The Girl. (36 page)

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

BOOK: The Girl.
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One month pass.
Shane with Tara were very much in love and eloped, marrying on June 6, 1974.
Tara was now an actual Wiley and they found out that they were expecting a baby, she was
already five weeks pregnant they were very happy and the family was pleased too.

The doctors told Tara that everything looked good in the first trimester and the pregnancy was
coming along normal and perfectly, as she gained a few pounds actually.
The doctor told Tara see you in one month, as a few more pounds would add and they left the
small clinic happily, walking to the truck she was giggling.

Pulling his keys out of his pockets, Shane asked, “What’s up little darling?”
Giggling harder she said, “Guess you’re going to have more to feel”. Shane winked at Tara
opening the passenger door for her and she got in then he got into the truck and honestly does
love Tara with all his heart, because time back when the little old Tupper ware lady brought
Samantha to them by surprise.

His exact words were, “I have no kids or ever want any in life lady”.
Shane Wiley sure ate his words and was soon to be a daddy, funny how loves affects people and
sure changes them too.
Meanwhile, as one Wiley brother was very happy another one was devastated.

Sitting on the bed in his bedroom Sebastian hung his head, as Seth was standing by the dresser
hanging his head.

Sebastian looked up at Seth and asked, “Why, didn’t you tell me this month’s ago?”
“Her sister Michelle told me it wasn’t good for Mandy to get overly excited or upset either”.
“Darn Seth, but I am your brother”.
“Yeah who loves Mandy so why maybe ruin her getting better”.

Sebastian stood up walking around his dark room, as he had black of everything, including his
bedding and curtains.
Looking at a picture of Mandy on his brother’s dresser, Seth said, “Hey I am sorry brother I did
what her sister told me was right”.
Shaking his long curls Sebastian asked, “Little brother you ever think dating is hard or not fair?”
“Yep a bummer”. Hands on top of his head, “Right”, remarked Sebastian.
Teary eyed, Seth added, “I could not wait to get older having that certain girl, but nothing turned
out the way I hoped”.
“Why trouble in Missy Ville?”
“We are not speaking”.

Pacing around the dark room, “My girl Holly has planned a Christmas wedding and Mandy’s
okay”, said Sebastian running his fingers through his curls.
“Why are you marrying that girl, thought she was bad news, well bad girl?”
Standing by the window looking out, “Might as well, shoot, can’t have the one I really want”.
“I just told you Mandy is fine, you can be with her”, and Sebastian just stood looking out the
window mumbling, as Seth could not hear what he was saying.

Turning around Sebastian said, “I am about to get married”.
“Hey thought you two split up?”
“Aw we did, but making up can be amazing”, as Seth giggled and said, “Aw guess you have to
follow your true heart brother on this one”.
Seth pointed at Mandy’s picture on the dresser Sebastian looked and could not help to look at
the big colored heart Ashley once gave him hanging above.
Sebastian was quiet a second and then said, “Aw thanks for being my little brother, I love you
“I love you too”, replied Seth and went to head out of his very shaken up brothers room.
Sebastian said, “Hey don’t worry you’ll work it out with your girl, because true love always
comes back, right?”

Seth just nodded walking out where he bumped into Ella holding Cody, as they both looked at
each other, and baby Cody blew raspberries, Seth took off rushing away in tears.
Upset, Ella patted Cody saying, “Oh Seth, I am sorry I’ve only hurt you, by getting involved”.

Going to walk down the hallway when Sebastian comes hurrying out and bumps powerful into
Ella and she goes back against the wall holding onto Cody tightly.
He grabbed onto her quickly saying, “Oh god Ella, little Cody, I am sorry”.
Catching her breath she said, “I know Sebastian”.
Give a serious look staring at each other had his big arms of steel firmly to her waist and had a
sudden tear roll, as she softly wiped it off and he walked off fast, as Ella stood there holding
Cody that was saying, “Dad-dad”, she giggled saying, “No he is not dad-dad”, and suddenly
poker-faced Ella added, “Seth is?”

In his bedroom sitting on the bed crying very hard and little Samantha comes strutting in
shaking her tiny body wearing a purple pantsuit.
Seth hurried wiping his tears and her soft little voice said, “My daddy has a sad face”.
“Hey Sammy angel”, and she crawled up into his lap as he smiled in tears with her staring up at
him patting his back.

