The Girl. (39 page)

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

BOOK: The Girl.
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Later the evening the family sat down to dinner, as Brenda’s beef stew was a hit, everyone sat
eating, one Wiley was missing and Ella fed Cody that fussed she got upset.
Brenda said, “Aw someone don’t like my stew”, Cody cried and Ella put her hands against her
head frustrated when Seth got up lifting screaming Cody up from the highchair, Ella said,
“Sure”, replied Seth walking away trying to calm his son down.

Buttering her biscuit, Brenda said, “That’s Saul’s job, but nowhere to be found again”.
Ella had tears and Tara felt bad, as she ate, Brenda said, “Oh Ella, me and Tara are going to play
bingo care to join?”
“Ah, Saul’s gone, I can’t”, and Sebastian said, “I’ll watch the kids, Seth will help I’m sure”.
“No I couldn’t expect you to”.
“I want to Ella”.

Tara said, “Go you need a break”, Shane smiled and Paul Gene added, “Why sure go, you may
win, us fellows can handle the kids”, and Ella looked across the table at Sebastian nodding, he
said, “Go, have fun”.
Giving a smile, “Fine I will go”, replied Ella looking at Sebastian that winked.
“Good sugar”, said Brenda finishing dinner.

Therefore, that evening, Ella had a night out going to play bingo with Brenda and Tara.
No trouble watching the children and Seth had his son to sleep after he was fussing most of the
evening when Seth told his paw, think he is teething, as Samantha was sitting on the sofa
watching television when her daddy sat down next to her.
Samantha giggles scooting up closer against daddy that put his arm around her.
Sebastian was in Ashley’s bedroom and they sat on the thick shag carpeting building blocks
when Saul walked in asking, “What’s going on?”
“We building blocks daddy”.
“Yeah daddy, something you should be doing”, said Sebastian and snarled.
“Don’t have time, I’m late”.
“Really for what?” Scowl Sebastian.
Waving his hand Saul said, “Not your business”.
“I’d rather not know”, and continued building blocks with his daughter.

Fixing his belt then fluffing his long pale bangs, Saul asked, “Where’s Ella?”
“Out”, replied Sebastian connecting blocks together.
“Where is she?” Sebastian did not answer, “Whatever”, said Saul and Ashley answered, “Bingos
“Cool, I got two hours yet”.

Lifting his head up, Sebastian asked, “Gosh what’s wrong with you?”
“Nothing came home for this”, said Saul pulling a condom packet out of his shirt pocket and
eyes big Sebastian said, “Seriously”, Ashley asked, “What is it daddy?”
“Nothing play daddy is late”, and Saul rushed out of the room, Sebastian sat there mumbling,

Putting blocks together, Ashley asked, “Uncle Sebastian what was my daddy holding?’
“Aw, a Band-Aid”, and she shook her long golden curls saying, “Okay”.

Two hours later, Ella walked into Ashley’s bedroom and saw Sebastian sitting on the rocking
chair, as Ashley slept, saw Ella that waved her hand and Sebastian got up walking over to her.
Pointing, Ella asked, “Have any trouble?”
“Of course not, piece of cake”, Ella giggled and he asked, “Hey win anything?”

Putting her hand against her chest, she replied, “Oh my god, I actually won two hundred
“Really”. Tucking hands into jean pockets.
“Yes, on an instant bingo”. Delighted
“Aw that’s awesome Ella”. Smiling. “Yes, I know”, and staring at each other, he said, “I’m pretty
tired”. “I bet” and Sebastian said, “Goodnight Ella”, and went to walk away, as she grabs his
Sebastian turned around and Ella said, “Thank you, it meant a lot, I enjoyed myself”.
“You should always Ella”, smiled brightly and Sebastian went to walk away, she said,
“I forgive you”, and Sebastian froze dead in his tracks.
Standing there looking at him, when he turned around and blew Ella a kiss, she gasped and he
went into his bedroom, as she stood there with her heart pounding, “Oh god I’m crazy about that

For a moment Ella was happy, but later that night was in screaming tears and the whole family
woke up from her and Saul arguing badly.
Seth lay on his bed upset, hearing Ella and was not the only one, as Sebastian was angry over it.
Suddenly, Ella scream’s and the whole family hurried out of their room including children and
Paul Gene got in Saul’s face saying, “Better not have hit her boy!”
Tara had tears feeling bad for her friend and Saul replied, “No, I did not, ask her”.

