The Girl. (8 page)

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

BOOK: The Girl.
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Pointing at her husband she said, “What Paul Gene, another rule that you made up, please
get over your bull, because you just buried yourself in it”. He just grinned and kept carving the

“She is just a baby that can get hurt by our playboy son, who has too much experience”, said
Brenda watching Ella do another cartwheel happily.


Shaking her head practically off and highly upset, as she knew how Saul was such a player and
would probably break Ella’s heart.


Nodding his head Paul Gene said, “No Brenda please, you’ve always listened to me, maybe Ella
is right for Saul, and it’s about time his clock is ticking”.

Waving her hands all up she replied, “Says who Paul Gene, once again you, he just turned
twenty and she is only seventeen”.
“Tick tock”, said Paul Gene laughing.
Brenda threw a ball of yarn at him and he hit her behind, as she got up going into the house.
Where she saw Saul ironing his jeans, as he glanced at his mother, but kept ironing and said,
“Hey maw”.
“Oh getting ready son”, acting as if she was looking for something and going over to the counter.
“You okay, because it don’t seem it at all”.
“No I am fine, really son”, as she was tearing a drawer apart with papers falling all out on the
floor. Saul mumbles, “Yeah sure” and just kept ironing.

Brenda was about to get more involved, as she slammed the messy drawer and it would not
Slamming it shut, taking a deep breath, she said, “All better”, brushing her hands together.
With curiosity asked, “Ella is a nice girl isn’t she Saul?”
“Sure for a kid”, as he just kept ironing.

Then looked at him thinking, um what should I say or how and smiling she said, “You know she
looks older than a kid and boys do notice them things”.
“Maybe Seth”, smirking.
“Well I am not asking Seth, you Saul”, pointing at him.
“Maw you know what I mean, shoot just seventeen”.
“What Saul does that mean?” Folding her arms.

Poker faced, “Heck maw, you know, jail bait”, said Saul turning over his jeans.
“Oh like if you thought of her in that way”.
“Yep maw, I couldn’t”.
Raising her eyebrows high Brenda said, “Oh so you haven’t thought about her?”
“Look maw we are not down home any more”.
Brenda was quiet a minute and he added, “Times have changed”, really ironed the jeans now.

Watching him almost burning his pants, Brenda added. “But did you notice her Saul?”
That rolled his bluest eyes, “Maw why all this, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing boy”, said Brenda waving her hand.
With a cocky tone he said, “Bull, I’m twenty, not dumb or dim-witted Shane either, do you think
I messed with her?”
Putting her hands up, “Oh no boy, I didn’t mean that Saul”, said Brenda shaking her head.
Outside on the porch, Paul Gene shook his head carving a piece of wood, as he heard, Saul
becomes upset and raises his voice.
He knew Brenda could not keep still and would say the wrong thing, as Ella with Saul’s brothers
are really into the game having fun.

“Maw, I am tired tonight, got a long night ahead with jerks probably”.
Brenda was silent, as he added, “I got women trouble”.
Breaking her minute of silence she said, “Gloria again boy, why do you even go around her”.

Made an ugly face mumbling, “Yuck trashy, wonder if she was Dana’s sister?”
“Maw please just stop”, and was really ironing in the same spot.

Putting her one hand up said, “Sorry Saul, I apologize”, as he rolled his eyes.
Saul stopped ironing, and said, “Okay maw, what’s this really about, don’t play games, because
you never did”.
“It’s nothing boy”, and went to walk out when he ran up to her saying, “Please maw what is this
about?” Now curious.
“Just do not ever hurt her”.

Dumbfounded, Saul asked, “Who?” Then saw Brenda watching the game outside and gives a
slight smirk asking, “Is that it maw, Ella likes me?”
“I told you nothing boy”, and Brenda walked outside.
Paul Gene said, “Aw woman tell you a secret just forget it”, shaking his head.

Grabbing her knitting sitting back down, Brenda said, “Oh hush already Paul Gene, because you
drowned”, and he smiled, Brenda went back to knitting and appeared worried.
Saul finished his ironing with a smile and said, “Boy I got it, girls really do go for me”.

Rushing in grabbing a huge drink of water and out of breath Shane asked, “Got what bro?”
“It Shane”, and flexed his arms at his brother who almost choked on the water from laughing at
“You’re a goof”, filling the glass with more water, Saul waved his hand at his brother walking out
of the kitchen still carrying on saying, “I got it, girls dig me!”
Shane shook his head at his brother taking a huge drink.

