went to dinner, only the zoo, just one
time in all these years”.

At that moment, Seth sat down on the bench grabbing Ella into his arms, as she cried with
him holding her tightly, he said, “Do not cry Ella, I have loved you and always will, nothing
could ever change how I feel about you”.
Suddenly, Missy yelled out, “OH MY GOD!”

Jumping up, let his firm hold on Ella go and Missy walked up to them asking, “Mind telling me
why you and your brother’s wife are cuddling Seth?” Stood there between Ella and Missy that
turned around walking away.
Seth looked at Ella and said, “I’m sorry”, and runs after Missy, as Ella was completely
devastated, tears rolled down heavily and she said, “I lost my best friend”.

Making it back home, Ella did not want to go into the house and went into the garage sitting
down onto an old torn out car seat in the far corner crying her hardest ever.
Sebastian comes storming in mumbling, “Cheating sleaze”, and raving on over Mandy, as he
even punched the hood of his truck.

Ella could not help to hear him, as he growls out, “She never really loved me, heck no female
ever has”.
Walking around the corner and Sebastian noticed, as Ella asked, “You okay?”
“No my life sucks, always will”.

Ella just looked at him, putting his hands against his face crying very hard and Ella rushed up to
him saying, “Oh Sebastian don’t do this!” Sobbing out, “Why not, my whole life has been
“We shared good moments”.
“Yeah right”.
“Ah, the day our children were born”, putting his hand against his chest remarked, “Aw thanks
Ella that cut deeper”.

At that moment, cried heavier and Ella grabbed onto him, as he was actually trembling.
Ella held onto him tighter and with his hands against his face, he cried saying, “My life keeps
getting worse, including my pain”, and Ella listened knowing hers does too.
“Aw guess it’s what god wanted, me to suffer for some reason”, and cried very hard.
“No Sebastian this is not what was meant for either of us”.
Lifting his head looking deeply into her big brown eyes, as she quietly said, “A much better life
was meant for us but we blew it Sebastian”.
Staring, she added, “I should have told everyone you were the baby’s father, not keeping it a
secret, because it kept us apart”.

Raising her one eyebrow very high with Sebastian reached placing his one hand gently against
her face, of tears flowing, as he softly brushed her cheek staring endlessly at her.
“You were so wrong what you remarked a few minutes earlier”.
Brushing her face softly asked, “Yeah what’s that Ella?”
“There is one female that has always, until the end of time truly loves Sebastian with all her
heart and soul, for it kills her daily without him!”

Hearts raced very fast and Sebastian placed his other hand against her face cupping gently into
his big hands.
Staring at each other with hearts ready to jump out, he bent his head real close brushing against
hers, cheek-to-cheek he said, “I have missed you very much”.
“I missed you Sebastian”.

Reached around his neck with her staring, pulled out a sparkling necklace and instantly putting
her hands against her face, gasped looking at the necklace that read,

In shock, tears roll down Ella’s face and Sebastian said, “Aw, I had it special made just for one
“Oh Sebastian”.
Took a deep steady breath, “I want to make love to you, it’s what I’ve wanted all this time to
finally touch my girl again”.

Ella literally felt faint and said, “Touch me Sebastian”, staring, she whispered into his ear, “Take
me someplace and make love to me Sebastian Scott Wiley?”
Whispering back in her ear, “I will with all my heart and soul!”
At the restaurant, Seth and Missy finished eating their dinner, as she kept looking towards the
crowd of people dancing and Seth glanced, mumbling, “Aw no”, looking back at Missy swaying.
A slow songs now plays, Missy sighs and Seth felt nauseated mumbling, “Think my meal was
“What was that honey?”
“Nothing ready to go?”
“Oh Seth, can we dance, please”, rubbing his stomach, replied, “I don’t dance”.
“Seriously”, swaying to the soft music.

Looking at Missy eagerly wanting to dance Seth said, “Nah, don’t like to”.
Reaching across the table rubbing his hand, Missy said, “Please, it will be romantic”, hanging his
head mumbling, “I’m gonna hurl”.
“What babe?” Seth stood up, held his hand out and Missy’s eyes become huge, as he led her out
onto the crowded dance floor, pulling Missy close to him, as they slow danced under the dim
lights with soft music playing, Missy was happy and Seth felt worse.

Back home, another Wiley was about to feel good, when Sebastian swept Ella up off her feet into
his sturdy arms, took her breath away, she looked at him staring back.
“I have longed for this moment to finally be in your arms Sebastian”.

“I am sure going to show you just how much I crave you Ella girl!”


That lay her head onto his shoulder and said, “I have always loved you!”

Walking towards the truck holding Ella in his arms, said, “Want to know why my heart become
colder, bitter actually”.
“From suffering all these years without the girl that stole my heart forever”.
“Oh Sebastian”.
“I love you Ella, I’m about to show you how much”.

Taking a deep gulp, Ella was rather nervous due to his strapping size and smirking he said,
“Hope you can handle it?’ Ella took a deep gulp, and was silent.
Sebastian opened the passenger door setting Ella in gently, as they stare, she said, “I’m
“Aw, don’t be, but you want this right Ella?”
Grabbing hold of his hand, she replied, “Very much”. Grinning replied, “Well, Ella is gonna get
what she wants”, she took a deep gulp.
Sebastian shut the door walking around getting into the driver seat and right as he went to pull
out of the driveway.
Seth and Missy pulled up, Sebastian said, “Aw great”.

Getting out of the truck, Seth looks over at his brothers truck and eyes become huge, he said,
“Go in the house Missy”, that huffed saying, “Hey that is no way to treat me after our romantic
“Yeah looks like someone else is having a romantic night”. Noticing Ella sitting in Sebastian’s
“Huh, what?” Hand on her hip.
“Go Missy”, that stormed away going into the apartment building when Seth walked over by the
truck where his brother sat with Ella and asked, “What the heck?”

Looking at Ella silently looking back and upset Sebastian said, “Move away from the truck
bro”. Standing there shocked Seth asked, “What is going on? Ella why are you with Sebastian?”
That leans his head against the steering wheel and becoming upset Seth asked, “Someone
answer what’s going on?”

Hanging her head Ella was speechless, sagged on the seat and staring at her, Seth said, “Aw, no
way, you two?” Placing his hands against the top of his head.
“Seth it’s not how you imagine”, said Ella teary eyed.
“Yeah right, guess you’re the brothers whore”, she gasped and lifting his head up snarling
Sebastian pointing saying, “Don’t you dare speak those words to her”.
Smirking Seth said, “Guess it’s true, you fucked her?”

Putting her hands over her ears, Ella said, “Stop!” Angry now Sebastian said, “You got it wrong”.
Highly upset, Seth said, “No I do not, its true Ella slept with brothers what would you call her”.
Sebastian glanced at Ella crying and got out of the divers side, stormed around by Seth, as they
were face-to-face arguing intensely , even shoved the other a few times, as Ella saw in the
rearview mirror mumbling, “Oh no!”
Sitting in the truck, Ella cried listening to this sad situation and felt that she ruined a brothers
bond, hearing angry words roar.
Ella sat there feeling bad then heard Seth yell, “ASHLEY?”
Hung her head putting her hand over her face when she heard Sebastian shout, “Cody!”
Sitting in the truck a few more minutes, Ella could not take it any longer listening to this and got
out of the truck they look and she said, “Please stop your brothers!”
“Yeah Ella, brothers your fucking”, she covers her ears and Sebastian shoves Seth again that
points saying, “Push me one more time you’re on your back”, Ella had tears.

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