Tears flowed down Seth’s face, as he was heartbroken, because Ella told him she cannot meet
him anymore and felt guilty since Saul has changed.
Ella is the woman his heart truly holds and blood son he cannot have rightfully as his own, he is
shattered over.

Seth had told Ella, the first time he saw her that his whole heart knew she was the one, but big
brother beat him to it and that he made a mistake with Dana, as he noticed how Ella had looked
at Saul back then.
Therefore, he tries to move on, and cares for Missy dearly. However, knew in all honesty, she
will not have his full heart, because Ella will to his grave.

Furthermore, Ella was the first girl his heart nailed hook line and sinker.
In addition, they shared many hidden moments together as one and magic deeply shared.
It was the most erotic experience of his youth, which showed as he planted his seed that grew
and Cody entered the world.

Chapter 6.

A few days later.
In the kitchen Brenda stood by the stove cooking, as Paul Gene sat by the table looking through
a hunting magazine and Brenda asked, “Hey Paul Gene you think we need a bigger house with
all these grand babies coming?”
Setting the magazine down grinned filling his mouth full of chewing tobacco and replied, “No
need darling, because Shane’s little woman takes up no room at all”, Brenda giggled cutting up

Rushing into the kitchen, Seth asked, “Hey maw can you watch Sammy?”
“You’re not going to eat dinner, its beef stew?”
“Nah I’ll pass”. Smiling Brenda added, “I made your favorite sweet tea is in the fridge”.
“I’ll get some later maw, I have to go”.
Paul Gene asked, “Got a hot date boy”.

Anxious, “Ah just meeting up with a friend”, heading towards the back door.
Brenda putting her carrots into the big kettle said, “Gee Saul won't be home either”.
Seth rolled his eyes and she added, “Guess I shouldn’t make stew no more”.
“See y’all later”, and Seth hurried out the back door going over to the bar, opened the door,
and went inside, it was dark, since the bar is closed until 6:00 at night.

It was only 3:00, in the afternoon, and he walked through the kitchen pushed the swinging
doors open, and gives a smile.
Devastated, Ella sat at the counter saying, “Saul’s at it again Seth”.
Walking up to her fast they immediately embraced tightly, as she cried in his arms, saying,
“Thank god I have you”.

Seth held her tight, as he could with his heart pounding replied, “Forever Ella”, clung to him and
said, “You’ll always be the run I run to and need most”.
“I’m here Ella, always will be for you”.
“Swear Seth”.
“Of course, you are the only girl I will ever love and in my heart you are my girl only”. Sniffling
she said, “You speak such sweet words”.
“True words Ella”.
Wrapped in Seth’s arms said, “I don’t understand what happen or why Saul would start this
again, things have been good”.

Silently Seth held her tight and she carried on saying, “Saul swore there would be no more
women and the night of your paws birthday, I caught him coming out of the shed with a
“Aw the night he got mad about a man by you”.
“Yes not fair, right”.
“It never was Ella, but I’ve told you this a long time ago”. Sniffling she asked, “Are you mad at
“Never Ella”.
Sobbing in his arms she said, “I keep hurting Seth like you wouldn’t imagine”, and played with
his curls again.
“Maybe he wasn’t Mr. Right Ella”.
Turned loose from under his arms and with tears rolling said, “Make love to me Mr. Right”, as
Seth stared at Ella that asked, “You got condoms?” He grins pulling one out from his back jean

Straight-faced staring at Ella wiping her tears away, he bent his head of curls that hung down,
and their lips connected kissing deeply in such a heart-filled moment when he lifted her up off
the stool swiftly and carried her over to the pool table, kissing heavily all the way.

Never coming up for air, he reached the pool table and gently set her on top, placed his hands
against Ella’s face firmly instantly their lips connected fast as they kissed deeply twirling those
tongues fast.
Ella gasped out, “Oh Seth,” and he was breathing heavily saying, “Oh Ella girl”, swirling his
moist tongue all over her neck, she threw her head back saying, “Yes Seth love me forever”.
“Aw I will”, he whimpers out, running their fingers through each other’s hair, almost yanking.

Breathlessly Ella cried out, “Oh my god yes love me Seth!”
Kissing her face all over moist breathing hard said, “I am going to make sweet love to you with
all my heart”.

At that moment the passion rose and soon boiled over, as Ella whispered in his ear, “Take me
to a magical place Seth”, knelt before her, drew his blue jean zipper down, he winked.