Back outside.
Holding the ball Seth yelled, “Come on Shane you wimp”.
That took a final big drink rushing back out to the game when Seth on accident threw the ball
hitting Ella in her nose instantly blood was running down.

“Aw, I am sorry Ella”, said Seth uneasily and Ella held her nose.

Sebastian whipped the ball hard at Seth and said, “Way to go little brother, she is not a boy”.
Noticing blood running, Shane said, “Let’s get her in”, as Seth held his stomach saying, “Owe
Sebastian did you have to do that”.

Brenda runs in the house fast getting a rag with Paul Gene following.

Ella sat on the kitchen chair and Paul Gene said, “I think it will not stop, we may need to
“Paw she is a girl”, said Seth excitedly.
Grinning Sebastian said, “Did you notice”. Seth pushed him saying, “Hush man, this is serious”.

Standing before Ella sitting on the chair Paul Gene said, “Seth boy it works”.
Squinting his face Seth said, “But pain paw, she is a girl”.
Sebastian smirked at his little brother since Seth knew pain well and realized Ella was a girl.

Furthermore, Ella had become like a sister to them and Seth did not want her to hurt then Saul
comes out noticing Ella sitting on the chair holding a rag to her face.
Scowls pointing and said, “What did y’all do play like she was a dude”, looking at Ella.

Seth gave him a mean look, when Saul knelt down before her and said, “Here Ella let me look at
your nose”, placing his hand against her face softly, hearts race, as she looked at him with the
family standing around her.

Brenda looked at Paul Gene that winked, as Brenda was scared though, because she knew Saul
to well and more than he knew himself.
Knelt before Ella staring at him, he asked, “Ella do you trust me?”
“Oh yes I do Saul”, as she gazed into his sky blue eyes, with blood on her face.

Wiping a spot of blood off her face with his large hand, Saul said, “Close your eyes, think of
something happy Ella girl”, as she closed them tightly.
Saul looked at his paw and frowning said, “Aw guess I have to or it won’t stop”.
Paul Gene nodded his head-meaning yes.

At once, Saul squeezed her nose hard putting pressure to it, she squirmed a little and Saul said,
“Open your eyes Ella”.
She did, as they both at that moment looked deeply into each other’s eyes.
Ella and Saul for that spark of magic heard no one or knew the family was all looking on.

Anxiously, Saul said, “You’ll be fine girl”, standing up.
His brothers were smirking, as Seth giggled and Sebastian pushed him.
Saul walked outside lighting up a cigarette, as his heart was pounding rapidly, said “Wow”, the
girl I saved”. Saul kept mumbling, “It’s her”.

Wind blew, as rain lightly falls, Shane comes walking over and asked, “Hey you all right
“Fine Shane, I’m okay, really bro”, and Shane could tell, sure brother, you are going to get that
Standing with
his hands tucked into his baggy blue jean pockets, Shane just stood there quiet grinning at Saul
who said, “Bro, it’s almost six”, as he looked at his watch.
“I know,” smiling at his big brother.

Pointing at the house, Saul said, “Well stop grinning at me, it’s starting to rain get in the house”.
If Saul thought Shane was being silly, he did not notice Sebastian and Seth standing on the back
porch both giggling, as Sebastian even made a vulgar hand gesture and Seth really laughed out.
Sebastian remarked, “Guess Saul’s going beaver hunting”.
Standing in the rain, Saul took a big hit off his cigarette saying, “Heck, it’s like you all are my
Shane walked away to go get ready for working the bar and grinned going into the house.

Where Brenda told Ella again, “You touch a drop of booze I’ll spank you”, as Ella just smiled
because they are the bartenders.
So how could she, but would not any ways, as the Wiley’s do not drink even.

This night in the bar was rather different.
Saul and Ella were about to know each other very well and she was sure happy, as they sat by a
table in the far corner, talking Ella seem to glow actually and many women in the bar noticed
becoming upset.

Since Saul was well known and very popular in the bar among the females.
Working behind the counter, Paul Gene smiled looking over at his boy with Ella.
Sebastian and Shane noticed their brother as Sebastian then whispered something to Shane and
did the hand gesture again incredibly fast up and down.

Raising his black eyebrows, Shane pushed him jokingly, Seth was giggling again.
Shane figured that this was coming between his brother and young Ella.
Their friend Rodney saw of course and said to himself, “Shoot pal picking them young”.