Wiping tears Ella said, “No he just ripped my heart out again, he’s been cheating”.
Sebastian growled and Seth heard him stepping aside.
“Saul why, you have a family”, said Brenda upset.
“Aw he don’t care maw about anybody but himself”.
“Shut up”, said Saul moving closer to Sebastian that said, “Make me”, and now those two start
arguing face-to-face, as Brenda had her hands against her face watching angry words roar and
forbidden even she had tears rolling, as Shane with Seth try to stop their brothers that are
furious when the pushing started, Brenda with Ella scream, “NO!”

Samantha and little Ashley stood crying when Seth was slug down to the floor and Paul Gene
was yelling, “ENOUGH”,

Tara stood shocked watching Shane take hold of Sebastian and that Saul still kept it going.
Sebastian struggled to get free from Shane’s firm hold saying, “Aw let me at that asshole”.
Brenda hung her head saying, “Lord the foul words in my home”.
Shane held Sebastian with all his might and Seth pulled at Saul that got in Sebastian’s face and
said, “You are the real asshole”, stormed away, the family stood shocked and heard the door
Highly upset Brenda hurried to her room in tears and Paul Gene pointed at Sebastian and said,
“No more, if your brother comes back, hear me boy it’s done you’ve upset your maw”. Sebastian
was quiet and Paul Gene looked at him saying, “Hear me talking to you?”
“Yeah paw”, said Sebastian that walked away going into his bedroom slamming the door hard
walls shook and Brenda jumped in her bedroom.
Ella went picking up Ashley carrying her to the bedroom, as Ashley pulled the covers up asking,
“Why mama?”
“Why what sweetie?”
“Why daddy be mad at uncle Sebastian, him so nice, best mama”, as Ella had tears saying,
“Oh brothers have spats go to sleep”.

Sitting on the bed brushing her daughters curls back, as she fell asleep, Ella felt torn when she
got up walking over to the door going out into the hallway where she bumped into Sebastian
coming out of the bathroom.

Standing there Ella looked at him with no shirt on wearing just his blue jeans she literally
quivered and walking up to Ella that stares, he asked, “Our girl all right?” Ella took a deep gulp
saying, “Sleeping”, expressionless stared at her with his heart pounding rapidly.

Grabbing hold of her hand pulling her into his bedroom fast, shutting the door locking it, and
tilted his head down toward Ella staring with her heart racing, Sebastian asked, “Want me to
pretty baby?” Taking another deep gulp Ella asked, “Want you to what?”
“Kiss you?”
“Do you want to Sebastian?” Putting his sturdy arms around Ella’s waist pulling her against him
snug he replied, “Very much”.
“I been waiting for this kiss”.
“Guess that’s a yes”.
“Yes Sebastian kiss me”.

Slants his head close against her face, tilting his head slightly, as his golden locks hung down he
grabs her chin gently placing his lips softly against hers, as he was literally stroking her mouth to
ecstasy when his tongue darted deeply inside circling fast with Ella’s, heavy breathing begins.
Now placing his hands to her face kissing deeply swirling his tongue faster and so deep he lifts
Ella upon him, she wrapped her legs around his waist they kiss wildly, as he was literally sucking
her tongue then led to her lips she gasps, “Oh god!”

Walking to the bed lay down with her on top; he was pressing her body firmly against his, as
they kissed uncontrollable, as he slid one hand between her legs practically squeezing her

Groaning, took Ella’s hand placing it against his aching hardness, whispering, “Rub it baby”, as
she did breathing heavily he grunts, “Aw yeah pretty baby rub my cock hard”.
Rubbing hard with Sebastian breathing heavy he asked, “Want to feel the real thing Ella?”
Gasping, “Yes, touch me Sebastian, I waited so long for this moment”, as he rose his head
looking at her saying, “Aw me to baby, but sorry I cannot finish?”

Eyes huge, “What”, rising up off him lying there breathing hard and shocked asked,
Sebastian sat up on the bed putting his hands against his head and looking at him, asked, “Was
this some sort of joke, a game?”
“Aw no baby”. Pointing in his face, “Don’t call me that”, said Ella upset.
“I’m sorry”.
“Sorry huh”.
“Yes I just can’t, guess you don’t understand”.
“Oh I understand, you teased me, sure got on a roll, it was a game just to hurt me more”.
“Wrong, because I know it would have been just a nail and bail”, she gasped slapping him across
the face, he hung his head, she stood up raising her voice and he stood up grabbing her
shoulders saying, “Hey keep it down”, jerking away she said, “Just a fuck and run”.
“Aw no, that’s not what I meant”.