The moment got sizzling hot, very hot actually and lasted quite some time, as they could not get
enough of each other. Flesh to flesh moaning and whimpering out, breath on the others neck,
saying, “I love you”, throughout, it was incredibly intense, as Seth first time ever performed anal
sex with Ella crying out very loudly.
Although it became a few more special times.

In addition, Seth and Ella had snuck together every night for a week, as they were on a hot


Rolling in every sexual position possible at that and Seth gave Ella such tremors of ecstasy
numerous times, as she screamed out against his throat for a week.

A few days later, Saul got down on bended knees and begged Ella for forgiveness once again, as
she flicked him off storming out of the bedroom and he knelt there by the bed hanging his head.
The next day, Ella stood by the back kitchen door looking out into the back yard where she saw
Saul building a clubhouse for the kids and had tears of hurt and much confusion.

Then saw Sebastian walk out from the garage with the toolbox and he had a red bandanna on
his head of his golden locks that hung down and Seth was carrying wood.


Chapter 7.

Ella knew Seth had a firm hold of her heart and felt it is wrong to Saul.
Brenda comes up behind her and said, “Aw about time that boy woke up and smelled the coffee”.
“I hope”, and Brenda put her arms around her and said,
“Aw sugar, undying love always comes back”.

Sebastian comes walking through grinning and said, “Well I am gonna help out with the
clubhouse disaster my three brothers are trying to build”.
Ella looked at him rushing away crying and waving her arm up, Brenda said, “Great, thanks
Looking through the drawer grabbing a hammer, “What?” Holding the hammer

“Well the girl wants her man to be best at things”.

Smirking, “Aw sorry maw, to me Saul’s bad at everything, most of all he’s one rotten egg”, said
Sebastian that hurried out and Brenda giggled mumbling, “Yeah you’re going to build it anyway

Later that afternoon, the Wiley boys were building a clubhouse.
Ella and Tara were down in the basement, and Ella was crying to Tara that sat on an old sofa
hanging her head.

With tears flowing Ella said, “God Tara I love him very much and not to be with him is killing

“Oh Ella this is a hard one”. Pitying expression.
“Yes I know how we could ever be more”.
“You can’t, because their brothers”.
“I have deep inside my broken heart been yearning and loving him from afar all these hard
years”. Doleful expression.

Puzzled Tara said, “Wait, I thought you and Seth have been more than just friends Ella?”
Broke down crying heavily with her hands over her face, shook her head.
Tara had tears, and Ella said, “The day I married Saul, I did not see him standing there, I vision
his brother”.
“Wow you do love him”.
“Endlessly Tara, I won’t stop”. Hand placed against her chest.

Putting her head down now, Ella hesitated then nodded and said, “Tara you became a good
friend and I love you like a true sister, not in law”.
Tara smiled saying, “I feel the same for you too Ella”.
“Oh god please, please, swear you won’t ever tell anyone including Shane”.
“You know I won’t, I believe in true friendship, god I swear Ella”.
Crying heavily and actually wheezing, as this has been killing her to tell someone.

Trembling hands to her face Ella said, “Saul wasn’t my first”, and Tara’s eyes got huge and she
took a deep gulp.
“Oh my, Seth your true love, how romantic”, and Ella just lost it sobbing.
“How sad the hurt you must live with Ella”.

In tears pouring, said, “Oh a part of me wishes I never come into this family, because I live a
lie daily and what have I done between brothers”.
“Stop its human to feel like you have and do, because Saul is a creep”.

“No Tara not what I have done, I’m far no better than Saul and worse than he could ever be”.
“Please stop beating yourself up Ella over loving the right brother”.
“Brothers Tara, is just wrong, strange actually, should not have turned out this way”.

At that moment, Ella cried very hard and sobbing heavily gasped out, “Sebastian was my first!”
Almost falling off the sofa, “Oh no, woe, you lost your virginity to him?”
Grabbed Tara quickly saying, “Hey be careful expecting one”.
Wiping her weeping eye’s Ella replied, “Secrets are real bad”.
Tara just nodded still in shock and Ella said, “I can only imagine what you think of me, because
believe me I feel lower than one can be”.

“Guess three brother’s love you?”

Ella still wiped tears and Tara said, “It’s actually sad and shocking, I never thought scary
Sebastian?” Seth yes I seen it coming”.
Now Ella told Tara the dark secret she kept hidden for a few years,
I suspected Saul was messing around on me and he was that soon, after the start of almost our
first time together, which did not go to well?

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