Continuing to look at Saul, added, “I don’t get in his personal business unless he needs me”.
Brenda noticed love in the air and worried, as she mumbled, “Please Saul do not hurt her, just
treat that girl right”.
Paul Gene saw the way Brenda appeared worried about their boy and Ella.

Putting his arm around his wife he said, “Hey sugar don’t be worried about it, because it will
work out just fine”.
Brenda almost had tears.
Suddenly, the whole bar joined in line dancing when Shane with Sebastian and Rodney started
something Seth even rushed out getting his grove on.
Swinging his arms around and swaying his hips literally jumping out onto the dance floor
yelling, “Party on”.
Paul Gene whistled loudly, as his boys sure rocked their body.
Ella smiled and Saul just shook his head at the whole bar that was dancing then Brenda comes
rushing out from behind the counter, and went pulling Ella up.
Putting her hands up, “Oh no, really, I don’t do so well”, said Ella frantically.
Brenda insisted, as she got her on the dance floor now taking place.

Saul’s brothers with Rodney said, “Come on girl, get down”, as
they were and she was nervous.

Rocking to the beat Brenda said, “Honey just follow their lead”, she did pretty good with them
all, who swayed to the left then rocking to the right and shaking their hips?
Smiling Paul Gene yelled, “Go y’all”.
A few women were dancing along with the crowd and dressed sexy had
scooted up dancing close to Shane and Sebastian.

One other woman was practically on Rodney’s back, as he smiled and kept jamming to the beat.
Ella glanced at Brenda that was very good at dancing and thought she is young.
The Wiley boys were good for such tough boys and that night the whole bar got down with some
serious dancing.

Sitting by the table watching, Saul could not help himself, and comes dancing out by them really
shaking it up when another song comes on the jukebox, an old time bluegrass song.
Saul with his brothers did a certain dance and Brenda right in with them.
The whole bar stood back now cheering them all, as Ella smiled every one watched, Brenda and
her four boys get down kicking their heels.

Standing behind the counter Paul Gene was grinning, as he watched Brenda stomp her foot hard
keeping up with her rough boys.
That really stomped moving their legs very fast, as they were all laughing having fun, Paul Gene
chewed his tobacco with a big grin.

Rodney sat by a table watching his pals do the hillbilly stomp or it was Brenda’s Indian dance.
A few other females were giggling and whispering over the Wiley boys.
“Oh are they hot and cute”.
“Hunks of Tennessee”.
One female with long dark hair told her two friends, “I want that one right there to come home
with me”.
Chapter 5.

Pointing at Sebastian licking her lips, her friends giggled saying, “Yeah can we come to”, and
they all laughed.
It was sure a very fun night in the bar.
After the dance fever ended, the one female dressed sexy approached Sebastian that politely told
her, he had a steady girl, sorry, as she begged him to be with her, but he walked away.

A few more weeks go by.
Saul and Ella become very close she was actually at home with the Wiley’s, that all loved her and
she them.
Time seem to go by quickly, as another few months pass.

Ella had turned eighteen years old and one whole year and a half had gone by, she was part of
their family.
Brenda made her a huge birthday cake and the Wiley family all surprised Ella on her eighteenth

Even bought her those boots that Ella once had seen time back in the store window and fell in
love with.
In addition, never did get to buy them, but Brenda did and Ella was so happy putting them on.
Shane with his two brothers bought Ella girl things, lip-glosses, perfume.

A beautiful bracelet with her birthstone in it, a Sapphire, as Ella had tears and was speechless
this fourth day of September, they did well picking her gifts out.
Rodney was there, as he got Ella a musical jewelry box with a ballerina twirling on top.

Tears of joy flow she thanked them all and told them each, “I could never love anything more
than what I got this special birthday”.
Rodney told Ella that she could keep her bracelet from his pals in the music box, as she told him,
“Thank you so much”, he smiled nodding, as many happy tears rolled, then Saul gave her his
Everyone looked on closely in suspense, Paul Gene gave a little smile and Brenda glued at this
Nervously Ella opening the gift gasped putting her hand by her mouth, as tears poured now.
Curious, Seth asked, “Well what is it Ella?” They all wondered what Saul got Ella.
With her one hand still by her mouth, “Oh my, I never in my life saw something so beautiful”,
looking at Saul that winked.

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