Folding her arms, Ella asked, “Well what did you mean”.
“You are not my girl”, swinging her head Ella said, “You play games too”, and hurried by the
door with Sebastian right upon her, putting his large hand against the door saying, “No don’t
leave here mad”.
“Oh I’m hurt”.
“Don’t be please, Ella, because if you were only my girl I would have loved you all night long”.
“Thank god I’m not”.
Putting his other hand against the door literally blocking her in, slants his head closer saying,
“Aw, you don’t mean that Ella”, nodding she replied, “Like hell I don’t, I will never be your girl
Sebastian Wiley, now let me out of this room before I scream”.

He removed his hands off the door, stepping back, she turned looking at him and said, “I will
never forgive you now”, and hurried out, as he stood there hanging his head.
With tears rolling, Sebastian mumbled, “I respect you very much Ella to just take you to bed
then walk away pretending nothing happen, it’s wrong”.

A few weeks later, Saul had been out again and late as usual.
Ella had run in desperate need to her best friend, Seth as they had snuck up in the attic.
Seth sat up on an old mattress getting dressed and Ella lay there with a sheet pulled up to her
chest and said, “Gee Seth, it’s like all we really share is a life hiding behind closed doors at
certain convenient times.”

Shaking his long curls asked, “What is this like a break up or you’re not happy with me?”
“Oh no, never Seth, I need you more than ever, I just meant we can’t even share a nice dinner
out like a date”.

Looking at her and she added, “You are so loving to me always have been since day one that it’s
made me see how nice things should always be ”.

“Woe”, got scared there a second thinking my heart was about to burst”.
“Sorry being a doom of gloom, I been very depressed.”
“Nah I get it, shoot I’d love to take you on a date”.

“We can sure have a child together, but cannot even enjoy a normal life with Cody”.

Held her tightly, as she added, “For instance a day at the zoo with our son is never going to
happen”, and crying, as he held her.
Crying hard Ella said, “It hurts Seth that I love you so much and just want to enjoy every
moment together with our baby not hiding our true love!”
In many tears, held to each other and prayed their day does come.

Two days later on Sunday the family all noticed that one Wiley had never been home all night
and Saul still was gone. Ella was in the bedroom, and changing Cody, as he got messy eating his
breakfast and she was very depressed lately.
There was a knock at her door, “It’s open”.

Seth walked in standing with little Samantha and Ashley at his side all giggles.
Ella looked at them and asked, “What’s up?”
Little Samantha giggled more and said, “Me going at zoo with you Auntie Ella”.
Giggled too and said, “Really all us”, as Seth winked and she had tears filling her eyes.

Three-year-old Ashley started jumping up and down as her golden curly pony tails bounced.
Along with her blue sundress flying up as Ella and Seth giggled, Samantha put her one little
hand to her hip on her blue jeans and said, “Auntie please hurry, I want to see monkey’s”.
Seth giggled saying, “Yeah me to aunty, my favorite.”

Bent down to the little girls smiling Ella said, “Well I better hurry”. The little girls got all excited.
Looking at Ella with such a bright smile Seth whispered to her, “I love you!”
She put her hand against her heart saying, “I love you”.
Then Ella got ready fast and Seth made sure his son was ready for their outing.

Therefore, they were all off and ready for a day of walking and site seeing many animals.
In addition, as usual Saul was out and god only knows where or who with.
What the zoo team never planned on is they would have some tagalongs as Shane, Tara,
Sebastian, and Holly are going.

Outside, standing by Seth’s red blazer, Ella by the open passenger door just stood and he asked,
“What’s wrong?”
“Why are they going?”
Turning around looking at the others, Seth asked, “Why not, what’s the big deal?” Looking at
Sebastian thought the day is ruined already, and never even started yet.

At the zoo, it was a very hot day the first week in August.
The kids were very excited and having a blast, as they kept running ahead of the tired grownups.
The scorching heat never bothered them or the youngest Wiley brother either as he sure run
keeping up with the kids.
Ella gave hidden smiles at perfect tone and in shape Seth while she pushed the stroller, with
Cody that was a sleep.

Shane kept pouring his bottle of water over his head, as he was dying from the heat and he
worked in the heat all day that’s why Tara ignored him.

Sebastian kept smirking at his drenched brother and Tara held her back a lot, as she just turned
three months pregnant.
She was dressed comfortable wearing a pink sundress with sandals; Ella wore yellow Capri’s
with a white halter-top and tennis shoes.
Holly was eating cotton candy and just looking at the animals, she had tight little jean shorts on
with a pink half shirt.

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